November 27/08
Bible Reading of the day.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Luke 21,12-19. Before all this
happens, however, they will seize and persecute you, they will hand you over to
the synagogues and to prisons, and they will have you led before kings and
governors because of my name. It will lead to your
giving testimony. Remember, you are not to prepare your defense beforehand, for
I myself shall give you a wisdom in speaking that all your adversaries will be
powerless to resist or refute. You will even be handed
over by parents, brothers, relatives, and friends, and they will put some of you
to death.
You will be hated by all because of my name, but not a hair on your head will be
destroyed. By your perseverance you will secure your lives.
John Tauler (c.1300-1361), Dominican at
Sermon 21 for the Ascension
"You will be hated by all because of my name, but not a hair on your head will
be destroyed"
Jesus always promised his disciples peace, both before his death and after his
resurrection, always peace (Jn 14,27; Lk 24,36). Never did the disciples receive
this peace outwardly, but they garnered peace in suffering, in their struggles
and love and, in death, they found life. They found joyful victory, too, when
before this death they were interrogated, judged and condemned. They were true
witnesses. Yes, there are many who are filled with
sweetness in body and soul, penetrating even to the marrow and veins, but when
there follows suffering, darkness, interior and exterior abandonment, then they
no longer know what to do with themselves. They come to a full stop and, from
that, there issues nothing. When terrible storms come upon them, interior
abandonment, exterior temptations from the world, the flesh and the Enemy,
whoever is able to go through it all will find the profound peace that no one
can take away from them. But whoever does not take this path is left behind and
will never taste true peace. From this you know who are Christ's true witnesses.
Free Opinions, Releases, letters & Special
Future Prisoners of war:
International Law or criminal courts?By Walid Phares 26/11/08
Suleiman and Neo-Chehabism-By: Abdullah Iskandar
Can the Lebanese agree on a defense strategy?
By Marc J. Sirois 26/11/08
Reconciliation between Armenia and Turkey would teach a fine lesson-
The Daily Star 26/11/08
Latest News Reports From
Miscellaneous Sources for November
Ahmad AlAssaad
Hammers Berri, Hizbullah-Naharnet
Central Bank head says Lebanese banks growing-The
Associated Press
In US defeat, UN nuclear agency approves Syria
aid-The Associated Press
Abu Jamra Sparks Row with Saniora at Parliament-Naharnet
March 14 Criticizes Syria-Iran-Naharnet
Sayyed Criticizes Lahoud for Not Following Assad's Example-Naharnet
Palestinian Foreign Minister:
Events at Nahr al-Bared Will Not be Repeated at Ain el-Hilweh-Naharnet
Ansar League Ready to Turn
Over Awad and Aides-Naharnet
Ban Sets March Launch for
International Tribunal-Naharnet
Palestinian Foreign Minister: Events at Nahr al-Bared Will Not be Repeated at
Ain el-Hilweh-Naharnet
Suleiman Requested Medium
Weapons from Iran and to Shift its Support to Lebanese State-Naharnet
Israeli Report Detailing Hizbullah's Missile Capabilities and Range-Naharnet
Berri: Israel Will Not Let Us Agree … We Should Live in Harmony with One Another-Naharnet
Hizbullah Reportedly Wants Palestinians to Avenge Mughniyeh-Naharnet
Miqdad: Aoun has Proven to
be Devoted to Lebanon Stability-Naharnet
Khoja Hits Back at
Franjieh: They are Trying to Get Saudis Involved to Achieve Personal Gains-Naharnet
Security Council Discusses
Report on 1701-Naharnet
Geagea Criticizes Politicians Visiting Syria-Naharnet
Lebanon Bans Nuclear Tests-Naharnet
Chamoun Urges Hizbullah to
Deal in Politics-Naharnet
Marada's Franjieh Urges
Christians to Vote for Armed Hizbullah-Naharnet
Livni: Iran sending terrorists to South America to expand ...Ha'aretz
Sleiman meets Khamenei to close visit to Tehran. (AFP)
Italian ambassador calls for peace in Lebanon-Daily
Israeli pullout from Ghajar 'just a matter of time-Daily
Berri calls for unified Arab stance on Gaza siege-Daily
Lebanon ratifies treaty against nuclear testing.(AFP)
Factionalism at Ain al-Hilweh delays handover of 'Prince of Al-Qaeda' to LAF
-Daily Star
Israeli paper says Hizbullah wants Palestinians to avenge Mughniyeh-Daily
AUB debate on differences between Bush and Obama pits Daily Star regulars-Daily
NGO launches campaign against abuse of women-Daily
AUB elections reflect national ones - flaws and all-Daily
Lebanon: End harassment of human
rights defender Muhamad Mugraby
AI Index: MDE 18/005/2008 (Public)
26 November 2008
Lebanon: End harassment of human rights defender Muhamad Mugraby
On the eve of the expected decision in the case against lawyer and human rights
defender Muhamad Mugraby in which he is accused of slandering a public official,
Amnesty International is calling on the Lebanese authorities to drop the charge.
