VOX POPULI: What the Lebanese really think of Hezbollah , but are afraid to say 6 August 06


ý“Hezbollah came to Ain Ebel to shoot its rockets,” said Fayad Hanna Amar. “They are ýshooting from between our houses.” “Please,’’ he added, “write that in your newspaper.” ýMr. Amar said Hezbollah fighters in groups of two and three had come into Ain Ebel, ýless than a mile from Bint Jbail, where most of the fighting has occurred. They were ýusing it as a base to shoot rockets, he said, and the Israelis fired back.ý
One woman, who would not give her name because she had a government job and feared ýretribution, said Hezbollah fighters had killed a man who was trying to leave Bint Jbail. ý
ý“This is what’s happening, but no one wants to say it” for fear of Hezbollah, she said. ýý(New York Times, July ýþ27þý, ýþ2006þý). ý

ý“A younger man came up to me and, when we were out of earshot of others, said that ýHezbollah had kept bombs in the basement of the mosque, but that two days earlier a ýtruck had taken the cache away. It was common knowledge in Sidon, he said, and ýeveryone was expecting the mosque to be hit. When, the previous evening, displaced ýpeople from the south had gathered on the grounds, they had been warned away. ý
ý“Everybody wants to end this Hezbollah regime, but nobody can say anything,” the ýyoung man said. He told me that he had been to the United States. “I know how the ýpeople are there, what they eat and how they live and think, and we don’t have anything ýlike that here. We would like to live like that, without all this” - he waved toward the ýruined mosque - “normally, the way you do.” He hoped that the Israelis would be ýsuccessful. When another Lebanese man came up and joined us, he stopped talking. ýBefore we parted, I asked him if he was a Christian. He looked surprised. “No,” he said. ýý“I am Muslim. Sunni.” ý
ý(The New Yorker Magazine – July ýþ8þý, ýþ2006þý. Letter from Beirut: The Battle for Lebanon.ýby Jon Lee Anderson)ý

The Melbourne man who smuggled the shots out of Beirut and did not wish to be named ýsaid he was less than ýþ400þm from the block when it was obliterated. "Hezbollah came in ýto launch their rockets, then within minutes the area was blasted by Israeli jets," he said. ý
ý"Until the Hezbollah fighters arrived, it had not been touched by the Israelis. Then it was ýtotally devastated. "It was carnage. Two innocent people died in that incident, but it was ýso lucky it was not more." The release of the images [of Hezbollah firing its Katyushas ýfrom under a residential apartment building in Wadi Shahrour] comes as Hezbollah faces ýcriticism for allegedly using innocent civilians as "human shields". [UN humanitarian ýchief] Mr. Egeland blasted Hezbollah as "cowards" for operating among civilians. ýý"When I was in Lebanon, in the Hezbollah heartland, I said Hezbollah must stop this ýcowardly blending in among women and children," he said. ý
ý(Photos that Damn Hezbollah. Chris Link, Herald Sun, July ýþ31þý, ýþ2006þý)ý

The surgeon led a group of journalists over what remained [of his hospital in Tyre]: ýmangled debris, shredded walls and a roof punched through by an Israeli shell. "Look ýwhat they did to this place," Dr. Fouad Fatah said, shaking his head. "Why in the world ýwould the Israelis target a hospital?" The probable answer was found a few hours later in ýa field nearby. Hidden in the tall grass were the burned remnants of a rocket-launcher. ýConfronted with the evidence, Dr. Fatah admitted his hospital could have been used as a ýsite from which to fire rockets into Israel. "What choice do we have? We need to fight ýback from somewhere," he said, tapping his foot on the ground. "This is Hezbollah's ýheartland." (Sonia Verma, National Post, Canada. Saturday, August ýþ05þý, ýþ2006þý)ý

ý"We've been preparing ourselves for this fight for the last five years. We can fight this for ýmuch longer," said Abu Ismail, a local Hezbollah leader near the village of Bint Jbeil ýwho uses a nom de guerre, like most of his fellow fighters. Residents of the cluster of ývillages closest to the Israeli border, Hezbollah's most loyal supporters, helped stow the ýweapons away. But as the conflict continues, there is an undercurrent of anger among ýsome residents. "Hezbollah are using [us] as human shields," said Rima Khouri, gesturing ýoverhead as Israeli warplanes sliced through the sky. The Lebanese Christian woman fled ýfrom her village of Ain Abel to one of the swelling refugee shelters in the city of Tyre. ýShe was one of few people to speak freely about her anger at Hezbollah and their strategy ýof firing rockets into Israel from civilian areas." Their protection comes with a heavy ýprice. We want nothing to do with them," she said. (Sonia Verma, National Post, ýCanada. Saturday, August ýþ05þý, ýþ2006þý)ý

Nasser Kareem shared her sentiments. During a pitched battle in his village of Bint Jbeil ýlast Thursday, the ýþ48þý-year-old dentist watched from his kitchen window as Hezbollah ýfighters dragged a rocket launcher across the torn street in front of his house. A few ýminutes later, he heard four successive blasts. Kareem barely managed to cover his four-ýyear-old son's ears before the rockets were fired. His own ears are still ringing. "Five ýminutes after they fired the rockets, the Israelis started bombing," he recalled from the ýsafety of a shelter in Beirut. "They are making us magnets for the Israelis," he said. ýý(Sonia Verma, National Post, Canada. Saturday, August ýþ05þý, ýþ2006þý)ý

Most villagers bristle at the suggestion that Israel has been targeting anybody but ýcivilians. Anger boiled over last week when a shelter in Qana was hit, killing ýþ29þý people, ýmost of them children." What have they done to deserve this? Is this a military target?" ýwept Mohamad Chalhoub, clutching the lifeless body of his daughter. Local officials said ýthere were no weapons or rockets in the house where the children slept in Qana, no ýwarning before the bomb fell. But the next day, the same Lebanese Red Cross team that ýdug out the children's bodies stumbled across the shreds of more rocket launchers in a ývillage nearby. One was found deep inside a fruit orchard. Another was found wedged ýbetween two houses. In this part of Lebanon, Hezbollah still rules the streets. (Sonia ýVerma, National Post, Canada. Saturday, August ýþ05þý, ýþ2006þý)ý