October 09/08
Bible Reading of the day.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 11,1-4. He was
praying in a certain place, and when he had finished, one of his disciples said
to him, "Lord, teach us to pray just as John taught his disciples."He said to
them, "When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.
Give us each day our daily bread and forgive us our sins for we ourselves
forgive everyone in debt to us, and do not subject us to the final test."
Saint Augustine (354-430), Bishop of Hippo (North
Africa) and Doctor of the Church
Sermon 80/«Teach us to pray»
My brethren, do you imagine God is ignorant of what you need? He who
knows our distress foreknows our desires also. That is why, in teaching them the
Our Father, the Lord counselled his disciples not to use many words: «When you
pray, do not keep babbling because your Father knows what you need before you
ask him» (Mt 6,7-8). If our Father already knows what we need, why tell him
about it even in few words?... If you know about it, Lord, do we even need to
pray? However, he who says to us here: «Do not use many words in your prayers»
says to us elsewhere: «Ask and you will receive», and so that we don't think
this is said casually, he adds: «Seek and you will find», and so that we don't
think this to be a mere figure of speech, see how he concludes: «Knock and it
will be opened to you» (Mt 7,7). So what he wants is for you to begin by asking
so as to receive, to set yourself to seeking in order to find and not to stop
knocking so as to enter in the end... Why ask? Why seek? Why knock? Why weary
ourselves with praying, seeking, knocking as though we had to inform him who
already knows it all? We even read elsewhere: «Pray always without becoming
weary» (Lk 18,1)... Well, to clear up this mystery, ask, seek, knock! If he
disguises this mystery it is because he wants to move you to seek and find the
explanation for yourself. We should all encourage ourselves to pray.
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Releases, letters & Special Reports
A battle of
By: Walid Phares 08/10/08
leaders should put their heads together to weather financial storm-The
Daily Star 08/10/08
Latest News Reports From
Miscellaneous Sources for October
Delaying the Reconciliation With Franjieh Escalates Tension-Naharnet
Israeli Force Crosses 'Technical Fence' to Conduct Search-Naharnet
Hizbullah Says Arad Dead-Naharnet
Two American journalists missing in Lebanon
since Sept. 30-Xinhua
Pro-democracy activists in Syria face 15 years
in prison-Amnesty
Lebanon: Whose Hummus?New York Times
Nasrallah's Much-Promised Mughniyeh
Retaliation is Coming-Naharnet
Bellemare Pins Down Suspects with Direct Involvement in Hariri's Killing-Naharnet
Military Delegation to Pentagon as U.S. Assures No Veto on Arming Lebanese Army-Naharnet
Syrian troops gather on Lebanese border-The
Associated Press
in 'Hummus' War with Israel-Naharnet
American Journalists Missing in Beirut-Naharnet
Ban Urges Syria, Lebanon
against Taking 'Unilateral" Actions-Naharnet
Red Crescent: Man Shot
Dead in Ain el-Hilweh-Naharnet
Washington Pledges to
Provide Lebanon with its Security Needs-Naharnet
Syrian Troop Buildup Now
Expanded to Cover Northern Bekaa-Naharnet
Minister Lahoud: Lebanon
Would Seek Weapons From Arabs-Naharnet
Gen. Qahwaji Pledges Iron
Fist Strategy to Safeguard Stability-Naharnet
Suleiman Discusses
Germany's Assistance with Visiting Berlin Official-Naharnet
Marouni Urges
International Community to Prevent Syrian Intervention-Naharnet
Hizbullah Says
Nasrallah-Hariri Meeting in the Making-Naharnet
35 years after Yom Kippur War, Israeli-Syrian peace remains elusive-Xinhua
Sleiman tells US envoy army needs advanced weaponry-Daily
drives Middle East stock markets down sharply-(AFP)
Damascus, Tripoli blasts raise serious questions about stability in two states-Daily
Government 'not honoring' pledges for disabled-Daily
Campaign promotes breast-cancer awareness-Daily
shows 67 percent of Lebanese have smoked-Daily
fight: Lebanon to sue Israel over sales of national dishes-Daily
police cite 115 drivers for traffic violations-Daily
Italian-sponsored project aims to boost production, safety at sea-Daily
arrests 18 people, seizes eight boats in South for dynamite fishing-Daily
do world's religion mix with democracy?-Daily
Lebanese urged to 'stop using' Chinese milk products-Daily
Nasrallah's Much-Promised Mughniyeh Retaliation is Coming
Naharnet/Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's much-promised retaliation for the
assassination of top commander Imad Mughniyeh is reportedly coming.
