November 02/08
Bible Reading of the day.
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint
Matthew 5,1-12. When he saw the crowds, he went up the mountain, and after he
had sat down, his disciples came to him. He began to teach them, saying: Blessed
are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they
who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they will
inherit the land. Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for
they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart, for they will see God. Blessed are the
peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are they who
are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of
heaven. Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every
kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me.
Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they
persecuted the prophets who were before you.
Saint Ambrose (c.340-397), Bishop of Milan and Doctor of the Church
Concerning the advantages of death/"I had a vision of a great mulititude... from
every nation, race, people and tongue... standing before the throne" (Rev 7,9)
Made strong by the teachings [of Scripture] let
us go forward without trembling towards our redeemer, Jesus, towards the
assembly of the patriarchs; let us set out towards our father, Abraham, when
that day comes. Let us go forward without trembling to the congregation of the
saints, to that great concourse of the just. We will be going to our fathers:
those who taught us the faith. Even if we lack works, may our faith help us; let
us defend our inheritance! We will be going to that region where Abraham opens
his bosom to those who are poor like Lazarus (Lk 16,19f.). There repose all
those who bore the hard knocks of life in this world. Now, Father, stretch out
your hands again and again to welcome these poor ones, open wide your arms, make
space in your breast to receive yet more, for those who believed in God are many
indeed...We are going to the paradise of joy where Adam, who formerly fell into
a robbers' ambush, no longer gives thought to weeping over his wounds and where
the robber himself rejoices in his share in the heavenly Kingdom (cf. Lk 10,30;
23,43). There where no cloud, no tempest, no lightening, no hurricane, no
darkness, no dusk, no summer nor winter mark the uncertainty of the weather;
neither cold nor hail nor rain. Our poor, feeble sun, the moon and stars no
longer have any more use. God's brightness alone will shine out for God will be
the light of all things, that true light who enlightens everyone will shine
forth for all (Rev 22,5; Jn 1,9). We will go there where the Lord Jesus has
prepared dwelling places for his insignificant servants so that where he is, we
may be too (Jn 14,2-3)... «Father, they are your gift to me. I wish that where I
am they also may be with me, that they may see my glory» (Jn 17,24)... We are
following you, Lord Jesus; but that it may be so, call us, since no one rises up
without you. You are the way, the truth, the life (Jn 14,6), the possibility,
the faith, the reward. Receive us; strengthen us; grant us life!
Free Opinions,
Releases, letters & Special Reports
No compromise with Iran.By:Robert
D./Israel Opinion 01/11/08
Don’t appease Iran. By:Ophir Falk
/Israel Opinion 01/11/08
Livni: Syria must cut Iran, terror
ties before we give it what it wants. Haaretz 01/11/08
Hezbollah Is Cheating?Atlantic Free
Press 01/11/08
Latest News Reports From
Miscellaneous Sources for November
Supports Lebanon's Identity-Naharnet
Report: Army Discovers Cell Working
for the Mossad Since the 1980s-Naharnet
Report: Lebanon uncovers espionage ring working
for Israel-Ynetnews
US justifies Syria,
Pakistan raids.Reuters/Israel News
Ahmadinejad calls U.S. Syria raid 'a blind and savage act'-Haaretz
Hizbullah: Roed-Larsen is Well Known for Supporting Israel-Naharnet
Syrian Deployment Stretches 335 Km on Lebanon's Eastern Front-Naharnet
Contacts Between 8 and 14 of March Movements to Prepare for the Dialogue While
Suleiman Remains in the Center-Naharnet
Hariri: Hizbullah has a
Will to Contain Repercussions of May 7-Naharnet
Saniora Returns to Beirut
as Egypt Backs Lebanon's Stability-Naharnet
March 8 and 14 in Contact
to Prepare for National Dialogue-Naharnet
Discussions at Security
Council Showed 1559 is Taef's Practical Implementation-Naharnet
Olmert Hopes to Receive
Answers about Syria's Willingness to Distance Itself from Hizbullah-Naharnet
Pope Discusses Plight of
Christians with Suleiman-Naharnet
Hariri-Geagea Reject
Expanding National Dialogue-Naharnet
Bellemare to Break the
Silence Soon-Naharnet
Lebanon: 12 IAF war jets violated
our airspace. Haaretz
