October 18/08
Bible Reading of the day.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 12,1-7. Meanwhile, so
many people were crowding together that they were trampling one another
underfoot. He began to speak, first to his disciples, "Beware of the
leaven--that is, the hypocrisy--of the Pharisees.There is nothing concealed that
will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known. Therefore whatever you
have said in the darkness will be heard in the light, and what you have
whispered behind closed doors will be proclaimed on the housetops. I tell you,
my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body but after that can do no
more. I shall show you whom to fear. Be afraid of the one who after killing has
the power to cast into Gehenna; yes, I tell you, be afraid of that one. Are not
five sparrows sold for two small coins? Yet not one of them has escaped the
notice of God. Even the hairs of your head have all been counted. Do not be
afraid. You are worth more than many sparrows
Pope Benedict XVI
Encyclical «Spe Salvi», 27 (©Libreria Editrice Vaticana)/"I tell you, my
friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body"
Anyone who does not know God, even though he may entertain all kinds of
hopes, is ultimately without hope, without the great hope that sustains the
whole of life (cf. Eph 2,12). Man's great, true hope which holds firm in spite
of all disappointments can only be God—God who has loved us and who continues to
love us «to the end,» until all «is accomplished» (cf. Jn 13,1; 19,30). Whoever
is moved by love begins to perceive what «life» really is. He begins to perceive
the meaning of the word of hope that we encountered in the Baptismal Rite: from
faith I await «eternal life»—the true life which, whole and unthreatened, in all
its fullness, is simply life. Jesus, who said that he had come so that we might
have life and have it in its fullness, in abundance (Jn 10,10), has also
explained to us what «life» means: «this is eternal life, that they know you the
only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent» (Jn 17,3). Life in its true
sense is not something we have exclusively in or from ourselves: it is a
relationship. And life in its totality is a relationship with him who is the
source of life. If we are in relation with him who does not die, who is Life
itself and Love itself, then we are in life. Then we «live».
Free Opinions,
Releases, letters & Special Reports
Ahmadinejad and the Wrong
End of the Stick.By:
Amir Taheri
FT interview: Fouad Siniora, Lebanese prime
minister-Zawya 17/10/08
Lebanese won't rest until their politicians smarten up-
The Daily Star 17/10/08
Iran: The Price of Peace.By: Jamie Glazov 17/10/08
Another evil plan. By:
Lawson Kass Hanna 17/10/08
Latest News Reports From
Miscellaneous Sources for October
Lebanon demining program running out of money-The
Associated Press
Amnesty slams probe into Canadians jailed in
Syria-Reuters Canada
Lebanon's largest mosque inaugurated in Beirut-AFP
Politics and Islam blend uneasily in Lebanese city-Reuters
Fire kills 8 people in Syria-International
Herald Tribune
flee Mosul after threats, attacks-UNHCR.GENEVA,
Rice: Washington Would Never Allow Syria to Intervene Militarily ...Naharnet
Report: Bush offered to push Golan pullout if Syria cuts Iran ties-Ha'aretz
Iran praises Lebanon-Syria diplomatic ties-AFP
Lebanon's Gemayel warns against Iraqi Christian displacement-Xinhua
Assad: Syria Arrested Abssi's Daughter and Leader of Terror Ring ...Naharnet
Gegea: War on Lebanon as a Result of War on Iran-Naharnet
Jumblat Postpones Meeting with Hizbullah's Raad-Naharnet
Moussa: Regional Threats
Reflect on Lebanon-Naharnet
Lebanon and Syria Chose
Embassy Venues-Naharnet
Terror Ring Leader
Shuttled Between Tripoli and Damascus-Naharnet
Assad: Syria Arrested
Abssi's Daughter and Leader of Terror Ring Behind Damascus Blast-Naharnet
Beit al-Madina to Recall
Horrors of Civil War-Naharnet
Gen. Qahwaji: Situation
Under Control-Naharnet
Hizbullah Accuses
Washington of Seeking to Put Lebanon on Fire-Naharnet
Iran Wants Upgraded
Coordination with Arab States-Naharnet
Hariri Donates Eight
Million Dollars to Salvage Green Lebanon-Naharnet
Gemayel Sounds the Alarm
Against Oppressing Iraqi Christians-Naharnet
Bahia Hariri: Saudi Grant
Covers Vocational Studies-Naharnet
Mufti Qabbani Praises the
Kingdom of Humanity-Naharnet
Geagea for Settling of
Pending Issues with Syria-Naharnet
State Department official urges patience with Lebanese Army-Daily
Kahwaji says security situation in Lebanon is well in hand-Daily
Berri schedules House session to
revive Constitutional Council-Daily
Beirut, Damascus earn praise for new diplomatic ties-Daily
Will embassies mean the end of the Syrian-Lebanese Higher Council?-Daily
LOG takes swipe at Aoun over trip to Iran-Daily
Gemayel laments plight of Iraqi Christians-Daily
Qabbani praises Saudi 'kingdom of humanity-Daily
Beirut cracks down on jamming equipment-Daily
Sidon Teachers' College launches training program-Daily
American Community School food fair raises hunger awareness-Daily
Arab states reeling under global food crisis - NGOs-Daily
Women still campaigning for quota in Parliament-Daily
Children of domestic workers face marginalization, racism-By
Archaeological finds throw a wrench in construction of Beirut's long-planned
high rises-(AFP)
Rice: Washington Would Never Allow Syria to Intervene Militarily in Lebanon
Naharnet/U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Friday pledged that Washington would
"never permit Syria to intervene militarily in Lebanon."
