April 20/08
Bible Reading of the day.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint John 14,7-14. If you
know me, then you will also know my Father. From now on you do know him and have
seen him." Philip said to him, "Master, show us the Father, and that will be
enough for us." Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you for so long a time and
you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How
can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Do you not believe that I am in the Father
and the Father is in me? The words that I speak to you I do not speak on my own.
The Father who dwells in me is doing his works. Believe me that I am in the
Father and the Father is in me, or else, believe because of the works
themselves. Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works
that I do, and will do greater ones than these, because I am going to the
Father. And whatever you ask in my name, I will do, so that the Father may be
glorified in the Son. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it.
Free Opinions, Releases, letters & Special Reports
All avenues must be explored to break the war and
death cycle-Daily Star 19/04/08
Barack's bitter truth: Just forget about the Iraqis.By
Michael Young 19/04/08
News Reports From Miscellaneous Sources for April 19/08
All avenues must be explored to break the war and
death cycle-Daily Star 19/04/08
Barack's bitter truth: Just forget about the Iraqis.By
Michael Young 19/04/08
US marks 25th anniversary of bombing of Beirut
embassy-Daily Star
Siniora says Welch's visit achieved no breakthrough-Daily
Hariri slams 'despicable' calls to release four
detained generals-Daily Star
Franjieh says opposition has 'constructive stance-Daily
Fadlallah hits out at American interference in
political crisis-Daily Star
Union for Lebanon calls for probe into mass graves-Daily
Truck accident causes traffic back-up on border-Daily
National Liberal Party reiterates call for election-
Daily Star
EC to host conference on good governance-Daily
AUB's global alumni association inaugurates new
Beirut premises-Daily Star
Press Club honors students with Gebran Tueni Awards-Daily
Symposium stresses problem-solving skills as tool for
transformation-Daily Star
Dignitaries, officials mark 12th anniversary of Qana
massacre-Daily Star
Behind Roumieh's walls, Lebanese escape a societal
prison-Daily Star
UNIFIL troops promote peace through sport-AFP
Carter meets Hamas leader Meshaal in Damascus-AFP
Job recruitment fair at BIEL lures 9,000 Lebanese-Daily
Kuwaiti firm acquires Lebanon's Monoprix and Giant
for $97 million-Daily Star
US marks 25th anniversary of Beirut embassy bombing-AFP
Putin, Abbas discuss plan for Moscow-hosted peace
Senior Iranian cleric calls on Islamic Republic to
defend Muslims worldwide-AFP
Welch: Palestinians in Lebanon, Everywhere Should Have Palestinian State-Naharnet
Hariri Assassins Enjoyed Syrian Protection-Naharnet
Pope addresses U.N., calls for respect
for human rights-AP
Pope to address U.N. after meeting abuse
Berlusconi says Italy will keep troops in Lebanon-International
Herald Tribune
'Iran should not acquire not acquire nukes, period'-Jerusalem
Security and Defense: Blue, white, red alert all over-Jerusalem
Carter meets Assad in Syria, set to hold talks with Hamas chief-Ha'aretz
Aoun Labels the Majority: Welch Party-Naharnet
Saad Hariri Vows to Confront Attempts to Release the Four Generals-Naharnet
Geagea: Simple Majority Vote Remains an Option-Naharnet
Welch: Palestinians in Lebanon, Everywhere Should Have Palestinian State-Naharnet
Hariri Assassins
Enjoyed Syrian Protection-Naharnet
Geagea Accuses
Syrians of Assassination Plots against March 14 Leaders-Naharnet
March 14 Officially
Asks Washington to Back Lebanon against Syrian-Iranian Intervention-Naharnet
Bush Slams Syria,
Iran, Backs Saniora's Government-Naharnet
Hizbullah Kidnaps Policeman in South
Saniora to Welch: Arab Initiative is Key
to Settlement-Naharnet
Hajj Hassan Calls for 'Deterring'
Iran Supports Aoun's 'Precious' Views-Naharnet
Hizbullah Warns Against Change of UNIFIL
Rules of Engagement-Naharnet
Carter in Syria to see Hamas political leader-The Associated
Twelve Years Ago My Children Were Killed in Lebanon-AlterNet
Since 2001, a Dramatic Increase in Suicide Bombings-Washington
Bush targets Iran, Syria in marking Beirut bombing anniversary-Monsters
Zawahri Urges Muslims
to Make Iraq 'Fortress of Islam,' Says Bush Covering up Defeat
Pope Prays with Victims of Church Sex
Welch: Palestinians in Lebanon, Everywhere Should Have Palestinian State
Naharnet/U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Welch
on Friday stressed that Palestinians living in Lebanon should have the
opportunity to live in their own Palestinian state. "For Palestinians
everywhere, including in Lebanon, the future of Palestinians lies in such a
Palestinian state," Welch said after meeting Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea
in Maarab. "President George Bush is the first American President ... to support
the establishment of a Palestinian state," Welch added. "It's our belief that
Palestinians living in Lebanon should have the opportunity to live in their own
state – Palestine," he said.