Sleiman meets pope, extracts renewed statement of support from Vatican-(AFP)
Bolton links US election to instability in Lebanon-Daily
sees no obstacles to dialogue agreements-Daily
Fadlallah: Climate of reconciliation provides hope-Daily
Interior minister supports lowering voting age-Daily
dozen Israeli warplanes violate Lebanese airspace-(AFP)
Hariri praises Hizbullah's 'will to contain' tension, lashes out at Syrian
sees 'no tangible progress' on implementing Resolution 1559-Daily
Lebanese readers making writing worthwhile-By
Marc J. Sirois
Lebanon cracks down on jammers, repeaters-Daily
Beirut to halt flour subsidies by mid-November-Daily
Tabourian says Egyptian gas will start arriving early next year-Daily
difference' between Obama, McCain-Daily
Behind closed doors at Beirut's very best smoke-filled room-Daily
French dig exposes underside of Tyre-Daily
fair highlights importance of fitness, wellbeing-Daily
Symposium to highlight Lebanon's historic impact in Mediterranean-Daily
Former speaker denounces 'vote buying' in Iranian Parliament-(AFP)
Imprisonment of Syrian dissidents goes unnoticed amid row over US attack on
border town-Daily
Egypt resembles Taba to
the Sebaa Farms: We did not Link Benefiting From the Sinai with that of Taba.
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release October 30, 2008
The United States condemns the sentencing of 12 members of the Damascus
Declaration National Council to two and a half years in prison. This judgment
once again underscores the Syrian regime’s contempt for the fundamental rights
and freedoms of their people.
The United States calls on the Syrian government to release immediately the 12
Damascus Declaration members, as well as all other political prisoners. Syria
must live up to its obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights.
The Syrian regime cannot expect to be treated as a respected member of the
international community when it engages in such systematic repression of its own
Pope Supports Lebanon's
Naharnet/Pope Benedict XVI gave his support Friday to Lebanon's
"characteristic" identity and called for a "just and rapid" settlement of the
Palestinian problem.
He made his remarks in a 25-minute audience with Lebanon's President Michel
Suleiman, the Vatican press service said.
The pontiff repeated "the continued commitment of the Holy See in favor of
Lebanon", a country where many faiths coexist, and "the safeguarding of its so
characteristic … identity". Benedict and Suleiman also discussed "the delicate
regional situation, expressing the wish that the Palestinian question finds a
just and rapid solution". "The conditions of life and the problems of Christian
communities in the Middle East" were also reviewed, the press service said.(AFP)
Pope Discusses Plight of Christians with Suleiman
Naharnet/Pope Benedict XVI Friday discussed the plight of
Christians in the Middle East with Lebanese President Michel Suleiman.
The pontiff met with Suleiman for 25 minutes, the Vatican's press service said
and expressed strong support for "the continued commitment of the Holy See in
favor of Lebanon."
"The conditions of life and the problems of Christian communities in the Middle
East" were also reviewed, the press service added.
Christians account for around 37 percent of Lebanon's population but their
numbers have declined steadily in recent decades.
By custom, the position of president is reserved for a Maronite Christian and
the prime minister is a Sunni Muslim.
The number of Christians in Iraq has also fallen by more than 200,000 since the
2003 U.S. invasion, with a string of sectarian attacks prompting a large exodus.
The 59-year-old Suleiman, a former commander-in-chief of Lebanon's army, was
elected president by parliament in May after months of political paralysis,
during which time the pope urged Lebanese leaders to unify as a "symbol" of
peaceful coexistence between different religious communities.(AFP) Beirut, 31
Oct 08, 20:33
Syrian Deployment Stretches 335 Km on Lebanon's Eastern
Naharnet/The process of Syrian deployment on the eastern frontier
of Lebanon is almost over as it comes to complete a previous Syrian deployment
on the northern borders. Lebanese security sources told the daily pan Arab al-Hayat
on Saturday that "the operation covers the internal border region inside Syria
facing the eastern Lebanese frontier that stretches from Hermel to Rashaya."
They said that this comes to complete a similar Syrian deployment in the
northern frontier facing the northern province of Akkar. The sources told al-Hayat
that the deployment stretches for 335 Km or the entire Lebanese-Syrian border
from the north to the Bekka, or 90 Km facing Akkar and 245Km facing the Bekka.
