November 17/08
Bible Reading of the day.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Matthew 25,14-30. It will be as
when a man who was going on a journey called in his servants and entrusted his
possessions to them. To one he gave five talents; to another, two; to a third,
one--to each according to his ability. Then he went away. Immediately the one
who received five talents went and traded with them, and made another five.
Likewise, the one who received two made another two. But the man who received
one went off and dug a hole in the ground and buried his master's money. After a
long time the master of those servants came back and settled accounts with them.
The one who had received five talents came forward bringing the additional five.
He said, 'Master, you gave me five talents. See, I have made five more.'His
master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since you were
faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come, share
your master's joy.' (Then) the one who had received two talents also came
forward and said, 'Master, you gave me two talents. See, I have made two
more.'His master said to him, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. Since
you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities.
Come, share your master's joy.' Then the one who had received the one talent
came forward and said, 'Master, I knew you were a demanding person, harvesting
where you did not plant and gathering where you did not scatter; so out of fear
I went off and buried your talent in the ground. Here it is back.' His master
said to him in reply, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest
where I did not plant and gather where I did not scatter? Should you not then
have put my money in the bank so that I could have got it back with interest on
my return?
Now then! Take the talent from him and give it to the one with ten. For to
everyone who has, more will be given and he will grow rich; but from the one who
has not, even what he has will be taken away. And throw this useless servant
into the darkness outside, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth.'
Saint Jerome (347-420), priest, translator of the Bible, Doctor of the Church
"A man... called in his servants and entrusted his possessions to them"
There is no question but that this householder is Christ. After his
resurrection, when he was about to return triumphantly to the Father, he called
his apostles and entrusted them with the Gospel teaching, giving more to one,
less to the other, never too much or too little but according to the abilities
of those who received it. In the same way the apostle Paul said that he had fed
with milk those unable to take solid food (1Co 3,2)...Five, two, one talent: let
us take these to be the different graces granted to each, whether the five
senses for the first, understanding of faith and works for the second, reason,
distinguishing us from other creatures, for the third. «The one who received
five talents went away and traded with them and made another five.» That is to
say, besides the physical and material senses he had received he added knowledge
of heavenly things. His knowledge was raised from the creatures to the Creator,
from the corporal to the incorporeal, from the visible to the invisible, from
the transient to the eternal. «The one who received two made another two.» This
one likewise, according to his ability, doubled in the school of the Gospel what
he had learned in the school of the Law. Or perhaps we could say that he
understood that knowledge of faith and the works of this present life lead to
future happiness.
«But the man who received one talent went off and dug a hole in the ground and
hid his master's money.» In the grip of works here below and of worldly
pleasures the wicked servant neglected God's commands. However, let us note
that, according to another evangelist, he wrapped it in a linen cloth: by this
we could understand that he discarded his energy for the master's teaching for a
life of softness and pleasure...The master welcomed the first two servants, both
the one who had made ten talents out of five and the one who made four out of
two, with the same words of praise. «Come,» he said, «share in your master's joy
and receive what eye has not seen and ear has not heard and what has not entered
the human heart» (1Cor 2,9). What greater reward could be bestowed on a faithful
Free Opinions,
Releases, letters & Special Reports
Syria and the Iranian path-Ha'aretz
Dining with the Devil.By William Kevin Stoos-Canada
Free Press 16/11/08
Report: Obama will throw his weight
behind Arab peace plan-Haaretz 16/11/08
Latest News Reports From
Miscellaneous Sources for November
March 14 Wins 3 of 4 Seats at Beirut Attorney's Syndicate-Naharnet
'Iranians train Syrians to Fight Sunnis'-Jerusalem
Mitri from Damascus: Lebanon and Syria have Strong Bonds-Naharnet
Berri Calls for Developing Unified Arab Parliament-Naharnet
