المنسقية العامة للمؤسسات اللبنانية الكندية

يوم كانون 04 الأول/2013


من هي القديسة بربارة؟

تكرِّم الكنيسة الجامعة تذكارَ القدّيسة بربارة في 4 كانون الأوّل وتطلب شفاعتها. إنّما يختلف المؤرّخون في تحديد زمن ولادتها واستشهادها. فقد ارتأى بعضهم أنّها نالت إكليل الشهادة عام 235م إبّان الإضهاد السابع الذي أثاره الإمبراطور مكسيمانوس الغوثيّ ضدّ المسيحيّة، ومِمّا يؤكّد صحّة هذا الرأي ، ما جاء في قصّتها، أنّها راسلت العلّامة أوريجانس المتوفّي عام 255.

ولادتها ونشأتها

ولدت بربارة في أوائل القرن الثالث للميلاد في مدينة "نيقوميدية" ، وكانت الإبنة الوحيدة لوالدها "ديوسقورس"الوثنيّ المتعصّب الذي اشتهر في قومه بالغنى الفاحش والجاه وقساوة القلب ، وبكرهه للمسيحيّة. أمّا وحيدته بربارة فكانت دمثة الأخلاق، لطيفة ومتواضعة، تحبّ الناس كافّة. ماتت والدة بربارة وهي صغيرة ، فأقام والدها حرساً عليها لتبقى في القصر المنيف من شدّة خوفه عليها، كما جلب لها أساتذة بارعين ليعلّموها شتّى أنواع العلوم اللغويّة والفلسفيّة والتاريخيّة، لتنشأ كسائر فتيات الأغنياء في عصرها، كما ملأ والدها جوانب القصر أصناماً لشتّى الآلهة التي كان يعبدها لتتمثّل به وحيدته بالسجود والعبادة.

اعتناقها المسيحيّة

نالت بربارة ثقافة دنيويّة عالية، لكنّها كانت تشعر بفراغ كبير في عقلها وقلبها، ، وكان بين خدمها بعض المسيحيّين فاستفسرت منهم عن إلههم الذي لايسكن في الحجارة فشرحوا لها أصول الدين المسيحيّ وأشاروا عليها بمراسَلَة العلامة " أوريجانس" أستاذ مدرسة الإسكندريّة الكبير، الذي بإمكانه أن يبسِّط أمام أمثالها من المثقّفين حقائق الإيمان المسيحيّ. كتبت بربارة إلى أوريجانس بما يدور في رأسها من أفكار دينيّة فلسفيّة. وطلبت إليه أن يتنازل ليكون معلّماً لها، فابتهج بذلك وأجابها على رسالتها موضحاً حقائق الإيمان المسيحيّ، وأرسل لها كتاباً بيد تلميذه "فالنتيانس" الذي أوصاه أن يشرح لبربارة تعاليم الربّ يسوع. لمّا قرأت بربارة رسالته امتلأت من الروح القدس، وبشجاعة فائقة أدخَلت فالنتيانس إلى قصرها ليكون أحد أساتذتها، فلقَّنها أصول الإيمان المسيحيّ، وشرح لها عقيدة التجسُّد الإلهيّ، وبتوليّة العذراء مريم والدة الإله. وبعد أن تعمّقت بأصول المسيحيّة، طلبت أن تنال نعمة المعموديّة، فعمَّدها الكاهن فالنتيانس، وكرّست نفسها للربّ يسوع، وكانت تواظب على الصلاة والتأمّل بسيرة الفادي ليلاً ونهاراً، وازداد احتقارها للأصنام التي ملأ أبوها القصرَ بها.

رفضها الزواج بوثنيّ

طلب يد بربارة أحد أبناء النبلاء من الوثنيّين في "نيقوميدية"، ففاتحها أبوها بذلك فرفضت الإقتران به، محتجّة برغبتها في البقاء إلى جانب أبيها وصعوبة فراقه والابتعاد عنه.فقرّر أبوها أن يعَوِّدها الافتراق عنه فسافر إلى مدينة أخرى بضعة أيّام.

تحطيمها الأصنام وتقديسها الثالوث

انتهزت بربارة فرصة غياب أبيها عن القصر فأكثرَت من الصيام والصلاة والتأمّل بالكتب المقدّسة وسِيَر القدّيسين، كما حطّمت أصنام أبيها الكثيرة المنتشرة في جوانب القصر، وكان أبوها قد أمر أن يُشيَّد لها حمّاماً خاصّاً في القصر ويُجعَلَ فيه نافِذتان، فأمرَت البنّائين أن يفتحوا شبّاكاً ثالثاً كي يكون عدد الشبابيك التي يدخل من خلالها النور على عدد الثالوث الأقدس.