Before meeting Geagea, Welch held talks with Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir
in Bkirki where he stressed the need for speedy presidential elections in
"It is not tolerable that the leading Christian office of the land has been
vacant for so long," Welch told reporters.
"The United States supports the Christian community in Lebanon. "Truly free and
patriotic Maronites should unite for the consensus," Welch insisted.
Welch on Thursday met with representatives of the pro-government March 14 Forces
as well as with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Fouad Saniora.
"We have tried dialogue over the years … it's time for decision making," Welch
said after talks with Saniora. "The parliament should open, it should meet, the
election should happen without further delay and should not be stalled by any
other condition whatsoever," he added. Welch accused the Hizbullah-led
opposition and Syria, without naming them, of trying the scuttle efforts to
elect a head of state to replace pro-Syrian Emile Lahoud, who stepped down at
the end of his mandate in November.
"Some who have been influenced by outsiders have unilaterally taken steps to
arrest this political process, to facilitate their own goals ... and those of
their allies," said Welch. "The future of Lebanon belongs to the Lebanese, not
to any neighbors, not to the United States," he stressed. He said Washington
supports an Arab League initiative which calls for the immediate election of a
president, the formation of a national unity government and a new electoral law.
The initiative has stalled over the demand by the opposition to have veto power
in the new government.
Welch's visit comes days before lawmakers are scheduled to make an 18th attempt
in parliament to replace Lahoud, but there are no signs that the session will
take place for lack of agreement between the ruling March 14 coalition and the
opposition. Welch on Friday was also to meet with Berri as well as Druze leader
Walid Jumblat. On the international tribunal set up to try those behind the 2005
assassination of ex-premier Rafik Hariri, Welch said it was an "irreversible"
"It (the tribunal) is crucial to ending the era of impunity for political crimes
and assassinations," he said.
Syria has been widely blamed of being behind Hariri's killing but has denied
involvement. U.S. embassy spokeswoman Cherie Lenzen said Welch's previously
unannounced visit coincides with a ceremony on Friday to commemorate the 25th
anniversary of the U.S. embassy bombing in Beirut. More than 60 people were
killed, most of them embassy staff. An embassy statement said that families of
the Lebanese victims of the 1983 attack will attend Friday's ceremony while the
families of the American victims will attend a parallel ceremony in the United
States.(Naharnet-AFP) Beirut, 18 Apr 08, 11:48
Hariri Assassins Enjoyed Syrian Protection
Naharnet/Reports on Friday revealed that the international investigation
committee trying to pin ex-Premier Rafik Hariri's assassins came with three
major conclusions. The daily An Nahar, citing European diplomatic sources in
Paris, stated the conclusions as:
1- The criminal network that assassinated Hariri was able to carry out its task
because it enjoyed not only protection, but political and security immunity, at
the highest levels during the Syrian hegemony over Lebanon. 2- Masterminds of
this terrorist crime and the perpetrators did not expect Hariri's murder to
provoke such an unprecedented Arab and international concern.