Sfeir: Security Situation Breached by Evildoers in Daylight-Naharnet
Geagea: I Fear a Return to Assassinations if the other side Feels it would Lose
MP Shohayeb Criticizes Syria, Aoun-Naharnet
Profile: Bashar Assad No longer the pariah
President Mubarak's Son to
Testify in Murder Trial of Susan Tamim-Naharnet
Cabinet Calls Cellular Tender, Outlines Ministry-to-Ministry Cooperation with
Abu Jamra: Suleiman
Promised me to Discuss my Authority at Next Cabinet Meeting-Naharnet
Bekaa Police Station
Attacked, Four Policemen Injured-Naharnet
Saudi Arabia Affirms its
commitment in Fighting Terrorism Delivers Three Extremists to Lebanon-Naharnet
Berri Tells Kuwaitis the
Lebanese do Not Disagree on Resistance Weapons-Naharnet
MP Shehayeb Criticizes
Syria, Aoun-Naharnet
Aoun Wants to Clear his
Conscience in Damascus-Naharnet
Fatah Islam Testimonies:
Syrian Intelligence Behind Extremist Group and its Operations in Lebanon-Naharnet
Saudi Turns Back Three
Fatah al-Islam Suspects-Naharnet
Geagea Predicts Election
Victory for March 14-Naharnet
Mofaz: Assassinate Hamas leaders
now -Israel New
Britain's Miliband arrives to
Israel in bid to
advance Israel-PA peace talks
Sfeir: Security
Situation Breached by Evildoers in Daylight
Naharnet/Maronite Patriarch Butros Sfeir said the security situation in Lebanon
is breached by evildoers that work on spreading their corruption in daylight ,
at heavily populated areas. At his Sunday sermon Patriarch Sfeir pointed that
schools are still in need of government support hoping that someone would be
listening. The Council of Catholic Patriarchs and Priests in Lebanon ended its
42nd annual session at Bkirke on Saturday calling for a continuation of the
process of reconciliation and forgiveness, defining it as the launch point for a
better new tomorrow. The Council reiterated its support to President Michel
Suleiman's call at the United Nations Conference for Religious and Cultural
Dialogue for making Lebanon an international center for religious and cultural
dialogue. In a published statement the Council called for holding the 2009
parliamentary elections under a spirit of proper democracy based on clear
programs, far removed from political and financial corruption. Beirut, 16 Nov
08, 12:07
Bekaa Police Station
Attacked, Four Policemen Injured
Naharnet/Men from the town of al-Sowairi attacked on Saturday evening a police
station in the Bekaa while attempting to release by force two people held at the
station. Press reports said four Lebanese police officers were injured. The
attackers fled the scene after succeeding in releasing those arrested. Police is
investigating the incident. Beirut, 16 Nov 08, 10:21
Cabinet Calls Cellular
Tender, Outlines Ministry-to-Ministry Cooperation with Syria
Naharnet/The Lebanese Government on Saturday assigned a three-member committee
with the task of following up outcome of talks between the interior ministers of
Lebanon and Syria and declared a limited tender to operate the two cellular
telephone networks. Information Minister Tareq Mitri, talking to reporters after
the marathon government session at the Baabda Palace, said the follow-up
committee is to be headed by Interior Minister Ziad Baroud and includes Gen.
Ashraf Rifi, commander of the Internal Security Forces, and Gen. Wafiq Jezzini,
director of General Security. Mitri said the follow-up committee is strictly
assigned to considering "ways of activating cooperation between the Lebanese and
Syrian interior ministries, setting up the foundation for cooperation in
combating terror and all crimes, creating a joint mechanism for border control,
in addition to working out a bill for a memo of understanding on security
cooperation between the two states."
The committee, he added, is to conclude its mission in three months following
approval of its creation by the Lebanese and Syrian cabinets. The government
also assigned the ministry of telecommunications to call a limited tender to
operate the two cellular telephone networks for one year, renewable for one year
only. The seven-hour session was presided over by President Michel Suleiman who
briefed the cabinet on the outcome of his recent visit to New York. Beirut, 15
Nov 08, 19:41
Abu Jamra: Suleiman Promised
me to Discuss my Authority at Next Cabinet Meeting
Naharnet/Deputy Prime Minister Issam Abu Jamra said President Michel Suleiman
has promised him to include the issue of his authority on the working agenda of
the cabinet's next meeting. He affirmed that he would not head cabinet
committees as charged by the cabinet, with the exception of Development and
Construction Committee as this committee holds its meetings at the grand serial
Since taking office Deputy Prime Minister Abu Jamra has requested a formula
specifying his authorities; also seeking to practically practice the authority
of the prime minister at the later absence. Abu Jamra has not received any
response due to the absence of a constitutional article specifying his role.