Al-Hayat said that Damascus has via its ministry of foreign affairs informed
international parties of its intent to widen the deployment of its forces from
Akkar to the eastern frontier adding that this measure comes as part of its
commitment to implement U.N. Security Council resolution 1701.
According to information obtained by al-Hayat, Russian ambassador to Beirut
Sergei Boukin had conveyed the Syrian position to Lebanese officials he met
recently. Boukin affirmed that this aims to control the borders to prevent
smuggling and infiltration.
Military sources indicated on Friday that the Syrian deployment stretched from
Ersal to the heights of the frontier town of Deir el-Ashayer through the
wilderness east of Baalbek, adding the deployment is heavily backed by tanks and
field artillery.
The operation commenced on Thursday evening with the deployment of the 4th
division of the Syrian army along the border town of Al-Qaa all the way to Jabal
Al-Sheikh mountain. The Lebanese army command was officially informed of this
move by a telephone call on Thursday made to army commander Gen. Jean Qahwaji by
his Syrian counterpart Gen. Ali Habib, detailing the field deployment of the
Syrian military forces on the eastern frontier following its deployment in the
north, according to a military press communiqué.
"This deployment comes in the framework of measures taken to stop border
smuggling and the illegal infiltration of the borders of the two brotherly
states," the army statement said. Coinciding with the Syrian deployment, United
Nations Special Envoy for the Implementation of U.N. Security Council Resolution
1559 Terje Roed-Larsen told the Security Council on Thursday that the U.N.
Secretary-General has continued his efforts in encouraging Syria and Lebanon to
conduct a joint and full border demarcation. However, he noted no progress in
this regard.
Syria responded to Larsen's statement saying "there will be no border
demarcation with Lebanon prior to the liberation of the Golan Heights, Shebaa
Farms and the occupied part of the Ghajar village."Syria's envoy to the United
Nations Bashar al-Jaafari sent a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban ki-Moon
and to China, which currently presides over the U.N. Security Council, stating
that "the real reason for the delay in border demarcation lies in the continued
Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights, Shebaa Farms and the (occupied portion)
of Ghajjar. Regarding the deployment of Syrian forces on the common
Syrian-Lebanese border Jaaffari confirmed that the"deployment is strictly on the
Syrian side of the border and that it is limited to 800 troops in implementation
of a signed bilateral agreement. He went on to explain that the purpose for this
deployment is to monitor the borders and prevent any smuggling and to equally
protect Syrian-Lebanese security." Beirut, 01 Nov 08, 11:15
Contacts Between 8 and 14 of March Movements to Prepare for
the Dialogue While Suleiman Remains in the Center
CNaharnet/ontacts between the 8 and 14 March Movements have
started, in preparation of the launching of National Dialogue next Tuesday.
The daily An-Nahar on Saturday stated, "Contacts are focusing on placing the
keys for discussion and dialogue, following the process of reconciliation taking
place with more than one party." The paper added "this will help discuss matters
in a sportsmanship spirit at the presidential palace in Baabda."
Sources monitoring the preparations told the daily pan –Arab Al-Hayat that
President Michel Suleiman is adopting a position allowing him to remain at the
center between the parliamentary minority calling for expanding the dialogue to
include more parties, and that of the majority that is rejecting it.
"President Suleiman will present the minority's position during the dialogue
without adopting it; he will also present the position of the majority." Sources
"Any amendment made to the list of those invited to the dialogue will have to be
approved by the majority, which is not eager to adopt this position." Sources
told Al-Hayat. The National Dialogue's opening session was launched last
September 16 at the presidential palace under the auspices of President Suleiman
including the 14 signatory parties to the Doha agreement. Beirut, 01 Nov 08,
Hariri: Hizbullah has a Will to Contain Repercussions of
May 7
Naharnet/Mustaqbal Movement leader Saad Hariri on Friday accused
Syria of exporting terror to neighboring states, said Hizbullah has the "will to
contain" repercussions of its May attack in Beirut and rejected expanding the
list of participants in the Conference on National Dialogue. Hariri, in an
interview with a Russian television network, said "terror is strictly made by
the Syrian regime." "I challenge them to accept an international investigation
committee to expose who spreads terror to where, who spreads terror to Iraq and
Lebanon and who has camps for training terrorists. "If they don't want an
international investigation committee, I challenge them to accept an Arab
committee," Hariri stressed.