3- Information, evidence and testimonies obtained by the investigation committee
confirm that the political motives behind Hariri's murder resulted from the fact
that Hariri was seeking to create a massive independent movement grouping
representatives of the various sects with the aim of working together for the
liberation of Lebanon from Syrian tutelage and consolidate the country's
sovereignty and independence through legitimate, peaceful means and under the
umbrella of Arab and international protection, and viewed Hariri's killing as a
purely political act. Beirut, 18 Apr 08, 14:01
Saad Hariri Vows to Confront Attempts to Release the Four
Naharnet/Future Movement leader Saad Hariri on Friday vowed to confront
escalating calls by pro-Syrian factions for the release of four generals held in
connecting with his father's assassination. Hariri fired back at the Hizbullah-led
campaign in a statement on the third anniversary of MP Bassil Fuleihan's death
from wounds he suffered in the Feb. 14, 2005 bomb attack that claimed Hariri's
live. He described the attack as "the most obnoxious terrorist crime that tried
to eliminate Lebanon, its independence and sovereignty." "This painful memory
also is an occasion to remember all the martyrs who fell while defending our
nation, starting with the martyrs of freedom and independence, the martyrs of
the Lebanese Army and the Internal Security Forces, and the innocent citizens
who were the victims of blind terrorism, which is still trying to harm Lebanon,
its Arabism and democracy," the statement added.
The statement stressed :"We would not rest until the coward criminals are
brought to justice to get the punishment they deserve in the International
Tribunal which is now ready to receive them." It urged "all political forces
that are executing the orders of the criminal regime in defending the four
generals to go back to their conscience, and stop organizing this flagrant
interference in the international investigation for the sake of the memory of
the long list of martyrs."
It noted: "The gang of the four generals is at least responsible of reducing the
security protection for Rafik Hariri before his assassination, tampering with
the crime scene, and participating in creating the lie of Ahmad Abu Adas.
"That's why we urge some political leaders who should have a minimum of national
and ethical responsibility, and who are defending this gang, not to participate
in this flagrant attempt to acquit the killers."
"The Lebanese, Arab and Islamic public opinions regard this attempt a blatant
adoption of the assassination crime itself," the statement told the Hizbullah-led
opposition that has been demanding release of the four generals. "Those who
prevent the Internal Security Forces and the Lebanese Army from protecting the
citizens every day, kidnap their personnel, attack them, and hide wanted people,
don't have the right to talk about the investigation in the crime of
assassinating a remarkable man like Martyr Prime Minister Rafik Hariri," the
statement said in obvious reference to Hizbullah. "They surely are not the
suitable reference to determine the fate of the detainees in an international
investigation, where the highest executive reference of the United Nations
stated that their detention is in the hands of the international prosecution,"
The Hariri statement said.."Any call to free the gang of the four generals is …a
despicable attempt to exert pressure on the investigation and terrorize the
judges and those responsible about the international investigation which we
trust its honesty and ability to bring the criminals to the justice of the
international tribunal regardless of their position," it noted. "The Rafik
Hariri supporters would not stand idly by as attempts are being made to
assassinate him once again. Justice would eventually prevail," The statement
pledged. Beirut, 18 Apr 08, 17:29
Geagea: Simple Majority Vote Remains an Option
Naharnet/Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Friday said electing a president
by simple majority "remains an option", but a final decision in this regard has
not been taken. Other options to deal with the ongoing political crisis include
reshuffling Premier Fouad Saniora's government, Geagea told reporters after
talks with U.S. assistant Secretary of State David Welch. Welch, Geagea
explained, "did not relay any new ideas. He reiterated U.S. support to Lebanon."
"We are not waiting for any side, be it American, French or Syrian, to tell us
what we should do. We realize fully what we want to do," Geagea added.
