No Confidence in
the Hezbollah-dominated Lebanese Cabinet
By: Charles Jalkh
(Freedom Fighter)
August 05/08
Despite our deepest love to what it once represented, March 14 has lost in our eyes the last remnant of credibility by joining with Hezbollah to form a new Lebanese cabinet. Starting with the reception of Child Killer Samir Kuntar, and now with the joint government program with Hezbollah, Lebanon has been committed to a guaranteed path of total destruction. The previous July 2006 war will look like a picnic in comparison with the coming imminent war which will uproot Hezbollah completely, but at a massive cost to Lebanese lives and properties.
If there were any Israeli sympathies for the pro-independence crowd in Lebanon, it has now all evaporated after seeing Lebanese officials such as our crying and incompetent PM Saniora, a supposedly pro-independence leader, greet Kuntar with a hero’s welcome.
The new government program legitimized again Hezbollah. It justified its past actions, and opened a freeway to future wars. This same agreement however, also gives all Lebanese groups the legitimate right to arm, train, and launch guerilla wars against any perceived occupier.
So, in contrast to Hezbollah’s “Islamic Resistance”, let us start a new armed “Lebanese Resistance” whose charter is to liberate Lebanon from the Syrian-Iranian occupations along with their local trash. After all, the cabinet program has authorized such actions un-ambiguously.
As to the current worthless army that has not defended us once, we better disband it and stop spending our precious resources especially that we are 43 billion dollars in debt. Let us build a real army, with a real mission, and a clear doctrine to defend us from the Hezbollah-Syria-Iran “Enemies”. Let us recall “our” current troops from its ranks, draw new defensible borders, and separate ourselves from Hezbollastan.
Unfortunately after the next war, no tears from our gutless PM Saniora will
help, nor will anyone in the world trust the Lebanese government beginning with
us, the people. There will be no Paris 4 to lift us out from the abyss, and no
stone will be left standing for Hezbollah to crawl underneath. It will be a
total war!
So all Lebanese supporters of the Cedars Revolution are urgently called to start
arming and training today not tomorrow.
The Cedars Revolution will need to be defended concretely and not with
slogans. The war is coming regardless, and our choice is either to die like
sheep under the Fakih sword and Israeli retaliations, or fight Hezbollah to live
in a Free Lebanon in alliance with the global peace camp. As to this monster of
government with 30 heads, we have zero confidence in its intentions and