ظهور السيّد المسيح لها

ظهر لها الربّ يسوع بهيئة طفل صغير جميل جداً، فسُرَّت بذلك لحظاتٍ من الزمن ثمّ انقلب سرورُها حزناً عميقاً لمّا تغيّرت هيئة الطفل الإلهيّ، إذ تخضَّب جسمه بالدم، فتذكّرت الفادي وتحمُّله الآلام والصلب في سبيل فداء البشريّة. وكانت الملائكة تظهر لها وتعزّيها وتشجّعها، وهكذا عاشت بربارة السماءَ وهي لا تزال على الأرض وشابهت الملائكة طُهراً ونقاء.

معرفة أبيها باعتناقها المسيحيّة

عندما عاد أبوها "ديوسقوروس" من رحلته ووجد أنّها قد حطّمت أصنامَه، هاج كالوحش الكاسر وأوشك في ثورة غضبه أن يقضي عليها ضرباً وتجريحاً، ولكنّها هربت من أمام وجهه. وبعد أيّام فاتحها ثانيةً بأمر تزويجها من شابّ وثنيّ، فرفضت مُعلِنةً أنّها قد وهبت نفسَها للربّ يسوع، فخرجَ عن طَوره وكاد أن يفتك بها مُعتبراً كلامها إهانة له ولدينه الوثنيّ، وحاول أن يوضح لها أنّها إذا بقيت على هذه الحال سوف تجعله يفقد مركزه المرموق في الدولة. هدّدها بأنّه إذا بقيت مسيحيّة سوف يغسل عارَه بسَفك دمها بيدَيه. هنا طلبت منه بربارة أن يستمع لها، ولو لمرّة واحدة، فشرحت له بُطلان عبادة الأوثان. عندها، استشاط غَيظاً وشكاها إلى حاكم المدينة.

اعترافُها بالمسيح جهراً

بناءً على شكوى والدها، استدعاها الحاكم ليُقاضيَها أمام الجمهور وحاول إغراءَها بالوعود الذهبيّة إذا تراجعت عن إيمانها بالمسيح، لكنّه باء بالفشل عندما أظهرت احتقارها لكلّ ما في العالم من مال وسلطة، وافتخارها بالمسيح يسوع... فأمر الحاكم بتكبيل بربارة، ثم عرَّوها من ثيابها وجلدوها بسياط مسنَّنة كالسكاكين، فتمزّق جسدُها وهي صابرةٌ لا تشتكي، بل تُمجِّد المسيح وتسأله أن يمنحها القوّة لتعترف به أمام المحكمة. في اليوم التالي أمر الحاكم باستجوابها علانيّةً، فتعجَّب الحاضرون جدّاً إذ رأوا جسمَها خالِيًا من آثار السياط. وحاول الحاكم ثانيةً إغراءَها، وإذ لم تؤثّر فيها وُعوده ووَعيده، أمر بتهميش ساقَيها بأمشاط من حديد. كما حرقوها بمشاعل مَوقودة، وضربوها بشدّةٍ على رأسِها وقطعوا ثديَيها، ثمّ ملَّحوا جسدها المُثخَن بالجُروح... كلّ هذا حدث وهي تسبِّح الله وتعلنُ إيمانَها بيسوع.

مواصلة جهادها وتحمّلها العذاب

أعادوا بربارة إلى سجنها المظلم وفي اليوم الثاني قادوها أمام الحاكم، ولكم كانت دهشة الناس عظيمة إذ رأوها بكامل صحّتها، فنسب الوالي شفاءَها إلى آلهته. قال لها هذا الأخير: "أنظري كيف استطاعت الآلهة أن تحميكِ!"، فأجابت بربارة: "لو كان لأصنامك حياة لاستطاعت أن تحمي نفسها في اليوم الذي حطّمتُها في قصر أبي. الإله الحيّ هو الذي ضمّد جروحي". فاستشاط الحاكم غضباً وطلب من جنوده أن يقطعوا رأس بربارة بعد جرِّها في الشوارع عارِيَةً، فسترَها الله بضِياءٍ سماويّ.

استشهادها بيد أبيها

طلب أبوها من الحاكم أن يأذن له بقطع رأسها بيده فسمح له بذلك، فقادها أبوها الى خارج المدينة وهو يزبد، وعندما وصل إلى قمّة الهضبة، جثت بربارة على الأرض وضمَّت يدَيها إلى صدرها على شكل صليب وحنت هامتَها، فتناول أبوها الفأس وهَوى به على عُنُقها وقطعَه. aleteia.org


حياة القديسة بربارة البعلبكية.. وهاشلي بربارة 

في كتابها عن القديسة بربارة تقول الكاتبة والرسامة لينا المر نعمة الصادر بالفرنسية بعنوان (بربارة بعلبك)، على انّ القديسة بربارة تنتمي الى فينيقيا (والى بعلبك بالتحديد).

