February 24/08
Bible Reading of the day.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to
Saint Luke 15,1-3.11-32. The tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to
listen to him, but the Pharisees and scribes began to
complain, saying, "This man welcomes sinners and eats with them." So to them he
addressed this parable. Then he said, "A man had two sons, and the younger son
said to his father, 'Father, give me the share of your estate that should come
to me.' So the father divided the property between them. After a few days, the
younger son collected all his belongings and set off to a distant country where
he squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation. When he had freely spent
everything, a severe famine struck that country, and he found himself in dire
need. So he hired himself out to one of the local citizens who sent him to his
farm to tend the swine.
And he longed to eat his fill of the pods on which the swine fed, but nobody
gave him any. Coming to his senses he thought, 'How many of my father's hired
workers have more than enough food to eat, but here am I, dying from hunger. I
shall get up and go to my father and I shall say to him, "Father, I have sinned
against heaven and against you. I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat
me as you would treat one of your hired workers."' So he got up and went back to
his father. While he was still a long way off, his father caught sight of him,
and was filled with compassion. He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.
His son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you; I no
longer deserve to be called your son.' But his father ordered his servants,
'Quickly bring the finest robe and put it on him; put a ring on his finger and
sandals on his feet. Take the fattened calf and slaughter it. Then let us
celebrate with a feast, because this son of mine was dead, and has come to life
again; he was lost, and has been found.' Then the celebration began. Now the
older son had been out in the field and, on his way back, as he neared the
house, he heard the sound of music and dancing. He called one of the servants
and asked what this might mean. The servant said to him, 'Your brother has
returned and your father has slaughtered the fattened calf because he has him
back safe and sound.' He became angry, and when he refused to enter the house,
his father came out and pleaded with him. He said to his father in reply, 'Look,
all these years I served you and not once did I disobey your orders; yet you
never gave me even a young goat to feast on with my friends. But when your son
returns who swallowed up your property with prostitutes, for him you slaughter
the fattened calf.' He said to him, 'My son, you are here with me always;
everything I have is yours. But now we must celebrate and rejoice, because your
brother was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.'"
Free Opinions, Releases, letters & Special Reports
Nasrallah needs to change or Lebanon needs to rid itself of
him. By: Ali Hussein-Ya Libnan - 23/02/08
Nasrallah is tarnishing the value
of all he has done for Lebanon-The
Daily Star- 23/02/08
Latest News Reports From
Miscellaneous Sources for February 23/08
Moussa For a
Make-Or-Break Mission Sunday-Naharnet
Hamade: Why Doesn't Syria Avenge Mughniyeh's Killing?Naharnet
Saniora Wants Lebanon
Informed of Syria's Investigation into the Mughniyeh Killing-Naharnet
Geagea Challenges
Hizbullah Complains To
Kuwait Against Mughniyeh Critics-Naharnet
Nasrallah writes off Jewish
state as 'temporary' aberration-Daily
Moussa puts off latest effort to
end impasse in Lebanon-Daily
'UNIFIL will not be discouraged'
- Graziano-Daily
Israel tightens security on
'Lebanese must stand firm
against foreign incitement--Daily
Lebanese investigators complete EU
evidence course-Daily
Arab-Israeli rights group brings
to light evidence
-Daily Star
Nasrallah Vows to 'Finish Off' Israel's Army in Lebanon, Proposes ...Naharnet
Hezbollah chief blasts Israel in ceremony marking militant
Hezbollah to World: Expect Retaliation-Jewish
PM offers support to Lebanon-10 Downing
Street (press release)
Hezbollah's Terrorist for All Seasons, a Potent One at That-Jewish
Syria and Israel, making love not
Gemayel Crticizes Aoun's Support for 'Open War'-Naharnet
Merkel urges Syria to play 'constructive role' in Lebanese vote-Earthtimes
Lebanon needs a left independent of Hezbollah-Workers'
Flights to Israel buckle up amid Hezbollah threats-Reuters
Arab summit in Damascus threatened if no solution in Lebanon says
..Business Intelligence Middle East
Please return to your seat: Israeli anti-hijack measure-AFP
Hezbollah head's death act of terror - Italian FM-Ha'aretz
Israel Protests to UN Chief About Iranian Verbal Attacks-Voice
of America
Lebanon earns average grade in
telecom index-Daily
UNHCR hails decision by Beirut to legalize Iraqi
refugees as 'positive step'-By IRIN
South Lebanese dread renewed conflict with Israel-AFP
Moussa For a Make-Or-Break
Mission Sunday
Naharnet/Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa arrives in Beirut Sunday on a
"few-hours" mission to sponsor a tripartite meeting between representatives of
the majority and the Hizbullah-led opposition as success prospects appeared
grim. Moussa's scout man Hisham Youssef, who left Beirut Friday declaring that
gaps remain wide, is to meet the secretary general in Cairo Saturday to brief
him on outcome of his fact-finding efforts in Beirut. Informed sources in Beirut
told Naharnet Youssef's efforts in Beirut "have not reached a point by which he
can report progress to the secretary general." "All that Youssef gathered in
Beirut was more deadlocks and more obstacles" blocking implementation of the
Arab initiative, one source said. "All that Moussa can do is to drop in for a
few hours, sponsor the tripartite majority-opposition meeting. If it resulted in
agreement he would announce it, if it resulted in failure he would announce it,"
the source added without further elaboration. The meeting would group Free
Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun in his capacity as opposition
representative with Majority representatives, ex-President Amin Gemayel and
Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri. Gemayel said the Hizbullah-led opposition
wants to pacify the forthcoming president's role in the new cabinet, by giving
him one third of the seats, but banning his ministers from voting on decisions.