Beirut, 16 Nov 08, 11:52
Geagea: I Fear a Return to
Assassinations if the other side Feels it would Lose Elections
Naharnet/Lebanese Forces(LF) leader Samir Geagea expressed his fear against a
return to assassinations and bomb attacks," If the other side feels that they
won't win the 2009 parliamentary elections."In an interview to the Saudi daily
Okaz on Sunday, Geagea affirmed that he will not run at the coming elections,"
Because I feel that I can do a better job outside parliament, also because I
have my own responsibilities here at the party. The LF were persecuted for
years, three years have passed since that time. I prefer to have more time in
the coming period to follow up on my party work in addition to my general
political work." Geagea said.
He stressed that no one party can stop the upcoming elections; however, someone
can seek violence as means for changing election results if it feels it cannot
win. They know that the 14 February 2005 electoral coalition will win, that is
why I fear we might go back to the same type of behavior."
Geagea termed Interior Minister Baroud's visit to Damascus as "important, but we
have to learn from that visit to better plan for future ones."
The LF leader felt that there remains many unsolved issues between Lebanon and
Syria, some of which cannot accept further delay such as the issue of missing
and detained Lebanese in Syrian prisons, Syrian military bases in Lebanon under
a Palestinian cover, border demarcation.
He called for settling all of the above prior to further visits to Damascus by
Lebanese officials.
Regarding Syrian charges against al-Mustaqbal Movement of funding Fatah al-Islam
Geagea said," these charges are not true. Mustaqbal spearheaded the war against
Fatah al-Islam, it worked with the cabinet in authorizing the army to destroy
them and (Nahr al-Bared ) camp if they had to."
"Syria wanted to move from being the defendant to being the victim through these
televised "confession." Geagea said. Beirut, 16 Nov 08, 12:45
President Mubarak's Son to Testify in Murder Trial of Susan Tamim
Naharnet/The murder trial of Lebanese singer Susan Tamim in Cairo received
further attention on Saturday. Court has received a request from attorneys of
Tamim's two former husbands Adel Maatouq (Lebanese) and Riyad al-Azawi (Iraqi)
calling on President Hosni Mubarak's son, Gamal (currently heads political
committee at ruling National Democratic Party NDP) and Egyptian Interior
Minister General Habib al-Adli to testify.
The main defendant in the case billionaire businessman Hisham Talaat Mustafa is
an NDP member and a member in the Egyptian People's Assembly.
Despite the fact that court on Saturday did not decide on the defense presented
request, it did listen to the testimony of a traffic police officer working for
INTERPOL in Cairo, who testified that he lead a police force last August and
arrested the second defendant in the case Mohsen al-Sukari at a famous Cairo
He added that when the police force escorted the defendant to his residence they
found $1.5 million stashed inside an oven. Sukari claimed that he received $2
million from Mustafa, payment for killing Tamim. Sukari was later escorted by
police to Cairo branch of HSBC bank and withdrew $300,000. Sukari told police
that he gave part of the money to family and that he was later planning to flee
to Brazil. Despite the passage of four weeks into the trial, it continues to be
held under strict security measures with much media attention. The sensational
aspect of the trial goes beyond its simple elements to reflect the Egyptian
phenomenon of linking the state to corrupt businessmen; a matter that most
Egyptians find much complaisance coupled with the political rise of the
president's son role inside the ruling party. A media blackout was imposed by
court on Sunday,Mohammadi Qunsua, presiding in the Cairo court, decided to
"forbid media to publish (any item) related to the trial or to report details of
the hearings", according to a court official who asked not to be named.
