July 20/08

Bible Reading of the day.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 12,14-21. But the Pharisees went out and took counsel against him to put him to death. When Jesus realized this, he withdrew from that place. Many (people) followed him, and he cured them all, but he warned them not to make him known. This was to fulfill what had been spoken through Isaiah the prophet: Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom I delight; I shall place my spirit upon him, and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles. He will not contend or cry out, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, a smoldering wick he will not quench, until he brings justice to victory. And in his name the Gentiles will hope."

Free Opinions, Releases, letters & Special Reports
Interview with Carlos Edde who Sounds the Alarm: Bolstering March 14 Ranks or Failure. Naharnet 19/07/08
A Child Killer's Homecoming.By: Mona Charen 19/07/08

Latest News Reports From Miscellaneous Sources for July 19/08
Abbas didn't have to honor terrorist-Chicago Sun-Times
Report: Kuntar to visit Syria, meet with Assad-Jerusalem Post
Gunbattle at Palestinian camp in Lebanon kills one-International Herald Tribune
Security, Weapons and Resistance Top Policy Statement Discussion-Naharnet
Policy Statement Won't Settle Weapons Controversy-Naharnet
Abou Faour: National Unity Badly Cracked-Naharnet
Iraqi Shiite Leaders to Hariri: We are in the Same Boat-Naharnet
Berri for Speedy Agreement on Policy Statement
Hizbullah for Rapprochement with Mustaqbal, Says Qassem
Kouchner: Administrative Barriers in Damascus Delay Ties with Beirut
Hizbullah Readies to Down Israeli Jets, Report
Shoes Off! Paris Airport Authorities Tell MP Nicola
Rifi: Protection Only for Selected Officials
US papers call Kuntar welcome 'repulsive'.Ynetnews

Israel Kills Suspected Syrian Drug Smuggler on Border with Syria-Naharnet
Lebanon's Cabinet confident of prompt, all-encompassing.Daily Star
Simple and affordable ways to improve environmental protection in-Daily Star
Thaw in relations with Syria only a 'partial' step - analysts-Daily Star - Lebanon
Army says deadly clashes in Tripoli broke out at checkpoint
Growing Salafist movement in North poses challenge to the project of state building-By Inter Press Service
Kontar voices 'envy' for Israel, maintains innocence
Thousands attend funerals of fighters returned from Israel-AFP
Lebanese MP protests security measures in Paris
Judges protest over 'misplaced accusations' in Lebanese media
Lebanon's Cabinet confident of prompt, all-encompassing ministerial statement
Fadlallah calls on new ministers to assume responsibilities
Thaw in relations with Syria only a 'partial' step - analysts-By Dalila Mahdawi

Security, Weapons and Resistance Top Policy Statement Discussion
Naharnet/A ministerial committee working on a blueprint for the cabinet's policy statement is to hold its third meeting Saturday amidst reported progress towards nearing agreement on the document's major points. The committee, in its second meeting on Friday, tackled what the daily An-Nahar termed "highly sensitive" topics, including serial violence in Beirut, Mount Lebanon, the Bekaa Valley, Akkar and most recently in Tripoli.
"All proposals were discussed, but no agreement has been reached on the final version" for a policy statement blueprint, An-Nahar reported.
Such controversial topics tackled during Friday's meeting under Premier Fouad Saniora included "weapons, the resistance, security and other major topics such as the relations between Lebanon and Syria," the report added. The nine-member committee, An-Nahar said, "had lengthy discussions, but many topics require further revision and no agreement on them has been reached. The Beirut events were tackled in details while considering the security topic."
Ministerial sources said the committee is to hold a fourth meeting on Sunday and, with luck and determination, may accomplish its mission by Monday.
In such a case, Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri would summon the house to tackle the policy statement as of Thursday.
The discussion by lawmakers of the executive authority's policy statement, which is to be screened live by local networks, would last for three days.
Saniora said the committee would proceed with its mission throughout the weekend and termed recent remarks by Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah "very important." Beirut, 19 Jul 08, 07:35