The daily Al-Akhbar, which is close to Hizbullah, said on Wednesday that
Nasrallah, at a meeting not long ago known as "semi-internal," vowed retaliation
for Mughniyeh. m"No backing off from the decision to avenge the assassination of
Hajj Mughniyeh," Nasrallah was quoted as saying during the meeting.
"And no backing off from carrying out the 'big surprise' against the enemy,"
Nasrallah warned. Nasrallah had promised Israel a "big surprise" if it attacked
Lebanon. Mughniyeh was killed in a car bomb attack in Damascus last February.
His assassination was blamed on Israel. Beirut, 08 Oct 08, 08:35
Pro-democracy activists in Syria face 15 years in prison
8 October 2008 /Twelve pro-democracy activists, currently on trial in Syria,
face up to 15 years in prison for calling for democratic reform and respect for
human rights.The activists were arrested in December 2007 and January 2008,
after taking part in a meeting of the broad-based opposition coalition, the
Damascus Declaration for Democratic National Change (DDDNC). Tens of other
participants were arrested but later released without charge.
The 12 activists are being charged with "weakening national sentiment",
"broadcasting false or exaggerated news which could affect the morale of the
country", joining "an organization formed with the purpose of changing the
financial or social status of the state" and "inciting sectarian strife". They
are being tried before the Damascus Criminal Court and a verdict is expected on
29 October. Trial proceedings so far have been marked by serious irregularities.
The 12 activists were initially held incommunicado in Damascus by the State
Security Branch for up to several weeks, during which time most have said that
they were beaten and coerced into signing false "confessions". Their access to
lawyers has been restricted, while the lawyers themselves have been denied
copies of the case file.
Amnesty International is among several organizations to have voiced concern over
the allegations of torture and other ill-treatment, but no official
investigation has been conducted by the Syrian authorities. The organization
considers all 12 to be prisoners of conscience detained solely for peacefully
exercising their rights to freedom of expression and to freedom of assembly and
association. The organization calls for them to be released immediately and
unconditionally and for all charges against them to be dropped. The DDDNC,
established in October 2005, is an unauthorized coalition of political parties,
human rights organizations and pro-democracy activists. It brings together
groups of different tendencies, including Arab nationalist, Islamic, Kurdish,
leftist and liberal.
On 1 December 2007, around 170 members held a meeting to elect the leadership of
DDDNC National Council; Feda'a al-Horani was elected president, while Akram al-Bunni
and Ahmad To'meh were both elected to the senior position of secretary. These
three were arrested along with Dr Walid al-Bunni; Arabic literature teacher and
literary critic Jabr al-Shoufi; journalist 'Ali al-'Abdullah; journalist and
writer Fayez Sarah; Dr Yasser al-'Eit;, People’s Democratic Party member
Muhammed Haji Darwish; geological engineer Marwan al-‘Ush; former independent
member of parliament Riad Seif and artist Talal Abu Dan.
The DDDNC has called on the Syrian government to suspend the state of emergency
in force since 1963. The coalition has also urged the authorities to release all
political prisoners; to allow the safe return of Syrian exiles; to abolish Law
49, which makes membership of the Muslim Brotherhood punishable by death; and to
uphold the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Bellemare Pins Down Suspects with Direct Involvement in Hariri's Killing
Naharnet/Chief U.N. investigator Daniel Bellemare has reportedly pinned down suspects
with direct involvement in the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik
Hariri. The daily As Safir, citing a U.N. source, said Wednesday that Bellemare
would not disclose the names of the suspects. The source said Bellemare is
likely to announce in early December the completion of a major part of the probe
and his readiness to take over as prosecutor general for the international
tribunal to try suspects in the Hariri killing. As Safir said Bellemare is also
likely to announce before the U.N. Security Council in December the names of 120
"But those 120 suspects are not accused of involvement in Hariri's
assassination," the source said, adding that the international tribunal would
interrogate them under oath. Beirut, 08 Oct 08, 10:29
Military Delegation to Pentagon as U.S. Assures No Veto on Arming Lebanese Army
Naharnet/A high-ranking Lebanese military delegation reportedly will head to the Pentagon
next week to set training, equipping and arming timetable in light of senior
U.S. diplomat assurances that there is no veto from the U.S. or Israel on arming
the Lebanese army. The pan-Arab daily Al Hayat, which carried the report on
Wednesday, said the delegation will meet U.S. defense officials in Washington.
