Today, We Are All Americans
By: Freedom Fighter

Satana Bin Laden’s attack against humanity has brought the nightmare of human extinction one step closer to its realization. The terrorist attacks have awakened a slumbering humanity from its materiel trek unto a new awareness that business cannot proceed as usual with terror states like Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. That the pursuit of narrow national interests at the expense of freedom and human rights has deadly consequences. That the appeasement of terror states and the relinquishing of governance to rogue inhumane powers will only bring calamity to the doorstep of every family on this planet.

The terrorists are not madmen, they are evil men, and evil must be confronted and defeated, not appeased.

The people of the world have certainly changed after September 11, but the governments still have to prove their sincerity. The old Kissingerian school of foreign policy must give way to a new paradigm which yields no ground to totalitarianism, tolerates no human rights abuses, and cuts no deals with dictatorships. Gone are the days when Washington "bureaucrats" can define American engagement only in terms of materiel/economic national interest. When the sellout of whole nations to tyranny was called pragmatism and exercise of limited power, in selective areas, where US national interests can be clearly identified. A sad example of this cynical and criminal policy is the surrender of the nation of Lebanon to the Syrian Assad terror regime in exchange of Kuwaiti oil.

The trend of history is clear. The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is growing faster then the awakening of the human socio-political conscience. The policies of containment are not effective anymore against the rogue states of Syria, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan among others. Terror must be defeated outright and eradicated from its roots, and not to be replaced with other forms of totalitarianism in the name of security. A genuine democratization of the third world must be imposed. Democracy and respect for human rights must become the absolute requirement for membership in a New United Nations. We must force the establishment of humane regimes everywhere respecting and practicing the Universal Declaration of Human rights which will become the New Constitution for Planet Earth. No one is safe in the world as long as the terrorists have one inch of control anywhere on this planet. Every inch must be conquered by Democratic humanistic regimes. Freedom must defeat Fear.

Terror, incitement, hate, and the killing of civilians must also be eradicated from Islamic fundamentalism and any national liberation movement. Islam must be modernized and must renounce all references to "infidels" and rejection of others. How can anyone claim to understand the Unlimited with limited measuring tools such as the human mind. How can the Eternal Truth be jailed in the cage of words and doctrines. True victory for mankind is accomplished when we conquer the minds of 1.2 billion Muslims in the world, not their bodies. The ideological battle must be fought and won for all people of Earth, and the Muslims will be the first to reap the benefits of freedom and progress. Let the light shine on all the dark alleys of the Middle East. Abolish cruelty and propagate compassion for all people of our blessed Earth.

America will win this war for humanity for it is unlike any other war. The Soviets were the aggressors in Afghanistan, but today Afghanistan is the aggressor and America is defending its own homeland. Unlike all other wars, Americans are not fighting on some remote land for ideology, oil, or to free other people. They are fighting today to defend their own families who have been slaughtered indiscriminately and who are under daily murderous onslaughts by the terror machine. Today, Americans have an immense sense of determination unseen in their history. The American people are more willing than ever, to pay any sacrifice, to achieve total victory. This is a war for survival.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the men and women of the US and British armed forces everywhere, as well as the firefighters, rescue workers, and government officials who are struggling to defend us all. We pray for a decisive victory over terror and may Peace, Freedom, Compassion, and Harmony come to Earth.

We the Lebanese whole heartily support the Free world. Will the Free world support our liberation from the Syrian occupation and terror?

Long Live Free Lebanon, Long Live Prime Minister Michel Aoun