December 21/2006
Dear Member
It is really a great pleasure to share with you a 28 Audio Minutes interview
that I have conducted this afternoon with Mr. Joni Abdo, the ex Lebanese
ambassador to France and the ex head of the Lebanese Intelligence Department/
Mr. Abdo is a well know prominent Lebanese knowledgeable political figure
who is well respected for his political analysis. He focused in this interview
on many current unfolding events. The interview is posted on the LCCC
Direct link to the interview
Below are some excerpts from the interview
Hezbollah is simply executing a coup against the Lebanese legitimate
institutions by all known standards/
The Lebanese Diaspora has A role that is fundamental in safeguarding Lebanon's
future as a democracy. The Diaspora advocated in the international circles for
the kind of international protection that Lebanon is now enjoying. Lebanon as a
free and independent country can not survive without the international
protection. The Diaspora's role is extremely constructive and helpful and no one
should think otherwise/
When Sheik Hassan Nasrallah is declaring that Hezbollah stands strongly
against the Arab countries and against the international communities, does this
mean simply that he wants Lebanon to be a Persian country with a Persian face?/
I ca not understand those leaders and parties who are attacking the Sunnis in
Lebanon, while the Sunni leadership has adopted Sheik Bachir's slogan, "Lebanon
First", and is fighting for preserving Lebanon's independence, freedoms and
Hezbollah is camouflaging through its declared demands for a national government
and an early parliamentary election, what he is after in reality is a full
control on the government. Meanwhile it currently fully controls the parliament
and the presidency through both presidents Berri and Lahoud/
Hezbollah's main objective is to replicate the Iranian Mullas' regime in
Hezbollah does not want a new president to be elected, it does not want the
whole Lebanese state to stay free and democratic, its ultimate aim is to take
over the country and make religion rule in all domains/
Lebanon has its distinctive social fabric and regime, it can't accept to go
with Hezbollah's Iranian religious plans/
Syria runs the acts and rhetoric of the so called Lebanese opposition that is
spearheaded by Hezbollah...This reality was exposed clearly in the calls of
Russia and the Arab countries on the Syrian president to work on tranquility in
The Syrian regime practices terrorism for a price and this is exactly what it
has been doing for a long time in Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq and other places. It
would not stop doing so unless forced by the international community/
Hezbollah through its widespread media is accusing the Saniora government
with its own atrocities...simply it is projecting its own misdeeds and
infringements on the government and those who are safeguarding the country's
Hezbollah aims from the sit-ins to topple the Saniora government, block the
formation of the international tribunal and abort the implementation of the UN
Resolution 1701 that calls for its disarmament and for the Lebanese state to
spread its control on all the Lebanese territories through its own legitimate
armed forces/
Hassan Nasrallah is not hiding his coup attempts, he said in this regard: "we
want to make two million Lebanese citizens hungry, no bread will be given to
them, but instead swords to cut the Leaders' necks and to mature the Jehad
Hezbollah who was engaging Israel is now engaging Lebanon's PM Saniora in
Beirut's streets/
General Aoun returned to Lebanon from exile in accordance to a secret deal
with the Syrian regime through which all judicial charges against him were