Commenting on the recent U.S. raid on a target in Syria, Hariri said: "Let them
lodge a complaint with the U.N. Security council. Why didn't they do that?"
"Israel had raided a Syrian nuclear facility, which they (Syrians) say is not as
such. Why didn't they lodge a complaint with the U.N. Security Council?" Hariri
"Let the world know what has happened," he stressed. Hariri said his recent
meeting with Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was a "very good meeting
marked by frankness and a revision of what happened during the past three years
and a half."
The talks were also marked by "different viewpoints and principles," he said.
"There is a will and attempt by Hizbullah and Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to contain
what has happened. We also want to contain what has happened," he added. "I
believe that what happened on May 7 was a lesson from which the opposition
realized that nothing changes. May 7 signaled collapse of Lebanon's principles,
dialogue … and the right to be different," according to Hariri.
"Repercussions of that day persist and would persist in the future," Hariri
stressed. The forthcoming parliamentary elections, scheduled for the spring of
2009, would "reflect the people's response to what has happened," he added.
Asked if Mustaqbal Movement would go into an alliance with Hizbullah in the
forthcoming elections, Hariri said: "Straight no." He said the March 14 alliance
would go into the competition with unified tickets to defend its concept of
"Lebanon first."
In answering a question about demands by Hizbullah and allies to expand the list
of participants in the Conference on National Dialogue, Hariri said: "I'm
against it."
Beirut, 31 Oct 08, 17:27
Saniora Returns to Beirut as Egypt Backs Lebanon's
Naharnet/Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak discussed with Premier
Fouad Saniora during a telephone conversation about the results of the meetings
of the Higher Egyptian-Lebanese Committee and encouraged cooperation between the
two countries. Mubarak also "expressed support to efforts made by President
Michel Suleiman and the Lebanese government to achieve stability (in the
country) and reactivate the national dialogue," Beirut media reported Saturday.
Saniora, who returned to Beirut on Friday, was expected to meet Mubarak in
Cairo. But the meeting was cancelled after Mubarak got sick upon his return from
Paris. Instead, Saniora met with Head of Egyptian Intelligence Gen. Omar
Suleiman. The two men discussed recent Lebanese and Arab developments.
A source accompanying the prime minister told An Nahar daily that Saniora's
visit to Cairo was important to reactivate the role of the Higher
Egyptian-Lebanese committee after a seven-year hiatus.The source said the
agreements signed between the two countries were aimed at improving ties, whose
signs will emerge when Lebanon starts receiving Egyptian gas.Meanwhile, An Nahar
reported Saturday that Deputy Egyptian Intelligence Chief Gen. Omar al-Qinawy's
recent visit to Lebanon was only aimed at relaying a message of support to
efforts aimed at bringing stability back to the country. Qinawy's talks with
Lebanese politicians "did not come at the backdrop of urgent issues. He (Qinawy)
came…to inform all parties in Lebanon about Egypt's support and interest in
Lebanon's peace path," sources told the newspaper.About Saniora's visit to
Kuwait before his trip to Egypt, the source accompanying the prime minister said
Kuwaiti Emir Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmad al-Sabah expressed relief about steps taken
by Lebanon in the aftermath of the Doha accord. Saniora is expected to travel to
Turkey on Monday for a two-day visit. Beirut, 01 Nov 08, 05:26
Discussions at Security Council Showed 1559 is Taef's
Practical Implementation
Naharnet/The latest discussions at the U.N. Security Council were
"calm" and proved that Resolution 1559 is the "practical implementation of the
Taef Agreement in terms of the pullout of foreign forces from Lebanon and
disarmament of all militias," diplomatic sources told An Nahar daily.
"Resolution 1701 did not cancel Resolution 1559, whose clauses stem from the
Taef Accord which was later consolidated by the Doha Agreement," the sources
said in remarks published Saturday.
