Wishes and Cain's Conscience"
By: General Aoun
(Translated by: Elias Bejjani)
12 June 1998
In a press conference held in Paris on May 20, 1998, I
clearly specified the Free National Current's objectives and planning
strategies for the Lebanese municipal and mayoral elections. It was clearly
stated at that time that we rejected all forms of cooperation with regime
officials and other collaborators in all parts of
Pro-government as well as opposition candidates won in
the election. The state-controlled media focused only on the
pro-government winners and blacked out completely those from the opposition. It
identified opposition winners by their individual names only ignoring fully the
opposition Currents, parties or organizations behind their success. Officials
controlling the media deceived only themselves by their behaviour
because everybody in
From these facts, it is clear that the collaborationist media publishes
and broadcasts with the objective of negatively affecting the Free National
Current's morale and instigating splits among its members. These journalists,
in a bid to please occupants and officials who pay them, and who wish to see
the Free National Current fail, publish and broadcast fake articles and reports
about the Current's imaginary failures. Wishing that the Current will
disintegrate and disappear, they speak openly about its demise. All of these
people are free to write, broadcast, report and wish
what ever they want. However, the solid truth remains: the Free Current is
strong, active and very popular in all parts of
It is well known that collaborators cannot face free citizens and lack
the courage to address the truth. As a result they resort to cheap deceptive
maneuvers. They deluded themselves initially that the ³Aounist² phenomenon is a
sect, after which they alleged it was created by security and intelligence
bureaus. They even preached that the phenomena has
collapsed. Their conduct has not been changed for the last eight years and
their vicious endeavors to devour the "Aounist"
phenomenon have been escalating as they recognize that the phenomena is growing
and becoming stronger.
The Free National Current measures its success through its presence and
popularity in all regions of
After killing his brother Abel, Cain's conscience haunted him no matter
where he tried to escape to. Cain could not hide from his conscience.
The Free National Current is