Media can only report court decisions such as adjournment of hearings or the
verdict, she said. Beirut, 16 Nov 08, 09:25
Saudi Arabia Affirms its
commitment in Fighting Terrorism Delivers Three Extremists to Lebanon
Naharnet/Under tight security measures Lebanese police received three Saudi
citizens Saturday, that were transported via a special flight from Riyadh to
The three Saudis were earlier delivered to Saudi authorities by Lebanon,
allowing the Saudis to interrogate them for their link to terror groups. They
were escorted back to Lebanon by a Saudi security team of 17. The three Saudis
are: Fahd Ben Abdel Aziz al Mughamis, Abdullah Ben Muhammad Bishi and Muhammad
Ben Saleh al-Suwaiyed. A security spokesman at the Saudi Ministry of Interior
General Mansour al-Turki stated to the pan-Arab as-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper the
three were delivered to Lebanon under the Arab agreement for counter-terrorism.
All three men were allowed to meet their families while in Saudi Arabia prior to
their departure on Saturday, Saudi security source said. A Lebanese security
sources told Ashraq al-Awsat Lebanese authorities will resume questioning the
three detainees considering they were in Iraq prior to moving to Syria for a
month, later entering Lebanon illegally. He added that Bishi was instructed to
act as a spiritual leader at the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp in north
Lebanon while the other two individuals Mughamis and al-Suwaiyed rented a house
in the Bekka and worked on rigging vehicles with explosives. Beirut, 16 Nov 08,
Berri Tells
Kuwaitis the Lebanese do Not Disagree on Resistance Weapons
Naharnet/Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri told reporters in Kuwait there are no
differences about the resistance weapons in Lebanon.
"What is being discussed by the national dialogue conference is how to defend
Lebanon's borders and lands that are targeted by Israeli aggressions," Berri
told reporters upon arrival in Kuwait on an official visit. He said criticism by
March 14 forces to Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun's defense strategy
blueprint are part of the election campaigns. "The current problem in Lebanon is
not about the strategy, but is caused by the elections," Berri added. Beirut, 15
Nov 08, 22:13
MP Shehayeb Criticizes Syria,
Naharnet/MP Akram Shehayeb on Saturday criticized Syria for targeting Lebanon by
"a movie attack at a time we seek relations through state institutions."
Shehayeb, in a radio interview, also criticized Free Patriotic Movement leader
Michel Aoun's defense strategy blueprint as "not serious." The Aoun proposal,
Shehayeb said, "is aimed at changing the Lebanese people into a resistance
movement and changing the state into a no-man's land." Shehayeb said the March
14 alliance would declare "unified tickets" for the forthcoming parliamentary
elections by no later than mid-February." Beirut, 15 Nov 08, 21:14
Aoun Wants to Clear his
Conscience in Damascus
Naharnet/Free Patriotic Movement leader Michel Aoun on Saturday said his
forthcoming visit to Syria aims at "clearing our conscience." "I've always said
that we would try to set up the best relations with Syria after it leaves
Lebanon," Aoun told visitors at his residence in Rabiyeh, north of Beirut. "The
Christians of the orient in Syria would feel relaxed by our visit," Aoun said.
He expressed hope that his visit to Damascus would "contribute to settling
pending issues, including the issue of missing Lebanese citizens."
Geagea Predicts Election
Victory for March 14
Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Saturday predicted victory by the March
14 forces in the 2009 parliamentary elections. Geagea, talking to students from
the Lebanese American University following their success in the Students' Union
elections, said "victories we are scoring at universities would be repeated in
the parliamentary elections." "Had it not been for the March 14 movement,
Lebanon would have ceased to exist," he said. Geagea said he is concerned that
"the other side might resort to its favored hobby of carrying out assassinations
… if they failed in the elections." Beirut, 15 Nov 08, 17:37
Saudi Turns Back Three Fatah
al-Islam Suspects
Naharnet/Saudi Arabia on Saturday turned back to Lebanon three Saudi citizens
suspected of belonging to the Fatah al-Islam terror group. A Saudi jetliner flew
the three to Beirut airport. They were accompanied by a 17-strong Saudi security
team. The three were identified as Fahad al-Mghames, Abdullah Bishi and Mohammed
Sweid. They were arrested by Lebanese security agents during the Nahr al-Bared
battles in north Lebanon. The three were extradited by Saudi Arabia on an
interim base for further questioning conditional on turning them back to Lebanon
for trial. Beirut, 15 Nov 08, 18:38
Dining with the Devil
By William Kevin Stoos
Canada Free Press
Friday, November 14, 2008
“The Mennonite Central Committee, the Quakers, the World Council of Churches,
Religions for Peace and the American Friends Service Committee are sponsoring an
Iftar dinner meeting with Islamo-Nazi, anti-Semite President Ahmadinejad of Iran
in New York City.” September 25, 2008.