On Thursday, U.N. envoy Terje Roed-Larsen briefed the Security Council on
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's eighth report on resolution 1559 which was
adopted in 2004. Roed-Larsen is Ban's envoy dealing with implementation of the
resolution that included demands for pullout of Syrian forces from Lebanon, the
disarmament of all militias and the extension of government authority throughout
the country. Beirut, 01 Nov 08, 08:27
Report: Army Discovers Cell Working for the Mossad Since
the 1980s
Naharnet/The Lebanese army has reportedly discovered a cell
working for the Israeli Mossad spy agency and arrested the network's leader and
his relative.
As Safir daily on Saturday, quoting judicial and security sources, said the two
men confessed to the army's intelligence service that they were collaborating
with the Mossad. It said the army arrested the cell's leader in the Western
Bekaa valley after closely watching his moves in Lebanon and between Lebanon and
Syria during security developments in the Bekaa which led many to believe that
the suspect was kidnapped.
But later it was revealed that the man was in the custody of the army's
intelligence. While the judicial and security sources refused to give details,
citizens of the town in which the arrest took place told As Safir that security
forces raided his home and confiscated his four-wheel Mitsubishi Pajero which
had a camera capable of taking clear pictures of faces and license plates. The
eyewitnesses told As Safir that the man is the head of the network. They said he
didn't have any particular job and he used to sometimes park his vehicle on the
international highway between the Bekaa town of Chtaura and the Masnaa border
Sources close to the investigation said the suspect was recruited by the Mossad
in the 1980s. He has also recruited several people and documents seized from his
house and vehicle proved his use of high-tech equipment to monitor or contact
the Israelis. The same sources said security forces have also arrested the man's
relative who confessed to monitoring the moves of personalities, convoys and
observing sensitive sites particularly in the central Bekaa.
The newspaper said the network has been entrusted in the past 20 years with
monitoring several security spots, including Lebanese and Syrian army outposts
and Palestinian bases in the Bekaa. However, the cell has in the past few years
concentrated on observing Hizbullah posts, members and convoys.
Investigation also revealed that the cell has been monitoring sensitive security
areas in Damascus, including the area of Kfar Sousa where Hizbullah commander
Imad Mughniyeh was killed in a car bombing last February. Investigators are
reportedly trying to find a link between the network and the assassination of
Mughniyeh and other personalities whether in Lebanon or Syria. The ongoing probe
is also focusing on the role the network played during the Israeli offensive on
the country in July-August 2006. Many people have previously been arrested in
Lebanon on suspicion of spying for Israel.
In June 2006, the Lebanese army captured Mahmoud Rafeh, a 59-year-old Lebanese
citizen and retired police officer, for a car bombing that killed Mahmoud
Majzoub, a senior Islamic Jihad official, and his brother in front of their home
in the southern city of Sidon. The army had said that Rafeh was a member of a
terrorist network allegedly working for the Israeli Mossad. He later confessed
to his role in killing the Majzoub brothers, and to other operations --
including bombings that killed two Hizbullah officials in 1999 and 2003 and the
2002 killing of Jihad Jibril, the son of Ahmed Jibril, leader of the radical
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC). Rafeh's
associate, Hussein Khattab, was able to escape and it was said that the Mossad
helped him enter into the Palestinian territories during the July war. In 2004,
a Tunisian woman of Palestinian origin and four accomplices were indicted on
charges of plotting with Israel to assassinate Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan
Nasrallah. Beirut, 01 Nov 08, 06:46
Egypt resembles Taba to the Sebaa Farms: We did not Link
Benefiting From the Sinai with that of Taba.
Naharnet/Egyptian officials stress in front of their visiting
Lebanese officials, party leaders and media, that Cairo is not against Lebanon
in regaining its occupied territories at Shebaa Farms, Kfar Shuba Hills and the
village of Ghajjar, adding that Egypt cannot accept for others what it does not
accept for herself when it comes to Israeli occupied Arab lands. However, the
Egyptian leadership sees that it is wrong holding up any political, security,
economic and development benefits of liberated territories while awaiting the
liberation of relatively small and narrow territories that could be subject to
border disputes requiring border demarcation or international arbitration to
establish its ownership and sovereignty rights.
In this regard Egyptian leaders refer to the example of Taba, following the
return of the Sinai Peninsula from Israel. They compare the status of Taba at
that time with that of the Shebaa Farms today. They point that Egypt did not
link benefiting from the return of the Sinai Peninsula with that of Taba.