في حوار خاص لها في صحيفة الأنوار، إعتبرت نعمه هذا الكتاب (ثورة) على الاحتفالات المادية التي يقتصر عليها اليوم عيد القديسة بربارة، بحيث يطغى عليه عيد الشياطين والجنيات المعروف بالهالووين Halloween ومستقدم من جماعات السلتيين الذين استوطنوا بريطانيا وايرلندا، ونقله معهم الايرلنديون الى الولايات المتحدة الاميركية حيث طغى على عيد جميع القديسين المتزامن معه لاعتباره عيداً وثنياً.

ومع ان لبنان ما زال اقل تأثراً من غيره من البلدان، تقول نعمه، فهو بدأ يصاب بالعدوى شيئاً فشيئاً، اذ يمارس الكثيرون عادات العيد الغربي ليمرحوا فقط، ومن المهم التأكيد ان طقوس (هالووين) انما هي عبادة للشيطان ونشر قصة العيد الحقيقية بين الناس.

رغم وجود العديد من القصص عن القديسة بربارة، وتختلف التفاصيل بحسب المنطقة والاهالي، تختار نعمه قصة اهالي بعلبك وتشرح في النهاية انها الاكثر إقناعاً بين غيرها. فتقوم بسرد القصة بلسان (المعلم عبدالله)، مهندس فينيقي ورث مهنته في بناء مُجَمّع بعلبك الذي بدأ به اجداده، ويتولى مسؤولية احدى الفرق الاساسية العاملة فيه في العام 235.

تضيف المؤلفة على ذلك بعض التفاصيل للضرورة الدرامية كونه اغرم ببربارة وطلب يدها).

عبدالله والقصة

يفتتح عبدالله القصة بتعريفه عن نفسه واشارة الى ان الفينيقيين هم من بنوا مجمع بعلبك وليس الرومان كما هو مشاع. وتوسّع الكاتبة ذلك في كتاب لها بالفرنسية يعود الى العام 1997، يحمل عنوان (بعلبك، اثر فينيقي)، تعمل فيه على الإثبات ان معابد بعلبك بناها فينيقيون، وان هؤلاء نقلوا فنّهم الى الرومان الذين اعطوا اسمهم لما (لم يستطيعوا حمله الى بلادهم) كما جرت العادة وقتذاك.

ويعرّف عبدالله بعد ذلك بالتاجر الفينيقي (ديكسوروس)، احد اهم واقوى الارستقراطيين في المنطقة، الذي عرض عليه عملاً عنده لاجل ابنته بربارة. ويصف المهندس قساوة الرجل وحبّه للرومان بأسلوب يشابه القصص المصورة، ويظهر من خلاله الجانب التربوي عند الكاتبة، فيبدو انها تخبر قصة للاطفال، تغلّفها بالبساطة والفكاهة وتضمّنها المعاني الاساسية اللازمة.

في فصول اربعة لاحقة، يصف الراوي معاناة بربارة في تصديق آلهة تطلب التضحية بالابرياء، وبحثها عن اجابات على اسئلتها الكونية وايجادها عند عالم اللاهوت المصري (أوريجين)، كما يصف تمرّدها على آلهة أبيها وعلى هذا الاخير، ومدافعتها عن ايمانها (بإله المسيحيين)، رغم ما ينتظرها من مشقات لم تدفعها الى تغيير رأيها، بل ادّت بها الى الموت. لكن قصة القديسة بربارة لا تنتهي هنا، بل بما فعلته اثر وفاتها في نفوس الاحياء، خصوصاً (عبدالله) المهندس الذي احبها قبل ان يتعرّف اليها، فتعلّم من خلالها حب المسيح، كما فعل ويفعل الكثيرون الى ايامنا هذه.

واليوم متصل بالامس بالنسبة الى نعمه، التي اصدرت في تموز الماضي (العام 2000) الجزء الاول من دراسة عن (نبوءات الكتاب المقدس حول لبنان المعاصر)، تثير فيه جدلاً.

" بسيّه بربارة"

من جهتها وفي مقالة للكاتبة زينة خليل عن القديسة بربارة " بسيّه بربارة"، تقول: قال السيّد المسيح " إن لم تمت حبّة الحنطة فإنها تبقى وحدها ولكن إن ماتت تأتي بثمرٍ كثير"... القمح أي حبة الحنطة رمز هذه الليلة " ليلة عيد البربارة " التي يحتفل فيها أغلبية المسيحيون في لبنان بذكرى "القديسة بربارة "التي استشهدت في 4 كانون الأول من العام 303 م وجسدها موجود حاليًا في كنيسة في مصر القديمة...