dropped on Syria's request/
I am afraid that Aoun has signed some secret deals with the Syrians and
accordingly has lost his freedom/
Aoun became Syria's mouthpiece and number one defender in Lebanon/
Aoun's main motivations in all his acts, tactics and advocacy has been revolving
around his crazy desire to be Lebanon's next president/
Aoun does not care by any way about the Lebanese or the country, all his focus
is now on the presidency post and apparently is more than ready and willing to
do anything that gives him what he is after/
Aoun who lobbed in the USA to force the Syrian occupation out of Lebanon, is now
fighting in Beirut's streets to destroy the country and topple its legitimate
and elected government/
Aoun became a Syrian subservient and has lost all his credibility/
Aoun's calls for an early parliamentary election is devious. He is deluding
himself that he can again stir instincts and play on religious and
denominational odds/
The Christian Lebanese community will vote against Aoun and against Hezbollah's
weapons in any coming election/
Saniora is now more popular than Aoun in the Christian community/
I am not running for the presidency post or otherwise I would not be vocal and
witnessing for the truth so openly and so loudly/
Yours Truly
Elias Bejjani
مقابلة بالصوت مع السفير السابق جوني عبدو/21 كانون الأول
أجرى المقابلة الياس بجاني/مدتها 29 دقيقة/اضغط
هنا للإستماع للمقابلة/
السفير عبدو للمنسقية/ما يقوم به حزب الله هو انقلاب على لبنان طبقاً لكلل المعايير/دور الاغتراب اللبناني مهم جداً وبنتيجة جهوده يظلل لبنان الآن بالحماية الدولية التي لا يمكن أن يستمر من دونها/إذا كان حسن نصر الله لا يريد العرب ولا يريد المجتمع الدولي فهل يا ترى يريدنا أن نقول إن لبنان ذو وجه فارسي/لا أفهم الهجمة على السنة في لبنان وهم يرفعون شعار بشير الجميل لبنان أولا ويدافعون عن السيادة والاستقلالً/حزب الله يسعى للسيطرة على الحكومة لأنه لا يريد حصول انتخابات رئاسية، بل تحيق النموذج الإيراني بسيطرة الدين على كل شيء/للبنان خصوصيته ومشروع حزب الله الإيراني المذهبي غير مقبول/ كل شعارات المعارضة التي يقودها حزب الله هي تمويهية لأن المطلوب هو سيطرة الحزب على الدولة لا أقل ولا أكثر/ألا يعني طلب روسيا والعرب من سوريا تهدئة الوضع في لبنان أنها هو وراء كل الاعتصامات وأنها تسير كل المعتصمين وتتحكم بأقوالهم والأفعال/ سوريا دولة تتاجر بالإرهاب مقابل أثمان وهذا ما تمارسه فعلاً في لبنان وفلسطين والعراق وهي لن تتوقف عن ذلك ما دام هناك زبائن وسكوت دولي عن إجرامها/حزب الله بإعلامه القوي يتهم الحكومة بكل ما يمارسه هو نفسه من تعديات على النظام والدولة/حزب الله يعطل عمل الدولة والمؤسسات عن طريق سيطرته على مجلس النواب ورئاسة الجمهورية ولأطباق قبضته كاملة على البلد وإفشال المحكمة الدولية وتعطيل تنفيذ القرار 1701 يريد الإمساك بقرار الحكومة/من المؤشرات المخيفة قول نصرا لله أنه سيكون في لبنان مليوني جائع ونحن لن تعطيهم الخبز، بل السيوف لإنضاج الحالة الجهادية/حزب الله الذي كان يجابه إسرائيل، أصبح الآن يجابه الرئيس السنيورة في شوارع بيروت/ ميشال عون عقد صفقة مع سوريا وعاد إلى لبنان على أساسها وقد أسقطت الدعاوى ضده بعد أن تنازلت سوريا عن اتهامه بتعكير العلاقات معها؟أخاف أن يكون عون قد تورط بتوقيع اتفاقات مع سوريا وهي تهدده بكشفها في حال تراجع عن الصفقة/عون أصبح المدافع الأول عن سوريا في لبنان بسبب وبدون سبب/ عون أصبع تبعياً بكل المقاييس وهو لا تهمة مصحة لبنان ولا مصالح اللبنانيين، بل رئاسة الجمهورية ومستعد أن يكون رئيساً حتى على الرابية في حين أن كل تصرفاته تتحكم بها رغباته الجامحة للرئاسية/عون الذي قصد أميركا لتحرير لبنان من الاحتلال السوري هو موجود اليوم في شوارع بيروت لإسقاط الدولة وهدم الكيان/مطالبة عون بالانتخابات المبكرة هي مراهنة منه على تجييش الناس وازكاء الغرائز والعصبيات/أكثرية المسيحيين سيصوتون ضد سلاح حزب الله وضد عون/للسنيورة في المناطق المسيحية شعبية تفوق شعبية عون/أنا غير مرشح للرئاسة لأن من يترشح يجب أن يصمت وأنا لن أسكت عن الشهادة للحق وللبنان السيد الحر المستقل/