“Hezbollah recently purchased 3,000 missiles and RPGs from Russia’s Bazalt.
Tehran paid for the weapons.” Debka, November 2, 2008.
“Iranian state-run media announced the testing of long- and medium-range
missiles, including the Shahab-3, which is able to hit targets up to 1,250 miles
away.” November 12, 2008.
Weeks ago, a misguided group of appeasement-at-any-cost, left wing socialists
broke bread with Mahmoud “Little Adolf” Ahmadinejad, President of Iran and
avowed enemy of Israel and the United States. Of all the political and religious
leaders with whom they could discuss matters of world peace, they chose to honor
Hitler’s best understudy--a man who openly brags about wiping Israel off the
face of the map. Neville Chamberlain would be proud of these folks.
Little Hitler’s visit to the United States and breakfast with these smarmy
appeasers served no good purpose. Its only effect was to give this most virulent
of all anti-Zionists and active promoter of jihad a high profile forum and raise
his standing among jihadists worldwide a couple notches. A master at employing
Hitler’s “big lie” propaganda methods, Little Hitler denies that the Holocaust
ever happened and--to add sacrilege to insult--held a conference to ridicule the
theory that the Holocaust ever happened. He also gave prizes for the best
anti-Israel and funniest Holocaust cartoons. If he is not the Devil incarnate,
he is, at the very least, Hitler’s most apt pupil, and the world’s most
dangerous man. Thank God the breakfast group was not in charge of repelling the
Nazi advance in Europe or fighting the war against Japan. Had they been, we
would all be speaking German today. Unfortunately, there is evil in the world
and the group breaking the fast with Little Hitler decided not to fight Evil,
but to feed it.
Recently, Israeli intelligence sources note that the terrorist group Hezbollah
went on a shopping spree. It seems that they purchased three thousand missiles
and an untold number of RPG-2s from Russia’s Bazalt--famous for its military
weaponry. Bazalt is especially good at manufacturing the particular sort of
rocket propelled grenades designed to knock out Israeli tanks and missiles
designed to be fired at peaceful Israeli villages. When the United States
protested the sale, Russia politely noted our concern …then sold them anyway.
Who picked up the tab for this excursion? The Devil himself.
Just this week Little Hitler bragged that he has tested his new toy which is
capable of reaching Israel, other Middle Eastern countries which he may want to
intimidate, and United States interests in the Middle East. It seems there is no
end to his mischief. Little Hitler--who does not run Iran, but seems un-tethered
by the religious autocrats who do--continues to raise the level of international
tension and risk a dangerous provocation of Israel, the object of his threats.
In the face of this most dangerous threat to world peace, the world has done
nothing. Europe--whose leaders are afraid of their own radical Muslim
population--is frozen with fear and will take no concerted or effective action
to stop Little Hitler, just as they took none against his hero in the 1930s. The
United States will take likely take no effective action--now that Obama is
elected--and Little Hitler knows this. The IAEA recently reported that Iran has
refused to comply with requests to inspect its nuclear program, Iran’s
assurances that its program is only peaceful notwithstanding. So, the world does
nothing while the world’s greatest supporter of terrorism and ardent enemy of
Israel, brags that he has a rifle to the head of Israel and plans to shoot.
