NO, No
By: Freedom Fighter
No! We do not accept the Syrian Hegemony, Influence, Power Brokering, Occupation, any and all the above, or whate you want to call it, of Lebanon.
No! We reject any solution in the Middle East that does not include Total and Unconditional Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon.
No! There will not be any single Syrian citizen allowed on Lebanon soil after our liberation. Perhaps in the distant future, when a democratic Syria emerges, we may allow Syrian citizens into our country, only those who have obtained approved visas from our Embassy in Damascus.
No! We shall not accept the puppet regime of Lahoud/Hoss or a thousand more regimes that the powers of the dark wish to impose on our Free People.
No! We reject elections under occupation. We refuse to participate in falsehood, in lies, and our own murder.
No! You cannot continue to kill us. We want to live!
No! We shall never accept the Syrian Dictatorships control of our homeland.
No! We do not care what the UN,
the US, the European Union, or any other global power or Mafia plan for our Homeland. We
are a Free People. And only the Lebanese can give legitimacy to our own democratically
elected government. We are willing to stand Alone, Against the Whole World, in Defense of
Our Freedom, and we Shall Triumph, because our victory is for every oppressed human on
this planet,
it is for you our Dear Reader, our cause is nothing more, and no less, than Basic Human
No! We shall not accept another scheme that may induce Syria to diplomatically leave Lebanon. We want an outright Defeat for the last Stalinist Dictatorship! We want the last Syrian war criminal to be surrendered and tried in international courts for the war crimes they committed against our people. We wish the best relations with the Syrian people, but we absolutely and totally reject the Syrian regimes who occupied Lebanon and slaughtered our people.
No! We shall not accept to burry the past, nor work towards an evolution, which may eventually bring Independence to our homeland. Freedom is taken and never given! We refuse every compromise that the world can think off that keeps Syrian Influence in Lebanon. The only solution is our total and un-inhibited Freedom, Sovereignty, and Independence.
Then we shall chose our friends amongst the Proud and Noble of this Planet.
We remind the world, that it is very easy for any Lebanese to change our pacifist resistance mode into a more potent form. All it takes it simply to walk out of a house, find the first Syrian or group of Syrians, and blow them to pieces with a cheep $2 grenade. Martyrdom is not hard for us since our freedom is at stake.
The people of the West, have forgotten what Freedom means. Today The US celebrates the 4th of July. From my observations, it is a totally meaningless holiday. Americans are more interested in the fireworks and the party, than any other human meaning to their independence. This is sign of decadence of the culture. When the people understand so little about the sacrifices that won their freedoms, they will understand less the agony of other enslaved people. Such a shame, what a pity, the last island of Freedom and prosperity on this planet has lost its soul. It pains me to see such hollowness, such blindness, such unknowing inhumanity.
This is the age of materialism, national interest, the balancing of acts, compromises with devils, the sellout of whole people when it means living one more day. We announce to the world, that our patience has far elapsed. Our revolution to liberate Lebanon AND THE WORLD is ready to explode. You may kill my body and suffocate our message, but you are only bringing your doomsday closer, for what we fight for, is your own enlightenment.
Long Live Free Lebanon