September 10/08
Bible Reading of the day.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint
Luke 6,12-19. In those days he departed to the mountain to pray, and he spent
the night in prayer to God. When day came, he called his disciples to himself,
and from them he chose Twelve, whom he also named apostles: Simon, whom he named
Peter, and his brother Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew,
Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon who was called a Zealot, and Judas the
son of James, and Judas Iscariot, who became a traitor. And he came down with
them and stood on a stretch of level ground. A great crowd of his disciples and
a large number of the people from all Judea and Jerusalem and the coastal region
of Tyre and Sidon came to hear him and to be healed of their diseases; and even
those who were tormented by unclean spirits were cured. Everyone in the crowd
sought to touch him because power came forth from him and healed them all.
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (1910-1997), Foundress of the Missionary Sisters of
Something Beautiful for God (©The Mother Teresa Committee, 1971)
"He spent the night in prayer to God. When day
came, he called his disciples to himself, and from them he chose Twelve"
I think our Sisters have received that communication of joy that one sees among
many religious who have given themselves unreservedly to God. The work is only
the expression of the love we have for God. We have to pour our love on someone.
And the people are the means of expressing our love for God. We need to find
God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of
silence. See how nature, trees, flowers, grass - grow in silence; see the stars,
the moon and sun, how they move in silence. Is not our mission to give God to
the poor in the slums? Not a dead God, but a living, loving God. The more we
receive in silent prayer, the more we can give in our active life. We need
silence to be able to touch souls. The essential thing is not what we say, but
what God says to us and through us. All our words will be useless unless they
come from within - words which do not give the light of Christ increase the
darkness. Our progress in holiness depends on God and ourselves - on God's grace
and on our will to be holy. We must have a real living determination to reach
holiness. 'I will be a saint' means I will despoil myself of all that is not
God; I will strip my heart of all created things; I will live in poverty and
detachment; I will renounce my will, my inclinations, my whims and fancies, and
make myself a willing slave to the will of God.
Opinions, Releases, letters & Special Reports
From Naharnet: Interview
with Lebanese MP. Mohammad Kabbara 09/09/08
Russia's Colonial Aspirations-Asharq
Alawsat 09/09/08
Future of talks with Syria in doubt-Jerusalem
Post 09/09/08
Lebanon and Syria have vested interests in each other's success.The
Daily Star 09/09/08
Latest News Reports From Miscellaneous Sources for September
Hariri about Possible Meeting with Nasrallah:
Doors to Qoreitem ...Naharnet
Judiciary Orders Arrest of Hizbullah Operative for Killing Officer-Naharnet
Edmond Fadel Named Director of Military Intelligence-Naharnet
Nasrallah Links Israeli Attack to
Iran's Nuclear Issue, Damascus-Tel Aviv Talks-Naharnet
Iraqi Refugees Leave Lebanon Hoping for Better
Life in US-AINA
Qabbani Backs Tripoli Reconciliation-Naharnet
Abu Faour for Wider
Rifaat Eid: Only the State
Can Protect Alawites, Minorities-Naharnet
Arab League Backs
Lebanon's Right to Defend Borders … Against Weapons Smuggling-Naharnet
Ahdab Welcomes Tripoli
Aoun's Media Prostitution
Charge Sparks War of Words-Naharnet
Binding Tripoli
Reconciliation Document Signed-Naharnet
New Zawahri Tape Blasts
Hizbullah and Lebanon's Sunnis-Naharnet
Three Israelis, Lebanese
Man Arrested by Israel-Naharnet
Hariri to Akkar Residents:
Mustaqbal Did not Succumb to the May Assault-Naharnet
Parliamentary Committee
Allows Non-Resident Citizens to Vote-Naharnet
Lebanese Police Officers
Trained on Anti-Terrorism Techniques-Naharnet
Sunni, Alawite leaders sign truce deal in Tripoli-Daily
Accord signed to end north Lebanon bloodshed-AFP
Hizbullah fighter to be quizzed over helicopter shooting-Daily
Israel attack on Lebanon depends on Iran, Syria:
Bank Audi paints mixed picture of Syria's
economic outlook-Daily Star
In Syria, even the ‘little freedoms’ are now
disappearing-The National
Israeli officers insist lessons of 2006 war have been learned-Daily
Will US election herald change in Lebanon policy-Daily
Mines Advisory Group keeps plugging away in South-Daily
House panel approves vote for citizens abroad-Daily
certainty Israel will pay up for 2006 - Najjar-Daily
Media outlets urged to be 'objective' during elections-Daily
AUB team invents new tool to help battle forest fires-Daily
Lebanese Cabinet to discuss wage hikes-Daily
Americans tout promise of efforts to train ISF officers in police work-Daily
Senior official thanks Italians for rebuilding hospital-Daily
One man's garbage is another's merchandise-Daily
Many strategies, one goal: a better environment-Daily
Parliamentary Committee Allows Non-Resident Citizens
to Vote
Naharnet/The Administration and Justice Parliamentary committee on Monday urged Lebanese
citizens living abroad to register with the respective embassies so that their
names would be included in the voters' lists for the 2009 elections.