The delegation's expected trip comes just days after U.S. Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State David Hale flew in to Beirut with pledges to provide Lebanon
with its "security needs to enable it to protect its lands and people." Hale
said the United States also is committed to backing the Lebanese army and
Internal Security Forces, and "this commitment persists." He reiterated that the
United States has "no new policy on Lebanon. We still support Lebanon's
independence, sovereignty and freedom." The United States and Lebanon on Monday
set up a joint military commission to bolster military cooperation — a move that
follows the first visit by President Michel Suleiman to Washington. A joint
statement by the U.S. Embassy in Beirut and the Lebanese army said the
commission will provide an annual opportunity to discuss military cooperation.
It also said the two sides signed three new military contracts worth $63 million
in U.S. grants to the Lebanese army for secure communications, ammunition and
infantry weapons. Lebanese Defense Minister Elias Murr and U.S. Assistant
Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Mary Beth Long led the
commission's inaugural session Monday. Long arrived in Beirut Sunday, joining
Hale who has held several days of talks with Lebanese politicians. Beirut, 08
Oct 08, 08:07
Lebanon: Whose Hummus?
Published: October 7, 2008
The latest conflict between Lebanon and Israel is about food: a Lebanese trade
group is accusing Israel of falsely taking credit for traditional Middle Eastern
dishes like hummus. Fadi Abboud, president of the Lebanese Industrialists
Association, said on Tuesday that his group planned to sue Israel to stop it
from marketing hummus and other regional dishes as Israeli. “It is not enough
they are stealing our land,” Mr. Abboud said. “They are also stealing our
civilization and our cuisine.” He said his group would also seek to claim baba
ghanouj and tabbouleh as Lebanon’s own.
Lebanon in 'Hummus' War with Israel
Naharnet/The latest conflict simmering between Lebanon and Israel is all about food:
Lebanese businessmen accusing Israel of stealing traditional Middle Eastern
dishes like hummus.Fadi Abboud, president of the Lebanese Industrialists
Association, said Tuesday his group plans to sue Israel to stop it from
marketing hummus and other regional dishes as Israeli. "It is not enough they
(Israelis) are stealing our land. They are also stealing our civilization and
our cuisine," said Abboud.
He said his group also seeks to claim the eggplant spread baba ghannouj and
tabbouleh, a salad made of chopped parsley and tomatoes, as Lebanon's own.
Hummus — made from mashed chickpeas, sesame paste, olive oil, lemon juice and
salt— has been eaten in the Middle East for centuries. Its exact origin is
unknown, though it's generally seen as an Arab dish. But it is also immensely
popular in Israel — served in everyday meals and at many restaurants — and its
popularity is growing around the globe. While Abboud cites a history of
complaints by Lebanese businessmen about Israel exporting and marketing Lebanese
dishes as Israeli, it's not clear where the Lebanese might file suit since the
two countries are officially at war. Abboud compares his suit to the one over
feta cheese in which a European Union court ruled in 2002 the cheese must be
made with Greek sheep and goats milk to bear the name feta. That ruling is only
valid for products sold in the EU. Abboud acknowledged an uphill battle,
particularly over hummus — which Palestinians also claim as their own. "Hummus
might be debatable, in any case we will be happy if the Palestinians win... But
nobody can even discuss whether tabbouleh or baba ghannouj are Lebanese," Abboud
added. "We don't have to win. The important thing is to try."(AP) (AP photo
shows a Lebanese chef preparing a dish of hummus at his restaurant in Beirut)
Beirut, 08 Oct 08, 05:03
Two American Journalists Missing in Beirut
Naharnet/Two American journalists have reportedly gone missing in Lebanon, the daily Al
Akhbar reported Wednesday. Citing a security source, Al Akhbar, which is close
to Hizbullah, said the two journalists work for the Jordan Times. It said the
journalists, identified as Taylor Luke, 23, and Hollie Camella, 27, arrived in
Beirut Sept. 29. They have not been heard from since they left their hotel in
Hamra Sept. 30. Al Akhbar quoted the security source as saying that "friends" of
the missing journalists have launched a search for their loved ones, but have
failed to find them. Beirut, 08 Oct 08, 10:45
Ban Urges Syria, Lebanon against Taking "Unilateral" Actions
Naharnet/U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has urged both Lebanon and Syria not to take
"unilateral actions."