Our friend and ally, Israel, is a small but powerful island of democracy,
industriousness, peace, and prosperity in a boiling cauldron of religious
fanaticism, hatred, and ignorance that is the Middle East. After fighting for
independence, it has overcome every obstacle, and faced and defeated the united
armies of all its Arab neighbors. It has defended itself against bombs, missiles
and groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah--whose charters openly vow to destroy the
State of Israel. And, despite this all--with little help from the outside
world--Israel survives. God bless them. Theirs is an example that we Americans
should emulate because we have forgotten the spirit of sacrifice that made us
great. We know no adversity here; we have no enemy armies or terrorist groups on
our borders. We do not live with an M-16 at our side; we do not have universal
conscription or even universal service.
Other than our brave men and women in the armed forces and our brave police and
firefighters, few of us wake up in the morning worrying that we might have to
mobilize this day to fight our hostile neighbors, or terrorists who infiltrate
our borders. Israel has persevered despite all odds and thrived in a region
where some people prefer to live in the 7th century, study the Koran, and kill
anyone whose religious beliefs differ from their own. Israel is a leader in
agriculture, manufacturing, and information technology. Their military and
intelligence services are second to none. Israel, above all nations, understands
the concept of uniting in common sacrifice for the preservation of the country.
Sadly, many Americans understand neither unity, nor sacrifice, nor the
importance of defending our way of life.
Israel is not to be trifled with; nor should it be expected to live under the
threat of nuclear annihilation from the insane leader of the world’s largest
exporter of terror, who openly boasts of annihilating Israel. Israel may not
long suffer such fools. The United Nations is a farce and can only be counted on
to pass meaningless resolutions which threaten no one. Clearly, Russia has no
intention of agreeing to any punitive resolutions against Iran and neither does
China--Iran’s other big power patron. The IAEA seems powerless to do anything
about Iran’s nuclear ambitions. The United States--especially under an Obama
administration--cannot be counted upon to use or even threaten the use of hard
military power anywhere. And, if the Ayatollahs who actually run Iran are
unwilling to muzzle Little Hitler--which seems to be the case--then they are
tacitly approving his dangerous rhetoric, which may render war inevitable.
Therefore, it is left to Israel to do what it always does: whatever it takes to
survive. If the world does nothing to protect Israel from annihilation, then
Israel will do so itself. And who can blame it? When a lunatic points a rifle at
your head and promises to shoot you, waiting to see if he does is simply not an
I am anxious to see how our new President handles this most delicate and
dangerous situation. I hope he remembers who our friends are and who they are
not. It remains to be seen whether President Obama too will dine with the Devil
or confront him.
**The author of Stoos Views is a freelance writer whose feature articles on
politics, religion, bioethics, and current events have appeared in The Catholic
Digest, The Adventist Review, Liguorian, The Carmelite Digest, The Bread of Life
(regular contributing writer), The Annals of St. Anne, The Catholic Medical
Association Ethics Journal (Linacre Quarterly), The Journal of the American
Chiropractic Association, Social Justice Review, Companion, Leaves, The Family
Digest, The Nature Conservancy Magazine. During the early 1980s he wrote a
conservative political column for William Loeb’s Manchester Union Leader. He is
a practicing attorney who lives with his wife and children in Wynstone, South
Dakota. His passion for writing is exceeded only by his passion for his family
and concern for the direction that our country is heading.
Mofaz: Assassinate Hamas leaders now
Transportation minister suggests return of 'targeted killing' method used during
his terms as IDF chief of staff, defense minister
Roni Sofer Published: 11.16.08, 12:51 / Israel News
Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz said Sunday that Israel must "stop talking
and launch a personal targeted killing policy, against the Hamas government"
following the renewed rocket attacks on Gaza vicinity communities and the city
of Ashkelon.
"We must form a plan and bring it to the cabinet's approval immediately," he
told Ynet.