Amnesty International is also appealing to the Lebanese authorities to end the
pattern of repeated prosecutions brought against him. In the organization’s
view, these amount to harassment and appear to be aimed at intimidating him from
carrying out his work as a human rights defender and punishing him for publicly
criticizing the country’s judicial institutions.
Given that the charge against Muhamad Mugraby relates to a speech he made before
the European Parliament, Amnesty International is also calling on the European
Union (EU) to make representations to the Lebanese authorities to halt the
prosecution, as well as other harassment he is facing.
Muhamad Mugraby is being tried before a criminal court in Beirut on account of a
speech on human rights he made on 4 November 2003 at the European Parliament in
Brussels. This prosecution was brought despite the fact he had already been
tried and acquitted of the same charge (Article 383 of the Penal Code), as well
as of slander of the military establishment and its officers (Article 157 of the
Military Penal Code), before the Military Court of Cassation in April 2006.
Under international law, as set out in Article 14(7) of the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Lebanon is a party, no one may
be tried or punished again for a criminal offence for which they have been
finally acquitted in a previous trial in the same jurisdiction.
If convicted Muhamad Mugraby risks being sentenced to up to two years in prison.
Were he be to be imprisoned, Amnesty International would consider him a prisoner
of conscience detained solely for peacefully exercising his right to freedom of
expression and would call and campaign for his immediate and unconditional
In his address to the European Parliament, Muhamad Mugraby criticized the
military court system in Lebanon. He made particular reference to frequent
allegations that suspects being brought to trial before military courts are
tortured in order to force them to “confess” and to the lack of legal training
of the courts’ judges. Concerns that procedures before military courts fail to
comply with international fair trial standards and that detainees are subjected
to torture and other ill-treatment in pre-trial detention have been well
documented by Amnesty International and the UN Human Rights Committee, among
Amnesty International would like to remind the Lebanese authorities of Principle
23 of the UN Basic Principles on the Role of Lawyers, which states:
"Lawyers like other citizens are entitled to freedom of expression, belief,
association and assembly. In particular, they shall have the right to take part
in public discussion of matters concerning the law, the administration of
justice and the promotion and protection of human rights”.
In addition, Muhamad Mugraby has rights as a human rights defender and the
Lebanese state has an obligation to protect those rights, as stated in the UN
Declaration on the Rights and Responsibilities of Individuals, Groups and
Institutions to Promote and Protect Universally Recognized Human Rights and
Fundamental Freedoms (Declaration on Human Rights Defenders):
“Everyone has the right, individually and in association with others, to promote
and to strive for the protection and realization of human rights and fundamental
freedoms at the national and international levels.”
Muhamad Mugraby has been charged and prosecuted on a number of occasions in the
last two decades in cases – some of which are still pending against him – which
appear to be linked to his work in defence of human rights and his public
criticism of Lebanon’s judicial institutions. In 1995 he was charged with
defaming the state of Lebanon and its judiciary following the state’s
interception of a fax he sent to Amnesty International in which he complained of
irregularities in military court trials. The case was finally dismissed in 2001.
In another case, which dates back to 2002 but which just this month resurfaced,
Muhamad Mugraby is facing what appears to be a politically motivated charge of
“impersonating a lawyer”. He was arrested on 8 August 2003, then released on
bail three weeks later. For more details, see Amnesty International’s public
statement Dr al-Mugraby must be immediately released (Index: MDE 18/011/2003),
issued on 13 August 2003.
The EU’s relationship with Lebanon is largely based on an Association Agreement,
a binding international treaty which includes an international legal commitment
by the contracting parties to respect human rights. Accordingly, the EU must
take all possible steps to ensure that human rights defenders can address
European Institutions freely and without hindrance, and that they are not
penalized for doing so. The EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders recommend
that the EU intervenes on behalf of human rights defenders at risk and suggest
practical means to support and assist them.
Public Document
For more information please call Amnesty International's press office in London,
UK, on +44 20 7413 5566 or email:
International Secretariat, Amnesty International, 1 Easton St., London WC1X 0DW,
East Mediterranean Team
Amnesty International, International Secretariat
Peter Benenson House, 1 Easton Street
London WC1X 0DW
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 7413 5500
Fax: +44 (0)20 7413 5719
WCCR calls on Lebanon's President to
Deliver a Clear Message to the Iranian Authority
Written by WCCR
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
The World Council of the Cedars Revolution
Washington DC, USA 20037
Press release
WCCR calls on Lebanon's President to deliver a clear message to the Iranian
Washington DC, CR News Nov 24th, 2008
Based on the fact that President Michel Sleiman has the support of the March 14
parliamentary coalition, the Lebanese Army and a significant segment of
Lebanon's civil society, and as he has decided to visit the Iranian regime for
talks about Lebanon, the WCCR addresses him with the following points:
1) The WCCR continues to believe that the Iranian regime supports terrorism by
supplying weapons and millions of dollars to militias involved in violence
against the Lebanese people. Some of these weapons have been used in attacks
against Beirut and the mountain last May. But nevertheless, the WCCR calls on
Lebanon's President to deliver a clear message to the Iranian authorities
2) We request the Iranian Government to pull its heavy weapons and personnel
from Lebanese territories. A Lebanese-Iranian committee can be established to
oversee the pull out.