Committee Chairman Robert Ghanem told reporters Lebanese diplomatic missions
would send names of voters to Beirut by Dec. 31, so that central authorities
would add them to voters' lists in a month time, allowing them to vote where
their reside.
"We did not give them the right to vote. It is their non-alienable right. We
only created the mechanism that allows them to vote where they are living,"
Ghanem explained.
The reforms would be proposed to parliament for tackling by a general session
prior to a vote for adoption into law.
Lebanese Police Officers Trained on Anti-Terrorism Techniques
Naharnet/The U.S. government trained 24 members of the Internal Security Forces (ISF)
Mobile Forces unit in California on counter-terrorism techniques during the
month of August, the U.S. embassy reported on Monday.
"This training in anti-terrorism techniques was the first in a series of U.S.
based courses for the Mobile Forces," the embassy statement said.
It said "after the next phase of training, the United States will also provide
the Mobile Forces with equipment to help them carry out their responsibilities.""While in the United States, ISF senior officers also were able to review U.S.
Coast Guard capabilities and visited the U.S. Coast Guard Station in San
Francisco," the statement added.
It explained that the "Anti-terrorism Assistance (ATA) program is an on-going
part of the U.S. government's overall assistance to Lebanon."
Since 2007, the U.S. has committed two million dollars to ATA training and
trained over ninety members of the ISF.
"This amount is part of the over one billion dollar the U.S. government has
committed to Lebanon since 2006," the statement explained. Beirut, 08 Sep 08,
Judiciary Orders Arrest of Hizbullah Operative for Killing Officer
Examining Magistrate Rashid Mizher on Tuesday interrogated Hizbullah operative
Mustafa Moqaddem and ordered his arrest on charges of killing Air Force Capt.
Samer Hanna by shooting at an Army helicopter.
The state-run National News Agency said Mizher on Wednesday would debrief
witnesses to the attack that had targeted the helicopter at the Hizbullah-controlled
Sujud hills of south Lebanon.
Beirut, 09 Sep 08, 13:34
Brig. Edmond Fadel Named Director of Military Intelligence
Naharnet/Defense Minister Elias Murr on Tuesday issued a directive memo naming Brig.
Edmond Fadel director of military intelligence.
Fadel succeeds Brig. George Khoury who served under Gen. Michel Suleiman before
the latter was elected president in May. Fadel, 55, graduated from the military
academy in 1976, the same year army commander Gen. Jean Qahwaji graduated. Fadel,
a Maronite native of the northern Bani Saab resort, headed the Army Command's
military chamber before his appointment to the intelligence directorate. Beirut,
09 Sep 08, 14:43
Nasrallah Links Israeli Attack to Iran's Nuclear Issue, Damascus-Tel Aviv Talks
Naharnet/Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said any Israeli attack on Lebanon
depends on the Iranian nuclear issue and the Israel-Syria talks.
"I can not say when Israel is going to attack Lebanon, if it is going to be soon
or not. It depends on the region's events and circumstances," Nasrallah told
Iran's state television in an interview aired Monday.