Carlos Edde Sounds the Alarm: Bolstering March 14 Ranks or … Failure
By Dalia Nehme -Naharnet/
National Bloc Party leader Carlos Edde sounded the alarm to March 14 forces, calling for bolstering ranks of the majority alliance "before it is too late."
Edde, in an interview with Naharnet, accused March 14's "major blocs" of making mistakes that have led him to declare his party outside the framework of the alliance's structure. However, the NBP remains "under the umbrella of the March 14 cause … at a time other forces are beginning to make concessions at the expense of the cause and in favor of their own interests," he said. He said the NBP is "the base for the sovereign trend of the March 14" alliance.
"I hope that my public criticism would encourage my previous allies to move and adopt the needed measures to bolster our stand, strengthen our ranks and refrain from making mistakes before it is too late," Edde said. He said the warning aims at "averting going into the parliamentary elections while we are as weak as we were during the era that led to forming the new cabinet."Such cracks in the March 14 alliance "raise questions by some comrades in the alliance. However, all factions adhere to the cause and national struggle," Edde stressed. He warned that if March 14 forces "maintain the same performance. I fear the outcome of the elections would be opposite to what they wish.""If they manage to understand that the public interest should top all priorities, especially the immediate interests of major powers that should start making sacrifices in the interest of the cause, if they change their style and develop their method of communication with the masses, they then might win the elections," Edde explained. "Otherwise, failure awaits us," he cautioned. Edde said the March 14 alliance should "take a decisive stand in its second battle, that of the cabinet's policy statement, or make a final surrender."Edde said the cabinet faces "a very tough mission in the coming 10 months" ushering the nation to the 2009 parliamentary elections. Beirut, 16 Jul 08, 17:53

Abou Faour: National Unity Badly Cracked
Naharnet/Cabinet Minister Wael Abou Faour said Saturday the nation's unity has been "badly cracked" and the cabinet's main mission is to "renovate" it.
He said the biggest mistake that the cabinet could make is to adopt a policy statement that includes "obscure phrases, that each side would clarify in line with its interests."He said Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat's remarks during the Abey rally "should not be misinterpreted.""He welcomed cabinet minister Fneish on Behalf of the independence uprising and martyr Hariri and Fneish responded in a wise and responsible manner," Abu Faour said. Beirut, 19 Jul 08, 13:41

Policy Statement Won't Settle Weapons Controversy
Cabinet Minister Jean Ogassapian said Saturday the Issue of Hizbullah weapons would not be settled by the cabinet's policy statement. "When Hizbullah pointed its weapons at the domestic arena we said this resistance is no more a resistance movement. It has become a militia.""The topic should be discussed with the related parties with the aim of working out a clear concept that is not obscure," he added in a radio interview. Lebanon, he added, is going through a "transition. In light of the Doha Accord, both sides are prepared to discuss all differences on Lebanon and the future."The topic of Hizbullah weapons "should be settled through national dialogue sponsored by President Michel Suleiman," Ogassapian added. No strong state can be built in the presence of Hizbullah's mini state," he concluded. Beirut, 19 Jul 08, 13:25

Iraqi Shiite Leaders to Hariri: We are in the Same Boat
Naharnet/Iraqi officials and spiritual authorities have informed Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri that "it is not true that Iraqi Shiites are under Iran's influence.""The Iraqi leadership is keen on relations with neighboring states, but this does not mean that the Iraqi leadership accepts intervention by those neighbors in internal affairs," the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat reported. The report quoted Hariri circles as saying he was informed by Iraqi political and spiritual leaders whom he met in Baghdad and Nejef that "what testifies to this trend (of independence and rejecting intervention) is the campaign launched b y Premier Nouri al-Maliki's cabinet "to disarm Shiite militias that maintained tight relations with Iran.""Iraq is Iraq and Iran is Iran. Baghdad and especially the Shiites of Iraq do not accept succumbing to interests of the Iranian policy," the report added. Sources quoted Iraqi Shiite authorities as saying to Hariri: "Those who accuse you of being traitors also accuse us of being traitors … we realize what you are going through." Beirut, 19 Jul 08, 13:02

Hizbullah for Rapprochement with Mustaqbal, Says Qassem
Naharnet/Hizbullah deputy leader Sheikh Naim Qassem said the party has "no reservations" on a rapprochement with Saad Hariri's Mustaqbal Movement.
Qassem, in an interview with the Qatar-based daily al-Arab, also said Hizbullah has "no objection" to possible meetings with Mustaqbal Movement representatives "that could facilitate more positive steps in the relations between the two sides and reflect positively on the field.""Maybe we would have more meetings in the coming days that could facilitate, one way or the other, more treatment," Qassem said. Hizbullah, he said, is "ready to openly discuss the defense strategy … the coming days would prove that we are ready for any sound logic that leads to the creation of a capable, strong and just state."The "Doha Accord opened the gate to understanding and closed the past chapter," he added. Beirut, 19 Jul 08, 10:29

Berri for Speedy Agreement on Policy Statement
Naharnet/Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri urged a ministerial committee to speed up efforts aimed at agreeing on a policy statement for the new cabinet.
Sources close to Berri also said they do not expect efforts to work out a policy statement to face obstacles, and described the prevailing atmosphere as "positive."
"Things are progressing," the sources said. Beirut, 19 Jul 08, 10:37