وقد كان والدها ديسقورس شديد التمسك بالوثنية ... اما القديسة بربارة فتلقنت العلوم من العالم أوريجانس المسيحي  وتعلق قلبها بالسيد المسيح فنذرت حياتها له، ونالت المعمودية دون أن تفاتح والدها ، وقررت أن تعيش بتولاً تكرس حياتها للعبادة... وحين أدرك والدها الأمر جلدها حتى سالت منها الدماء،  ومزق جسدها بمخارز مسننة بينما هوي صامتة تصلي ... وبعد هذه الحادثة هربت " بربارة " الى حقول القمح وإرتدت ملابس لتخفي ملامحها ...

ومنذ ذلك الحين يحتفل العالم المسيحي بعيدها، فليلة 3 كانون الأول من كل عام يخرج الكبار والصغار من بيوتهم في أزياء تنكرية يختارها كل فرد على ذوقه ومع الوقت باتت الأزياء تتطور بحسب مجريات العصر التي لها تأثيراتها على الملابس والأقنعة المستخدمة في هذه المناسبة ... وبعد التنكر يطوفون على بيوت الجيران والاقارب والاصدقاء ويعيدونهم راقصين مبتهجين  ومنشدين أغنية " هاشلي بربارة مع بنات الحارة عرفتا من عينيها ومن لمسة إيديها ومن هيك الإسوارة هاشلي بربارة"...

ولا ننسى " حلوينة العيد" من كل بيت يزورونه ( السكاكر والقطايف بالقشطة واللوز أو الجوز ) ... وبعد الضيافة يكملون الأغنية  إذا كانت ربت المنزل كريمة قائلين: " أرغيلي فوق أرغيلي صحبة البيت كريمي"، أما إذا كانت بخيلة فيخرجون من المنزل وملامح الغضب على وجوههم قائلين " أرغيلي فوق أرغيلي صحبة البيت بخيلة"، ونذكر أيضاً بعض الأقوال التي يرددها الناس في هذه المناسبة : - برباره تبربرتي عندالرب تمخترتي، ابوكِ ها الكافر ، ها العباد الحجاره، جاب السيف يقتلكي، صار السيف سناره، جاب الحبلة يشنقكِ، صارت الحبلة زناره، جاب الجمرة يحرقكِ، صارت الجمرة بخوره.

- بسيّه برباره والقمح بالمغاره ،يا معلمتي حليّ الكيس، الله يبعتلك عريس بجاه العدرا والمسيح.

- وبلاطه فوق بلاطه صاحبة البيت خياطه، اركيله فوق اركيله، صاحبة البيت زنكيله.

- بسيّه برباره عامودين ومنشاره، لولا الشيخه ما جينا ولا خشيّنا هل الحاره.

أما في الغرب فالمسيحي يلجأ للصلاة والدعاء للقديسة بربارة لتحميه من  البلايا والأخطار, لاسيما وقت هبوط الصاعقة وفي ساعة الموت ...  ويكرم هذه الشهيدة أصحاب الحرف والصناعات الخطرة كالذين يطلقون المدافع ويزاولون صنع البارود ويشتغلون بالأسلحة ويسبكون المعادن. وكذلك ترى كل من يخاطرون بحياتهم قد اتخذوا القديسة كشفيعة خاصة لهم كالبنائين ورجال الإطفاء وغيرهم.

ويذكر في سيرة القديس استانسلاوس الراهب اليسوعي انه استشفع بالقديسة بربارة إذ كان مقبلاً على الموت وليس له من يُقيته بسرّ القربان الأقدس فلبّت إلى دعائه وظهرت له مع ملكين وناوله أحدهما زاد الملائكة.

يقول: "لدي عادة، أنّه ولدى وصولي الى مكتب الأب يوسف يمين، نعمد على فتح كتاب "السنكسار" لإكتشاف أياً من اعياد القديسين نحن في ظلّه، وقد صودف في احدى المرات وجود التباس حول أصل أحد القديسين، بحيث تضاربت المعطيات حوله، كحال القديسة بربارة  التي يقول السنكسار الماروني أنّها ولدت في نيقوديميا، فيما تؤكد التقاليد اللبنانية والأب بطرس ضو أنّها من مدينة بعلبك وفق ما جاء في كتابه "تاريخ الموارنة".