"On the one hand it depends on Iran's nuclear case, and on the other hand it
depends on the indirect talks between Syria and Israel," he added.
He was referring to the Iranian nuclear drive, which the West suspects is a
weapons program under the guise of a civilian one. It has already imposed
sanctions on Teheran and Washington refuses to rule out the use of force.
Tehran vehemently denies it is developing nuclear weapons.
Israel and Syria, which have technically been at war for 60 years, launched
indirect negotiations brokered by Turkey in May, eight years after talks were
frozen over the fate of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
Nasrallah assessed the current situation in the Middle East as "not stable and
not calm", but he added that Hizbullah's "military situation is in best shape,
thank God."
Iran is a staunch supporter of Hizbullah although it denies Western and Israeli
charges of military backing to the group which fought a devastating 2006 summer
war against the Jewish state.(AFP)
Beirut, 09 Sep 08, 08:19
Kabbara: It's Our Duty to Protect Sunnis Who Are Being Targeted
Naharnet/By Dalia Nehme
Mustaqbal Movement MP Mohammed Kabbara said that "it's our duty" to protect
Sunnis who are being targeted.
"In light of the present regime and the sectarian atmosphere we are living, it's
our duty to defend our confession, particularly since it is being targeted,"
Kabbara said in an interview with Naharnet.
"We were not and never will be sectarian," Kabbara said, stressing that all he
meant by highlighting the ordeal of Sunnis in Lebanon and in Tripoli, a
traditional bastion of Sunni Muslims, was to "show the truth behind the issue …
and emphasize on the need to pay special attention to the conspiracies targeting
it (Sunnis) and the entire nation."
He said the situation in the north has begun to return to normal and residents
of Tripoli have begun healing the wounds "with high hopes that the Lebanese
regime has started to bear its responsibilities toward them and put an end to
scarcity."Kabbara highlighted the need for police to take a "firm stance" against the use
of arms from any side.
Commenting on Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's latest speech, Kabbara pointed to the
Hizbullah chief's "superior speaking" proficiency with "his Lebanese brethren."He said Nasrallah was good at "dictating his point of view on them (Lebanese)
and presenting the issue of Hizbullah's military institution as an everlasting
entity not subject to discussion."
Beirut, 08 Sep 08, 12:15
Mufti Qabbani Backs Tripoli Reconciliation
Naharnet/Grand Mufti Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani on Tuesday declared support for the
Tripoli reconciliation calling for a similar march across the country.
Qabbani also said the reconciliation is "evidence that claims about
fundamentalism and terror in the north had always been a conspiracy by foreign
forces to justify intervention in Lebanon's affairs."
"The reconciliation initiative launched by Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri
in cooperation with Tripoli leaders is the beginning of a new era … that
bolsters the march of the strong, capable and just state," Qabbani said.
Beirut, 09 Sep 08, 13:10
Abu Faour for Wider Reconciliation
Naharnet/Cabinet Minister Wael Abu Faour on Tuesday said the march of reconciliation has
been launched from Tripoli and should cover all areas that had been theaters for
Abu Faour made the remark in a radio interview in comment on the Tripoli
Reconciliation that was declared Monday evening.
"We appreciate efforts exerted by Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri," he
Abu Faour explained that reconciliation aims at "blocking attempts by the Syrian
regime to interfere (in Lebanon) and escalate the security situation."
He said the Lebanese Army should be backed to safeguard the reconciliation.
Beirut, 09 Sep 08, 11:50
Rifaat Eid: Only the State Can Protect Alawites, Minorities
Naharnet/A leader of the Alawite community said Syria and Hizbullah had no influence on
the violence that overwhelmed Tripoli for four months and have no influence on
the reconciliation that was declared on Monday.
Rifaat Ali Eid, political relations official of the Arab Democratic Party, made
the stand in an interview with the Kuwaiti newspaper al-Rai.
Eid, and his father Ali, on Monday signed the Tripoli Reconciliation document on
behalf of the city's Alawite community.