3) We request the Iranian Government to refrain from sending direct funding to
its allied militia in Lebanon and instead if it wishes to help civil society
including any community, to forward the financial help via the Lebanese
Government and public treasury.
4) To provide Lebanese authorities with all information in its possession
related to disappeared Lebanese citizens both in Lebanon and in Syria.
We trust Sleiman will deliver the clear demands to Tehran and stay the course
for the implementation of all UN resolutions
Joe Baini
WCCR President
Assaad Hammers Berri, Hizbullah
Naharnet/Shiite politician Ahmed al-Assaad on Wednesday accused Parliament
Speaker Nabih Berri of becoming the "official spokesman for Hizbullah."
Assaad, who heads the Lebanese Belonging Movement, also accused Hizbullah of
being the "new feudal lords" in predominantly Shiite rural regions of Lebanon.
"You are the feudal lords for banning opposition within the Shiite community,"
Assaad told Hizbullah. "How come you are involved in reconciliation with other
communities and you ban opposition within the Shiite community?" Assaad asked
Hizbullah. He also accused Hizbullah of adopting dual standards by criticizing
money allegedly pumped into Lebanon by foreign powers to back the majority while
the party receives Iranian funds and weapons. "We are willing to share your
funds, but not your weapons. Our words are our only weapons," he concluded.
Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 18:27
March 14 Criticizes Syria-Iran
Naharnet/The March 14 alliance on Wednesday accused Syria and Iran of organizing
a "cruel and persisting campaign against Saudi Arabia through some Lebanese
figures." A statement said the "campaign does not target Saudi Arabia only, but
all the Arabs." The statement, released by March 14 Secretariat general after
its weekly meeting, declared support for regional and international contacts
held by President Michel Suleiman. It valued the "positive outcome" of the
recent visits by the French premier and British foreign minister to Lebanon who
emphasized on support for the state of Lebanon. Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 17:21
Sayyed Criticizes Lahoud for Not Following Assad's Example
Naharnet/The jailed former Director of General Security Gen. Jamil al-Sayyed on
Wednesday criticized former President Emile Lahoud for failing to follow the
example of Syria's Bashar Assad. Sayyed, in a statement released by his media
office, said Lahoud should have behaved like Assad who had "allowed
international interrogation of his officers but safeguarded their rights and
dignities as well as Syria's dignity by refusing to turn them over to his
political enemies." Sayyed and three other generals are apprehended in
connection with the 2005 assassination of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri. Beirut, 26
Nov 08, 19:19
Kouchner: Assad Not Interested in International Tribunal
Naharnet/French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said Syrian President Bashar
Assad has told him he is "not interested in the international tribunal" that
would try suspects in the 2005 assassination of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri and
related crimes. Kouchner also told the al-Watan al-Arabi weekly Assad has said
"let the United Nations system function." Kouchner said the international
tribunal is "not subject to bargaining … we've spoken to Syrian President Bashar
Assad and he told us he is not interested in the international tribunal." "It is
better for Syria to adopt an open approach towards the world instead of towards
Iran (only)," he added.
Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 19:44
Palestinian Foreign Minister: Events at Nahr al-Bared Will
Not be Repeated at Ain el-Hilweh
Naharnet/Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said he does not, "at all"
fear a repetition of Nahr el-Bared events at Ain-el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee
camps," because everyone learned from that experience." He stressed continued
(Palestinian) coordination with Lebanese authorities for the sake of," getting
rid of terrorist and outlawed elements that hide or finds sanctuary at
Palestinian refugee camps." Maliki added," there is very positive coordination
at the highest levels between the Lebanese state, the Palestinian National
Authority (PNA) and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). We witnessed
this over the past two weeks when a group of suspects and wanted individuals
were arrested, and a large cache of ammunitions and arms confiscated." He
stressed that PNA, " will never accept any form of settling Palestinians in
Lebanon; this issue will be far removed from any (future) settlements that could
take place regarding the right of return." He went on to affirm," Palestinians
understand how sensitive this issue is for all political and non-political
Lebanese elements in Lebanon. This is a clear position by the PNA and the PLO,
it was expressed by President mahmoud Abbas on all occasions, prior to visiting
Lebanon, during and after."The Palestinian official went on to comment on the
issue of Palestinian arms in Lebanon by reiterating statements made by PLO
Lebanon representative Abbas Zaki that," Palestinian arms outside the camps must
be controlled and placed under the hand of the Lebanese state; arms inside
Palestinian (refugee) camps, must be controlled in a manner that does not allow
it to threaten Lebanese security, stability, the social and popular fabric of
Palestinian groups living at the camps." Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 12:17
Suleiman and Neo-Chehabism
Abdullah Iskandar Al-Hayat - 25/11/08//
In his speech on Lebanon's 65th Independence Day, President Michel Suleiman have
seemingly chosen to follow in the footsteps of one of his predecessors at the
head of the army and the State. He has chosen the model of late President Fouad
Chehab; he has opted for Chehabism and its concept of a State that embraces all
the Lebanese. In addition, he has favored conformity with Arab unanimity in all
regional issues. As such, he has distanced himself from his predecessor
President Emile Lahoud, who took sides with one camp at home and a specific Arab
axis abroad.