The best-case scenario, according to Geagea, would be for MPs "to head to
Parliament and elect a president." Beirut, 18 Apr 08, 18:47
Saniora to Welch: Arab Initiative is Key to Settlement
Naharnet/Prime Minister Fouad Saniora on Thursday affirmed to U.S. envoy David
Welch the need to adhere to the Arab initiative and the election of a president.
The state-run National News Agency said Saniora also reaffirmed during his talks
with Welch on adherence to the Taif Accord and the seven-point plan adopted
during national dialogue sessions in 2006. Welch, following the talks,
reiterated Washington's support for electing a president "as soon as possible"
without preconditions. Welch also said "We support the legitimate government of
Premier Saniora that had been formed through a democratic process."
Progress of the international tribunal "cannot be reversed," Welch noted. The
tribunal, he added, would end the era of impunity. Beirut, 17 Apr 08, 19:14
Hizbullah Kidnaps Policeman in South Beirut
Naharnet/Hizbullah partisans on Thursday attacked and kidnapped a
policeman in south Beirut, in the second such development in as many days,
security sources reported. The sources said the policeman was investigating an
illegal construction site in the suburb of Ghadir when he was beaten up by two
local residents.
Hizbullah members drove in, kidnapped the officer and whisked him to a Hizbullah
office where he was illegally interrogated by party officials on activities of
the police force. The policeman told his superiors later that Hizbullah
officials set him free only because he is Shiite. Hizbullah partisans attacked a
police patrol in the eastern mountainous town of Qmatiyeh Wednesday evening and
stripped policemen of two wanted criminals, who remain at large. Beirut, 17 Apr
08, 19:38
Bush Slams Syria, Iran, Backs Saniora's Government
Naharnet/U.S. President George Bush on Thursday accused Iran and Syria of
undermining democracy in Lebanon and renewed his support for Premier Fouad
Saniora's government. "The United States will continue to stand with the
Lebanese government and the Lebanese people as they struggle to preserve their
hard-won sovereignty and independence, endeavor to provide justice for victims
of terrorism and political violence, and continue to seek the election of a
president committed to these principles," Bush said in a written statement.
Washington has accused the Hizbullah-led opposition and Syria of trying to
scuttle Lebanon's efforts to elect a new head of state to replace pro-Syrian
Emile Lahoud, who stepped down at the end of his term in November.
"The people of Lebanon have spent the better part of three decades living under
the threat of violence, assassinations, and other forms of intimidation," said
"Despite this, they and their leaders continue to work for a peaceful and
democratic future, even as Syria, Iran, and their Lebanese proxies seek to
undermine Lebanese democracy and institutions," he said. Bush took note of the
25th anniversary Friday of the deadly April 18, 1983 bombing of the U.S. embassy
in Beirut by the Islamic Jihad Organization, which U.S. officials have said was
a forerunner of Hizbullah.
"On the 25th anniversary of that bombing, we mourn for those who perished, and
we honor the sacrifice of their family and friends and of the many who were
wounded," Bush said of the attack.
"Since the Beirut attack, we and citizens of many countries have suffered more
attacks at the hands of Hizbullah and other terrorists, backed by the regimes in
Tehran and Damascus, which use terror and violence against innocent civilians.
"All nations should condemn such brutal attacks and recognize that the
purposeful targeting of civilians is immoral and unjustifiable," Bush said.
The U.S. president's statement came the same day Assistant Secretary of State
for Near Eastern Affairs reiterated Washington's strong support for the Saniora
government and urged the immediate election of a president without foreign
"The parliament should open, it should meet, the election should happen without
further delay and should not be stalled by any other condition whatsoever," said
Welch after meeting Saniora at the Grand Serail. "It's not good that this
position, that of president, has been vacant for so long because of course it is
the most important Christian office in the land," he said. Welch accused the
opposition and Syria, without naming them, of trying the scuttle efforts to
elect a head of state.