The move, rejected by Gemayel and the March 14 majority, would strip the
Maronite Christian president of any role in the nation's decision-making. In
case of the majority's refusal to pacify the president's ministers, the
Hizbullah-led opposition would insist on having veto powers, an issue totally
rejected by March 14 majority alliance. This leaves no room for maneuvering by
Moussa to work out a compromise putting an end to the ongoing power struggle.
Beirut, 23 Feb 08, 09:25
Nasrallah Vows to 'Finish Off' Israel's Army in
Lebanon, Proposes Two-Demonstration Compete
Naharnet/Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Friday pledged to destroy Israel's army if
it invaded south Lebanon, which would leave the Jewish state "without an army"
leading to its total disappearance.
Nasrallah also announced that the Syrian authorities are investigating the Feb.
12 assassination of Hizbullah's Imad Mughniyeh, saying there was no joint
Iranian-Syrian investigation into the killing that he had blamed Israel for.
Nasrallah made the remarks in a south Beirut rally in remembrance of Mughniyeh
labeled by Nasrallah "the hero" of the party's war of liberation that led to
Israel's withdrawal from south Lebanon in May, 2000 and the July 2006 war.
Nasrallah stressed that Israel would cease to exist "This is inevitable, it is
divine law."
Israel's existence, according to the Hizbullah chief, is "temporary and cannot
persist."Nasrallah gave his speech by video link and appeared on giant screens at the
rally venue.
Nasrallah said Mughniyeh's killing was a "preemptive" strike in line with an
Israeli "open war" that aims at finishing off Hizbullah.
"I swear by God that we'll defeat you if you ever thought of invading out
country … tens of thousands of Imad Mughniyehs would confront you," Nasrallah
told the Israelis, stressing" "No one would be able to protect the whole of
Israel from our rockets and missiles."
"We'll kill you in the fields, we'll kill you in the cities, we'll fight you
like you have never experienced," he pledged, addressing the Israelis.
Nasrallah also attacked the international tribunal, saying its prosecutor is
based in Meerab and judge in Clemenceau street. He was referring to Lebanese
Forces leader Samir Geagea and Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat,
He accused the March 14 majority alliance of rejecting any compromise to the
ongoing political crisis because they "await the Israeli war, hoping that it
would finish us off."
He also disputed claims by the majority that the Feb. 14 Mass Rally, which
grouped 1.5 million participants in a rainy day, represented majority of the
Lebanese people.
Nasrallah proposed some sort of a competition between two rallies, one called by
the majority and the second called by the Hizbullah-led opposition, to determine
which of the two sides can marshal more supporters and, therefore, represents
the majority.
The Hizbullah leader charged that an "open war" has been underway by Israel
against south Lebanon since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.
He rejected calls for restricting the decision to go to war or peace by the
government, declaring: "we'll take the decision to defend our country by
ourselves at a time that we decide … It is our national decision."
He also charged the majority with following an American agenda.
Nasrallah addressed Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, France and other states that have
issued travel advisories concerning Lebanon and tightened security at their
diplomatic missions in Beirut, saying "our sole enemy is Israel." Beirut, 22 Feb
08, 19:00
Gemayel Crticizes Aoun's Support for 'Open War'
Naharnet/Ex-President Amin Gemayel on Friday criticized Free Patriotic Movement leader
Michel Aoun for supporting Hizbullah's open war declaration on Israel saying it
was tantamount to giving up state principles.
