Michel Aoun Falsifies History… for the
thousand’s time
By: Charles Jalkh
(Freedom Fighter)
During his speech to the Lebanese parliament, which is meeting to discuss the new cabinet program and decide on granting confidence, Michel Aoun, a Hezbollah stooge and leader of the FPM parliamentary block, declared that the Palestinian tragedy is the fault of the United Nations among others. He stated: “It was a decision by the United Nations to create the state of Israel at the expense of the Palestinian people, and as a consequence to this decision, the Palestinians were forced into exile” (speech transcript on the Lebanese Canadian Coordination Council).
Aoun’s statement is a blatant lie, an enormous falsification of history. UN resolution 181 created 2 states; a Palestinian state, and a Jewish state. The resolution was actually named the “Partition Plan” (click here details). Contrary the MP Aoun’s claim, the UN did not “invent” Israel at the expense of the Palestinian people and did not cause their exodus, instead the Palestinians were indeed granted their own state in the 1948 UN resolution. Following this UN resolution, 5 Arab armies including our own Lebanese army, attacked the Jewish state in violation of the UN resolution, and were subsequently defeated. That defeat brought about the exodus of some of the Palestinians. Many remained in Israel proper and Palestinian Israeli citizens today, enjoy far greater human and civil rights than any of their fellow Palestinians living in any other Arab nation. Again between 1948 and 1967, Gaza and the West Bank were under Egyptian and Jordanian jurisdictions. Egypt and Jordan could have granted their Palestinian brothers their state in those territories, but no-no-no, they greedily kept the territories, and only remembered Palestinian rights after they lost these lands to Israel in the 1967 war. In the Late 1990’s the Palestinians (Arafat) rejected 97% of these territories one more time, and opted instead for an “intifada”, a euphoric madness of blood and tears, in order to blow up innocent Israelis in buses, discotheques, and Pizza parlors.
The pink zones were the UN allocated Palestinian state.
Aoun’s demagoguery and shameless lies show how low this opportunistic mercenary has stooped in serving Hezbollah’s interests. For this “representative” of the Lebanese people to stand in public and utter sneaky lies to our face, whether on purpose or in ignorance, is an insult to history, to our intelligence, and to general humanistic principles.
In his speech, Michel Aoun also uttered brazen ingratitude to numerous friendly Arab nations, insulting their generosity and holding them responsible for Palestinian jobs and welfare, ignoring the fact that Saudi Arabia and all other Gulf nations have generously supported Lebanon with Billions of dollars in aid and investments for decades now. Michel Aoun acted as the beggar that bites the hand that feeds him. This is not a Lebanese trait, we Lebanese honor the noble and generous, and are grateful to our friends in need.
But destiny has dictated that Lebanon remains a dumping ground for all the trash of this tortured Middle East including local opportunists such as Aoun. But we promise our people that in the rendez-vous of Spring 2009 parliamentary elections, not one single member of the Aoun’s parliamentary block will be re-elected to our parliament in Mount Lebanon. Aoun’s only representation will be in the Hezbollah dominated areas, and we congratulate him in advance for being the future MP of Baalbek-Hermel (Hezbollastan).
August 10/08