"Some who have been influenced by outsiders have unilaterally taken steps to
arrest this political process, to facilitate their own goals ... and those of
their allies," said Welch. "The future of Lebanon belongs to the Lebanese, not
to any neighbors, not to the United States," he added.(AFP-Naharnet) Beirut, 18
Apr 08, 04:36
Welch: Palestinians in Lebanon, Everywhere Should Have
Palestinian State
Naharnet/U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Welch
on Friday stressed that Palestinians living in Lebanon should have the
opportunity to live in their own Palestinian state. "For Palestinians
everywhere, including in Lebanon, the future of Palestinians lies in such a
Palestinian state," Welch said after meeting Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea
in Maarab. "President George Bush is the first American President ... to support
the establishment of a Palestinian state," Welch added. "It's our belief that
Palestinians living in Lebanon should have the opportunity to live in their own
state – Palestine," he said.
Before meeting Geagea, Welch held talks with Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir
in Bkirki where he stressed the need for speedy presidential elections in
"It is not tolerable that the leading Christian office of the land has been
vacant for so long," Welch told reporters.
"The United States supports the Christian community in Lebanon. "Truly free and
patriotic Maronites should unite for the consensus," Welch insisted.
Welch on Thursday met with representatives of the pro-government March 14 Forces
as well as with Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and Prime Minister Fouad Saniora.
"We have tried dialogue over the years … it's time for decision making," Welch
said after talks with Saniora.
"The parliament should open, it should meet, the election should happen without
further delay and should not be stalled by any other condition whatsoever," he
added. Welch accused the Hizbullah-led opposition and Syria, without naming
them, of trying the scuttle efforts to elect a head of state to replace
pro-Syrian Emile Lahoud, who stepped down at the end of his mandate in November.
"Some who have been influenced by outsiders have unilaterally taken steps to
arrest this political process, to facilitate their own goals ... and those of
their allies," said Welch. "The future of Lebanon belongs to the Lebanese, not
to any neighbors, not to the United States," he stressed.
He said Washington supports an Arab League initiative which calls for the
immediate election of a president, the formation of a national unity government
and a new electoral law.
The initiative has stalled over the demand by the opposition to have veto power
in the new government. Welch's visit comes days before lawmakers are scheduled
to make an 18th attempt in parliament to replace Lahoud, but there are no signs
that the session will take place for lack of agreement between the ruling March
14 coalition and the opposition. Welch on Friday was also to meet with Berri as
well as Druze leader Walid Jumblat.
On the international tribunal set up to try those behind the 2005 assassination
of ex-premier Rafik Hariri, Welch said it was an "irreversible" process.
"It (the tribunal) is crucial to ending the era of impunity for political crimes
and assassinations," he said. Syria has been widely blamed of being behind
Hariri's killing but has denied involvement. U.S. embassy spokeswoman Cherie
Lenzen said Welch's previously unannounced visit coincides with a ceremony on
Friday to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the U.S. embassy bombing in
Beirut. More than 60 people were killed, most of them embassy staff. An embassy
statement said that families of the Lebanese victims of the 1983 attack will
attend Friday's ceremony while the families of the American victims will attend
a parallel ceremony in the United States.(Naharnet-AFP) Beirut, 18 Apr 08, 11:48
Hariri Assassins Enjoyed Syrian Protection
Naharnet/Reports on Friday revealed that the international
investigation committee trying to pin ex-Premier Rafik Hariri's assassins came
with three major conclusions. The daily An Nahar, citing European diplomatic
sources in Paris, stated the conclusions as:
1- The criminal network that assassinated Hariri was able to carry out its task
because it enjoyed not only protection, but political and security immunity, at
the highest levels during the Syrian hegemony over Lebanon.
2- Masterminds of this terrorist crime and the perpetrators did not expect
Hariri's murder to provoke such an unprecedented Arab and international concern.
