Ali Babas
Den of Thieves
By: Freedom Fighter
In decent societies, a person who takes what is not his, steals from the poor and orphans, imposes a tyrannical will on others, nurtures a cult of personality, gags peoples free expression and all freedoms, spies on their intimate conversations, kidnaps in the middle of the night, torture, kills, and forces them into exile, may be called thief, bandit, fraud, lunatic, mafia boss, or serial killer. In the Middle East he is called; your Excellency, your Highness, Sheikh, Sultan, King, Revolutionary, or President for Life.
Next week, a collective of such
bandits, who reign illegitimately over 250 million Arabs denying their human and civic
rights, and who support the savage Syrian occupation and ethnic cleansing of Lebanon, are
assembling to call for the right of self determination for the Palestinian people. What
good have these Sheiks, Sultans, Kings, Lunatics, Dictators, and Presidents for life, done
for their Palestinians brothers the last 50 years? Have they granted them citizenship and
opportunity? Education? Land to farm? Have they allowed them to travel or even move within
a country without restrictions? Have they helped them start and operate businesses? Did
they allow them to breathe and express their opinions freely? The answer is a solid NO.
The Palestinians living in Arab nations are worse than third class citizens. In most cases
they are abandoned slaves living in abject poverty, subjected to abuse, oppression, and
massacres. (See Freedom Houses ranking of Arab states as NOT FREE
In Israel, 1 million Palestinian citizens enjoy a higher standard of living and civic rights than all other Palestinians living in the Arab world. A Palestinian in Israel can vote in free democratic elections, become a member parliament, a cabinet minister, hold any job, move freely and express oneself, own property, newspapers and businesses, sue in courts of law, travel in and out without restrictions, in short enjoy all the privileges of citizenship in the State of Israel except holding sensitive military and high political positions. No Arab country has granted as much rights and privileges to the Palestinians. Just look at the dozens of refugee camps rigging Arab cities today, where millions of Palestinians have been left to rotten for 50 years in shantytowns, without running water, sewage, and in extremely inhumane conditions. The Palestinian refugees have received more aid from UNRWA and the West than from their own Arab brothers. Some camps are literately blockaded perpetually by Arab armies such as the Ein El-Helwa refugee camp in Sidon, south of Lebanon. In many Arab nations, the Palestinians are not allowed to get any public education. Hundred of thousands are banned from receiving a work permit, and forget about voting in democratic elections since the citizens themselves do not have such right. Even basic building materiel to repair crumbling homes are forbidden from refugee camps. Palestinian men, women, and children have been massacred by the thousands in Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria, and exiled by the hundreds of thousands from the Gulf nations. The Palestinians within the Arab world live in far worse conditions than their fellow Palestinians living within the State of Israel proper. Despite these stark truths, a single mantra of hate of Israel and America has been chanted in the Middle East for 50 years, reflecting an unfortunate reality of a schizophrenic Arab mind. A trauma unseen before in the history of people and nations. A clinical case in self delusion.
The West Bank and Gaza are another sad story in the Palestinian Calvary. Their crucifixion is the work of greedy Jordanian and Egyptian regimes who controlled Gaza and the West Bank between 1948 and 1967 and denied the Palestinians their rights to self-determination and statehood. The Arabs like to say that it was Israel who launched the 1967 war. They collectively turn amnesiac and forget the shelling from the Golan heights. They chose to forget that it was Nasser of Egypt, who kicked out the UN separation forces from the Sinai, massed troops, blockaded the Suez Canal and the Straight of Eilat to strangulate Israel in violation of UN resolutions and International law. They forget that Jordan joined the 1967 war on its own without provocation from Israel and subsequently lost the West Bank. Israels only logical defense against Arab armies massed around its hard to defend borders was a pre-emptive strike.
Israel has already offered in Camp David to withdraw from over 90% of the territories and compensate the other 10% with land within Israel proper, but Arafat refused, and opted instead to blow Pizza parlors, discotheques, and shopping malls. How could anyone expect Israel to surrender more territories when the ones transferred to the PA under Oslo have been transformed into terror lands, from which savage terrorists blowup the innocent and see their inhuman act glorified as martyrdom throughout this savage Arab world. How dare the hypocrites, the low lives of the Arab league, call for justice, when they are themselves the embodiment of Evil and persecution.
So what is the solution for this madness? The solution requires a total and massive overthrow of all Arab regimes and their replacement with democratic and humane governments elected by the people to serve the Arab human being. This will allow millions of Arabs and Muslims who fled to the West to return to their nations, exercise their civic rights, rebuild humane societies, and join the mainstream of humanity. A true healing process can then begin. One based on introspection and not blaming of the others. A complete halt to all incitement in schools, the press, and society is required. A new message of tolerance, coexistence, cooperation, and common humanity must be preached.
You bet it is a clash of civilization, but it is not a crusade. It was America who rushed food and humanitarian aid to Somalia. It was America who helped Muslim Afghanistan liberate itself from the dark Soviet occupation. It was America who stopped the genocide of the Bosnian Muslims. It was America and NATO who saved Muslim Kosovo by reversing Fascist Serbias aggression and bring its leaders to justice in war crime tribunals. It was America who led the liberation of Kuwait. It was America who gave Peace a chance in the Middle East through tenacious efforts culminating Oslo and Camp David. Where is the Crusade in those historical stances.
The world must uphold consistent support for human rights. Lebanon must be freed from the Syrian/Iranian occupation and the deeds of the Lahoud puppet regime. The Tibet must be freed from Communist Chinas stranglehold. All the people of Africa and Asia living under totalitarianism must be freed and brought into the democracy club. It is not reasonable to expect justice from tyrannies, when democracies themselves fail the test of moral clarity and sell free people like the Lebanese in exchange of short term materiel deals with a Syrian terror regime.
Free Lebanon, the one coming soon, need to consider cutting all ties with this filthy Arab league, this collective of bandits. There is no honor nor any pride in such association. We have no common culture and no joint interests. We do not need your filthy oil dollars drenched with the blood of millions of oppressed people. We will only befriend democratic humane regimes. To the Arab gangsters meeting in Beirut next week, we say, go home! Help your own people. We do not want you desecrating our holy land.
Long Live Free Lebanon