Catholic Activity:

Story of St. Barbara for Children


St. Barbara is a much-loved saint, whose feast was celebrated universally on December 4. But her story was based on Legend (from the 3rd century A.D.) which has presented many historical difficulties. Therefore the Church removed her feast from the General Roman Calendar. She is still honored on local calendars and patronages, such as artillerymen and firemen. The following story is based on the Acts of St. Barbara written for children by Joan Windham.


Once upon a time there was a Girl called Barbara and she had a Very Bigoted Father. (Bigoted means having a very narrow mind so that you can only see straight in front of you and nowhere else.) This Father was called Dioscurus, which is a Rather Funny name.

Barbara hadn't any brothers or sisters and she was really very pretty and was the Apple of Dioscurus' Eye. So Dioscurus, who was very proud of having such a pretty daughter, was simply terrified in case she got married and so he would lose her.

So he thought this Thought

"If I build a very Tall Tower with rooms at the top and put Barbara in and then fill up the front door with a brick wall, she can never get out and no one can ever Get In to marry her." So he did that. And Barbara lived in her Tall Tower and let down a basket by a string for her food and drink and clean clothes and library books and things, and she was quite happy.

Now one thing that Dioscurus was very Bigoted about was Christians. He just couldn't Abide them and he was rather glad that Barbara was up so safe in her Tall Tower, because she couldn't get into mischief with Christians.

But one day, when Barbara had pulled up her new library books, she found that one of them was all about Christians, and it was written by a man called Origen. Barbara thought:

"I do believe Christians must be Quite Nice. Daddy seems to have got hold of the wrong end of the stick (because he is so Bigoted)."

So she wrote a letter to Origen-who-had-written-the-Book, and this is what she wrote:

DEAR ORIGEN, My Father (who is Very Bigoted), has put me in a very Tall Tower because of not Getting Married and because of not being a Christian. But I read your book from the Library, and I think Christians are quite nice, so will you please write and teach me about them and Baptise me by Post? With love from BARBARA.

When Origen got this letter he sent for a friend of his who was a Priest.

"Look at this letter I have just got," he said, "it is from a Girl called Barbara and she wants to learn her Catechism and be Baptised by Post! I can't go to her myself because I am busy, but you could, couldn't you?"

"Yes," said the Priest. "I'm rather slack just now."

"Well you'd better not go and say you're a Christian, because of Dioscurus being so bigoted. You'd better pretend to be someone else. The question is who?"

"Well, could I be a Doctor ?" asked the Priest.

"That's quite a good idea, because Priests are Doctors of Souls," said Origen, "I'll write and tell her to pretend to feel ill (because, really, her soul isn't very well), and then you turn up and say that you are an Eminent Physician."

So Origen wrote to Barbara and when she got the Letter she rang the Big Clanging Bell on top of the Tall Tower that she rang when she wanted anything.

"What is it, Barbara?" shouted Diocurus who had been weeding quite nearby.

"I don't feel very well," said Barbara in a Rather Sad Voice, "what shall I do?"

"I don't know, 'pon my soul I don't," said Dioscurus, "I never thought of that when I Bricked you In. Let me think."

While he was thinking, he saw a man walking slowly along.

"Who are you?" he said, making a Bigoted face. "Trespassers will be Prosecuted."

"I know they will," said the man, "but I am only an Eminent Physician going for a walk."

"A Doctor?" said Dioscurus, changing his Bigoted face into a Pleased one. "That's just what I want. Come here and help me to knock a hole in the wall.

So the man (who, of course, was Origen's friend the Priest) helped Dioscurus make a hole in the wall.

"Why are we doing this ?" he asked, rather out of breath with banging the bricks with his walking stick.

"Because Barbara isn't feeling very well," said Dioscurus, "and you must go and see her. You'd better stay two or three days so as to be sure she's quite well before you go. And I'll brick the Hole up fairly loosely until you're ready to come down again, because there isn't a front door."

"All right," said Origen's friend, and he went up the Long Curly Stairs, round and round and round. At last he got to the top !

"Let me have a chair!" he said to Barbara, "I'm too Giddy to think!"

While he was recovering, Dioscurus filled up the Hole in the wall.

"Well," said Barbara, "will you teach me how to be a Christian very Quickly, because we have only got two or three days."

So the Priest Friend of Origen taught Barbara her Catechism and then Baptised her, and they laughed about her thinking that she could be Baptised by Post!

After three days Dioscurus shouted up to one of Barbara's two windows

"Hullo, Barbara, are you Better now?"

"Miles better, thank you," said Barbara.

"Well, I'll undo the Wall and let the Eminent Physician out," said Dioscurus, "or his family will think he is lost."

So Barbara said Goodbye and Thankyou to Origen's friend and he went away, and Dioscurus left the wall open for a few days in case Barbara felt ill again. But she didn't.