3- Information, evidence and testimonies obtained by the investigation committee
confirm that the political motives behind Hariri's murder resulted from the fact
that Hariri was seeking to create a massive independent movement grouping
representatives of the various sects with the aim of working together for the
liberation of Lebanon from Syrian tutelage and consolidate the country's
sovereignty and independence through legitimate, peaceful means and under the
umbrella of Arab and international protection, and viewed Hariri's killing as a
purely political act. Beirut, 18 Apr 08, 14:01
Geagea Accuses Syrians of Assassination Plots against March
14 Leaders
Naharnet/Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea accused Syria of
planning the assassinations of leaders from the pro-government March 14
"We have information that Syria will carry out new assassinations in Lebanon,"
Geagea told BBC radio. "A decision to stop these (political) assassinations has
not been taken," he added. Geagea said Lebanese security authorities advised
March 14 leaders to be cautious. "I'm a target and so are many other March 14
leaders," Geagea told BBC. "We've been told that we are under surveillance."He
accused Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri of "seeking to improve Syria's image in
the Arab world."Geagea, however, said March 14 was willing to "study" any
initiative aimed at ending the ongoing political crisis, adding that the
"problem was we don't know whether Berri's new proposal was backed by Hizbullah
and (Gen. Michel) Aoun." Beirut, 18 Apr 08, 07:59
March 14 Officially Asks Washington to Back Lebanon against
Syrian-Iranian Intervention
Naharnet/The March 14 majority alliance on Thursday asked the
United States to support the presidential election, speed up efforts to put the
international tribunal in action and back implementation of all U.N. resolutions
on Lebanon. The stand was outlined in a memo presented to U.S. Assistant
Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Welch, who made an unscheduled
visit to Beirut. March 14 representatives met Welch at the residence of ex-MP
Faris Souaid in suburban Rabiyeh, north of Beirut. Welch, after the talks,
called for the immediate election of a president, noting that the presidential
election should not have been delayed till now. The March 14 memo said the
Lebanese People want the United States to "maintain" its commitment to Lebanon
"which is in harmony with international norms."Such a U.S. backing, the memo
noted, is "badly needed by the Lebanese people to balance the intervention by
regional powers, near and far, that seek to practice illegal influence in
Lebanon with the aim of keeping it an arena for conflicts and deals."
That was a clear reference to Syria and Iran.
"Lebanon remains in bad need for support," the memo stressed.
It specifically asked Washington to back "Arab and Lebanese efforts aimed at
electing a president immediately and without preconditions."
The memo noted that "Lebanon's crisis originates in Syria, and the Lebanese
chapter of which is a result of the Lebanese-Syrian crisis."
The majority alliance also asked the United States to back the Lebanese Army and
Internal Security Forces (ISF) with training and equipment.
The memo asked Washington to back "the formation of an international commission
to investigate the whereabouts of (Lebanese) detainees held in Syrian jails."
Washington was also asked to support the rejection by Lebanon and the
Palestinians to naturalize Palestinian refugees.
The memo asked the United States to support implementation of clause 10 of UNSCR
1701 related to tackling the issue of the Israeli-occupied Shebaa farms.
Washington also is required to prevent attempts by Syria to regain control over
Lebanon's decision-making.
Welch is to meet separately Premier Fouad Saniora and Progressive Socialist
Party leader Walid Jumblat later in the day. Beirut, 17 Apr 08, 16:24
Hajj Hassan Calls for 'Deterring' Hizbullah
Naharnet/Free Shiite Movement leader Sheikh Mohammed Hajj Hassan
on Thursday accused Hizbullah of "barbaric practices … that threaten the mere
Lebanese entity." Hajj Hassan called for "deterring" Hizbullah, especially in
light of an attack by Hizbullah partisans Wednesday evening against a police
patrol in the Shiite town of Qmatiyeh, east of Beirut. He also expressed regret
for Free Patriotic Movement leader Gen. Michel Aoun's "slide into lies."
Beirut, 17 Apr 08, 18:48
Hizbullah Warns Against Change of UNIFIL Rules of Engagement
The Hizbullah-led opposition on Thursday warned against amending UNIFIL's rules
of engagement, saying that would change it into "occupation forces."
The stand was outlined in a statement issued after a meeting by representatives
of factions allied within the opposition.