Suleiman has evoked the Lebanese who, in the 60s, tried to build a State of
independence (Chehab era) but almost fell in the trap of the independence of
petty states. He asked them to work today, as individuals and groups, towards
rebuilding a unifying State, where "every member of society commits to the
requirements of national unity."
This neo-Chehabism trend appeared indirectly in the President's inauguration
speech and in other interventions on numerous occasions. However, after the
first few months of his rule and in light of the government's modest
achievements, Suleiman had to call for accelerating the process of moving from
"power to State."
There are no illusions about the magnitude of obstacles and challenges facing
this endeavor that alone guarantees independence, liberties, development, and
"finality." Petty political, military, and sectarian states in Lebanon - which
flourished since the collapse of Chehabism at the beginning of the 1970s and
were strengthened during and after the civil war - represent ideological and
economic trends in parallel with each other and with the fragile State. These
petty states fed on their internal conflicts in the name of defending the fate
that was supposedly abandoned by the State. If the issue today is about
Hezbollah, its weapons, and its institutions that constitute a closed network
parallel to the State, it is because this faction is the strongest of the petty
states, as it benefited the most from the State's dismemberment and the loss of
its internal and foreign role - in addition to "the absence of Lebanon and its
interests on the international scene in the past years," according to the
Independence Day speech.
With these petty states and closed networks of interests, corruption thrives,
reform turns difficult, transparency disappears, and the judiciary is
neutralized. This has been the case during the past years, with the absence of
transparency and accountability - particularly during parliamentary elections,
whose results were known before the ballot boxes were even opened. Hence appears
the wager on the upcoming parliamentary elections and the hopes they would renew
political life and prioritize the unity of the State.
In parallel, President Suleiman ascertained that the statement issued following
his summit with his Syrian counterpart shape the nature of the relation with
Syria - in a clear echo to the famous meeting between President Chehab and late
President Gamal Abdel Nasser at the time of Syrian-Egyptian unity. Back then,
the statement defined Lebanon's Arab policy away from Arab divisions. In
parallel, the current Lebanese president sought to balance Lebanon's relations
with Syria, hence his attempts to forge Arab and regional relations in such a
way that Lebanon would not take sides with a specific Arab side in light of the
current divisions. This protects freedom of decision and alleviates the burden
of interference and bias.
As proof of this balance, Suleiman stuck to the international resolutions on the
peace process in the region and the Arab peace initiative even though the latter
is rejected by Lebanese parties that have strong alliances with regional
countries that in turn reject the initiative publicly or voice reservations on
the proposed peace option. This reflects on the nature of national unity and on
the attempts to rebuild the State. Hence, the obsession of the unifying State
prevails over tactical and trumped-up requirements.
President Suleiman has restored the importance of Chehabism, but has also taken
into account the changes that took place in Lebanon and the region during the
past fifty years, in order to "preserve the distinction, mission, and
individuality of Lebanon as a country of coexistence, dialogue, and fraternity
Future Prisoners of war:
International Law or criminal courts?
By Walid Phares
Upon the ongoing debate about the release of Guantanamo detainess or their
processing through US criminal courts, a heavy fact is still unaddressed: future
prisoners of war. If indeed the United States is and will continue to be at War
with "an enemy" -and the forthcoming Administration has announced an escalation
in the War in Afghanistan- one can only project that US forces may (rather will)
take future prisoners. This inevitability is expected to put pressure on the
ongoing debate. For seizing the enemy's combatants under the law of war and
releasing them through criminal law is a hybrid equation about to crumble. In
the following piece I am making the case to the new Administration to make a
choice: cancel the war or apply its laws..
Last Thursday’s order by a federal judge to release five Algerian detainees from
Guantanamo Bay prison reopens the complex debate about the principle of holding
prisoners of war during wartime. But, and this may be even more important, it
also reopens the debate inside the three branches of government in the United
States over whether or not our nation is actually at war.
The case at hand will certainly be discussed by legal specialists on both sides
of the debate. Here is the chain of legal events that will be scrutinized: The
first “civilian court” ruling -- for terrorism suspects who have challenged
their detention -- found that the five men “could not be held indefinitely as
enemy combatants.” Thus, in this instance U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon
has essentially informed the government that failing an official and legally
declared war, one cannot detain individuals who have not been proven guilty of
crimes or of material participation in terrorism.