Rice, in an interview with the Arabiya television network, said the message has
been "clearly" relayed to the Syrians.
The recent military attacks in Tripoli and Damascus should not be used as a
pretext to justify Syrian military intervention in Lebanon, she said.
Lebanon, Rice added, would not be able to "tolerate" such an intervention in
light of "signals" by Syria that it is interested in a "different" relationship
with Beirut.
The chief of U.S. diplomacy said she had discussed with Syrian Foreign Minister
Walid Muallem the topics of border demarcation and border control with Lebanon.
She also discussed with Muallem the need to halt the flow of foreign fighters to
"Syria should clarify to us on which side it stands," she stressed. Beirut, 17
Oct 08, 13:40
Christians flee Mosul after threats, attacks-UNHCR
GENEVA, (Reuters) - About half of the Christians in Iraq's northern town of
Mosul, nearly 10,000 people, have fled in the past week after attacks and
threats, the United Nations refugee agency said on Friday.
The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees said Iraq's ministry of displacement and
migration had reported that about 1,560 families or 9,360 people left Mosul.
UNHCR could not confirm the figure but was concerned about the mass
displacement. "The displaced population would represent about half of the
Christians in the Mosul area," UNHCR spokesman Ron Redmond told a news briefing
in Geneva.
Most Christian Iraqis had decided to leave Mosul following "direct as well as
indirect threats and intimidation," he said.
Printed threats had been received on the university campus, in homes and on text
messages sent to mobile phones, Redmond said. "We really don't have a firm
indication or do people we've talked to know exactly where the threats are
coming from."
Mosul, 390 km (240 miles) north of Baghdad, remains one of Iraq's most restive
cities even as violence has dramatically dropped elsewhere in the country.
The Iraqi authorities and the U.S. military says that al Qaeda, the Sunni
Islamist militant group allied to Osama bin Laden that Washington blames for
much of Iraq's violence, are still active in Mosul.
At least a dozen people were wounded in a series of bomb explosions on Tuesday
and Wednesday in the city, and at least two insurgents were killed in clashes
with police.
Most of the Christians who fled Mosul are staying with relatives in surrounding
areas, while some have gone as far as Dahuk and Arbil, Redmond said.
Relief items including food, clothing, blankets, stoves and clean water are
urgently needed for those staying in community buildings, including churches,
according to the UNHCR.
Most of the uprooted told UNHCR officials that they feared for their lives. "A
few told us that they will only return if and when their safety and security can
be assured by the local authorities," Redmond said.
Gegea: War on Lebanon as a Result of War on Iran
Naharnet/Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea predicted "war on Lebanon as a result of war
on Iran."
Geagea said the Middle East would be the terrain for "a major war followed by
smaller wars."
However, he said it is unlikely that Hizbullah would repeat the "2006 adventure,
but it would respond to Imad Mughniyeh's assassination on other terrain and
against different targets."
Geagea, in an interview with Kuwaiti and Egyptian publications, termed the
exchange of diplomatic ties between Damascus and Beirut "a positive step."
"But it should be followed by the settling of urgent issues, such as the topic
of Lebanese citizens jailed or missing in Syria," he added. Beirut, 17 Oct 08,
Ban in Report on 1559 Welcomes Beirut-Damascus Ties, Says Concerned About
Emergence of Extremists
Naharnet/U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has praised improving ties between Lebanon
and Syria, but expressed concern about the emergence of extremists in the north
and the continued challenge of militias to the consolidation of the Lebanese
government's authority.
The six-month report to the U.N. Security Council on the implementation of
Resolution 1559, drafted by U.N. envoy Terje Roed-Larsen, also focused on the
country's progress in holding presidential elections.
