By: Freedom Fighter
Israel and the United States are cutting a deal with the little dictator of
Syria, the Butcher of Damascus, at the expense of Lebanon. After 200,000
martyrs, Lebanon is to be committed indefinitely to the Syrian Gulag. The Iron
curtain is to rise again. Stalinism and brutality are triumphing. The Prison of
Nations thrives. The arsonists are rewarded, and the Syrian criminal
dictatorship honored. The modern Romans and the Syrian barbarians are crucifying
Jesus again in the Holy Land. Lord Jesus Christ, your message is falling on deaf
ears, and Rome is winning again.
Israel is washing its hands from the blood of the innocent thus desecrating the
blood of millions of Jewish martyrs who fell to tyranny throughout the ages, as
the Lebanese fall today to the Syrian dictatorship. Shame on this ferocious
beast of a world, which claims civilization while murdering humanity in Lebanon.
The culture of greed, the economics of waste, and the subjugation of the Free to
the Tyrants. Humanity has nothing to be proud of at the doorstep of the 21st
century. The New World Order is nothing but a primitive and barbaric Rome,
surrounded by Partner states, client states, and slave territories ruled by
mafia and warlords. The world that claims democracy and freedom, today
subjugates Lebanon to the Syrian Stalinist regime, and promotes the dilution of
our identity. The conspiracy against Lebanon proceeds shamelessly. The murder of
Lebanon and the ethnic cleansing of its people by the Syrian dictatorship
continue. The Syrian-appointed puppet regime in Beirut is ready to sign whatever
Damascus dictates, in the "absence" of a Free Lebanon.
To Israel we say, you may get tranquility, but fool not yourself thinking it is
peace. Peace with the Assad dictatorship is an agreement with the devil and the
forces of darkness. Dictatorships stand on oppression and fear, and fear breads
lies. Oppression, fear, and lies cannot be presented as peace of the brave. True
peace in the Middle East can only occur between Free People. Your abandonment of
Free Lebanon is equivalent to an acceptance of the Holocaust and letting Hitler
have his way. Please give true peace a chance. Invest in the human beings and
not the regimes. Trust in the human spirit and not the word of a whimsical
dictator and his brotherhood of darkness.
To the People of Israel we promise; we are ready to make the best and warmest
peace with you. We are the humanists that will make the peace of the brave with
you. We yearn for the earliest day when we can embrace you and together
celebrate peace and our common humanity. We look forward to secure open borders,
friendly and brotherly relations, to an alliance of democracies, economic,
cultural, and tourist exchanges, to solid security cooperation even military
alliance. We know that Israel does not deny Lebanon's right to exist, as does
Syria, which never recognized Lebanon since 1921, and has always worked towards
our annihilation. We look forward to live with you. We are very interested in
knowing you better and working with you. We have been denied knowing you since
the birth of your nation. It is time that we live together as caring neighbors
in Peace and harmony. Our Peace is Free and non-conditional. It is a true wish
from the heart. We are ready and eager to shake your hand. We shall protect and
love every Israeli in the same manner we protect and Love every Lebanese. These
are not just our humanistic principles, which dictate to us a decent treatment
of every human being including Syrians and Palestinians, but also a genuine
desire to know you better. To discover and interact with you. To learn of your
history, your values, your social and humanistic ethics, your dreams of a better
tomorrow for your people and ours. We miss you!
To the Syrian people we say; Shed the dark forces that rule your spirit and
darken your existence and ours. Come out to the light. The rule of your
Falsadoum cannot last forever. Your government is Satanic and has committed
crimes against humanity in Lebanon. We hold you, the Syrian people, responsible
for the murder of the Lebanese. You have a duty to revolt against the Assad
Dictatorship and topple his regime of blood, tyranny, murder, and lies. There is
neither economic progress nor any salvation for you unless you start respecting
the human being. Your government is indecent in its relationship with Lebanon
and the world. Your daily bread is stained with the blood of our martyrs.
Repent! Revolt against the Assad clan and start a new clean, white page in the
history of a new democratic and humane Syria. Become our true brotherly
neighbors and not the murderous Cain that you are today. We are open to friendly
relations with you on the condition that you withdraw all your occupation troops
and your secret services from our homeland. Apologize for the historical crimes
committed against Lebanon. Pay war reparations to the victims of your
bombardments. And last but not least, surrender all the war criminals of the
Assad dictatorship responsible for the genocide of our people. We are not one
people in two states. We are two people under the same dictatorship of darkness.
Our blood is on your hands since 1975. Shame on you. You have written a very
dark chapter in our history. Your acts are not that of proud Arabs, but of
barbarians of dark ages. The true Arabs have a noble spirit and treat their
guests and neighbors with honor and dignity. Your soldiers on the other hand,
have murdered, assassinated, tortured, stolen, and oppressed. We shall never
forget your bloody massacres, destruction, and pillage of our homeland. Your
acts are clear to all humanity and you cannot escape the testimony of history.
You live in fear, you lie, and you have no pride. You steal from the poor. You
take what is not yours. You hate, kill, and spill the blood of the innocent in
the name of the idiotic idea of Greater Syria. You have become cowards who dare
not fight directly. Rather, you use misguided Lebanese and Iranians to wage your
cowardly wars. You stab in the back and your word is worthless. Your signature
on treaties is not worth the paper it is written on. Despite all the evil deeds
you have committed in Lebanon, we are ready and willing to forgive you and open
a new chapter in our relations. Withdraw now, establish democracy, disarm, prove
to us and to the world your commitment to human rights, freedom, democracy and
peace, and you will gain our gratitude and friendship. Continue your occupation
of our homeland, and we shall bring death and miseries upon you a thousand times
more than what you have inflicted upon our people.