"We are used to being accused of following Syria's agenda and carrying out
Hizbullah's wishes. Why don't those who make such accusations say now that Syria
is pushing us towards reconciliation?" Eid asked.
Eid said only the "capable state that has a strong army and active institutions
… can protect the Alawites and minorities."
Beirut, 09 Sep 08, 11:12
Arab League Backs Lebanon's Right to Defend Borders … Against Weapons Smuggling
Naharnet/Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo have declared support for establishing
diplomatic ties between Beirut and Damascus and condemned Israeli threats to
The ministers, in a statement after the regular 130th session of their meeting
at the Arab League headquarters on Monday, emphasized on the "right of the
Lebanese state to guard its borders against penetration and aggression,
including the smuggling of weapons."That was an apparent reference to the alleged smuggling of arms from Syria to Hizbullah across the joint borders with Lebanon.The statement also praised the recent swap of prisoners between Hizbullah and
Israel. Beirut, 09 Sep 08, 10:02
Ahdab Welcomes Tripoli Reconciliation
Naharnet/MP Musbah Ahdab on Tuesday declared support for the Tripoli reconciliation,
saying he would explain later why he did not attend its signing ceremony on
Ahdab, in a statement, paid tribute to efforts exerted to achieve the
reconciliation on Monday, especially by Premier Fouad Saniora and Mustaqbal
Movement leader Saad Hariri.
However, he said the reconciliation document lacked "basic points" that can
bolster stability and security for the population.
Ahdab pledged to outline these points at a press conference to be held on
Wednesday. Beirut, 09 Sep 08, 09:52
Aoun's Media Prostitution Charge Sparks War of Words
Naharnet/A war of words raged between the media and Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel
Aoun over the latter's complaint against what he labeled "media prostitution …
especially by the Mustaqbal newspaper."
Mustaqbal, in a front-paged column, said the charge discloses how much Aoun is
annoyed by the publication's solidarity with L'Orient Le Jour," the
French-Language daily that the FPM leader renewed his call to sue over its
coverage of the attack by at least one Hizbullah operative against the army
helicopter in the Sujud hills, which resulted in the killing of Capt. Samer
Mustaqbal newspaper said Aoun's attack also reflects his rejection of "our
support for media freedom; democracy; the state and its sovereignty over all its
territories and all the values that Aoun had chosen to oppose." Beirut, 09 Sep
08, 09:11
Binding Tripoli Reconciliation Document Signed
Naharnet/Leaders of the various factions in the northern city of Tripoli on Monday signed
a binding reconciliation document putting an end to four months of violence that
killed scores of people and wounded hundreds.
The document was signed at the residence of the Mufti of Tripoli and North
Lebanon Sheikh Malek Shaar in the presence of Premier Fouad Saniora.Saniora, while declaring the document, said Tripoli should be a demilitarized
city free of gunmen and military manifestations.
He declared that the army and security forces have been ordered to enforce law
and order.
Saniora labeled troublemakers "enemies of Tripoli and its citizens."
Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri pledged that the state would see to it
that requirements of violence victims be met before the end of Ramadan.
Saniora had said that Hariri would back reconstruction efforts and development
projects in Tripoli.
The document was signed by Alawite leaders Ali and Rifaat Eid, Mufti Shaar as
well as by Hariri and prominent figures in Tripoli. Beirut, 08 Sep 08, 08:09
New Zawahri Tape Blasts Hizbullah and Lebanon's Sunnis
Naharnet/Al-Qaida number two Ayman al-Zawahri slammed Hizbullah and took a swipe at
Lebanon's Sunni leaders in a video message broadcast by Al-Jazeera TV network on
"What victory is Hizbullah talking about?" he asked of the 2006 summer war with
Israel, saying that the Shiite group had lost control of south Lebanon and
allowed "thousands of crusaders" -- a reference to U.N. peacekeepers -- in there
He dismissed the country's Sunni leaders in Beirut as "agents" of the United
The hour and a half video message Monday summarizing the state of jihad, or holy
war, around the world and slamming Iran for collaborating with the United
States, aimed at marking the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.