Last summer the Supreme Court granted the Guantanamo detainees (see the
Boumediene case) “the right to challenge their imprisonment.” The real statement
there was that since there is no legal basis for the War on Terror, the
so-called “prisoners of war” are in fact detained under the principles of
criminal law not the international law of war.
So when U.S. forces arrest individuals suspected of being enemy combatants the
government must prove that each individual was actually waging war. But since
civilian courts do not recognize the “existence” of such war, the government
must prove that each person detained was physically involved in an illegal act
leading to violence against the United States or its allied interests.
Judge Leon ruled that the U.S. government “failed to prove that five of the six
Algerians held at Guantanamo Bay since January 20, 2002, were enemy combatants
headed to Afghanistan to fight against the United States.” According to media
sources, “a senior Department of Defense official said the government’s case was
hampered because the CIA would not hand over the classified information it had
obtained in interrogating the 6 suspects.” If the CIA had released the evidence,
would the court have ruled otherwise?
What these legal developments tell us is that the United States’
counterterrorism campaign is squeezed between two worlds: On the one hand, our
nation’s leaders have been acting as if we are in a state of war with an enemy;
and on another hand the Judicial system is telling us that it is basing its
rulings solely on criminal law.
Meanwhile the Jihadists are winning. They meet U.S. forces on the battlefield
and ask to be treated under the Geneva Conventions — which they do not recognize
to begin with. If they are apprehended and brought into custody, they expect to
swim through the legal system. In conventional wars, when a unit from the enemy
forces is captured, the courts do not rule on each fighter’s particular posture
at the time of capture. When you listen to the judges’ rulings on the detainees’
individual cases, they appear to be on solid ground, upholding the Constitution.
But when you contrast their rulings with the government’s view then the process
seems tragicomic.
A state of war with an enemy has its own logic and its own procedures. Enemies
are kept under the Geneva Conventions’ protection until the conflict ends. War
criminals are tried under international law. Fighters or enemy combatants cannot
be tried in civilian courts as criminals. But if there is no state of war, then
there shouldn’t be detention centers to begin with. Apprehended criminals are
processed under the laws of the land and courts are sovereign in dealing with
the fate of each and every suspect under arrest. In short we can’t have two
legal tracks at once. — Either the U.S. is at war with a global enemy or is it
The Bush administration has struggled with the legal consequences of its War on
Terror. The Obama administration will inherit the issue and must make a
decision. It can continue with the hybrid system we have now, perhaps pushing it
further towards a criminal procedure while U.S. forces wage a full-fledged war
in Afghanistan -- if not elsewhere. If America won’t withdraw from the region as
requested by Al Qaeda and Iran -- she will continue to find herself in a
confrontation with her enemies some of whom may be captured. What lies ahead for
the United States will be more complicated than even our current situation.
My advice to the forthcoming administration is to begin at the top, where the
current administration has stopped: Identify the enemy and take a stand on the
global conflict.
Dr. Walid Phares is the Director of the Future Terrorism Project at the
Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and the author of The Confrontation:
Winning the War against Future Jihad.
Olmert: U.S. never advised
Israel to use restraint against Iran
By Haaretz Service
Last update - 20:37 25/11/2008
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Tuesday the United States has not advised
Israel to restrain itself from taking any action it deemed necessary against
Iran's nuclear program. But the outgoing Israeli leader, who held farewell talks
with U.S. President George W. Bush on Monday, stopped short, in a briefing to
reporters, of making any threat to strike Iran. "I can't recall that anyone in
the [U.S.] administration, including in the last couple of days, advised me or
any of my official representatives not to take any action that we will deem
necessary for the fundamental security of the state of Israel, and that includes
Iran," Olmert said.
Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said Tuesday that Iran has been sneaking
terror elements into South America with the intention of expanding its field of
ideological, political and economic activity, Israel Radio reported.
During talks in Jerusalem with her El Salvadoran counterpart, Marisol Argueta de
Barillas, Livni said that the ties between South American guerilla movements and
Iranian terror organizations have been sharpening and could be easily observed.
She added that Iran was constantly seeking political assistance from states
around the world to break the international sanctions placed against it over its
contentious nuclear program.
The Foreign Ministry said in an evaluation released last year that it was
concerned about Iran's activities in South America, including a high number of
embassy officials who could be taking part in terror. While on a visit to Tehran
earlier this month, Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim gave Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a letter from President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva
proposing the two leaders meet. A Brazilian Foreign Ministry official said the
letter was not a formal invitation, rather a suggestion that talks begin for a
presidential visit.
