A Retarded Humanity continues to
obliterate Mother Earth
By: Charles Jalkh
August 14/08
At a time when planet Earth is facing its most cataclysmic ecological destruction, humanity remains marred in a dark age of conflicts and upheavals. Wars of identity, wars of liberation, wars to preserve “unions”, wars to “liberate” the oppressed and usher freedoms, wars to uphold the right of self determination and independence, religious wars, hegemonic wars, geopolitical wars, energy wars, on and on, the idiotic history of this retarded specie named humanity proceeds at a time when the destruction of this planet and our habitat is reaching a critical point of no-return.
Is Russia being imperialistic or is it defending the right of self determination of the Ossetians and Akhbazs in Georgia. Do the Tibetans have the right for independence or does China have the right to its delusionary “glorious” nation just as Napoleon and Hitler thought before. Was Lincoln right in fighting the American civil war to keep the Union or should he have respected the right of self determination of the Southern States. On and on, the ridiculous history of the human specie keeps unfolding into new tragedies paid for in lives, blood, tears, and destruction of our planet.
Does planet Earth become any bigger when the “Union” of a nation is preserved or expanded, or does it get any smaller when a breakaway region gets it separatist wish? We all live on the same geography on this Earth which will neither expand nor diminish because of our conflicts or political divisions. Air pollution does not discriminate between rich and poor, left or right, black or white. The poisoning of our oceans, the depletion of resources, the extinction of species affect upstream and downstream nations alike. We are one people, living on one breathing planet, divided into nations and identities. There are no winners in the game of nations we have played since the dawn of civilization, and we shall all lose our children’s future.
Russia does not need to launch nukes against the US to win a war or vice-versa. It can simply explode its nuclear bombs on its own soil, and that will cause a nuclear winter destroying the totality of Earth. Humanity is so far retarded in its socio-political awakening and largely oblivious to the ticking environmental bomb that shall destroy all life as we have known on this planet. But perhaps humanity’s destiny is to self destruct. Unfortunately , it is also destroying the majority of other species on this planet. But perhaps that is OK as well, since this planet has witnessed several mass extinctions through which merely 1% of species survived to repopulate this 4 billion years old planet several times.
After all, nothing in this existence shall remain and the mystery of God and the all encompassing universe shall always be beyond our reach, for we are but a whisper second in the lifetime of the cosmos.
It is grand time we urgently redefine a new macroeconomic and political systems for planet earth. Time to unite the human family, time to heal our planet, to safeguard our children’s future, to achieve a higher individual consciousness and awakening. It is time to enact global disarmament, global democracy, global human rights, and global Green Economics. But most importantly, it is time to achieve global PEACE ON EARTH!
When will it come, that day, when not a single shot of canon fire is heard across our planet? When we can listen to the wind blowing through the trees. When we achieve self enlightenment, liberation, and awakening!
According to GlobalIssues.org, world military spending in 2008 will reach 1.2
Trillion Dollars. This is equivalent to building a hospital, a school, a
library, and achieving full employment in every cit