In the message, Zawahri accused Iran of working with U.S. forces.
"The leadership in Tehran is collaborating with the Americans in their
occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan," Zawahri said.
The Egyptian deputy to al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden cited an example of what
he called collusion between Shiite religious leaders and the Americans.
"There has been no fatwa (religious edict) from Iran or Iraq calling for jihad
in Iraq or Afghanistan," while there have been many issued on Lebanon and the
"Has waging jihad become acceptable in Lebanon and in Palestine but not in Iraq
and Afghanistan?" Zawahri asked in the broadcast.
Zawahri has been increasingly singling out Iran and Shiites in his messages,
most recently in April, describing the "Persians" as the enemy of Arabs and
complicit in the occupation of Iraq.
Monday's video featured clips of al-Qaida operations on various fronts,
including Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia, with prominent figures from the
movement discoursing on their accomplishments over the year, Al-Jazeera
Beirut, 09 Sep 08, 04:46
Three Israelis, Lebanese Man Arrested by Israel
Naharnet/Israeli forces have arrested three Israelis and a Lebanese citizen while trying
to smuggle 55 kilograms of heroin from south Lebanon into the Jewish state.
The U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) said the force headquarters at the
southern coastal town of Naqoura was officially informed by the Israelis of the
The UNIFIL spokesperson Yasmina Bouziane said the Lebanese citizen, whose
identity was not disclosed, had crossed the Blue Line and was arrested in
"Israeli territory."
The Israelis also found a large amount of money in the area, she said without
further elaboration. Beirut, 08 Sep 08, 21:57
Hariri to Akkar Residents: Mustaqbal Did not Succumb to the May Assault
Naharnet/Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri on Monday called for reconciliation in the
northern Akkar Province that rejected the terror of Fatah al-Islam.
Hariri made the remark in an address at an Iftar banquet, hours before the
conclusion of reconciliation in Tripoli, provincial capital of north Lebanon.
"We are about to conclude a major step of national reconciliation in Tripoli
that folds the era of violence, which followed the seventh of May," Hariri said.
"They had tried to export the spirit of terror through the so-called Fatah
al-Islam. They tried to label you fundamentalists, but they have failed," he
He said the Mustaqbal Movement has been "targeted ever since the assassination
of (ex-Premier) martyr Rafik Hariri. That is why they carried out the May 7
"The Mustaqbal Movement did not succumb to any of the conditions that they had
tried to impose," Hariri declared as the crowd cheered and applauded.
He said citizens of Akkar "stood with the international tribunal. And had it not
been for the support of Akkar citizens and March 14 forces the tribunal would
not have been adopted," he concluded.
Beirut, 08 Sep 08, 21:42
Iraqi Refugees Leave Lebanon Hoping for Better Life
in US
9-9-2008-BEIRUT, Lebanon -- Laith Kasshana left Baghdad, Iraq, early in 2007, when his
2-year-old daughter Media was an infant. In Baghdad, Kasshana's life was
threatened and his brother was shot."I felt so afraid," he told Catholic News
Service. "Even today, when I talk about Iraq, I feel full of anxiety."
But Kasshana, his wife and his two children -- 10-month-old Mathew was born in
Lebanon -- left Sept. 7 for resettlement in San Diego.
"I just want to start from zero again so that I can give my children a better
future," said 34-year-old Kasshana, a Chaldean Catholic.
"In the time of Saddam Hussein, we felt secure," he said. "People were afraid of
Saddam, so there was respect for all religions. The slogan of Iraqi law then was
'religion is for God; the country is for everyone.'"All through the family's
troubles, Kasshana's 25-year-old wife, Ban, never lost faith that God would do
something for her family. "He is my only salvation," she said, "the only one I
can depend on. God is my way out. He will light the way."
In Baghdad, Kasshana owned a store that sold cell phones and other electronics.
In Lebanon, he most recently worked 14-hour days for a janitorial company,
earning $380 a month -- a good salary, considering most refugees earn $200 a
month, if they can find work. But Kasshana had to give up the job when he was
assigned to a site far from his home. Without legal residency, he feared being
put in jail if he was caught in transit.