Kouchner: Administrative Barriers in Damascus Delay Ties with Beirut
Naharnet/French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said "administrative barriers" in Syria delay the setting up of diplomatic ties between Damascus and Beirut, hoping the move could be accomplished before yearend. Kouchner, talking to reporters in Paris, attributed the report on the administrative barriers to an unidentified "Syrian source," the daily An-Nahar reported. Kouchner defended France's rather calculated rapprochement with Syria, saying it was "inevitable and necessary. It achieved progress."He said Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal relayed to President Nicolas Sarkozy last weekend Riyadh's "reservations" on the Paris-Damascus rapprochement. "Certainly, we've informed Saudi Arabia of our discussions with Damascus, but Saudi Arabia was not enthusiastic about our meeting with Assad who did not visit Saudi Arabia although Prince Saud had visited Damascus and met Assad."The relations between Saudi Arabia and Syria are "sensitive and complicated and there are differences in view points," Kouchner said. The Arabs, however, "recognize that the French stand is to search for peace and calm," he added. Kouchner also said Paris and Washington are "not on the same path regarding the relations with Syria."The French official also spoke of "attempts to achieve progress" regarding the Shebaa Farms issue and placing the Israeli-occupied terrain under the guardianship of the United Nations. Beirut, 19 Jul 08, 08:29

MP Nabil Nicola on Friday protested against a request by French authorities to take off his shoes at Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport.
Naharnet/A statement by Nicola's office said that during a short stopover in Paris, the MP who is a member of Michel Aoun's Change and Reform parliamentary bloc, was asked by French authorities to take his shoes off, but he refused. It was at this point that security authorities attempted to arrest him, but he did not succumb, the statement added. Nicola then called Lebanon's ambassador to Paris as well as the Lebanese foreign minister to protest against the move.
"Until when will the dignity of MPs be lost?" Nicola asked the Lebanese government. Beirut, 18 Jul 08, 13:10

Nassralla is cashing his Israeli prisoner deal cheque in 2009 Lebanese parliamentary election market place.
By: Tony Safa
July 19, 2008
Hassan Nassralla is cashing his Israeli prisoner deal cheque in 2009 Lebanese parliamentary election market place.
Hassan Nassralla speech shows that Samir Kontar will be Hezbollah's candidate in the Lebanese parliamentary election in 2009. In addition, the statement issued by an Israeli official sending threat to Nassralla and Samir Kontar a day after Kontar released from an Israeli prison and a day after Israel concluded a prisoner deal with Nassralla sounds so silly. It is so obvious that the Israeli official statement is a part of the prisoner deal between Hezbollah and Israel to make Samir Ontar a hero for 2009 Lebanese parliamentary election and keep Nassrallah untouchable from Israel F16 even when he speaks in open and public places as he did yesterday.
The prisoner deal is just to cover Hezbolah killing and terror against Lebanese on May-7. This is the same scenario Israel and Hezbollah played in 2005 after Nassralla rejection for the cedar revolution and prior to the 2005 parliamentary election. Nassralla speech during the Welcoming Ceremony held in Lebanese airport yesterday was the opening of his election campaign. In his unusual calm speech, Nassralla is trying to get the new government approval for Hezbollah weapon and to include it in the new Cabinet Statement. After Hezbollah would use the Cabinet Statement as a victory in 2009 election campaign and corner Bkerke and the Christians of March 14 movements since both Bkerke and Lebanese Forces rejecting any weapon on Lebanese soil other than the Lebanese army weapon. Especially, when all signs forecast that the 2009 election result is determined by the Christian votes. Hezbollah doing the possible to lead 8 Azar opposition groups to victory in 2009 election so they form a political cover for Hezbollah Weapon.
After Doha convention, it is clear that what determines Lebanon's future is the result of 2009 parliamentary election and mainly the Christian votes. It is obvious that Hezbollah in 2009 election would lose majority of Christian Votes claimed by General Aoun and used by Hezbollah as a political shield to protect their weapon. Therefore, in his speech, Hassan Nassralla intentionally opens to all political groups except to the Lebanese Forces, Hezbollah's main opponent among Christian voters, hoping to create a division among March 14 and isolates the Lebanese Forces. Moreover, Hezbollah is using Aoun to attack patriarch Sfier. After Aoun forming a Christian block oppose to Bkerke, Aoun's media this week has started accusing Sfier of sending negative messages from Australia where he is visiting and publishing articles against the Head of the Christian Lebanese church.
Hezbollah is ahead in the game preparing for 2009 election and trying to cash the Israeli prisoner deal cheque in Lebanon parliamentary election market place, The question remain is March 14 up to the task? Moreover, would Lebanese vote to keep the Cedar Revolution alive and achieve Lebanon the Message of Peace as Pope John Paul said or vote for Lebanon the constant jihad and the education of Jihad according to Khomeini teaching as what Hezbolah leader Naim Kasem is calling for.
After all, It is up to Lebanese to be naïve and believe Nassralla speech or open their ears and hear Nassralla saluting Lahoud the icon of the Syrian era and the cause of murdering many of the cedar revolution martyrs a "Great Hero".
It is up to Lebanese to be naïve and listen to Nassralla speaking about his rendezvous with Israel on July 12 as his God's work, or would Lebanese open their eyes and see that Israel who gave Nassralla the Victory not his God and that Hezbollah is the one achieving Israel dream by instigating a civil war in downtown Beirut.