One day, just when Dioscurus was thinking that he must start the bricking up, Barbara rang the Big Clanging Bell.

"Please can I have three windows instead of two?" she asked.

"What on Earth for?" said Dioscurus.

"Well, because of the Three Powers in my Soul," said Barbara.

"What are you talking about?" said Dioscurus in a rather Bigoted voice.

"You know," said Barbara, "my Memory and my Understanding and my Will, like the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost."

"WHAT!!!" roared Dioscurus, and he Drew his Sword and rushed up the Long Curly Stairs, round and round and round, but, when he got to the top he was so Giddy that he had to Recover, for a minute and by that time Barbara's Guardian Angel had taken her and hidden her in a Thick Wood.

And it happened that a Shepherd just caught a glimpse of her one day and he told Dioscurus, who raced to the wood roaring at the top of his voice, he was so very Bigoted about Christians. He found Barbara and dragged her home by the hair, and the road was very hard and bumpy.

"So you are a Christian, are you?" he said, stamping about, "Well, either you stop it, or I'll kill you with my Own Hand."

"I won't stop it at all," said Barbara, tidying her Hair, "If you kill me I'll be a Martyr, and you'll be a Murderer, and that would be a Terrible Thing for you. If you don't kill me I'll be a Christian and you'll have to be Less Bigoted, so you can choose."

"You just come with me, Miss," said Dioscurus, his face red with rage, and he took Barbara to the top of a very high mountain (I can't think why), and Chopped off her Head!

So Barbara was a Martyr and went to Heaven, and she loved being there with God and everyone instead of being in the Tall Tower all by herself. But as Dioscurus was going down the very high mountain again, after having Martyred Barbara, there was a stupendous Thunder-and-Lightning storm and the mountain fell over and squashed him.

St Barbara's Special Day is on December 4th, and lots of People's Birthdays are on that day, and there is a Town in America [Santa Barbara] called after her.

Activity Source: Story Library of the Saints, Volumes 1-3 by Joan Windham, The Catholic Press, Chicago., 1974




St. Barbara

Saint Barabara history from Wikipedia/Click Here

Barbara lived in the 4th century and brought up as a heathen. A tyrannical father, Dioscorus, had kept her jealously secluded in a lonely tower which he had built for that purpose. Here, in her forced solitude, she gave herself to prayer and study, and contrived to receive instruction and Baptism in secret by a Christian priest.

Barbara resisted her father's wish that she marry. Then on one occasion, during her father's absence, Barbara had three windows inserted into a bathhouse her father was constructing. Her purpose was thereby to honor the Trinity.

Dioscorus was enraged by her action and by her conversion. So he himself denounced her before the civil tribunal. She was horribly tortured, and at last was beheaded. Her own father, merciless to the last, acted as her executioner. God, however, speedily punished her persecutors. While her soul was being borne by angels to Paradise, a flash of lightning struck Dioscorus, and he was hurried before the judgment seat of God.

The life of St. Barbara is a vivid reminder that there can be much anger in our world and in our lives. Being in touch with God's presence in a very special way can do much toward relieving ourselves of our tendency to allow anger to control us. We should pray often against a sudden and unprovided death; and, above all, that we may be strengthened by the Holy Viaticum (Last Sacraments) against the dangers of our last hour.


from Wikipedia

Saint Barbara, (Greek: Αγία Βαρβάρα), Feast Day December 4, known in the Eastern Orthodox Church as the Great Martyr Barbara, was an early Christian saint and martyr. Accounts place her in the 3rd century in Nicomedia, present-site Turkey or in Heliopolis in Egypt.[1][2] There is no reference to her in the authentic early Christian writings, nor in the original recension of Saint Jerome's martyrology. Her name can be traced to the 7th century, and veneration of her was common, especially in the East, from the 9th century.[3] Because of doubts about the historicity of her legend, she was removed from the liturgical calendar of the Roman Rite in 1969 in Pope Paul VI's motu proprio Mysterii Paschalis.[4]

Saint Barbara is often portrayed with miniature chains and a tower. As one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, Barbara continues to be a popular saint in modern times, perhaps best known as the patron saint of armourers, artillerymen, military engineers, miners and others who work with explosives because of her old legend's association with lightning, and also of mathematicians. Many of the thirteen miracles in a 15th-century French version of her story turn on the security she offered that her devotees would not die without making confession and receiving extreme unction.[5]


•1 Life

•2 Veneration

•3 Patronage

•4 The Order of Saint Barbara

•5 In modern popular culture

•6 In art

•7 See also

•8 References

•9 External links


According to the hagiographies[6] Barbara, the daughter of a rich pagan named Dioscorus, was carefully guarded by her father who kept her locked up in a tower in order to preserve her from the outside world. Having secretly become a Christian, she rejected an offer of marriage that she received through him.