When he gets to San Diego, he said, "I want to ... learn the language and to
work. I'm willing to do any kind of job."
For a family of three, their Beirut apartment was spacious and structurally
well-maintained compared to the living conditions of most other Iraqi refugees.
Previously there were 11 family members -- eight of whom were adults -- crammed
into the dwelling, but those families were resettled in the U.S.
A neighbor identified only as Thaker planned to move in to the apartment with
his wife, newborn son and several extended family members.
Thaker and his brother, victims of religious persecution, fled Mosul, Iraq, in
April. In Mosul they worked as cooks at a police academy in which recruits were
trained by Americans. As Thaker and his brother were driving to work one day,
assailants ordered them out of their car and beat them with rifles.
"They told us, 'You work for the Americans; you are like dogs. You are
traitors,'" Thaker recounted.
As head cook for the police academy, Thaker was once awarded employee of the
month and was nominated to become manager of the academy's 65 employees. He
earned $50 a day for his job, which also included painting vehicles for the
Americans. Now he earns $200 a month as a supermarket stocker, working 16 hours
a day, six days a week.
Thaker's brother also worked as a cook for the academy and served as an
interpreter for the Americans. After the brothers were threatened, they tried to
go to work secretly, but they received a written threat, which Thaker has kept
and has shown to the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon.
The attackers even knew that Thaker's brother had wanted to become a priest,
although he had left the seminary years before to help provide for his siblings
after their father's death.
"When they threatened us, the terrorists told him, 'You were studying to become
a priest. If you ever go to church again, if you don't abandon your faith, we
will kill you,'" Thaker said.
Thaker wears a wooden rosary around his neck; the image of the Divine Mercy is
embellished on the face of his wristwatch.
"I want to live a stable life so I can give my son a future," he said.
Nadia Ghannem and her three children were to leave Lebanon for San Diego Sept.
10. Ghannem said she has mixed feelings about her future.
"I won't be very happy because my brother is in jail and my sister is still
here," she told CNS.
The breakup of families is one of the drawbacks of refugee resettlement.
Sometimes young adults get resettled alone and have to leave their parents and
siblings. This is traumatic for Iraqis, in which the extended family is an
important part of the culture, social workers say.
Ghannem's husband, Rabih, was shot in Mosul because he was active in his
Chaldean parish. The couple and their three children fled to Lebanon last
October, seeking safety and better medical treatment for Rabih. One month later
he died.
Ghannem and her family live in a section of Beirut inhabited by about 2,000
Iraqi refugees -- mostly Christian. Slums and squalor best describe the
Mold, leftover from the damp winter, still clings to the ceilings of her
apartment. A large cockroach scurries across the wall. Ghannem's 2-year-old
niece amuses herself by unraveling a spool of thread, after playing with a doll,
the only other visible toy. Ghannem shares the apartment with eight other family
members, and sometimes an aunt stays with them.
Foam mattresses are spread across the one small bedroom that adjoins the living
room. The bathroom is about 4 feet by 5 feet and has no sink, but an elevated
faucet serves as a shower. There is no hot water.
Ammar Ghannem, 10, sits in front of the television, the mesmerizing box an
ever-constant presence in refugee dwellings. When asked about his upcoming move
to the U.S., Ammar replied, "I'm glad, because I can play on the computer
Ammar's 8-year-old sister, Myrna, said she wants to make new friends when she
goes to the United States.
By Doreen Abi Raad
Catholic News Service
© 2008, Assyrian International News Agency. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use.
Iran & Hezbollah
Sep 8th, 2008
by Guest Authors.
~from the Israel Project
Iran is the world’ chief state sponsor of terror. [1] Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad continuously calls for the destruction of the State of Israel. [2]
The Lebanon-based militant group and political party, Hezbollah, maintains close
ties with the Iranian Islamist regime.