The opposition "warns against any change or amendment of UNSCR 1701, especially
the rules of engagement that set UNIFIL's jurisdiction and its relation with the
Lebanese Army," the statement said. "Any amendment would give the international
forces the jurisdiction to use force and erect checkpoints outside its area of
deployment," the statement added. "That would transcend on the Lebanese Army's
authorities, and would change these forces' mandate from observing
implementation of resolution 1701 to occupation forces," the statement added
without further elaboration on the remark. The opposition also criticized the
ongoing visit to Lebanon by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern
Affairs David Welch, saying it aims at "blocking settlements … and dialogue
between the opposition and pro-government factions."The statement also denounced
the recent visit to Qatar by Israel's Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and said it
was an effort to cover up "for the massacres committed in Gaza." Beirut, 17 Apr
08, 17:31
Pope Prays with Victims of Church Sex Abuse
Pope Benedict XVI prayed with tearful victims of clergy sex abuse
in a chapel Thursday, an extraordinary gesture from a pontiff who has made
atoning for the great shame of the U.S. church the cornerstone of his first
papal trip to America. Benedict's third day in the U.S. began with a packed
open-air Mass celebrated in 10 languages at a baseball stadium, and it included
a speech to Roman Catholic college and university presidents. But the real drama
happened privately, in the chapel of the papal embassy between events.
The Rev. Federico Lombardi, a papal spokesman, said that Benedict and Boston
Cardinal Sean O'Malley met with a group of five or six abuse victims for about
25 minutes, offering them encouragement and hope. The group from O'Malley's
archdiocese were all adults, men and women, who had been molested when they were
minors. Each spoke privately with the pope and the whole group prayed together.
One of the victims, Bernie McDaid, told The Associated Press, that he shook the
pope's hand, told him he was an altar boy and had been abused by a priest in the
sacristy of his parish. The abuse, he told Benedict, was not only sexual but
spiritual. "I said, 'Holy Father, you need to know you have a cancer in your
flock and I hope you will do something for this problem, you have to fix this,'"
McDaid said. "He looked down at the floor and back at me, like, 'I know what you
mean.' He took it in emotionally. We looked eye to eye." McDaid said the
importance of the moment has not sunk in, but that he and others had waited a
long time for it, and that "if everyone wants change, then change will occur."
Expected to address the problem only once during his six-day trip — at a Mass
with priests in New York City on Saturday — Benedict has instead returned to the
issue repeatedly, beginning in a news conference on the flight from Rome to the
U.S. He has called the crisis a cause of "deep shame," pledged to keep
pedophiles out of the priesthood and decried the "enormous pain" that
communities have suffered from such "gravely immoral behavior" by priests.
On Wednesday, he told bishops the problem has sometimes been very "badly
handled" and said it was their God-given duty to heal the wounds caused by
abuse. He asked each parishioner at Mass on Thursday "to do what you can to
foster healing and reconciliation, and to assist those who have been hurt."
But Thursday afternoon's session went a step further. Lombardi said it was
believed to be the first-ever such session between a pope and abuse victims.
The session came just hours after the pope celebrated the first public Mass of
his U.S. pilgrimage. More than 45,000 people filled Nationals Park on a clear
spring day as the pope led the service from an altar erected in centerfield. In
his homily, Benedict called the United States a land of opportunity and hope but
decried that the nation's promise has been left unfulfilled for some. He said he
detected anger and alienation, increasing violence and a "growing forgetfulness
of God." "Americans have always been a people of hope," the pontiff said. "Your
ancestors came to this country with the experience of finding new freedom and
"To be sure, this promise was not experienced by all the inhabitants of this
land; one thinks of the injustices endured by the native American peoples and by
those brought here forcibly from Africa as slaves."
Later, the pope told leaders of America's Roman Catholic colleges and
universities that academic freedom has "great value" for the schools, but it
does not justify promoting positions that violate the Catholic faith. Also
Thursday, the pope met with Jewish and Muslim leaders, along with leaders of
other faiths, and affirmed the church's commitment to inter-religious
dialogue.(AP) Beirut, 18 Apr 08, 07:00