Michel Aoun's Interview with Al
Arabia TV after the Syrian Demonstration in Beirut
Al Arabia Question:
Some are saying that today's demonstration against UN Resolution
1559,represents the opinion of the majority, while those calling for the resolution's
implementation are a minority; what is your own opinion?
General Aoun:
First of all, it is a blemish on history when Lebanese, or those
who claim to be Lebanese, demonstrate against Lebanon's independence and sovereignty. The
fact is that this demonstration is Syrian, under a Lebanese face, because most of those
who took part in it were Syrians stationed in Lebanon for work, and the majority of them
are subservient to the Syrian Intelligence Services, in addition to the Palestinians.
Meanwhile, the Lebanese who participated in the demonstration are from groups that were
required to give up their weapons. The situation in Lebanon today is the result of a
progression that has led to the cancellation of the Lebanese State. There are parties who
are militarily independent in both the political and the administrative decision making
process, and that are present in the heart of the State. We are currently witnessing how
the State is using these parties that originally were its opponents, and how this State
has now to depend on them for support. This situation has bred a Mafia environment, in
which regime officials conduct themselves like Mafia bosses using the support of their
armed Mafiosi men. This is an unacceptable situation.
UN Resolution 1559 in its essence and context solidifies and consolidates Lebanon as a
sovereign State and puts it back where it belongs in the community of the United Nations.
It honors its independence, sovereignty and all its territory. I do not know why they want
to portray it to the public as the resolution of a colonialist or foreign mandatory power.
The United Nations Charter is recognized by everybody and signed by all countries,
including Syria. Therefore this UN Resolution (1559) must be honored; it only serves
Lebanon's interests.
Al Arabia question:
But the participants in the demonstration represent patriotic and
national parties like Hezbollah, Amal and the SSNP, and some see these groups as
representing the majority of the Lebanese.
General Aoun:
No, they do not represent the majority. They announce a
demonstration of one million, but got only one-tenth of that. We will know tomorrow a
better estimate of the actual numbers (of those who took part in the demonstration).
According to today's estimates, the participants did not exceed one hundred thousand.
Those were brought in by the Lebanese and Syrian Intelligence Services. They brought in
all the foreigners residing in Lebanon, and those who are targeted by the UN Resolution,
and who must hand over their weapons. These parties that are close to Syria enjoy the
freedom of carrying and using their weapons, while the rest of the Lebanese people are
disarmed. Here I say that these forces have become a factor of division and are not a
force working for the country's unity. When an armed group carries out external political
relations and establishes connections with foreign States, it turns into a force for
division and partition. They claim the county's unity, while actually working for its
partition. What they say does not reflect what they are actually doing.
N.B: (Translated from the original Arabic text by LCCC Media Chairman)