Before going on a journey, he commanded that a private bath-house be erected for her use near her dwelling, and during his absence, Barbara had three windows put in it, as a symbol of the Holy Trinity, instead of the two originally intended. When her father returned, she acknowledged herself to be a Christian; upon this he drew his sword to kill her, but her prayers created an opening in the tower wall and she was miraculously transported to a mountain gorge, where two shepherds watched their flocks. Dioscorus, in pursuit of his daughter, was rebuffed by the first shepherd, but the second betrayed her and was turned to stone and his flock changed to locusts.

Dragged before the prefect of the province, Martinianus, who had her cruelly tortured, Barbara held true to her faith. During the night, the dark prison was bathed in light and new miracles occurred. Every morning her wounds were healed. Torches that were to be used to burn her went out as soon as they came near her. Finally she was condemned to death by beheading. Her father himself carried out the death-sentence. However, as punishment for this, he was struck by lightning on the way home and his body was consumed by flame. Barbara was buried by a Christian, Valentinus, and her tomb became the site of miracles.[7]

According to Legenda Aurea her martyrdom was December 4 "in the reign of emperor Maximianus and Prefect Marcien" (r. 286–305); the year was given as 267 in the French version edited by Father Harry F. Williams of the Anglican Community of the Resurrection (1975).


Russian icon of St. Barbara.The name of Saint Barbara was known in Rome in the 7th century,[8] her cult can be traced to the 9th century, at first in the East. Since there is no mention of her in the earlier martyrologies, her historicity is considered doubtful.[9]

Her legend is included in Vincent of Beauvais's Speculum historiale (xii.64) and in later versions of the Golden Legend[10] (and in William Caxton's version of it).

Various versions, who include two surviving mystery plays, differ on the location of her martyrdom, which is variously given as Tuscany, Rome, Antioch, Baalbek, and Nicomedia.[11]

Saint Barbara is one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers. Her association with the lightning that killed her father has caused her to be invoked against lightning and fire; by association with explosions, she is also the patron of artillery and mining. Her feast on December 4 was included in the Tridentine Calendar, having been introduced in Rome in the 12th century. In 1729 that date was assigned to the celebration of Saint Peter Chrysologus, reducing that of Saint Barbara to a commemoration in his Mass.[12] In 1969, because the accounts of her life and martyrdom were judged to be entirely fabulous, lacking clarity even about the place of her martyrdom, it was removed from that calendar.[13] But she is still mentioned in the Roman Martyrology,[14] which, in addition, lists another ten martyr saints named Barbara.

Saint Barbara and her tower, French, (Villeloup, Aube) ca 1520–30 polychromed limestoneIn the 12th century, the relics of Saint Barbara were brought from Constantinople to the St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery in Kiev, where they were kept until the 1930s, when they were transferred to St. Vladimir's Cathedral in the same city. A small part of St. Barbara's relics were brought to The United States by His Holiness Patriarch Filaret of The Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kyivan Patriarchate in November 2012, they are permanently on display for veneration at St. Andrew Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral in Bloomingdale, Illinois.

Orthodox Christians have never ceased to venerate Saint Barbara, who is very popular among them. For them, her feast day is December 4, as it is also for Anglicans.


Barbara shrines in the German mines Schacht Konrad (left) and Schacht Asse II (right).Saint Barbara became the patron saint of artillerymen. She is also traditionally the patron of armourers, military engineers, gunsmiths, miners and anyone else who worked with cannon and explosives. She is invoked against thunder and lightning and all accidents arising from explosions of gunpowder. She is venerated by Catholics who face the danger of sudden and violent death in work.

The Spanish word santabárbara, the corresponding Italian word Santa Barbara, and the obsolete French Sainte-Barbe signify the powder magazine of a ship or fortress. It was customary to have a statue of Saint Barbara at the magazine to protect the ship or fortress from suddenly exploding. She is the patron of the Italian Navy.

Saint Barbara’s Day, December 4, is celebrated by the British (Royal Artillery, RAF Armourers), Royal Engineers, Australian (Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery, RAAF Armourers), Canadian (Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technicians (EOD), Canadian Air Force Armourers, Royal Canadian Artillery, Canadian Military Field Engineers, Royal Canadian Navy Weapons Engineering Technicians), New Zealand (RNZAF Armourers, RNZA, RNZN Gunners Branch) armed forces. Additionally, it is celebrated by Irish Defence Forces Artillery Regiments, Norwegian Armed Forces Artillery Battalion, United States Army and Marine Corps Field and Air Defense Artillery, many Marine Corps Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technicians, and other artillery formations. The units and sub-units celebrate the day with church parades, sports days, guest nights, cocktail parties, dinners and other activities. Several mining institutions also celebrate it, such as some branches of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Although they do not celebrate her saint's day, she is also the patron saint of US Navy and Marine Corps Aviation Ordnancemen

Santa Barbara Night is celebrated by the Norwich University Independent Battery.