A Child Killer's Homecoming
Fri Jul 18,
By: Mona Charen
What can you say about a people who welcome a child murderer as a hero?
Most Americans are familiar with the brutal murder of wheelchair-bound Leon Klinghoffer on the cruise ship Achille Laura in 1985. Terrorists led by Abu Abbas (who was later given safe haven in Baghdad by Saddam Hussein) took the ship captive and threw Klinghoffer overboard. But few recall that the ship was seized to bargain for the release of, among others, Samir Kuntar from an Israeli prison.
Kuntar had taken part in an earlier terror attack. In 1979, as a 16-year-old, he and four others had traveled to northern Israel by boat from Lebanon and come ashore in the seaside town of Nahariya. At midnight, Smadar Haran recalled, they burst into her apartment building. Peering out to see what the noise was, Smadar, mother of two, slammed shut her apartment door when she saw the terrorists — but too late. Kuntar had glimpsed her. Her husband, Danny, helped Smadar and their younger daughter, 2-year-old Yael, to squeeze into a crawl space above the bedroom.
Smadar wrote later, "I will never forget the joy and the hatred in their voices as they swaggered about hunting for us, firing their guns and throwing grenades." As police began to arrive, Kuntar and the others dragged Danny and 4-year-old Einat down to the beach. With Einat watching, Kuntar shot Danny in the head and then threw his body into the surf. Kuntar then repeatedly smashed Einat's head against a rock with his rifle butt, killing her, too. Yael did not survive the attack either. In an effort to keep the baby from crying and betraying their hiding place, Smadar had accidentally suffocated her.
This week, Kuntar, dressed in fatigues and sporting a Hitlerian mustache and haircut, walked down a red carpet arrayed for him in Beirut. The government closed all offices and declared a national day of celebration. Tens of thousands of Lebanese cheered, waved flags, threw confetti, and set off fireworks as Hezbollah staged a rally to celebrate their "victory" over Israel. Mahmoud Abbas, the "moderate" leader of the Palestinian Authority, sent "blessings to Samir Kuntar's family." PA spokesman Ahmad Abdul Rahman sent "warm blessings to Hezbollah … on the return of the heroes of freedom … headed by the great Samir Kuntar."
The statement went on to laud the "heroic" actions of "martyr" Dalal Mughrabi, whose body was returned to Lebanon. She had participated in the worst terror attack ever against Israeli civilians, the hijacking of a tourist bus in which 37 people including 12 children were murdered. The Palestinian Authority spokesman took the opportunity to vow that the Fatah party "will continue to struggle in the way of the pure Martyrs, until the state is liberated and the Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as its capital." Kuntar, acknowledging the adulation of the crowd, took the microphone and declared, "I return from Palestine only to go back to Palestine."
And what did Israel get in return? Two corpses. The bodies of Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, the two reservists whose kidnapping in 2006 prompted the botched and inconclusive Israel/Hezbollah war. After this shameful and stupid trade of live terrorists for dead soldiers, Hezbollah has achieved its goal. In 2006, Hezbollah had crossed the border and attacked two Israeli border patrol jeeps, killing three and wounding two. Two others, Regev and Goldwasser, also believed wounded in the attack, were kidnapped and taken into Lebanon on orders from Hezbollah leader Sheikh Nasrallah, who thought he could demand the release of all Lebanese terrorists in Israeli prisons in exchange for the two soldiers. (Hamas simultaneously kidnapped Gilad Shalit in the south.) Israel at first responded with a war. But while most of the civilized world rooted for the Israelis to destroy Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, Israel flinched and conducted a feckless conflict. Thousands of Lebanese and Israeli civilians were hurt and displaced, but nothing was settled — until now. Now Hezbollah has achieved total victory.
Every Israeli is now at much higher risk for kidnapping and murder. Why in the world should Israel's enemies shrink from murdering their captives if they get just as much for corpses? Hamas continues to hold Shalit in Gaza. His life expectancy has just been radically reduced. It's inspiring that the Israeli government (like the U.S. armed forces) is devoted to bringing their people home dead or alive. But not like this. Not like this.
At the welcoming ceremony for Kuntar and his fellow terrorists, Sheikh Nasrallah made a brief appearance. In company with Lebanese president Michel Suleiman, Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, and Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berri, Nasrallah hugged and kissed Kuntar and the rest. "The time of defeat is long gone," he said. "Today is the time of victory."
Who can deny it?
To find out more about Mona Charen and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate Web page at