July 05/08
Bible Reading of the day.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according
to Saint Matthew 9,9-13.
As Jesus passed on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the customs
post. He said to him, "Follow me." And he got up and followed him. While he was
at table in his house, many tax collectors and sinners came and sat with Jesus
and his disciples. The Pharisees saw this and said to his disciples, "Why does
your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?"He heard this and said, "Those
who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. Go and learn the meaning
of the words, 'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' I did not come to call the
righteous but sinners."
Opinions, Releases, letters & Special Reports
Peace talks are Olmert's ticket to political survival-By
Gerald M. Steinberg 04/07/08
Shohayeb rejects Britain's Listing of Hizbullah as Terrorist Group-Naharnet
Latest News Reports From Miscellaneous Sources for July
National Christian Gathering Launched, Aoun Says he Hopes
Move Would Be a Step in a March-Naharnet
Examining Magistrate in Tueni Murder-Naharnet
Lebanon's Security Tops all Priorities-Naharnet
for Australia-Naharnet
Fadlallah: The Intro to New Cabinet is Hizbullah's Victory Against Israel-Naharnet
Geagea Expects Government Birth in 24 Hours, Wants
Dialogue Prior to Policy Statement-Naharnet
Syria Imposes New Custom Fees on Export Trucks-Naharnet
Another Tremor Rocks South Lebanon-Naharnet
Israeli airman missing in Lebanon died 10 years ago-AFP
Hezbollah report: Arad died in Lebanon over a decade ago-Ha'aretz
Families of missing Iranian diplomats arrive in Beirut-Ynetnews
National Liberal Party for Releasing Lebanese Detainees in Syria-Naharnet
Suleiman Launches 1st
Valuable Initiative Seeking to Bring Together Nasrallah, Hariri-Naharnet
Confusion Over Shebaa:
France Rules Out Breakthrough as U.S. Expects Quick Settlement-Naharnet
Ban, South Korean
Peacekeepers Cheer for Lebanon-Naharnet
Hariri Aide Predicts New
Cabinet by July 12-Naharnet
Soeid Says Nasrallah is
Trying to Normalize Relations with Other Factions-Naharnet
Fatfat Hopes for Positive
Developments Soon-Naharnet
U.S. Embassy Celebrates
Independence Day-Naharnet
Hariri Aide Predicts New
Cabinet by July 12-Naharnet
President, PM await Aoun's
answer to latest proposal-Daily
Aoun Accepts Whatever
Hizbullah Accepts on Shebaa Farms-Naharnet
Winograd panelist regrets not
calling on Olmert to resign-AFP
March 14 figures plan to
join welcome ceremonies for prisoners freed in swap-Daily
Iranian Embassy insists
diplomats kidnapped in 1982 still alive in Israel-AFP
Union for Lebanon recalls
1978 battle-Daily Star
Asaad Hardan assumes SSNP's
reins-Daily Star
Opposition Christians stress
need for stronger role-Daily
'Even the dogs are allowed to
go out but we're stuck': Domestic workers face range of abuses-By
Three dead as historic
Tripoli building collapses-Daily
Emergence of Fatah al-Islam
splinter group stokes fears of clashes-Daily
Khawaja talked with plot leader about detonator: Crown
Canadian Press/Thu Jul 3,
Mohammad Momin Khawaja discussed how to work an electronic detonation device
with the British leader of a foiled bomb plot, according to an audiotape played
Thursday by the Crown at his trial in Ottawa.
The recording, made by the U.K. security service MI-5, indicates Khawaja offered
a description of the device to Omar Khyam during a visit to England in February
In the recording, Khawaja, the first person charged under Canada's
Anti-terrorism Act, can be heard outlining the operation of a transmitter and
receiver and how to send a signal from one to the other.
"All you need to do is this - if you have detonator wires hooked up - and that
will send a charge down the line to whatever you're sending it to," Khawaja is
heard saying on the tape.
In a separate recording - one of several made by the MI-5 during Khawaja's
three-day visit to Britain using electronic bugs planted in Khyam's car and
residence - Khawaja is heard telling Khyam that it would be easy to pass on his
knowledge of electronics to others.
"I can teach you the theory of it, cover all the facts and all these other
bits," he said. "Then in the summer I'll set up a course together, someone can
deliver it to the grunts, of course."
Khawaja was also heard on yet another recording reminiscing about a training
camp he attended in northern Pakistan the previous year.
In another development, undercover video footage and still photos shown in court
showed Khawaja arriving at London's Heathrow airport on Feb. 20, 2004, where he
was greeted by Khyam and his brother, Shujah Mahmood. Maps showing their
movements, followed with a GPS tracking system, were also displayed.