In Greece, the day is celebrated by the Artillery Corps of the Greek Army and the Cypriot National Guard. Artillery camps throughout the two countries host celebrations in honor of the saint, where the traditional sweet of loukoumades is offered to soldiers and visitors, allegedly because it resembles cannonballs.[15] Saint Barbara is also the patron saint of the northern Greek city of Drama, where a sweet called varvara, which resembles a more liquid form of koliva, is prepared and consumed on her feast day.

The Spanish Artillerymen also venerate her as patron saint of their branch, and parades, masses and dinners are held in her honour and on behalf of those serving in the branch.

The city of Santa Barbara, California, located approximately 100 miles northwest of Los Angeles, is named for the Mission Santa Barbara. The Franciscan mission was dedicated to her in 1602 after Sebastián Vizcaíno survived a violent storm just offshore on the eve of her feast day. Other Spanish and Portuguese settlements named Santa Barbara were established in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Honduras, Mexico, Venezuela, and the Philippines.[16] Many churches in Russia are dedicated in her name, including one in Moscow, next to Saint Basil's Cathedral, and in Yaroslavl.

In the Afro-Cuban and Afro-Brazilian religions of Santería, Candomblé, and Umbanda she is syncretized with Chango, the deity of fire, lightning, and thunder.

In Georgia, Saint Barbara's Day is celebrated as Barbaroba on December 17 (which is December 4 in the old style calendar).[17] The traditional festive food is lobiani, bread baked with a bean stuffing.

In Macedonia Saint Barbara's day is celebrated as Варвара (Varvara) on 17 December. Some Macedonians celebrate with their closest family and friends at home, while others refrain, believing that people who step in their house on Saint Barbara's day will give them either good or bad luck for the rest of the year.

In the mining town Kalgoorlie, Australia, as patron saint of miners she is venerated in the annual St. Barbara's Day parade.

The Order of Saint Barbara

 Order of Saint Barbara medallionThe United States Army Field Artillery Association and the United States Army Air Defense Artillery Association maintain the Order of Saint Barbara as an honorary military society of the United States Army Field Artillery and the United States Army Air Defense Artillery. Members of both United States Marine Corps and United States Army, along with their military and civilian supporters, are eligible for membership. There are two levels of membership in the order, The Ancient Order and the Honorable Order. The most distinguished level is the Ancient Order of Saint Barbara and those who are selected for this honor have achieved long-term, exceptional service to the field artillery surpassing even their brethren in the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara. The Honorable Order may be approved by the first colonel in the chain of command. The Ancient order must be approved of by the Commanding General, United States Army Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill.[18]

In modern popular culture

Saint Barbara's day or Eid il-Burbara is celebrated in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Palestine among Arab Christians annually on December 4, in a feast day similar to that of North American Halloween.[19] The traditional food for the occasion is Burbara, a bowl of boiled barley, pomegranate seeds, raisins, anise and sugar offered to masquerading children.[20][21] The general belief among Lebanese Christians is that Saint Barbara disguised herself in numerous characters to elude the Romans who were persecuting her.

Saint Barbara is mentioned in Federico García Lorca's play, La Casa de Bernarda Alba (1936). According to this drama, a popular Spanish phrase regarding this saint in the early 20th century was:

Blessed Santa Barbara, / Your story is written in the sky, / With paper and holy water.

The first Spanish-language Telenovela filmed in color for TV in the US, was the 1973 production of Santa Bárbara, Virgen y Mártir, filmed entirely on location in Hialeah, Florida.

GK Chesterton wrote the Ballad of Saint Barbara,[22] interweaving the Legend of the Saint with the contemporary account of the huge artillery barrages that turned the First Battle of the Marne.

In "Time Bomb," an episode of The Closer, the LAPD deploy a bomb-squad robot named Babs, after St. Barbara in her role as patron saint of artillery and explosives personnel.

The Hold Steady wrote a song on their album Separation Sunday called Don't Let Me Explode which name-checks Saint Barbara.

In artSaint Barbara is depicted in art as standing by a tower with three windows, carrying a palm branch and a chalice, sometimes with cannons depicted by her side.

Saint Barabara history from Wikipedia/Click Here