New World Order Or New Rome?
By: Charles Jalkh (Freedom Fighter)
"Economics is the science of satisfaction of unlimited needs with limited resources". This rationale has driven humanity since Adam Smith and the Renaissance, and has caused repetitive wars and fierce competition over the resources of this planet. During the last two centuries, this competition have shed millions of lives, wiped out numerous unique cultures, and wrecked havoc on the global environment.
The "Current World Order" is anti-human and destructive to nature. Modern foreign policies pursue narrow national interests at the expense of Humanity and Planet Earth. One has to only look at the genocide of the unique Tibetan culture by China, the on-going pillage and destruction of Lebanon by Syria, the rape of Kuwait, the sell-out of nations, the indiscriminate imperialism of Capital/Mafia International, and the greedy pursuit of material gains on the back of millions of politically-enslaved inhabitants of this planet.
As long as this rationale drives this world, there cannot be peace on Earth. It is becoming apparent that we urgently need a new definition for our existence as a specie at the doorsteps of the 21st century. We need to protect human freedoms and liberate enslaved people. We need a Higher Ideology to tame the needs, and a Green Technology to increase the resources. A true New World Order based on Human Freedoms, New Economics, and Clean Environment.
Human Freedoms
A new humane political vision that eliminates the "prison of nations" and guarantees once for all, the execution of the Universal Declaration of Human rights for all the inhabitants of Planet Earth. A new global political system that respects human flowering and cultural differentiation, yet provide for common justice, equality, opportunity, and peace. Democracy and the absolute respect of human rights should become the membership criteria in a New United Nations. There should be zero tolerance for dictatorships and bloody totalitarian regimes like the ones in Syria, Nigeria, and others. The settlement of all regional conflicts. The withdrawal of all occupation troops from neighboring countries; e.g. Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon in application of UN resolution 520. Let us guarantee human freedoms, declare Peace on Earth, then start a gradual disarmament of all nations.
We need global elections on international issues. A democratic exercise, where every human on this planet can debate and vote their mind. Let us practice global democracy and not politics of the secret societies. We need a global education that teaches every child, in every nation, and preaches human rights, democracy, and respect for all cultures.
Then it may come, that day, when not a single shot of canon fire is heard across the planet. When we can listen to the wind blowing through the trees. When the birds on planet earth can chant their love songs with no fear. When no human violence is committed against any other human being. When three essential elements of the New World Order are established; Justice, Peace, and Prosperity... What is Justice? It is higher human ideals applied equally to everyone. It is to practice what we preach. Justice brings Freedom and Peace, and Peace brings Prosperity. Human energies are wasted when forced to fight wars of domination or liberation. They glow when freedom reigns and plurality is guaranteed, like a natural flower bouquet with all its varying fragrances. We protect animal species, doesn't humanity deserve the same?
New Macro Economics
A new macro economic system that continues to promote individual effort and creativity but without abuse of the environment or other people. The emphases on consumption as the main driving factor for the economic engine should be gradually reduced and shifted towards Green Technologies. We need new Ecologically-sound economic sectors that are designed to heal planet Earth and enhance the living standards and education of all humans. The gradual elimination of the "Third World" status through first; political reforms that establish Democracy and Human rights to eliminate corruption and free human energies. Next we need administrative and Market Reforms that stimulate non-inflationary high rates of growth (10-15% a year for the next 20 years) within strict ecological guidelines. Communism is dead, let us not resurrect it, but Capitalism has surely reached an impasse of its own. We need a global liberalization of Trade and the gradual elimination of all trade barriers within 20 years. The free flow of capital, ideas, products, services, businesses, and people.
New Ecology
Let us heal Planet Earth. It is time that we realize that we all rise or fall together. For air pollution knows no frontiers and does not differentiate between rich and poor. The poisoning of our water supply does not discriminate among downstream nations. The global deforestation, specie extinction, the ozone hole, the dwindling of fish populations in the oceans, and all the resulting climatic changes affect us all. We are one specie on a living planet divided into nations.
We need a global education that teaches every child respect for planet earth and all life forms. True Universal Education for every human. The New World Order will not arrive until we build the New World Citizen.
The New World Order proclaimed by president Bush in 1991 was a farce. It had the problem of the "vision thing". It is scientifically void and morally bankrupt. It has not inaugurated a new phase for humanity, and simply consecrated a new undisputed Rome. A nation still driven by the old economics, lacking moral and humane practices in its global political philosophy. The New Rome is preoccupied with its own citizens' welfare at the expense of the rest of humanity. A superpower surrounded by partner nations, client nations, and slave nations. A caste system of sort, based on suicidal foundations; economics of greed, culture of waste, exploitation of slave nations, willingness to do business with dictatorships, and abusive pollution of Planet Earth
The US must grow into the new age. Grow beyond nationalism. The new American must become the new Human. A tolerant, progressive, equalitarian, universal, and conscious individual. The great principles that founded the United States as a nation are still very valid today, and just need to be practiced and made available to all people yearning for freedom. We should not allow "The Game of Nations" to continue while the ecological bomb is ticking and threatening all humanity. It is time to shed the old world order. Good may not be stronger than Evil, but Evil shall surely self-destruct.
When will it come, the dawn of the New World Order? A new vision uniting the family of nations and treating humanity as one specie with equal rights and obligations, healing planet earth and taking us into a peaceful and sanctified 21st century.