Irrationality of New World Order
By: Charles Jalkh
(Freedom Fighter)
What is the logic of power? What is the purpose of life. Is it survival of the fittest, as Darwin observed and as Nietsche prophesized in the "Will to Power"? Are men playing Gods when they seek equality? Doesn't every example from the wild show us that there are no rules, no higher morality in life, all simply is; the law of the jungle, perhaps the noblest law because it is the law of life and survival? In that case, why fool ourselves in the wait for human justice which is not forthcoming? Why create the illusion of hope for the masses? Why not jump to the next logical phase and that is armed struggle. If power is what they understand then may be we should learn to speak their language.
We hesitate about such analysis,
and we look again to the world to give us justice. But we are scorned yet again.
The world knows about our cause. It knows about genocide, razing of
civilizations, cruelty, hatred, and wars. What has the world done about it? Not
Thank you Adam smith for defining the efficiencies of economic systems. But the efficiencies of economic systems is not life for the human specie. The Western civilization has a deep moral void. It may have mastered the art and science of economics but it is not any closer to achieving equality and happiness for mankind. What is the Most powerful power in the world preoccupied with today? It is not the climatic changes, poverty on earth, aggressions (Syria's occupation of Lebanon), or the moral grounds for international relations, none of that, it is the subpoena that a judge issued against the president of the US to testify about his sexual life. The most powerful nation in the world is today preoccupied with the behavior of its leader as it pertains to his sexual organs. What a waste of time! What a travesty! Meanwhile millions of humans on this planet are suffering from dictatorships (Hafez Assad), brutality, and outright genocide.
We are not here to serve systems. The system should serve us. There is something deeply wrong about the American century as it was wrong during the Nazis wave. Where is the vision of the New World order? Can't we do better as humans? Can't we be wise and prepare for the end of the world. Many actually are doing that right here in the US. The survivalist movement is strong and growing under the watch of the FBI. They are armed, possess land in the American wildernesses and await the end of the world prepared.
People of the world, Learn from the New Romans.
Long Live Free Lebanon