Gemayel, in a statement distributed by his press office, said he was concerned
by Aoun's "giving up state principles including shouldering responsibilities and
protecting citizens."
"How can anyone accept to keep the decision to go to war in the hands of one
person or one party? Can the Lebanese endure the repercussions of such a war? I
believe that Gen. Aoun, being a former army commander, understands repercussions
of such issues more than anyone else," Gemayel said.
Addresing Aoun, Gemayel said: "Did he take Christians' feelings into
consideration" before declaring support for the open war against Israel declared
by Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah to avenge the killing of the party's Imad
Mughniyeh that he had blamed on the Jewish State.
Aoun's remarks, Gemayel added, "lead me to ask what if I, the Hariris and all
the families that had lost fathers, sons and brothers, decided to avenge their
killing irrespective of the outcome?"
"Was Imad Mughniyeh more important than presidents, premiers, cabinet ministers,
legislators, journalists, party members and security officers that had been
martyred?" he asked, noting that their families had sought judicial action
rather than taking justice into their hands.
Beirut, 22 Feb 08, 17:32
Nasrallah needs to change or Lebanon needs to rid itself of him
Saturday, 23 February, 2008
By : Ali Hussein, Ya Libnan Volunteer
Beirut - Hassan Nasrallah's speech on Friday brought to a boiling point the
danger Lebanon is experiencing and unless he makes a U turn we should expect an
extremely hot and unbearable spring.
Nasrallah has changed a lot. When he talked in the past he was extremely
inspirational. People felt that he was talking like a national hero, a liberator
who was trying to motivate his people and make them proud of him and his
Those of us who knew him well loved him . Nasrallah has sacrificed his own son
during the Israeli occupation. He is credited with liberating the south of
Lebanon from the Israeli occupation in 2000. In short he was the national Hero
That Nasrallah that we knew is gone. He now talks now like an occupying General
who reports to a foreign land . Very much like a Nazi general talking in Prague
or Warsaw , after the German Nazis s occupied these countries during the second
world war. People have started forgetting Nasrallah the hero .
Just like the Nazi Generals , to Nasrallah everyone is an enemy . Not only
Israel is his enemy, so are the majority of the Lebanese , the majority of the
Arab states and the western world . His only friends are Iran and Syria .
This behavior by Nasrallah is an unfortunate development for Lebanon . The
Lebanese held him and Hezbollah group in the past in extremely high regard . He
was the undisputable hero for young and old, Christians, Shiites Sunnis and
Druze, males or females . He was by far the most popular leader in Lebanon.
Not anymore . Every time I meet anyone, I find Nasrallah has very few fans . In
fact almost none except the Hezbollah members, even some of them now started
complaining about his leadership abilities and arrogance.
Perhaps he has lost touch with the Lebanese during the past 3 years he has been
hiding in bunkers …. All, his speeches are on video tape now. Time for him to be
courageous again . Time for him to come out of hiding and talk directly to the
Lebanese people . Perhaps then he can interact again with the audience . Perhaps
then he may realize that he is on the wrong track and needs to make a U turn.
Hearing Nasrallah talk leaves you with a very strong impression that these are
not really his own words . You get a horrible feeling that these are the words
of Basher al Assad of Syria and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. Borrowing words
from others , especially when they are intellectually inferior , makes you lose
that edge you were known for . Makes you lose that leadership skill that made
you so popular . You are reduced to a soldier who has to obey orders without
having the right to ask questions before carrying out these orders .
As Nasrallah has changed , so have the people of Lebanon. The number one
priority for the Lebanese people in the past was to be liberated from Israeli
occupation . Now the people in Lebanon want to be liberated from the Hezbollah
occupation . People see Hezbollah as the big danger for Lebanon . They view
Hezbollah as a fifth column for the axis of evil , Iran and Syria… People in
Lebanon view Hezbollah as the greatest danger to the Lebanese independence and
sovereignty . People view Hezbollah as the greatest danger to the Lebanese way
of life . People view Hezbollah occupation of downtown Beirut as the greatest
danger to the Lebanese economy. People view Hezbollah as an agent of an enemy
that refuses to recognize Lebanon as an independent and sovereign nation an
enemy that is supposed to be a sister state but instead it treats our country
like its own farm as the border incidents have shown during the past week.
Nasrallah has changed . In the past he was the most eloquent speaker in Lebanon
, but now he is the most arrogant and obnoxious speaker in the whole region . As
one observer told me today after hearing his speech “ you could cut his
arrogance with a knife “.
