By: Freedom Fighter
This week, the Arab League, an organization grouping Dictatorships, Kingdoms,
and Autocratic Republics, conducted a meeting in Beirut to show solidarity with
Lebanon, in its Syrian originated/directed war against Israel. Most of the
participant unleashed their usual anti-Israel rhetoric along with the standard
rubbish about Arab solidarity and their support of Lebanon. None made mention of
the Syrian occupation of Lebanon. None clearly identified the Syrian
dictatorship as the root of Lebanon’s current demise in all aspects, economical,
security, social, and moral.
Israel and Lebanon did not fight in 1956, 1967, nor in 1973. It was only after
Palestinian guerillas infiltrations from Syria took root in Lebanon, and their
attacks on Israel started, that the cycle of Israeli attacks on Lebanon began.
For years, Israel has attempted to sign a peace treaty with Lebanon only to be
sabotaged by the Syrian Dictatorship of Hafez Assad. Israel has already
announced its withdrawal from Lebanon by July, yet the bloodthirsty Syrian and
Iranian regimes continue their proxy war through the misguided Hizbollah.
In its scan of the attendees, the TV cameras showed grim faces of children of
falsehood. Societies ruled through brutality, absolute rule, and fake republics,
which violate their people’s human rights on a daily basis and where democracy
is an alien concept. Brothers of darkness, pre-recorded mantras, spilling out
meaningless words while Lebanon burns under the Syrian orchestrated war against
Israel. They all seemed to be under some sort of collective hypnosis.
The contradictions in the speeches were astonishing. On one hand they voiced
support for the Madrid framework, which dictated the separation of negotiating
tracks, and then almost within the same sentence they declared that the Syrian
and Lebanese tracks are Siamese twins not be separated. The PLO representative
glorified the Palestinians students’ attacks on French Prime Minister Jospin,
when his own Palestinian authority closed the BeirZit University for 3 days and
arrested scores of students. The Arab delegates had the astonishing talent of
thrashing out contradictory statements within the same sentence. Their ability
to lie so naturally makes you wonder about their societies, how they fail to
uphold Truth as a core value and behavior in their daily lives.
The most interesting moment came when the Syrian foreign minister Sharaa spoke.
The hall suddenly fell into a deafening silence. He proclaimed the brotherhood
of Syria and Lebanon and Hafez Assad’s fervent support of Lebanon. The audience
must certainly know the enormity of the lie. The Butcher of Lebanon, Syria’s
bloody dictator, has bombarded Lebanon for years with hundreds of thousands of
shells, has obliterated whole towns, orchestrated the killing of hundreds of
thousands of Lebanese, has committed massacres and crimes against humanity, has
fomented insurrection, kidnapped, assassinated, tortured, and suppressed the
Lebanese. Finally Assad has totally occupied Lebanon since October 13, 1990, and
rules it now through a puppet regime of collaborators and a police state.
Dear friends of Lebanon. If you truly wish to help us, then Witness first to the
Truth. That Lebanon, a founding member of the Arab League, is today totally
occupied and being assimilated by Syria. It has no independent foreign policy
and its puppets take their orders from the Syrian Intelligence headquarters of
Ghazi Kanaan in Anjar. Bringing peace to Lebanon can only occur when the
legitimate constitutional government of Lebanon of Prime Minister Michel Aoun is
restored. When the Syrian occupation troops and their intelligence network is
withdrawn from Lebanon. When the UN forces spread out throughout the country to
help the Lebanese Armed forces organize a free and democratic election. Further
down the road true reforms can start where Lebanon would be transformed into a
secular modern state and all confessionalism abolished.
Silence on the murder of the nation of Lebanon makes you accessories to the
crime. Your stand is a shameful chapter in the history of the Arab nation and
the world.
Long Live Free Lebanon
Freedom Fighter