However, much of the rest of the evidence presented was unclear or inaudible. At
one point, Ontario Superior Court Justice Douglas Rutherford said, "I can't hear
a thing," later adding, "I'm saying to myself a little prayer of thanks, at
least I have a transcript."
Crown prosecutors have alleged Khawaja built a remote-controlled detonator
intended for use in setting off fertilizer-based bombs at various sites across
England, including a nightclub and energy facilities.
Khyam and four other men were convicted by a British court in 2007 of
participating in the failed bombing plot and sentenced to life in prison.
Khawaja has pleaded not guilty and denies being part of the al-Qaeda-inspired
Khawaja was a software developer working for the federal Foreign Affairs
Department when he was arrested at his Ottawa home in 2004 as part of a British
and Canadian investigation. He has been held in custody since then.
The trial is expected to run until October or November.
With files from the Canadian Press
National Christian Gathering Launched, Aoun Says he Hopes
Move Would Be a Step in a March
NaharnetThe National Christian
Gathering was launched Friday and Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun
said he hoped the occasion would be the "beginning of a long march of working
Aoun called for a "joint conduct that would reassure the various sects,"
labelling Christians in Lebanon as "pioneers."
"Christians should achieve solidarity with other sects," Aoun said in his
address at the launch of the National Christian Gathering at Le Royal Hotel in
suburban Dbayieh.
He urged Christians to "heal their body from cancerous tumors."
Turning to the U.S., Aoun said he opposes the United States foreign policy,
stressing "that does not mean that we are against the American people." "Our
opposition of the United States foreign policy is an act of self defense," Aoun
told the rally.
He criticized those who opposed his "understanding" with Hizbullah and called
for a "joint conduct that would reassure the various sects." "Supporting the
resistance is an option to confront threats facing the nation," Aoun said.
He warned against an alleged "scheme" to naturalize Palestinian refugees in
Following Aoun's address, the Gathering charter was declared. "Lebanon can only
survive through a partnership between strong Christians and strong Muslims," the
document said.
It spoke of a leading role by the Christians in Lebanon and declared commitment
to the international humanitarian law.
The document, read by Shakib Qurtbawi, called for a "civic state and adherence
to the rights of the various sects in a pluralist Lebanon."
It said the Christians are "misrepresented" and criticized the decrease in
presidential powers.
The document rejected the naturalization law and its implications and called for
the re-creation of the middle class.
It criticized "political money" and rejected "auto security." The document also
called for a "historic settlement" of Lebanese-Syrian relations.
It called for respecting the constitution, backing presidential powers and for
redistribution of seats in some election constituencies. Beirut, 04 Jul 08,
New Examining Magistrate in Tueni Murder
NaharnetThe Supreme Judicial council
on Friday named judge George Badih Karam examining magistrate in the
assassination of MP-Journalist Gebran Tueni.
A short statement said the council approved a proposal by Justice Minister
Charles Rizk to appoint Karam examining magistrate in Tueni's case, succeeding
Judge Jihad al-Wadi who retired earlier this month. Tueni was assassinated by a
powerful bomb blast targeting his car on Dec. 12, 2005. Beirut, 04 Jul 08, 15:49
Soeid: Lebanon's Security Tops all Priorities
NaharnetMarch 14 coordinator Faris Soeid said the
majority alliance would raise the slogan "Security of the Lebanese community
tops all priorities" to counter Hizbullah's insistence on maintaining its
weapons. Soeid made the remark in an interview with the Kuwaiti daily as-Siyassa.
Soeid said the coexistence between the state of Lebanon and that of the "Faqih
rule would end … but unfortunately it would end violently." He said the March 14
forces have launched three research efforts focusing on the Taif accord,
Lebanese-Syrian relations and Lebanese-Iranian relations. Beirut, 04 Jul 08,
'A terrorist organization with a state of its own'
Sheva Arutz
Jeff Jacoby takes the opportunity of Israel's 'terrorists for corpses exchange'
with Hezbullah to sum up the damage that Israel has incurred and continues to
incur as a result of the July 2006 Second Lebanon War (Hat Tip: Norman F.).
With every such deal, Jerusalem erodes what little remains of its once-legendary
reputation for avenging the deaths of Israelis killed by terrorists. The Israel
that in 1976 flew a team of commandos 2,000 miles to rescue Jewish hostages
being held in Uganda's Entebbe airport inspired respect and fear in its enemies.
Israel today inspires their scorn. Hezbollah's leader, Hassan Nasrallah, has
said that despite Israel's nuclear power and military prowess, it "is weaker
than a spider's web." Last week's swap of live terrorists for dead soldiers can
only have reinforced that opinion.