All Nasrallah needs to do is play back and listen to his own speeches of the
past … speeches that made him the most popular hero of Lebanon. Perhaps this
will be a wake up call for him to change .
Nasrallah’s declaration of war on Israel is undermining Lebanon’s sovereignty
freedom and independence . Nasrallah could count in the past on the support of
the Lebanese people when he liberated the south of Lebanon but his declaration
of war this time is risking the whole country just to revenge the murder of his
colleague. This time Hezbollah will not have the support of the Lebanese people
if it engages in any war , because the Lebanese can easily differentiate between
a war of liberation and a proxy war , to serve the interest of other nations.
This time Nasrallah will not be viewed as a liberator but more like a traitor
who betrayed and destroyed his own country.
In 2006 Nasrallah made a big mistake when his organization kidnapped and killed
the Israeli soldiers . He admitted after the war that it was a poor judgment on
his part to assume that the Israelis will not react . He also confessed that had
he known that Israel will react in the manner that it did he would never have
started the war. The Lebanese were willing back then to forgive him for his big
mistake but not anymore . Not after he changed .
This time Nasrallah may be making the same mistake :
The president of the National Liberal Party Dory Chamoun said DNA tests should
be performed on Mughniyah’s body to make sure it was him who was killed in the
the explosion in Damascus
"Before Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah goes to war, DNA
tests should be performed on the body of Imad Mughniyah to make sure it was him
who was killed in the explosion in Damascus , specially since he underwent
several plastic surgery operations to disguise himself “. He told al Markaziyah
news agency
Besides , no one has the right to subject the citizens of a country to the
dangers of war except the elected government of the country . Nasrallah may be
the leader of Hezbollah movement but was never elected by the Lebanese to any
position ....he is therefore far from being the leader of the country .
The parliament majority also made a big mistake. It failed to act . It should
not have allowed Hezbollah ally Speaker Nabih Berri to lock the doors of the
parliament and give its keys to Syria . The majority should have made another
set of keys , opened the parliament and forced the election of a new president
from its own ranks or use ultimatum to reach consensus on a compromise candidate
. Now it is too late to take such steps and Lebanon is paying dearly for their
big mistake
One thing that worries me most about people that hide is they lose touch with
their peers and they start becoming too suspicious of others and start dreaming
of conspiracy theories. Exactly like prisoners do . This is how Nasrallah
speeches sound like these days .It has been three years since the Lebanese leaders talked to one another .
Perhaps it is mighty time they all start talking to one another again. Perhaps
Nasrallah should come out of hiding and start the dialogue game again . This
should be done sooner rather than later and before the Lebanese outrage reaches
its limits. Lebanon has been taken to the brink …Time is of the essence …it is
time for Nasrallah and Hezbollah to change or Lebanon should rid itself of
Nasrallah and Hezbolah
Hamade: Why Doesn't Syria Avenge Mughniyeh's Killing?
Naharnet/Minister of Communications Marwan Hamade asked Saturday
why wouldn't Syria avenge the assassination of Hizbullah's Imad Mughniyeh who
was killed in Damascus not in Lebanon. Mughniyeh assassination in a Damascus
suburb on Feb. 12 was a "major insult to Syria's national security, unless Syria
was involved in liquidating him," Hamade added. The Syrian regime, he charged,
is "ready to sell its brother, father, uncle and brother in law." Hamade accused
Hizbullah, Syria and Iran of "placing bets on Israel that also places bets on
them. Fanatics feed each other." "We are not collaborators with Israel. We adopt
a wise Arab stand and who opts for adventures let him go to adventures alone,"
Hamade stressed. The "focal point of difference" between the March 14 majority
alliance and Hizbullah, according to the cabinet minister, is that "the
resistance has become a tool for the Syrian regime and for the Iranians.""I
don't believe that the majority of Shiites support Hizbullah in changing south
Lebanon into scorched earth," he said. Mughniyeh, he said, is remembered "as a
fighter against Israel and I do not forget Imad Mughniyeh who had kidnapped
Russian diplomats, French scientists and Kuwaiti passengers of the Jabriyeh
jetliner." Hamade declared that he can not exonerate Hizbullah's "logistics
branch" in the attempt to assassinate him on Oct. 1, 2004 by a car bomb. He
noted that Qatar managed to withdraw its contingent serving with UNIFIL in south
Lebanon early in February because "it felt that something is being planned for
south Lebanon and because no one wants to go back to the 1980s" in reference to
the abduction of foreigners by pro-Iranian factions. Hamade said Saudi
Ambassador to Lebanon Abdul Aziz Khoja was cautioned by Arab and Lebanese
security agencies against specific threats and advised to take precautions.
