Merry Christmas, God Bless You
From: Elias Bejjani
December 24/09

Luke 2/11/Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2/14 “Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Dear family members, beloved ones, friends and supporters

May God Bless you all and shower upon you, your families, friends, and beloved ones all graces of joy, health, love, forgiveness, meekness and hope.

From my heart and soul I wish you all a Merry Christmas that is filled with abundance of peace, self awareness,  self respect, open mind and tranquility with yourselves and with others.
I call on you all to pray for the salvation of our beloved country, Lebanon and ask almighty God to lead and bless the steps and peace endeavors of our righteous politicians and leaders.
Pray that Jesus Christ, God of love, justice and mercy shall on the Christmas eve come to dwell in your hearts, minds, souls and conscience.

Be prepared and ready for welcoming this distinguishable humble holy guest. Cleanse yourselves from all sins, mistakes and ungodly conducts.

Invite him with a prayer, tell him openly what are your needs, difficulties, hardships, what is bothering you, and what did you do wrong.

Kneel on your knees with reverence, raise your hand, repent and ask for forgiveness.

Wait for his arrival with open hands and a pure soul. Be sure he will respond to your invitation and come to be with you if you are honest in calling on him.

On the Christmas Day I ask you all to genuinely pray and pray for those of us who are hurt, lonely, deserted by their beloved ones, feel betrayed, are enduring silently pain, anguish, and are deprived from their right in happiness, warmth and joy on this holy and adorned day.

Definitely Jesus will come to comfort those ousted brothers and sisters of ours. He will enforce and ignite their faith, and strengthen their hope in a better tomorrow.

Let us all the time be fully aware that we are human and that as the bible tells we are all vulnerable and not made of stones, but of flesh that came from ash and into ash it will end.
Ecclesiastes 7/20: "Surely there is not a righteous man on earth, who does good and doesn’t sin"

Let us continuously remind our selves that when our day comes. that could be at any moment, we shall not be able to take any thing with us for the Day of judgment except our work and acts, be righteous or evil.

Let us love all others as God loves us, especially those that hate and hurt us. Let us remember that whoever believes in Jesus should not perish, but have eternal life (John 314)

Mean while let us understand what an actual love means: John 15/12-13) “This is my commandment, that you love one another, even as I have loved you. 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends"

God bless you all
Elias Bejjani