Cabinet Meeting
Olmert: We won't tolerate terrorists' price tag / Roni Sofer
Prime minister opens cabinet meeting shortly after rocket attack in south, IDF's
deadly response in Gaza, says 'we are not eager to fight, but we do not fear a
battle. We have operated and will continue to target those violating the truce'
Following a weekend of rocket attacks, two Qassam exploded near a kibbutz in the
Eshkol Regional Council on Sunday morning. There were no injuries. In response,
the Israel Air Force attacked a rocket lancing cell, killing four gunmen and
injuring at least six.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting
Sunday, "We are not eager to fight, but we do not fear a battle. In any event,
we shall not tolerate the price tag the terror organizations are attempting to
When Mofaz served as IDF chief of staff and defense minister, the Israeli army
made a lot of use of the "targeted killing" method against senior terror
activists during the second intifada, in the West Bank as well. On Sunday, he
slammed the Israeli leadership and demanded change.
"There is not right way to deal with the issue of a Hamas government in Gaza.
There is need for an urgent cabinet meeting to determine our policy against the
Hamas government. The current reality is that Israeli deterrence is wearing
Mofaz explained, "It turns out that Israel's policy – cutting the supply of
goods, electricity and water, is failing to yield the desired results. Moreover,
it appears that we are the ones acting like the ones interested in a truce, not
Hamas. This approach and policy is wrong.
"I don't support reoccupying Gaza at the current period of time, but we must
operate and deal with the Hamas leaders. Are they allowed to violate (the truce)
while we are not allowed to defend our citizens against kidnappings and
"And when we do operate, we get a wave of Grad missiles on Ashkelon and Qassam
rockets and mortar shells in response."
According to the minister, "We must take a targeted killing policy against the
Hamas leadership. It must be part of our overall policy, which should determine
concrete actions against all the terror organizations.
"We must convene immediately, form a policy and bring it to the cabinet's
approval as soon as possible," Mofaz said.
Report: Obama will throw his weight behind Arab peace plan
By Haaretz Service
President-elect Barack Obama will throw his weight behind a 2002 Arab peace plan
according to which Israel would withdraw to the 1967 cease-fire lines in
exchange for full peace and normalization with all Arab states, the British
Sunday Times is reporting on Sunday.
The newspaper cites a senior adviser who quoted Obama as telling Palestinian
President Mahmoud Abbas: "The Israelis would be crazy not to accept this
initiative. It would give them peace with the Muslim world from Indonesia to
The Times said Obama expressed his sentiments during his visit to Israel and the
Palestinian territories last July.
According to the Times, Obama, who is due to take office on January 20, has been
urged by leading bipartisan figures in the American foreign policy establishment
to embrace the plan, which was first proposed by Saudi King Abdullah in an
interview with New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman.
Among those who have reportedly lobbied the incoming president in favor of the
plan are Lee Hamilton, the former co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group; Zbigniew
Brzezinski, who served as national security adviser during the Carter
administration; and Brent Scowcroft, who was national security adviser to
President George H.W. Bush.
According to the Times report, the advisers say Obama should use the first six
to 12 months of his presidency so as to utilize the good will afforded by the
initial honeymoon period to push for a deal.
Given the geopolitical predicament of Arab states, who are fearful of the rise
of Islamic radicalism as well as the specter of Iran's growing power, advisers
believe the first year of an Obama presidency would be ripe for a breakthrough,
according to the Times.
Though initially skeptical, Israeli leaders have been warming to the Arab
initiative as a possible avenue to solve the impasse with the Palestinians.
President Shimon Peres told world leaders on Wednesday at an interfaith dialogue
in New York that the Arab peace initiative must be seriously considered as "a
serious opening for real progress" in Middle East peace.
With elections looming, Kadima chairwoman Tzipi Livni and Labor chairman Ehud
Barak are jockeying for the support of left-wing voters, with part of the focus
being their disagreement over the Arab League's peace initiative.
The Arab peace initiative, first approved by the Arab League in 2002 in Beirut
(and reaffirmed last year), calls for Israel's withdrawal from all the
territories and a solution to the refugee problem in exchange for an Arab
recognition of the end to the conflict and normalization between Israel and all
the Arab countries.
Barak, the defense minister, has proposed that Israel use the peace initiative
as a basis for negotiations, to smooth the way for both the Palestinians and the
Syrians to make concessions. He also assumes that Israelis are willing to make
concessions in exchange for a comprehensive peace.
Peres also supports this view, although his position as head of state precludes
his taking an active role in the political discourse.