"Such a warning was also addressed to many diplomats and Lebanese leaders," he
added. Hamade said the March 14 alliance was asking the international community
to "prevent Israel from … launching war against Lebanon." The army, he said,
would prevent civil strife and safeguard security and stability, contrary to
what happened in 1975 upon outbreak of the civil war when the army was pacified
and prevented from practicing its role. He said Arab league Secretary General
Amr Moussa would carry an Arab message that Lebanon would "not be sacrificed" in
the interest of the forthcoming Summit scheduled for March 29 in Damascus.
Beirut, 23 Feb 08, 14:22
Saniora Wants Lebanon Informed of Syria's Investigation into the Mughniyeh
Naharnet/Prime Minister Fouad Saniora on Saturday assigned two officials to ask
Syria inform Lebanon of its investigation in the assassination of Hizbullah's
Imad Mughniyeh.The state-run National News Agency (NNA) said Saniora instructed
Prosecutor General saeed Mirza and chairman of the Higher Lebanese Syrian
Council Nasri Khoury to approach the Syrian authorities with the aim of being
"informed on the ongoing investigation in the assassination of Lebanese citizen
Imad Mughniyeh, who is a member of Hizbullah command" who was killed in Damascus
on Feb. 12. Saniora gave his instructions in telephone contacts with both
The premier also wanted "official notification of the circumstances of the
assassination that had been carried out on Syrian territory and progress of the
investigation so that Lebanese judicial authorities would be fully aware of this
issue," the report added without further elaboration. Beirut, 23 Feb 08, 15:08
Nasrallah Vows to 'Finish Off' Israel's Army in Lebanon, Proposes
Two-Demonstration Compete
Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah on Friday pledged to destroy Israel's army if
it invaded south Lebanon, which would leave the Jewish state "without an army"
leading to its total disappearance. Nasrallah also announced that the Syrian
authorities are investigating the Feb. 12 assassination of Hizbullah's Imad
Mughniyeh, saying there was no joint Iranian-Syrian investigation into the
killing that he had blamed Israel for.
Nasrallah made the remarks in a south Beirut rally in remembrance of Mughniyeh
labeled by Nasrallah "the hero" of the party's war of liberation that led to
Israel's withdrawal from south Lebanon in May, 2000 and the July 2006 war.
Nasrallah stressed that Israel would cease to exist "This is inevitable, it is
divine law."
Israel's existence, according to the Hizbullah chief, is "temporary and cannot
persist."Nasrallah gave his speech by video link and appeared on giant screens
at the rally venue. Nasrallah said Mughniyeh's killing was a "preemptive" strike
in line with an Israeli "open war" that aims at finishing off Hizbullah.
"I swear by God that we'll defeat you if you ever thought of invading out
country … tens of thousands of Imad Mughniyehs would confront you," Nasrallah
told the Israelis, stressing" "No one would be able to protect the whole of
Israel from our rockets and missiles."
"We'll kill you in the fields, we'll kill you in the cities, we'll fight you
like you have never experienced," he pledged, addressing the Israelis.
Nasrallah also attacked the international tribunal, saying its prosecutor is
based in Meerab and judge in Clemenceau street. He was referring to Lebanese
Forces leader Samir Geagea and Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat,
He accused the March 14 majority alliance of rejecting any compromise to the
ongoing political crisis because they "await the Israeli war, hoping that it
would finish us off." He also disputed claims by the majority that the Feb. 14
Mass Rally, which grouped 1.5 million participants in a rainy day, represented
majority of the Lebanese people. Nasrallah proposed some sort of a competition
between two rallies, one called by the majority and the second called by the
Hizbullah-led opposition, to determine which of the two sides can marshal more
supporters and, therefore, represents the majority.
The Hizbullah leader charged that an "open war" has been underway by Israel
against south Lebanon since the creation of the state of Israel in 1948.
He rejected calls for restricting the decision to go to war or peace by the
government, declaring: "we'll take the decision to defend our country by
ourselves at a time that we decide … It is our national decision."He also
charged the majority with following an American agenda. Nasrallah addressed
Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, France and other states that have issued travel advisories
concerning Lebanon and tightened security at their diplomatic missions in
Beirut, saying "our sole enemy is Israel." Beirut, 22 Feb 08, 19:00