However, at the same time it did not give up its rights. Egypt moved to the end
with international legal procedures, which allowed her to fully regain all of
its territories.
Egyptian officials believe that Lebanon can benefit from the Egyptian
experience, according to the seven point plan made by the Lebanese cabinet in
the summer of 2006 in terms of placing the Shebaa Farms under the auspices of
the United Nations and its Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) following an
Israeli withdrawal.
The ownership of the Farms is to be decided following a border demarcation
process, which will ultimately deliver it to its rightful owners.
It is wrong to keep all of Lebanon with its economy, policy and stability
subject to a state of war and confrontation with Israel, with all of the
negative implications on its society and institutions that would highly exceed
the implications of Israeli occupation of a small portion of territory that
could be regained through diplomatic means and international law. Egyptian
officials say. Egypt places this comparison regarding the Shebaa Farms with all
of the Lebanese parties it receives. Naturally it does not seek to press the
Lebanese to adopt this Egyptian model as a solution.
On the other hand Egypt cannot remain silent and be a false witness to the
unequal and high costs paid by Lebanon and the Lebanese resulting from a policy
that could substituted by another less costly and more beneficial in regaining
the Shebaa Farms. Beirut, 01 Nov 08, 12:51
Hizbullah: Roed-Larsen is Well Known for Supporting Israel
The head of Hizbullah's International Relations Department Nawaf
Mousawi accused Terje Roed-Larsen, U.N. Special Representative for the
implementation of Security Council Resolution 1559, of working to please the
Israeli side. He accused Roed-Larsen of carrying Israeli demands and presenting
them as though they were requests urged by the international community. Roed-Larsen's
"background and goals are well known, that he works to please the Israeli side
by carrying their demands and presenting them as though they were requests urged
by the international community," Mousawi said in comments published by several
Beirut dailies on Saturday. "This employee (Roed-Larsen) ignores the Israeli
violations of Lebanese sovereignty," Mousawi added. "It seems that he forgets
that Hizbullah is a basic component of the Lebanese government, whose cabinet
statement has clearly stated the legitimacy of the resistance away from any
unjust description of a militia," he said. "It is the Israeli aggression that
has destroyed the authority of successive Lebanese governments. What has
restored state authority is the presence of a powerful and effective resistance
capable of thwarting Israeli aggression and it goals," Mousawi said. He said
Roed-Larsen never stopped referring to the Taef accord. "However, we know very
well that he did not read its articles and provisions. This accord confirmed a
Lebanese consensus for confronting and removing the Israeli aggression by all
means on top of which is the resistance." He said Roed-Larsen's "obsession in
directing his criticism to Hizbullah harms the ongoing cooperation with the
United Nations. It is time to rein in his destructive quarrelsome role,
especially when his role has been gravely unsuccessful for the past three
years." Beirut, 01 Nov 08, 09:53
Olmert Hopes to Receive Answers about Syria's Willingness to Distance Itself
from Hizbullah
Naharnet/Israel's prime minister is expecting Turkey to arrange another round of
talks with Syria soon, hoping to receive answers about Damascus' willingness to
distance itself from Hizbullah, An official in Ehud Olmert's office has said.
Olmert is aware of the restrictions of his caretaker role and is not planning to
reach agreements with the Syrians, the official told The Associated Press on
Instead, Olmert hopes to receive answers about Syria's willingness to distance
itself from its allies in Iran and Hizbullah, a key Israeli demand. In turn, the
Syrians were expected to raise the subject of final borders, the official said
on condition of anonymity because the information was not officially made
Israel and Syria have been holding indirect talks through Turkish mediators, but
the contacts have been suspended for months because of political upheaval in
Olmert, who announced he would step down to face corruption allegations, remains
the caretaker leader of a temporary government until after national elections on
Feb. 10. His opponents say he should freeze negotiations with Syria and the
Palestinians in the meantime, but Olmert says he will press ahead.
Olmert "sees importance in the continuation of the dialogue and the continuation
of the talks," said the Israeli premier's spokesman, Mark Regev.
Syria hopes to win back the Golan Heights, a strategic plateau it lost to Israel
in the 1967 Mideast war. Israel later annexed the territory, a move that has not
been recognized internationally. An earlier round of peace talks in the late
1990s foundered over disagreements about the extent of an Israeli withdrawal.