The defense establishment has for years seen the border areas between Paraguay,
Argentina and Brazil as a focus of Iranian and Hezbollah terror. Iran,
meanwhile, has opened embassies in Nicaragua, Ecuador and Chile, and increased
commercial ties and visits by senior officials. Iran has also enlarged its
missions in Venezuela, Uruguay, Mexico and Colombia. The Foreign Ministry said
in its 2007 evaluation that these embassies have an "astronomical number" of
diplomats, in no proportion to their needs. In Nicaragua, for example, there are
30 Iranian diplomats, with a similar number in Venezuela and other countries.
Israel fears that these are intelligence operatives also involved in terror.
Jerusalem is also concerned at the emerging alliance between Iranian President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, particularly with
regard to uranium and oil sales. Israel has told some Latin American countries
that Iran is endangering world peace through terror and its nuclear program.
Some of the countries share Israel's concerns and have asked for intelligence
and counter-terror assistance.
Security Council Discusses Report on 1701
Naharnet/The Security Council is expected to discuss on Wednesday U.N.
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's report on the implementation of resolution 1701.
In the report, Ban urged Israel and Lebanon to "seize the moment" of relative
calm and move closer to a permanent cease-fire.
Ban said "greater overall progress should have been achieved" since the adoption
of the resolution in the summer of 2006.
Israel has repeatedly accused Hizbullah of rearming, and Ban said the Israeli
government continues to report "that it has detailed information regarding
significant breaches of the arms embargo across the Lebanese-Syrian
border.""Although the United Nations takes these claims seriously," he said, "it
is not in a position to verify this information independently." But Ban said he
remains concerned about "the porous nature" of Lebanon's border with Syria. "I
reiterate the need for the immediate and unconditional respect of the arms
embargo on Lebanon," the U.N. chief said. "It must be observed fully and without
exception. Regional parties, particularly those that maintain ties with
Hizbullah and other groups in Lebanon, are obliged to abide fully by the arms
embargo."Ban again called on Israel to immediately halt all overflights of
Lebanon and reiterated "with the utmost urgency" his call to Israel to provide
data on cluster munitions fired during the 2006 war.On a positive note, he
welcomed the decision to establish diplomatic relations between Beirut and
Damascus. Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 05:13
Ban Sets March Launch for International Tribunal
Naharnet/U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will launch in March the
long-awaited Special Tribunal for Lebanon to try suspects in the 2005
assassination of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri and related crimes. Pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat
said Wednesday that an official U.N. announcement will come later today. It said
the Security Council was preparing a Resolution calling for the extension of the
U.N. investigation commission's mandate for a further three months under the
term "technical extension."
It is expected that Daniel Bellemare, who heads the U.N. commission into the
Hariri assassination, to hand in his periodical report beginning of December.
The Security Council is likely to debate Bellemare's report mid-December.
Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 08:10
Suleiman Requested Medium Weapons from Iran and to Shift
its Support to Lebanese State
Naharnet/President Michel Suleiman has requested medium weapons from Iran during
his visit to Tehran, press reports said Wednesday.
The daily An Nahar said Suleiman made clear during his official visit to Tehran
Nov. 24-25 that he was not seeking to obtain long-range missiles or jet
fighters, but modern medium arms that would help the Lebanese army combat
terrorism and maintain national security.
An Nahar quoted one source in the accompanying delegation as saying that Iranian
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad whispered to Suleiman as he bid him farewell:
"Meeting Lebanon's demands is subject to one signal from you. You should not
worry." Suleiman stressed Lebanon's rejection to the naturalization of
Palestinians and urged Iranian support in this regard. An Nahar said the Iranian
side promised to "use its good offices to help Lebanon in this regard." The
Iranians also vowed to support Lebanon in all key dossiers, particularly
national dialogue. Meanwhile, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
called on Lebanese factions to unite against Israel as he met Suleiman. "The
Islamic republic believes the capacity of all Lebanese groups must be used to
reinforce the unity and strength of Lebanon to confront the danger of the
Zionist regime," Khamenei said. "Unity among Lebanese political and ethnic
groups is the only way to progress in this country," Khamenei told Suleiman. The
supreme leader praised Suleiman for "supporting the Islamic resistance (Hizbullah),
his efforts to strengthen national unity and maintaining the national character
of the Lebanese army." Khamenei vowed that Iran would always stand by Lebanon
and praised the "historic victory against the Zionist regime" in the 34-day war
between Hizbullah and Israel in summer 2006. "Over the past 60 years no Muslim
and Arab countries have been able to stand against the Zionist regime but the
Lebanese people managed to break this spell, by defeating and pushing out the
Zionist army," he added. Iran is a staunch supporter of Hizbullah, which is also
backed by Syria. However, Tehran has repeatedly denied Western and Israeli
charges that it provides military backing to Hizbullah. A Lebanese government
official said on Sunday that talks with Iranian officials would include efforts
to forge a "national defense strategy" for Lebanon, where Hizbullah's arsenal
remains a thorny issue.