"First of all, both the leaders of Syria and Lebanon should not lose this
momentum created recently between the two countries through the formation of a
national unity government, and the new president elected in Lebanon, and also
their willingness to establish diplomatic relationship through exchanging full
ambassadors," Ban told a press conference in New York late Tuesday. "And
there has been again increasing, encouraging developments, a situation where
Syria has been hosting good international meetings in Damascus. Those are very
encouraging developments of the situation, which we need to encourage always.
"Therefore, I would urge that that the leaders of both governments should
refrain from, first of all, any unilateral actions which may disturb, disrupt
this process and fully cooperate," Ban stresses.
The secretary-general said that when he held meetings with President Michel
Suleiman and his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad "they all committed
themselves and they were all very much encouraged by the very encouraging
atmosphere between the two countries." "They committed themselves that they
would do whatever they can to improve their relationship, which will be very
conducive to overall peace and stability in the region. When asked to comment
about the masses of Syrian forces which is in a high state of alert according to
the State Department, Ban said: "I just said that they should refrain from
taking any unilateral measures which may disrupt this ongoing process. Beirut,
08 Oct 08, 12:08
Red Crescent: Man Shot Dead in Ain el-Hilweh
Naharnet/A masked gunman shot and killed a 25-year-old man Tuesday in the Ain el-Hilweh
Palestinian refugee camp, a Red Crescent official said.
Mohammed Ismail died after the attacker shot him in the face and fled, the Red
Crescent told Agence France Presse. "An investigation is underway to find out
the circumstances of this crime and intensive efforts are being made to identify
the attacker and arrest him," Munir Maqdah, a Fatah official handling security
at the camp, told AFP. Ain el-Hilweh, on the outskirts of the southern port city
of Sidon, is the biggest of the 12 Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon.
The camps are considered extremely volatile places and a fertile breeding ground
for extremist groups. In recent months, Ain el-Hilweh has witnessed several
clashes between Fatah and the mainly Sunni Jund al-Sham, an Islamist group.(AFP)
Beirut, 08 Oct 08, 05:33
Washington Pledges to Provide Lebanon with its Security Needs
Naharnet/U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State David Hale on Tuesday pledged to
provide Lebanon with its "security needs to enable it to protect its lands and
Hale, in a television interview, said the United States also is committed to
backing the Lebanese Army and Internal Security Forces, and "this commitment
He reiterated that the United States has "no new policy on Lebanon. We still
support Lebanon's independence, sovereignty and freedom." The Middle East,
according to Hale, is going through a "difficult test" to choose between the
forces of moderation and extremism. In answering a question about the
forthcoming parliamentary elections, he said this is an issue for the Lebanese
people to decide upon and "the international community supports elections." In
apparent reference to the deployment of Syrian troops off Lebanon's borders,
Hale said: "Each state should concentrate on confronting extremism on its
territories and we support the Lebanese Government's efforts to develop the
north." Beirut, 07 Oct 08, 22:37
Syrian Troop Buildup Now Expanded to Cover Northern Bekaa
Naharnet/Syria on Tuesday has reportedly expanded its troop buildup near Lebanon's
northern border, deploying tanks on its frontier with the northern Bekaa Valley.
The pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat, citing high-ranking security sources, said Syria
has also deployed tanks along the border facing the northern Bekaa town of al-Qaa.