Resolution 1559, adopted in September 2004, called for the withdrawal of the
Syrian army from Lebanon, the holding of presidential elections without foreign
intervention and the disbanding of all Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias in
"Over the last six months, Lebanon has experienced both the ruinous effects of
sectarian violence and hope and optimism," Ban said in the report.
The secretary-general said that clashes in May between pro- and anti-government
forces and violent incidents since then raised concerns "that groups on all
sides of the political spectrum may be re-arming."
He expressed grave concern about the emergence of extremist elements in and
around the northern port city of Tripoli. "This phenomenon is but another
challenge to the consolidation of the government's authority."In the report, Ban called on Lebanese parties to fully implement the Doha Accord
and immediately halt all efforts to acquire and build paramilitary units.
Ban, however, welcomed the "historic steps" taken by Syria and Lebanon.
"I applaud the historical steps that have been taken so far by Presidents
(Michel) Suleiman and (Bashar) al-Assad," he said. "For the first time since
their independence, the two neighboring states are establishing diplomatic
"This joint effort between two nations reinforces the sovereignty, stability and
political independence of the Lebanese state in accordance with the Taef Accord
and relevant Security Council resolutions," Ban said.
The decision to establish such ties should encourage the two neighbors to engage
in "further constructive dialogue that will bring mutual benefits to both
countries and help ensure stability and progress in their bilateral relations,"
according to Ban.
The Secretary-General, in his report, said in addition to establishing ties,
Beirut and Damascus must also take concrete steps to implement other agreements
reached during these meetings, including "joint activity to improve security
arrangements along that border."
In Thursday's report, the U.N. chief said the most significant progress made in
the last six months was Lebanon's compliance with requirements for a "free and
fair presidential election according to Lebanese constitutional rules."
He said Lebanese President Michel Suleiman's election on May 25 "represented a
significant step forward in the implementation of Resolution 1559," but added
that he remained "concerned by the political assassinations and explosions that
continue to plague Lebanon."
He reiterated that Lebanese and non-Lebanese militias should be reduced through
political dialogue. "The ultimate purpose of disarmament is the establishment of
a strong Lebanese state for all inhabitants of Lebanon," he said.
"Hizbullah's maintenance of separate military assets and infrastructure is a
fundamental challenge to the government's attempts to consolidate the
sovereignty and authority of the Lebanese state," he said.
He said Palestinian armed groups also operate in Lebanon.
"Several Palestinian militias operate in the country, inside and outside of
refugee camps," the U.N. chief said, adding that they also undermine the
stability of the country and the region.(Naharnet-AP) Beirut, 17 Oct 08, 05:54
Jumblat Postpones Meeting with Hizbullah's Raad
Naharnet/Democratic Gathering leader Walid Jumblat has chosen to postpone a meeting with
the head of Hizbullah's parliamentary bloc Mohammed Raad.
The pan-Arab daily al-Hayat said Friday that Jumblat prefers to meet Raad after
a reconciliatory meeting between Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri and
Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the date for which has not been
Jumblat, according to the report, has informed Hizbullah that the delay is not
prompted by "political reasons."
Hariri, in a statement he made after recent talks with President Michel
Suleiman, said the meeting with Nasrallah would be held soon.
Security committees are handling issues related to the schedule and venue,
Hariri noted. Beirut, 17 Oct 08, 12:57
Moussa: Regional Threats Reflect on Lebanon
Naharnet/Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa warned that Lebanon remains in danger
because "regional threats reflect on it."
The Arab League chief also emphasized to the pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat on
the need to "safeguard Lebanon against many regional developments that could
affect its stability."
Moussa expressed satisfaction with "the several steps that have been implemented
within the framework of responding to the Arab initiative and the Doha accord,
including the ongoing reconciliatory efforts that should be backed and
He specifically mentioned the intra-Christian reconciliation process "and the
various efforts between the Mustaqbal Movement and Hizbullah as well as the
improving atmosphere between Democratic Gathering leader Walid Jumblat and
Lebanese-Syrian relations are "improving," Moussa said. "This development could
help in tackling any doubts or disturbances."
Moussa said he plans a visit to Syria next month for talks with officials in
Damascus on "the various problems in the Arab world." Beirut, 17 Oct 08, 11:21
Lebanon and Syria Chose Embassy Venues
Naharnet/Lebanon has decided to set up embassy in Damascus at offices of the Permanent
Lebanese-Syrian Authority that were rented in the capital's Abu Rimmaneh
district early in the 1970s.
The daily newspaper An-Nahar also reported that the venue would be an "interim"
compound hosting the Lebanese embassy in the Syrian capital that would be
operational before the end of the year.