The Iranians formulate many foreign- and security-related policies through
overlapping structures of institutional and non-institutional military and
political actors. [3] Iran therefore implements its financial, military and
ideological support for Hezbollah through senior clerics, the Islamic
Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and the Ministry of Intelligence and National
Security (MOIS). [4]
Iranian financial and military support for Hezbollah dates back to 1982. Iran’s
interest in Hezbollah derives from religious, ideological and humanitarian
reasons. [5] Currently, Hezbollah receives approximately $100 million annually
in financial support and constant arms shipments from Iran via Syria. [6]
According to Israeli military officials, Hezbollah is in possession of more than
20,000 Iranian supplied short-range missiles. [7]
While the U.S. State Department categorizes Hezbollah as a terrorist
organization, [8] according to Iranian Intelligence Minister Ali Yunesi:
“Hezbollah is a legal group which was created to fight Israel…and is a defense
organization which was established in order to defend Lebanese people and land.”
Examples of the Iran-Hezbollah Alliance:
Hezbollah recognizes the spiritual authority of Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah
Sayyid Ali Khamenei, as evidenced in its charter and in pictures of the
Ayatollah displayed on the walls of Hezbollah offices and waved at Hezbollah
protests. [10]
According to American policy analysts, Iran views Hezbollah as an instrument
through which to export its Islamist revolution and combat the perceived threat
posed to Iranian national interests by the U.S. and Israel. [11]
Hezbollah acts as an Iranian military proxy by maintaining a “strategic
stronghold” [12] on the Lebanese-Israeli border and conducting operations in the
U.S, Europe and Latin America. [13]
The MOIS significantly influences the policies and actions of Hezbollah’s
security and special overseas operations, such as its attacks against U.S
targets. [14]
MOIS officers work with Hezbollah militants in the field and use the Iranian
embassy in Beirut as a command and control center. [15]
Hezbollah directly coordinates and communicates with Iran through Hezbollah
militants working at the Iranian embassy in Beirut. [16]
Many of Hezbollah’s elite militants attend an intensive training course on
interrogation tactics in Tehran conducted by MOIS at the Imam Jaafar Sadegh
Intelligence Academy intended to be used on captured Israeli soldiers and in
intelligence operations. [17]
The IRGC provides Hezbollah’s forces with most of their arms and training. [18]
According to U.S. officials, Iranian technical advisors train Hezbollah
militants in Lebanon in the operation of unmanned aircraft, anti-tank and
anti-ship missiles. [19]
During Israel’s defensive war against Hezbollah in the summer of 2006 (also
known as the Second Lebanon War), papers found on the bodies of dead militants
identified them as part of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. [20]
About 100 Iranian advisors are located in Lebanon and are training and
supporting Hezbollah militants. [21]
Implications of the Alliance:
American counterterrorism officials believe Hezbollah may prove more difficult
to contain than al-Qaeda because of its close relationship with Iran. These
officials say Iran may use Hezbollah militarily if its conflict with the U.S.
over its nuclear program is not resolved peacefully. According to a retired
covert U.S. intelligence official who spent years in the region, “If Iran turns
Hezbollah loose on the U.S. and Western Europe, they’d make al-Qaeda look like a
bunch of high-school kids.” [22]
About Guest Authors....
NeoConstant is growing fast, and many guest authors frequent its pages. Guest
authors writing at NeoConstant write from all political vantage points, and from
countries around the world. Not all of them chose to continue on as regular
contributors, but we appreciate their intellectual contribution regardless!
Summer Camp for Kids, Hezbollah
September 9, 2008
Editors Note:
"tens of thousands of kids are involved for future warfare against us"
Hezbollah uses its summer camps to indoctrinate youngsters with radical Shi'ite
Islamic ideology, which includes: terrorist culture, hatred against Israel,
Hassan Nasrallah's personality cult, the glorification of Hezbollah’s martyrs.
The aim is to prepare the youngsters mentally for supporting Hezbollah and, in
due course, for joining the organization.