To Hizbollah we say; Lay down your arms, your war has been won and lost. Your
war against Israel was won long ago since Israel accepted UN resolution 425.
Your war to liberate Lebanon however has been lost since you became an
instrument in the hand of the Syrian occupiers. Why do you continue to spill
Lebanese blood today? Your efforts do not serve Lebanon, rather they serve the
Syrian dictatorship and Iran. Lay down your psychological opposition to peace.
Accept the Israelis as good neighbors and establish friendly and neighborly
relationship. Return your focus to healing the Lebanese and liberating Lebanon
from the Syrian occupation. Brake out of your programming, re-invent yourselves
in authentic Lebanese clothes. You have forgotten what peace means and cannot
even imagine its rewards. A whole generation has been raised on negativeness,
rejectionism, and futility. Focus your energies on the positive and on
rebuilding our tortured Middle East with good deeds. Spend your energies on
science, social welfare, democracy, justice, and the enlightenment of all human
beings regardless of religion or ethnic background. Enough brainwashing of the
masses and the waste of energies and resources. If you want to continue the
liberation of Lebanon, then it is time you join your rifle to ours, and help us
liberate Lebanon from the Syrian occupiers. Enter our history and earn your
rightful place. Gain the gratitude of all our people by fighting the Syrian
occupation in the same tenacity that you fought the Israeli then all Lebanon
will join your ranks. If you do not, then history shall record that your were
nothing but an instrument in the hand of the Syrian occupiers to further their
occupation of Lebanon, and you will be damned for eternity. The Syrian
dictatorship will burn you and sell you as they sold before you; the
Palestinians, the Lebanese, and the Kurds. They have fattened you for their
feast in the slaughterhouse. Hizbollah please repent and join us!
To the Lebanese of the Diaspora; you have two options: if you remain quite and
inactive then you damn yourselves and your descendent to an eternity of
Syrianhood. Your second and only noble option is to descend to the streets now,
blockade the Syrian and Lebanese embassies. Boycott the puppet Beirut regime and
all the collaborators. Go on hunger strikes. Demonstrate daily. Mobilize with
all friendly movements all over the world. Protest openly, peacefully, in every
nation, wherever you exist. Cry thunderously for Free Lebanon. Let the TV
cameras film your protests and rejection of the Syrian occupation. Raise to the
negotiating table the critical issue of Free Lebanon and the current Syrian
occupation. Let the people of the world know about our legitimate cause and
humane demands. Embarrass their governments and their silence on the murder of
our nation. We cannot waste any time. Raise our cause to the highest level with
all means at your disposal. Write your representatives, write corrections and
articles to your local newspapers. Explain our cause to your children, your
neighbors, and your local community. Fight for Lebanon loudly. That is your
privilege under democracy. You cannot be a spectator to the murder and
assimilation of our homeland by the Syrian dictatorship. If you do not fight for
Lebanon, then you do not deserve it.
To the Lebanese in Lebanon, we call upon you to start an immediate Intifada
against the Syrian occupiers. The time for civilized peaceful methods is gone.
Salvation will not come from America, France, the United Nation, the Arab
League, or the Vatican. We can only count on ourselves. Do not wait for the
world to give us justice because the world has upheld the Law of the Jungle.
Start the revolution NOW from inside Lebanon, an Intifada to shake and shatter
the throne of the Tyrant Assad. His fate will be worse than Chowchesko of
Romania. The Syrian troops are nothing but cowards and murderers who kill the
innocent, persecute the unarmed, and steal from the poor. They are thugs with
arms. They have always crumbled in real fights for they have no moral core and
are devoid of goodness and righteousness. Burn all symbols of black hearted
Damascus. Every day that we delay the explosion, the Syrian mogul devours more
of our homeland. Every moment that passes without a liberation war, Lebanon
diminishes further into oblivion. Fight for our Freedom and earn our
independence for the new generation. We alone can write our history. Let us not
go quietly in the night. East Timor is not more deserving of its independence
than Lebanon. Arm yourselves and defend against the daily Syrian slaughter of
our people. Open fire on all occupying Syrian occupation troops in Lebanon and
Syria. Let the world know our rejection of the continuing Syrian military
occupation of our homeland. Carry the war to Syria itself, it is time we fight
on their land and not ours. But do not operate beyond occupied Lebanon and
Syria, do not act as terrorists. Concentrate on Syrian military and economic
targets and avoid civilian casualties at all costs. Treat all prisoners humanely
and according to the Geneva Convention, they too are ignorant victims of the
barbaric Assad regime. Let our martyrs be symbols of purity, sacrifice,
humanity, compassion and higher ideals. Do not descend to the barbaric level of
the occupiers. Give them no rest until the last Syrian soldier evacuates our
homeland. May God rain Death and Destruction on the new Soddom and Gomorra of
the Middle East; Black Hearted Damascus.
In this season of hope we find no light at the end our long dark tunnel. The
world has yet to "officially" acknowledge the Syrian occupation of our homeland.
The "Jubilees" of the world establishments do not concern us. We are not happy.
We are bitter, angry, and ready to explode. Freedom is just another word for
nothing left to lose. Our slaughter shall not continue unpunished. The coming
year will represent a transformation in the struggle from a war against the
Israeli occupation into a war against the Syrian occupation. We shall not go
quietly in the night! Our people promise you the bloodiest revolution in history
shall explode soon against the Syrian murderers. We shall chase them out of our
sanctified homeland. Our revolution has been long simmering and the volcano is a
second away from the final explosion. We are not Syrians and we refuse to be
absorbed by the trash of the Middle East.
There will be no Peace in the Middle East without a Free Lebanon.
Long Live Free Lebanon