"Revelations on Pain"
By: General Michel Aoun
(Translated by: Elias Bejjani)
17 April 1998
Christians all around the world commemorated the suffering of Jesus Christ's
last week, the pain and agony he experienced which culminated in his death on the
cross. These days were few but rich in lessons and parables for people
experiencing the tragedy that has befallen
Judas the Iscariot surrendered to temptation, sold
Jesus for thirty pieces of silver and culminated his betrayal by kissing the
master on the cheek. How many traitors these days sell the master, the country
and the land for an offer of thirty pieces of silver? How many traitors have
succumbed to the temptations of fame, power, sex, jealousy and hatred?
Peter was overwhelmed by fear at the courtyard of the High priest, where Jesus
was on public trial. He denied three times that he knew Jesus. His denial took
place twice in presence of the two servant girls, and once when he said to the
guards and bystanders who were warming themselves around a fire at the main
gate of the court, "I dont know Jesus".
How many of us, due to fear and lack of faith, refuse to witness for the truth
and betray our country? How many act irresponsibly and take cowardly stances in
our everyday lives, fostering anxiety, tension and fear among the public? Our
streets and homes are crowded with these human different role models who submit
to fear and are preoccupied with misguided religious and moral concepts.
Jesus had to ask the "Doubting Thomas" to touch and feel his crucification wounds, so he could be a believer and
reprimanded his disciples for their lack of faith and hard heartedness. How
many "Doubting Thomases" live among us,
preaching defeatism and subservience, discouraging initiative, and fostering
"the no chance approach" in any struggle for changing the current
imposed status quo? Those who are not brave enough to pursue change in their
lives by taking a clear stand shall always be slaves. The doubtful lack
courage, and without courage, no initiatives for change can take place.
We know that Judas the traitor walked the path of despair until he committed
suicide by hanging himself. This is the natural end for all traitors. Peter, on
the other hand, was able to overcome his fear. He wept, repented, struggled,
established his church and sacrificed his earthy life on Jesus' altar. He was
crucified upside down to join the first martyrs in Christianity. Many others
like Peter were able to defeat their doubts, take clear, brave stances,
proclaim their faith with no fear, struggle with faith and establish their
You, dear fellow Lebanese, must know it is time to conquer your fears and
doubts like Peter. It is time to take a clear stand and proclaim openly your
beliefs. It is time to start the national struggle for the resurrection of our
free, democratic, pluralistic, peaceful