For months after Hezbollah's war with Israel ended, there were those who
minimized the significance of its victory. Thomas Friedman argued in The New
York Times, for example, that Hezbollah had "diminished its capability and
Syria's and Iran's" and had failed to achieve "a single strategic gain." Under
Resolution 1701, a new UN peacekeeping force, known as UNIFIL, was to patrol
southern Lebanon and prevent Hezbollah from rearming or threatening Israel - "a
huge strategic loss for Hezbollah," in Friedman's words.
But UNIFIL has prevented nothing and 1701 is more or less a dead letter. Far
from preventing the flow of new weapons to Hezbollah, the UN peacekeepers have
routinely looked the other way as Iran has massively re-supplied its Lebanese
proxy. Hezbollah is now far better armed than it was in July 2006, with an
estimated 40,000 rockets deployed north of the border, and the ability to strike
97 percent of Israel's population. Israeli military intelligence reports that
some 2,500 Hezbollah terrorists are in southern Lebanon, and have built a series
of elaborate underground bunkers equipped with rocket launchers and mortar guns
that can be fired by remote control.
Most alarming of all is Hezbollah's effective takeover of Lebanon's government,
which it intimidated into submission through violent rampages in Beirut in May.
Hezbollah extorted the right to name 11 cabinet ministers, giving it veto power
over every government decision. Which means that Hezbollah is no longer a
state-sponsored terrorist organization. Now it is something far more dangerous:
a terrorist organization with a state of its own.
MP Shohayeb rejects Britain's Listing of Hizbullah
as Terrorist Group
By Dalia Nehme-Naharnet
Democratic Gathering member MP Akram Shohayeb said Hizbullah leader Hassan
Nasrallah's recent remarks were "calm and rational, which requires a response in
kind.""This should have happened immediately after the Doha Accord. A lot of
time has been lost," Shohayeb told Naharnet.
He said obtaining the release of Lebanese prisoners from Israeli jails and
regaining bodies of "martyrs" who had fallen in action against the Jewish State
"played a major role in the call (by Nasrallah" for rapprochement between the
various Lebanese communities backing the concept of the state, state logic and
state institutions."Nasrallah's recent message sets the stage for renewed
"pumping of Lebanese blood into Hizbullah's veins," he added. Shohayeb said the
message made by Nasrallah during a press conference on Wednesday "is the first
positive step towards dialogue and building state institutions after the Doha
Accord."He expressed the belief that "meetings would be held soon between
factions from March 14 and factions from March 8." He did not elaborate on the
remark. "Victory achieved by return of the prisoners should be supported by
backing the state," Shohayeb added. Asked to comment on Britain's decision to
list Hizbullah's armed branch as a terrorist organization, Shohayeb said: "We
never recognized the definition of Hizbullah set by the United States or any
European country."
"There is a great difference between disagreeing with Hizbullah on domestic
issues and accepting, God forbid, the logic of some states, including the United
States," Shohayeb stressed. "We do not accept this (UK) decision," he declared.
Shohayeb said the new cabinet would "eventually be formed. But it wouldn't have
time to be a true national unity cabinet in the political sense. It would be
preoccupied with setting the stage for the parliamentary elections" scheduled
for 2009.
Beirut, 03 Jul 08, 20:11
Sfeir for Australia
Naharnet/Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir expressed hope that the various
Lebanese factions would agree on forming the new cabinet to lead the nation,
noting that the people are on the verge of poverty. Sfeir made the remark to
reporters at Beirut Airport prior to leaving for Australia. The trip aims at
meeting Lebanese immigrants in Australia, especially that "large numbers of
Maronites immigrated to Australia a long time ago." Sfeir would also take part
in the international day for Catholic Youth and meet the Pope. Sfeir refused to
comment of remarks made by Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah earlier in the
week, saying politicians have commented on them and "we are not politicians."
