Breaking the Chain of Captivity!
There are many people in the world who really don't understand, or say they don't, what are the greatest issues between the free people of Lebanon and the Bathisst Dictatorship in Syria! I say let them go to Lebanon. There are some who say the Stalinist style regime in Syria is the security valve for the Lebanese society! I say, Let them go to Lebanon. There are some who say in the Middle East and elsewhere we can or moreover we should work with the Bathisst Dictatorship in Syria! I say, Let them go to Lebanon.
There are even a few who say it's true that the Syrian Bathisst regime is a remnant of the evil empire, but still they allow us to live and prosper economically, I ask these voices how can you claim you are prospering while 40 billion US dollars in debt placed hanging around your neck by the occupation?
How can the UN nation present an award to the prime minister of Lebanon on his post war achievement in reconstruction, a man solely responsible in bankrupting the country and consider his highness a success story, where the transparency in this decision while the man celebrated by the UN; the prime minister and his corporation Solider were the only construction company in the biding process and the only one to carry out the work. Have the UN decision makers had their judgment been affected again by the rising fume from the black gold, so much it impaired their judgment just like the one with the food coupon for oil scheme in Iraq.
The ill-fated "Taif Accord" brought on us nothing but occupation, humility, fear and intimidation by a Bathisst regime and its puppet police state in Lebanon! We all know Freedom has many problems and democracy is not a faultless system, but a democratically elected government it wouldnt assassinate exile or imprison its opposition.
I would like to say, on behalf of every freedom loving person to all those who live in occupied Lebanon, they can take the greatest pride in their civilized stand against the occupation and its stooges, the very one lauding their successes by killing innocent civilian in the name of liberation. I can share with you, even from a distance, the pain and suffering inflected on you during the last 28 years of occupation. I know of no town, no city, or country since the dawn of the new millennium that has been occupied for 28 years and still lives with the vitality, the force, the hope and the determination of the free people of Lebanon.
While the Syrian occupation of Lebanon is the most obvious and vivid demonstration of the catastrophe this Bathisst regime placed upon the people of Lebanon for the entire world to see, we take no humility in resisting the occupation and all it represent political, civil and even religious subservient who they continually ask our people to bow to the occupation in the name of sisterly relation persistent in their support for the last 2 presidencies the very one who sold out to the occupiers.
For it is, as the free nations has said, its an offense not only against history but an offense against humanity, to silence the free, jail the nationalist and exile the legitimate. The Syrian Bathisst regime divided a nation that all accords and agreement cited unification and reconciliation as the beginning of any process; instead they continue to implement an age old policy "divides and conquers" and so they divide a people who wish to be united.
What is true of this tiny nation called Lebanon you want real lasting peace in the Middle East, you must restore freedom and democracy to the first freely elected government in the region. You want the people of the Middle East to embrace and support freedom and democracies, you need to show them that the first nation in the region embraced freedom is free and protect it and the elementary right of free men in that country which is, to make a free choice is protected.
In 28 years of struggle for peace stability and good faith, this generation of Lebanese has earned the right to be free, including the right to unite their families and the nation in a lasting peace, with goodwill to all people. We live in an island of free spirit, surrounded by a country packed with vultures, rest assured that justice will prevail and the atrocities committed by the occupation and their exploiters they will be held accountable for their crimes, freedom throughout human history been proven is stronger then evil. For that reason, I would like to assure the voices of doubt before the sun rise of tomorrow the ray of freedom will shine once more over our darkened land.
So let me ask your commitment, to look beyond the torment of occupation today and to support the hopes of tomorrow, freedom will live again in Lebanon. Nevertheless, our responsibility is to advance freedom beyond the land of the free, our neighbor brought us death and destruction, we should let our free voices overrun the barriers of fear they installed in our land and shake the walls of captivities holding our leaders, our free voices must cry out loud demanding FREEDOM, SOVEREINTY & INDEPENCE let them know that the voices of freedom stronger then the blast of guns they are hiding behind.
Freedom is indivisible, when the country of freedom is occupied, the entire region are not free. We tell the decision makers of today you want the Middle East region to be free and democratic, in addition to successfully spreading the message across its entirety, than you should start by freeing the people that know what the meaning of the word freedom and have lived and experienced it in their life. You want the Middle East to flourish then you must revive democracy where it has been imprisoned since l976. Once the people of the Middle East gaze across the free nation of Lebanon and they see it prospering, then we can look forward to that day when the region begins to support the wind of change and not stand against it. When that day finally comes, as it will, the people of Lebanon can take sober satisfaction in the fact that they were in the front lines alone for almost three decades holding to the one dream they have! To live free.
As I close, we call on all free
men, wherever they may live, to stand united to break the chains of evil dictatorships and
be counted in the support we need to free the muffled voices in Lebanon. For that reason,
as a free man I take pride in my stand today.
Free Lebanon
Lebanon is freedom!