Al Hayat quoted witnesses coming from northern Bekaa as saying Syria deployed
vanguards along the border at noon Monday.
They said the deployment coincided with the digging of trenches and setting up
tents for its soldiers. The witnesses said they saw Syrian forces setting up
checkpoints along the area of deployment. They quoted people crossing on foot
from Syrian territory into northern Bekaa as saying that the entire crossings
that link Homs with the Bekaa Valley had been placed under Syrian control. They
said Syrian troops have put up earth mounds to prevent smuggling and to counter
terrorism. The security sources, however, confirmed no Syrian military
penetration into Lebanese territory has taken place since the first troop
buildup along Lebanon's northern border was reported Sept. 21. Beirut, 07 Oct
08, 08:53
Minister Lahoud: Lebanon Would Seek Weapons From Arabs
Naharnet/Cabinet Minister Nassib Lahoud on Tuesday disclosed that Lebanon would "try to
acquire weapons from Arab states with the approval of the United States."
Lahoud, in a television interview, said efforts were underway to provide the
regular force with its needs of weapons but "weapons are costly."
In answering a question about the deployment of Syrian troops off Lebanon's
borders, Lahoud said the move does not spark concern if it is aimed at combating
smuggling. President Michel Suleiman said on Sunday his Syrian counterpart
Bashar Assad has informed him that the deployment was in line with UNSCR 1701
that bans the illegal transfer of weapons to Lebanon across Syria's borders.
Beirut, 07 Oct 08, 22:21
Gen. Qahwaji Pledges Iron Fist Strategy to Safeguard Stability
Naharnet/Army Commander Gen. Jean Qahwaji on Tuesday said the regular force is the
"direct and rapid guarantee to maintain stability." The scattered acts of
violence "would not be able to hamper the march of stability because the army is
always ready to …strike with an iron fist at whoever tries to threaten the
nation." Addressing a reception hosted by the army command to media
representatives, Gen. Qahwaji pledged that the army "would not give up its right
to defend Lebanon and its stability." Beirut, 07 Oct 08, 22:09
Suleiman Discusses Germany's Assistance with Visiting Berlin Official
Naharnet/President Michel Suleiman on Tuesday discussed with visiting Deputy German
Foreign Minister Gunter Gloser Berlin's assistance to Lebanon's navy and border
control efforts. The state-run National News Agency (NNA) said the discussion
also covered bilateral relations, the Conference on National Dialogue and
progress achieved since Suleiman was elected president in May. The terse report
did not disclose further details. Gloser, who also held talks with Premier Fouad
Saniora said the joint Lebanese-German border control project has been
"successfully concluded" along Lebanon's northern borders with Syria. "It could
be expanded to cover all the national borders if the (Lebanese) government
approves the move," he added.
He described his talks with Saniora as "very successful." Beirut, 07 Oct 08,
Marouni Urges International Community to Prevent Syrian Intervention
Naharnet/Minister of Tourism Elie Marouni on Tuesday urged the international community to
"prevent renewed Syrian intervention in Lebanon."
Marouni also asked the international community to "exert pressure to safeguard
Lebanon's independence, sovereignty, freedom and democracy."
"We cannot understand that Syria has to deploy hundreds of tanks along the
border with Lebanon (just) to block smuggling," he added.
Syria's allies are "promoting the idea that the Syrians would return to Lebanon
before the elections. Maybe they think that they will make it to parliament on
Syrian horses." Marouni said the Phalange Party, to which he belongs, supports
efforts to work out intra-Christian reconciliation. Beirut, 07 Oct 08, 18:46
Hizbullah Says Nasrallah-Hariri Meeting in the Making
Naharnet/Hizbullah on Tuesday said serious efforts are underway to arrange a meeting
between its chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad
Hariri. MP Mohammed Raad, head of Hizbullah's parliamentary bloc, made the
announcement to reporters after meeting Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel
Aoun at the latter's residence in Rabiyeh. Raad said the meeting with Aoun was
aimed at achieving a "unified concept of events and developments."