1. Education is a major component in Hezbollah's spectrum of activities
(similarly to Hamas, which also places significance on education). Hezbollah and
its Iranian supporters realize that extensive "educational" activities for
children and teenagers are crucial for indoctrinating the future generations of
Lebanese Shi'ites with the principles of Hezbollah and the Islamic revolution in
Iran . That is reflected in documents and literature seized by the IDF in the
second Lebanon war. 1
2. As part of its educational activities, Hezbollah annually organizes
large-scale summer camps for children and teenagers. The summer camps are
attended by tens of thousands of members of the Imam al-Mahdi Scouts,
Hezbollah's Scout movement, as well as members of other youth organizations.
More than just a place for regular social and cultural activities, the summer
camps are used to inculcate their participants with the values of Iranian
radical Islam, nurture terrorist culture, and inspire hatred against Israel .
Hassan Nasrallah's personality cult and the glorification of Hezbollah's senior
terrorist martyrs (mainly the organization's leader Abbas Mussawi and its
military commander Imad Mughniyah 2) are also major components of the summer
camps' activities.
Indoctrination of children 3 according to an article in the Hezbollah-affiliated
Al Akhbar
3. On August 21, 2008 , the Hezbollah-affiliated Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar
published an extensive article on the summer camp of the Al-Shabab organization,
whose members are children under the age of 10. According to the article, the
organization was founded in 2000 in the villages which lie near the Israeli
border (called "confrontation villages" by Hezbollah). According to the article,
Hezbollah ("the resistance") maintains massive presence in those villages. The
organization's summer camp is held annually for the sixth year in a row.
4. Al-Akhbar reporter Amal Khalil visited a large Hezbollah compound located in
Wadi Tair Filsay, in southern Lebanon , south of the Litani River . The compound
is located below a mountain on which gigantic photographs of Hassan Nasrallah
and Imad Mughniyah are hoisted. According to the article, 4,000 teenagers aged
14-20 come to the compound in the months of July and August. They belong to
various youth organizations that are taking part in Hezbollah's activities. The
compound includes a camp called Amjad, designated for the Al-Shabab
organization. The organization's members enjoy routine camp activities (sports,
entertainment, arts, etc.) and undergo Hezbollah's indoctrination, detailed by
the reporter:
a. A Hezbollah operative, introduced as a resistance officer, was seen at the
camp. He used to walk among the children in
uniform and carrying military equipment, including an M-16 rifle on his
shoulder. Described in the article as "the star of the camp", the Hezbollah
operative preached to the children "to prevent any doubt about the fact that
Israel is an absolute evil and enemy."
b. The children faced a barrage of questions from the Hezbollah operative about
Israel , its ideology and its so-called "aggression". The children were required
to answer the questions as if they were taking part in a military course and
having their final examination. When the children moved uncomfortably, the
Hezbollah operative did not hesitate to excite them and prepare them for
watching a Hezbollah-produced film called "The Victory Generation".
c. Designed to complement Hezbollah's indoctrination of children, the movie
shows Israeli children who, according to Hezbollah, train in the use of weapons
from the age of five (sic!). 4 The movie says that the training is part of the
"culture of hatred and murder they [the Israeli children] absorb, in order to
send gift rockets to Lebanon [during] the July 2006 aggression [i.e., the second
Lebanon war]". The article says that, having watched the movie, a child should
"understand the struggle for survival so that he gets his priorities straight,
and be able to carry arms when necessary, and obtain the necessary knowledge."
5. By demonizing Israel and portraying it as the root of all evil, Hezbollah
seeks to inculcate children and teenagers with hatred against Israel and to
motivate them to take part in the violent struggle for its elimination. A
research article of the Egyptian newspaper Ruz al-Yusuf ( August 18, 2006 )
deals with the militias of 10-15 year olds trained by Hezbollah's Imam al-Mahdi
Scouts. According to the research, the children's first lesson deals with the
destruction of the State of Israel, in order to prepare an elite generation of
Muslim children willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of Allah in the
struggle against Israel.
Uniformed children wearing yellow headbands in one of the Hezbollah-affiliated
kindergartens (photograph found in the second Lebanon war in the possession of
Hezbollah operatives in south Lebanon)