The Syrians have indicated they might not agree to resume talks with an Israeli
prime minister who has little clout.
"This process cannot be resumed before the political crisis in Israel is
solved," Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem told a news conference in London
on Monday, following talks with his British counterpart.(AP-Naharnet) Beirut, 01
Nov 08, 04:30
French dig exposes underside of Tyre
By Mohammed Zaatari /Daily Star staff
Saturday, November 01, 2008
TYRE: A French excavations team from the Universite de Lyon has wrapped up phase
I of works in the southern port city of Tyre, the head of the Directorate
General of Antiquities (DGA) in the South told The Daily Star on Friday.
"Excavations are centered in two main sites inside Tyre's Al-Mina ancient ruins
area," Ali Badawi said. He added that archaeologists were working on uncovering
the tomb of Frederic Archbishop of Tyre, which is said to be buried under an
ancient cathedral dating back to the times of the Crusaders in the coastal city.
"A German excavating team came to the area in search of Frederic's tomb in the
19th century but didn't find anything," Badawi said. Badawi said the French team
was also following the traces of a Roman amphitheatre in the area.
The head of the French excavations team, Pierre-Louis Gatier, said
archaeologists were able to find a wall, "which might be one of the cathedral's
French archaeologists are also working on tracing the history of earthenware
they found at the site. Gatier said his team is expected to end its mission "in
the next few days, but we will be back again next year." The 14-member
excavation team arrived in Tyre around three weeks ago; their mission is part of
a plan put forth by DGA to determine which historical periods the site dates
from. - The Daily Star
Sleiman meets pope, extracts renewed statement of support
from Vatican
Berlusconi chimes in with backing for national dialogue
By Agence France Presse (AFP) /Compiled by Daily Star staff
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Pope Benedict XVI discussed the plight of Christians in the Middle East in a
meeting with President Michel Sleiman on Friday. The pope voiced his support for
Lebanon's pluralistic identity and called for a "just and rapid" settlement of
the Palestinian problem. He made his remarks during a 25-minute audience with
Sleiman, the Vatican press service said. The pontiff also repeated "the
continued commitment of the Holy See in favor of Lebanon," a country where many
faiths coexist, and "the safeguarding of its ... identity."Benedict and Sleiman
also discussed "the delicate regional situation, expressing the wish that the
Palestinian question finds a just and rapid solution." "The conditions of life
and the problems of Christian communities in the Middle East" were also
reviewed, the press service said.
Christians account for around 37 percent of war-torn Lebanon's population but
their numbers have declined steadily in recent decades.
The number of Christians in Iraq has also fallen by more than 200,000 since the
2003 US-led invasion, with a string of recent sectarian attacks prompting a
renewed exodus. The 59-year-old Sleiman, a former commander-in-chief of
Lebanon's army, was elected president by Parliament in May after months of
political paralysis, during which time the pope urged Lebanese leaders to unify
as a "symbol" of peaceful coexistence between different religious communities.
The president also met with Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Butros Sfeir, who had
extended his own stay in the Vatican after having attended a religious
conference in October. Before heading to the Vatican, Sleiman discussed
Lebanese-Italian bilateral ties in a meeting with Prime Minister Silvio
Berlusconi in Rome. Sleiman was quoted by Lebanon's National News Agency as
saying that this country was fully committed to the implementation of
international resolutions that "call for respecting its sovereignty and
independence, and urge Israel to withdraw from all its territories."Sleiman
reiterated Lebanon's commitment to reaching a just and comprehensive solution to
the "Middle East problem" in accordance with international resolutions, the
Madrid Conference of 1991, and the Arab Peace Initiative (API) of 2002.
The Madrid Conference set the ground for achieving peace settlements between
Israel and a number of Arab states.
The API was launched during an Arab League summit in Beirut, offering Israel
normal ties with all Arab countries in return for its complete withdrawal from
all occupied land and fair resolution of the refugees' plight. Sleiman told
Berlusconi that Italy and the European Union could play an effective role in
speeding up efforts to achieve peace in the Middle East. For his part,
Berlusconi reiterated his country's commitment to support stability in Lebanon.
