Syrian Lies and Fallacies
By: Charles Jalkh (Freedom Fighter)
Since 1973, Syria has engaged in a war of aggression against the nation of Lebanon. It has launched a war as well as a propaganda campaign to discredit Lebanon as a nation and people. It has spread lies and illusions among them are the following:
The Lebanese and Syrian People are but one people in two states.
Lebanon's population is composed of at least 17 distinct ethnic groups. Many came to Lebanon prior to the arrival of the Arab elements. Others remained distinct and did not intermingle, yet lived together in peaceful coexistence until the Syrian interventions of the last 40 years. What bring the Lebanese people together is not common ethnic backgrounds, and not necessarily common history, rather it is the freedoms that Lebanon has provided to all its people(s), as well as the dream of a modern humane state that respects its citizens human rights and allows them to evolve and prosper.
Lebanon has been a part of Greater Syria and was manufactured by colonial France.
For 500 years, Mount Lebanon was either independent or autonomous while Syria itself was subjugated under Turkish Ottoman rule. Since Ahiram the Phoenician king of Tyre all through, Fkakhreddine and Bechir al Shahabi, and on to modern Lebanon and Prime Minister Michel Aoun, Lebanon has always asserted its distinct political existence completely unrelated to Syria. Lebanon is a founding member of the Arab League and the United Nations.
Syria and Lebanon share common social habits, believes, and way of life.
Nothing could be further from the truth than this statement. The Lebanese people have always been free, open to all cultures, educated, entrepreneurs, world travelers, hospitable and welcoming of all civilizations. Syrian society has been regressive, static, closed, doctrinal, living under social and political iron curtains. Syria is a Dictatorship and a police state that stands through oppression and murder of its own people, and invades and pillages neighboring Lebanon. It is a culture of thieves, thugs, and destroyers of civilizations.
Syria is in Lebanon to maintain the peace.
From Syria, armed infiltrations invaded Lebanon in 1958, then again in 1968, 1970, and 1975. It has bombarded Lebanese towns and villages with hundreds of thousands of bombs for 15 years. It has colluded with Israel to divide Lebanon between the two occupations. It has armed and trained the Hezbollah fighters and is now fighting a proxy war in the south. It is Syria who is torpedoing the implementation of UN resolution 425 and effectively sabotaging Israel's plan to withdraw from Lebanon. Syria has destabilized Lebanon and fomented the fights among its communities.
Without Syria there cannot be a united Lebanon.
Syria has nurtured the divisions among Lebanese. Through its pressure on the northern Maronites it caused the split within the community. It manufactured Hezbollah and Amal and divided the Shiites. It splintered the Sunnis into insignificant factions, it turned the Druze against the Christians. It directed the Palestinians against Lebanon and then against each others. It engineered many inter community splits and fights. It has armed most opposing factions fighting in Lebanon and worked hard to destabilize the Lebanese state and cause Chaos. Syrian intelligence has assassinated numerous Lebanese Leaders who were attempting to form a common front to unite the nation. The only way Syria tolerates a united Lebanon is when it is under its occupation.
Syria stands for Arab Causes.
Syria has finished the Palestinian resistance in Lebanon and exiled Arafat to Tunis. Syria aided Iran in the first Gulf war. Syria has attacked and occupied Lebanon for 23 years. Syria has sabotaged the Arab league meetings and common Arab stands on many issues. Syria has used assassination and terror against heads of states and Arab governments and has embezzled billions of dollars from Gulf Nations.
Syria stands for Arab values.
Syria is a dictatorship that has massacred thousand of innocent Syrian, Palestinian, Lebanese and other international citizens. Human rights are grossly violated. Since its birth as a state, there has not been one single free democratic election in Syria. It has been ruled by a series of dictatorships brought to power by coup d'etats. Syria has exiled many Lebanese national leaders and assassinated many more. There is no free press, no free parliament, and no respect for human rights and freedoms of expression. No opposition is tolerated and people get arrested, jailed, and tortured without charges as per Amnesty International and US STATE DEPARTMENT reports. Syria has destroyed the unique Lebanese economy and imposed the rule Mafias, Cronies, and the Syrian ruling class.
America, Israel, the Arab League, and the United Nations have supported in one way or another the Syrian Dictatorship and its actions in Lebanon. Either through direct support or by looking the other way. We therefor hold the world responsible for the murder of the prisoner nation of Lebanon. We have existed for 5000 years, and no one has been able to wipe us from the map. We are returning. We shall remember o