It did not mention if the compound would also be residence to Lebanon's
ambassador to Syria, who is yet to be named.
The report said the Syrian Foreign Ministry has asked the Lebanese Foreign
Ministry to help in finding a venue for the Syrian embassy in Beirut that would
be "suitable from a security point of view."
The report did not disclose further details, but As-Safir daily said Damascus
would set up its Beirut embassy in the Beer Hassan district that would also host
residence of the Syrian ambassador.
The district has traditionally hosted headquarters of the Syrian military
intelligence in Beirut for over 30 years.
The Syrian intelligence headquarters in the Beau Rivage district was evacuated
in April 2005, when the Syrian army was withdrawing from Lebanon, ending a
three-decade deployment.
Beirut, 17 Oct 08, 10:13
Terror Ring Leader Shuttled Between Tripoli and Damascus
Naharnet/Leader of the Tripoli terror ring Abdul Ghani Jawhar was monitored in the
northern Akkar province two days ago, the daily As-Safir reported on Friday.
It said Lebanese security operatives are trying to "tighten the cordon on him."
The daily said one of the arrested suspects in the Tripoli terror ring has "told
military intelligence investigators Jawhar made more than one contact last month
with a Syrian mobile phone and managed to cross the border heading to the Syrian
town of Homs, and then to Damascus, three days before the Sept. 27 blast" south
of the Syrian capital which killed 17 people and wounded 14.
"Jawhar returned to north Lebanon a few hours after the Damascus blast," the
report claimed.
The reported developments led to "upgrading the Lebanese-Syrian security
coordination, especially regarding the (phone) numbers that had been registered
and forwarded to the Syrian side," the report added without further elaboration.
Beirut, 17 Oct 08, 08:59
Assad: Syria Arrested Abssi's Daughter and Leader of Terror Ring Behind Damascus
Naharnet/Syrian President Bashar Assad said the leader of a terrorist ring involved in
the recent Damascus blast is a Syrian national who has been arrested and charged
that some of the March 14 forces "had financed some of these terrorist groups."
The daily As-Safir on Friday said Assad also informed "Arab figures" who met him
recently that the Syrian authorities had arrested the daughter of Fatah al-Islam
leader Shaker Abssi who testified to investigators about "what had been planned
to target Syria."
The recent clash in the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk, according to Assad,
"was not linked to Palestinians. It was between Syrian security forces and a
fundamentalist terror group that had been monitored in Syrian territories and is
currently chased."
"Syria is threatened," Assad said, adding that "some radical fundamental groups
in north Lebanon are trying to use Syria as a pass between Lebanon and Iraq and
started recently changing Syria into a theater to act. Some of these groups have
been monitored in Syria and we are chasing them."
Beirut, 17 Oct 08, 08:35
Hizbullah Accuses Washington of Seeking to Put Lebanon on Fire
Naharnet/Hizbullah on Thursday warned against alleged plans by the United States to
change Lebanon into "scorched arena or an arena for chaos."
The head of Hizbullah's political council Ibrahim Amin al-Sayyed made the charge
in a statement to reporters after talks with Syrian Social National Party leader
Assaad Hardan.
"The Americans who had caused fires in Lebanon are preparing for new fires. That
is why the Lebanese should be aware to avoid falling into the trap of American
slogans," Sayyed said.
Hardan, on his turn, urged the "so called majority to reconsider its list of
priorities to safeguard the nation's unity."
The majority, he added, should "turn a deaf ear … to U.S. advice and
instructions." Beirut, 16 Oct 08, 22:45
Sounds the Alarm Against Oppressing Iraqi Christians
Naharnet/Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel on Thursday warned against an alleged "racial
cleansing" campaign targeting Christians in Iraq since the collapse of the
Saddam Hussein regime in 2005.
Gemayel told a press conference at his residence in the mountain resort of
Bikfaya the alleged campaign targeting Iraqi Christians is "part of a campaign
to displace them similar to the displacing of Palestinians" by Israel.
Iraq's Christians, he said, have provided the "first example of Christian-Muslim
"What sparks suspicion is that the campaign of racial cleansing targeting Iraqi
Christians is underway as the security situation in Iraq is achieving progress."
"It is regretful that this campaign is underway while the new Iraqi regime and
the American forces are watching," he added.
Gemayel urged Lebanese spiritual leaders to form a joint delegation representing
all sects to "travel to Iraq on a fact finding mission" and inspect the status
of the Iraqi Christian community.
It is "Lebanon's role to protect any oppressed minority," Gemayel stressed.Beirut, 16 Oct 08, 19:27