Suleiman is the third Lebanese president to visit Iran since its 1979 Islamic
revolution. He met with Ahmadinejad and Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and
visited a weapons exhibition. Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 08:36
Palestinian Foreign Minister: Events at Nahr al-Bared Will
Not be Repeated at Ain el-Hilweh
Naharnet/Palestinian Foreign Minister Riyad al-Maliki said he does not, "at all"
fear a repetition of Nahr el-Bared events at Ain-el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee
camps," because everyone learned from that experience." He stressed continued
(Palestinian) coordination with Lebanese authorities for the sake of," getting
rid of terrorist and outlawed elements that hide or finds sanctuary at
Palestinian refugee camps." Maliki added," there is very positive coordination
at the highest levels between the Lebanese state, the Palestinian National
Authority (PNA) and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). We witnessed
this over the past two weeks when a group of suspects and wanted individuals
were arrested, and a large cache of ammunitions and arms confiscated."
He stressed that PNA, " will never accept any form of settling Palestinians in
Lebanon; this issue will be far removed from any (future) settlements that could
take place regarding the right of return." He went on to affirm," Palestinians
understand how sensitive this issue is for all political and non-political
Lebanese elements in Lebanon. This is a clear position by the PNA and the PLO,
it was expressed by President mahmoud Abbas on all occasions, prior to visiting
Lebanon, during and after."
The Palestinian official went on to comment on the issue of Palestinian arms in
Lebanon by reiterating statements made by PLO Lebanon representative Abbas Zaki
that," Palestinian arms outside the camps must be controlled and placed under
the hand of the Lebanese state; arms inside Palestinian (refugee) camps, must be
controlled in a manner that does not allow it to threaten Lebanese security,
stability, the social and popular fabric of Palestinian groups living at the
camps." Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 12:17
Israeli Report Detailing Hizbullah's Missile Capabilities
and Range
Naharnet/The daily Pan-Arab al-Hayat on Wednesday, quoted a document issued by
Israeli intelligence detailing Hezbollah's missile capabilities, location and
Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak affirmed on Monday," Hezbollah has increased
its firepower threefold since the July 2006 war. he warned the Lebanese state
against any attacks coming from Lebanon. He added that," Today Hezbollah owns
42,000 missiles vs. 14,000 prior to the conflict (July 2006).
On Sunday Israel Army Radio quoted Barak during closed security discussions,"
conformity between the Lebanese state and Hezbollah, will subject Lebanon and
its infra-structure to a much heavier strike than the past, in case
confrontation erupts."
Israeli security sources confirmed a report by al-Arabiya news TV channel that
Hizbullah is conducting secret training sessions in south Lebanon. sources added
that this is not the first time for Hizbullah to do so."
al-Arabiya stated earlier that Hizbullah trained its elements on rapid
deployment north and south of the Litani River without arms at mountain regions.
UNSCR 1701 bans Hizbullah fighters from southern bank of the Litani River. the
only military presence below the Litani is for United Nations Interim Force in
Lebanon (UNIFIL) and the Lebanese Armed Forces.
Al-Hayat provided a sketch (source Janes Defense Weekly) illustrating the types
of missiles Hizbullah posses, their presumed locations and their range.
In Lebanon:
Long Range Missiles: Zilzal – 600 mm caliber Iranian made with a range of 250Km,
can be launched from moving platforms; hidden at Bekka Valley and at regions
close to Litani River in south Lebanon.
Medium Range Missiles: Fajr3 and 5- 220 and 302 mm caliber, range 70 Km, Syrian
C 802: Anti Naval Missiles, radar controlled, range 120 Km.
Short range Missiles: Hidden at regions south of the Litani River
In Gaza:
BM 21 GRAD: 122 mm caliber, range 20.5 Km
Al-Qassam: 90 –170 mm, range 18 Km.
Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 10:16
Berri: Israel Will Not Let Us Agree … We Should Live in
Harmony with One Another
Naharnet/Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri said that Israel will "not let us agree
or cooperate." "This is why we should live in harmony with one another so Israel
would miss a chance whether we were in the parliamentary elections phase or
another," Berri told the daily An Nahar in remarks published Wednesday.
"Let's learn from lessons if the past," Berri urged. Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 12:01
Miqdad: Aoun has Proven to be Devoted to Lebanon Stability
Naharnet/Deputy Foreign Minister Faysal Mikdad said Syria welcomes a visit by
Free Patriotic Movement leader Gen. Michel Aoun who "has proven to be devoted to
Lebanon's stability."Miqdad stressed that Syria regards Aoun's visit to Syria as
"important," adding that "we will make sure that it is successful."