The discussion with Aoun covered "several topics related to politics, elections,
administration and reform," Raad said. He called for the speedy adoption of a
law organizing the constitutional council, taking into consideration "amendments
we had proposed." Beirut, 07 Oct 08, 16:44
Hizbullah Says Nasrallah-Hariri Meeting in the Making
Naharnet/Hizbullah on Tuesday said serious efforts are underway to arrange a meeting
between its chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad
Hariri. MP Mohammed Raad, head of Hizbullah's parliamentary bloc, made the
announcement to reporters after meeting Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel
Aoun at the latter's residence in Rabiyeh. Raad said the meeting with Aoun was
aimed at achieving a "unified concept of events and developments."
The discussion with Aoun covered "several topics related to politics, elections,
administration and reform," Raad said.
He called for the speedy adoption of a law organizing the constitutional
council, taking into consideration "amendments we had proposed." Beirut, 07 Oct
08, 16:44
A battle of de-radicalization
By: Walid Phares
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Maj. Gen. Yahya Rahim Safavi, commander in chief of Iran's Revolutionary Guards,
vowed retribution if the United States labels them terrorists.
For the debate among jihadists is not about the use of violence or not. It is
about when to use it, against whom and under which conditions. If that level of
understanding is missing in the West, then another decade may well be lost in
unsuccessful and futile attempts to find the "good jihadists" and enlist them
against the "bad jihadists."
The grave mistake committed by some in the counter-terrorism community is to
single out a "moment" in jihadi strategy and think it is "the" jihadi strategy.
Hence we are witnessing the proliferation of academics' calls to "engage" with
the non-violent jihadis as if the latter were a category in itself. In fact,
this is a truncated reading of the whole process of jihadism. Worse, it is also
a maneuver by the Islamists in their war of ideas to slow down the process of
empowering the Democrats in the Muslim world.
On the other hand, the much-needed strategy of engaging "counter-jihadi" Muslims
and civil society groups in the greater Middle East has been almost ignored by
chanceries and their counter-terrorism experts. Ironically, instead of focusing
on engaging the dissidents, pro-democracy human rights NGOs and activists, the
"advice" extended to European governments and now to the United States as well,
is to engage –- read cut deals with - the Islamists and even the jihadists.
This tactic is the result of a systemic failure to understand not only the
jihadist strategies and realities, but also the political sociology inside the
Arab and Muslim world and the immigrant communities in the West. Policy makers
were almost convinced by their senior advisers, themselves relying on academic
expertise, that the road to de-radicalization goes through an engagement with
the radicals. Hence, the move –- and the spending - to integrate the Muslim
Brotherhood, Wahhabis and Khomeinists in a bilateral dialogue with law
enforcement and higher political levels for a few years now.
Obviously, the issue is not about having or not having a dialogue with these
Islamist factions. It is not about "talking." It is really about expecting that
these bilateral deals would effectively lead to de-radicalization. Undoubtedly,
these engagements aren't leading to reversing the radicalization processes. Law
enforcement and intelligence reports are clear in proving that none of these
games has led to a reverse of jihadization, either in Europe or in the United
By contrast, findings show that the activities by counter-jihadist Muslim groups
and similar cadres are the leading factors to help resist the advance of radical
The equations I have tested for over 20 years are verifiable: every time
jihadists and counter-jihadists engage in a balanced battle of ideas,
counter-jihadists win. Every time jihadists are alone on the scene, obviously,
they win. It is now imperative that a renewed debate about radicalization in the
West restructures the engagement process to include the democracy segments
within Middle Eastern and Muslim communities. Central European experience in
dissidence-dynamics and counter totalitarian processes and Middle East
dissidence are needed components in the global effort to contain the Salafist
and Khomeinist ideological expansion.
I have suggested to U.S. and European officials to initiate a strategy on
democracy support as one of the new policies needed to win the battle of
de-radicalization. Engagement must remain a solid principle, but with whom to
engage strategically is the real question. My thesis is that those who deserve
systematic and relentless backing are those who in their communities are willing
to fight for the shared values of democracy and humanism. All attempts to ignore
them have led to strengthening the very forces which are spreading jihadism.
Europeans and Americans have a real choice ahead of them; they must not fail
*Walid Phares is director of the Future Terrorism Project at the Foundation for
Defense of Democracies and a visiting scholar at the European Foundation for