Beirut, 04 Jul 08, 13:37
Fadlallah: The Intro to New Cabinet is Naharnet/Hizbullah's
Victory Against Israel
Shiite religious authority Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah said Friday
that national backing for Hizbullah's "victory" in arranging the prisoner swap
with Israel should be the "intro" to forming the new cabinet. Fadlallah made the
remark in his Friday sermon. He said the Hizbullah "resistance" should be dealt
with as a "source of protection … from the enemy."Fadlallah praised the "new
victory" achieved by Hizbullah against Israel through forcing the Jewish state
to accept the prisoner swap. Beirut, 04 Jul 08, 13:02
Geagea Expects Government Birth in 24 Hours, Wants Dialogue
Prior to Policy Statement
Naharnet/Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said after meeting
President Michel Suleiman on Friday that he hopes the government would be formed
in 24 hours and proposed national dialogue prior to its policy statement. Geagea,
talking to reporters at the Republican Palace, said the atmosphere is "positive"
and expressed hope that such atmosphere would persist so that a "breakthrough
could be achieved."Such a breakthrough, Geagea added, may lead to success in
forming the new cabinet in 24 hours. Geagea proposed the launching of national
dialogue "following the cabinet formation and prior to discussing its policy
statement to provide the base for the policy statement."Such dialogue is needed
in light of the "major political differences" among the various factions, he
Geagea said he also discussed with Suleiman the security situation along the
lines of regaining state authority. Earlier in the day, Geagea was quoted by the
Mustaqbal daily as saying Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun is "trying
to achieve political gains by blackmailing."Aoun, according to Geagea, is "the
front window for Syria and Iran that do not seem upset by blocking the political
process as long as they are not directly responsible for it." "The government
would eventually be formed because neither Syria nor Hizbullah can topple the
Doha Accord," he said. Beirut, 04 Jul 08, 11:52
National Liberal Party for Releasing Lebanese Detainees in
Naharnet/The National Liberal Party said Friday that releasing
prisoners from Israeli jails would not be a national event as long as Lebanese
detainees are held by Syria. The NLP made the remark in a statement issued by
its higher council that met under Dory Chamoun. "What prevents Syria's allies …
from launching initiatives with Syria to achieve their (detainees') release?"
the NLP asked. The statement urged President Michel Suleiman and
Premier-designate Fouad Saniora to exit from the "tunnel of blocking demands"
and agree on a cabinet based on the spirit of the Taif Accord. Beirut, 04 Jul
08, 12:48
Suleiman Launches 1st Valuable Initiative Naharnet/Seeking
to Bring Together Nasrallah, Hariri
Naharnet/President Michel Suleiman has on Friday reportedly launched his first
valuable initiative which sought to bring together Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan
Nasrallah and parliamentary majority leader Saad Hariri in a bid to defuse the
long-running power struggle. The daily Al Mustaqbal said Suleiman was counting
on the positive atmosphere that emerged following Nasrallah's Wednesday press
conference in which he extended a conciliatory hand to the pro-government camp.
It quoted well-informed sources as saying that Suleiman talked to Hariri about
his initiative during their meeting on Tuesday.They said Suleiman also raised
the issue with Nasrallah's political advisor Hajj Hussein al-Khalil during a
similar meeting at the presidential palace in suburban Baabda. Al Mustaqbal
quoted Hariri as telling visitors that he "cannot reject any initiative launched
by President Suleiman." Beirut, 04 Jul 08, 10:33
Syria Imposes New Custom Fees on Export Trucks
Naharnet/Syrian authorities began on Thursday imposing custom
fees of around $380 on export trucks, a day after putting levies on Arab
nationals leaving Syrian territories. Al-Mustaqbal daily said Friday that the
new rule on every lorry entering or leaving Syria also targeted refrigerated
trucks that transport foodstuff.
It said those affected by the fees were mainly drivers from Lebanese, Jordanian
and Kuwaiti nationalities.
Long convoys of cargo trucks queued at east Lebanon's Masnaa border crossing and
the area between the Lebanese and Syrian customs after the new regulation went
into effect Thursday afternoon, the newspaper said. Al-Mustaqbal said the move
could lead to a crisis particularly that Syrian customs will get around $760 in
return for every truck entering Lebanese territories and going back to Syria.
Beirut, 04 Jul 08, 09:58
Hariri Aide Predicts New Cabinet by July 12
Naharnet/Ex-MP Ghattas Khoury said Thursday he expects the new cabinet would be
formed prior to President Michel Suleiman's travel to Paris on July 12.
Khoury, an aide to Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri, made the announcement
to reporters at the Republican Palace after meeting Suleiman. Khoury said his
visit to the president was a follow-up to Hariri's meeting with Suleiman. He
denied claims about disagreement between Christian factions of the March 14
majority alliance. In answering a question about a possible meeting between
leaders of Mustaqbal Movement and Hizbullah, Khoury said: "The priority now is
for forming the cabinet. Everything is possible after that."He described the
latest press conference by Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah as "positive."
Beirut, 03 Jul 08, 22:14
Soeid Says Nasrallah is Trying to Normalize Naharnet/Relations
with Other Factions
Naharnet/March 14 coordinator Faris Soeid said Thursday that
Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah is trying to contain the negative
reaction to his party's May assaults. Soeid, in an interview with the Markaziya
newsletter, said: "Sentiments rejecting Hizbullah emerged after the May events.
These sentiments are not restricted to the Sunni, Christian and Druze
communities. Rejecting Hizbullah's behavior has become a collective Arab-Islamic
stand."He said Nasrallah proposed in his Wednesday press conference dialogue "so
that it can be a mechanism to normalize relations with the various factions."
Beirut, 03 Jul 08, 16:38