On the issue of exchange of diplomatic missions, Miqdad said that a Syrian
delegation visited Beirut last week to acquire a site to build an embassy in
Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 11:04
Khoja Hits Back at Franjieh: They are Trying to Get Saudis
Involved to Achieve Personal Gains
Naharnet/Saudi Ambassador Abdul Aziz Khoja hit back at Marada Movement leader
Suleiman Franjieh who accused Saudi Arabia of pumping money into Lebanon to
finance the majority March 14 coalition's election campaign. Khoja said that the
campaign against Saudi Arabia is being led by "Lebanese parties for internal
election purposes.""They are trying to get the kingdom involved in order to
achieve personal gains," Khoja said in remarks published Wednesday. "May God
forgive them. We are truly surprised by such statements. I believe who said this
… is trying to make the kingdom a party while it is not." "I accuse Saudi Arabia
of financing the other side this is not secret," Franjieh has said. Saudi
Arabia, according to Franjieh, is "interested in weakening the Christians
through pumping in money to some Christians who represent nobody to buy
Christian votes … in favor of the Hariri clan." Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 09:31
Hizbullah Reportedly Wants Palestinians to Avenge Mughniyeh
Naharnet/Hizbullah has reportedly tasked Palestinian militants to avenge the
assassination of top Hizbullah commander Imad Mughniyeh over fears that a
Hizbullah-led operation would trigger a massive Israeli reprisal against
Lebanon. The Jerusalem Post quoted Israeli officials as saying that tens of
thousands of dollars had been paid to "Palestinian terrorist groups" so that
they could carry out large attacks against Israel and Israeli interests. The
daily said possible attacks could include the capturing of Israeli soldiers -
the very same action that triggered the 2006 summer war. Commenting on the
report, retired Lebanese army Brig. Gen. Amin Hoteit told The Daily Star that
Hizbullah didn't need to use Palestinian groups to enact vengeance, noting that
the Palestinians had enough trouble with the Israelis and that this kind of
operation would only add to their problems. "Hizbullah has multiple choices to
(fulfill) its goals in Palestine or outside of Palestine," Hoteit said. "The
people who will do the vengeance don't need to be Lebanese, Palestinian, or even
Muslim."Hizbullah has firmly placed the responsibility on Israel and "vengeance
will be sure," he said, adding that "no one can know what Hizbullah will
do."Mughniyeh was killed in a car bombing in Syria last February. Hizbullah
leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has repeatedly vowed repeatedly that the group
would retaliate for Mughniyeh's assassination. Beirut, 26 Nov 08, 10:27
Ansar League Ready to Turn Over Awad and Aides
Naharnet/Palestinian sources on Tuesday said Fatah al-Islam reputed leader Abdul
Rahman Awad remains entrenched in the southern Palestinian refugee camp of Ain
el-Hilweh along with his senior aides. The sources told Markaziya newsletter
Awad and aides would be turned over to the Lebanese authorities "soon."
It said negotiations carried out by the Partisans League (Ousbat al-Ansar) to
arrange the turning over of Awad and aides have achieved "progress."
An unnamed Islamist religious authority has provided the Partisans League with a
Fatwa, or religious ruling, allowing the turning over of Awad and aides to the
Lebanese authorities to "avert bloodshed in the camp," the report added. A
limited security operation would be carried out if Awad refused to turn himself
in, it said without further elaboration. Beirut, 25 Nov 08, 21:36
Geagea Criticizes Politicians Visiting Syria
Naharnet/Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Tuesday said Syria is blamed for
"20 crimes or assassination attempts in Lebanon in the past two years."
"If the international tribunal exonerates Syria, then I'll admit that I had
mistakenly charged it," Geagea told a visiting delegation from the Dentists'
He criticized Lebanese leaders who have created a "traffic jam" by shuttling
between Beirut and Damascus "as if there is no problem between the two
Geagea also criticized calls by some politicians for the release of the four
generals held in connection with the 2005 assassination of ex-Premier Rafik
Beirut, 25 Nov 08, 20:22
Chamoun Urges Hizbullah to Deal in Politics
Naharnet/National Liberal Party leader Dory Chamoun on Tuesday urged Hizbullah
to deal in politics, being a political party, and leave military affairs to the
state and army. Chamoun, in a television interview, said Israel withdrew from
Lebanon in the year 2000 in line with a "scheme aimed at sparking sedition
because it does not want a united Lebanon with a united army" on its borders. He
described President Michel Suleiman's visit to Iran as "important, because Iran
intervenes in Lebanon's affairs and such a topic cannot be tackled by an
ambassador." Beirut, 25 Nov 08, 17:29
Lebanon Bans Nuclear Tests
Naharnet/Lebanon on Tuesday became the 148th nation to ratify the Comprehensive
Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, the organization working for the treaty's
implementation said. The CTBTO has been signed by 180 countries, but to come
into effect it still needs ratification by nine key holdouts including China,
North Korea, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Israel, Pakistan and the United
States. Supporters of the treaty, which was concluded in 1996, hope
ratifications will start rolling in once U.S. president-elect Barack Obama, who
supports the CTBTO, takes office on January 20. Indonesia and nuclear-armed
neighbors Pakistan and India appear likely to be the next nations to take steps
toward ratification of the treaty, according to the Vienna-based CTBTO
preparatory commission.
The commission has some 340 facilities around the world as part of its
verification regime to monitor any signs of nuclear explosions.(AFP) Beirut, 25
Nov 08, 19:53