"We also encourage the course of dialogue and reconciliation which started under
the auspices of President Sleiman," the prime minister said.
Also Friday, Prime Minister Fouad Siniora discussed with a number of officials
the measures to be taken to control Lebanon's eastern border with Syria.
The meeting came in the aftermath of reports about a Syrian military deployment
along the eastern border. Local TV station LBC, which sent a correspondent to
inspect the situation on the border, said Friday that no unusual measures were
observed. The commander of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), General Jean Kahwaji
also said Friday that the LAF was continuously cooperating with the Syrian Army
to prevent smuggling.
Siniora ended a visit to Cairo on Friday after meeting Egypt's intelligence
chief, General Omar Suleiman. A scheduled meeting between Siniora and President
Hosni Mubarak did not take place as the latter was indisposed after returning
from Paris. However, Mubarak contacted Siniora and encouraged continued
cooperation between Beirut and Cairo. Also Friday, Future Movement leader Saad
Hariri said that his recent meeting with Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan
Nasrallah would not lead to an alliance between the two leaders. Hariri
described his meeting with Nasrallah as "positive," adding that the two parties
have agreed on containing tensions following last May's events. Hizbullah-led
fighters clashed with pro-government gunmen in May, briefly taking over large
swathes of predominantly Sunni western Beirut. Hariri, who was speaking to
Russia Today television, said that he would visit Moscow in November to enhance
bilateral ties and stress Lebanon's ability to become an "economic bridge" that
connects Russia to other Arab countries.
The Future leader also met with Lebanese Forces chief Samir Geagea, who visited
him at his residence in Qoreitem. A Lebanese Forces source told the Central News
Agency on Friday that the meeting touched on next year's parliamentary
elections. The source added that both leaders agreed on rejecting calls by
Hizbullah and its allies to expand the list of participants in the national
dialogue process, the next session of which is scheduled for Wednesday.
The conference's first session was held in mid-September at Baabda Palace,
grouping the 14 politicians who signed the Doha Accord that ended last May's
Also Friday, news reports said that Nasrallah had told Hariri during their
recent meeting that he had no reservations about meeting Progressive Socialist
Party (PSP) leader MP Walid Jumblatt. The PSP chief was the first to kick off
reconciliation efforts with Hizbullah as senior officials from his party have
held a number of meetings with Hizbullah representatives under the auspices of
Youth and Sports Minister Talal Arslan. In a separate development, Free
Patriotic Movement (FPM) leader MP Michel Aoun was quoted on Friday as saying
that "only a nuclear bomb" would undo his alliance with Hizbullah. Local daily
As-Safir said Aoun also told a gathering of FPM members that he would visit
Syria before the end of the year. - AFP, with The Daily Star
Bolton links US election to instability in Lebanon
Daily Star staff/Saturday, November 01, 2008
BEIRUT: Former acting US Ambassador to the United Nations John Bolton on Friday
linked his country's phase of transition to instability in Lebanon. In an
interview with the Al-Arabiyya satellite news channel, Bolton expressed fears
for "stability and democracy in Lebanon" and "the government of Prime Minister [Fouad]
Siniora." These fears were rooted in the role Syria and Hizbullah may jointly
play in Lebanon, he said. "This transitional period in the United States and
Israel may have been difficult on the Lebanese state," Bolton told Al-Arabiyya.
- The Daily Star
Salam sees no obstacles to dialogue agreements
Daily Star staff/Saturday, November 01, 2008
BEIRUT: Culture Minister Tamam Salam said in comments published on Friday that
nothing was blocking the agreements reached on the national dialogue, which he
said would proceed in a similar manner to the previous round of dialogue in
2006. In an interview with Egypt's Al-Akhbar al-Youm newspaper, Salam said that
current conditions and recent achievements in Lebanon would result in a
successful dialogue. He also said the dialogue should benefit from regional and
international support. Salam said he hoped that the dispute between Prime
Minister Fouad Siniora and his deputy, Issam Abu Jamra, over the latter's powers
would soon end, adding that there was no mention of the powers and authority of
the deputy prime minister in the Taif Accord. - The Daily Star
Fadlallah: Climate of reconciliation provides hope
Daily Star staff/Saturday, November 01, 2008
BEIRUT: Senior Shiite cleric Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah said that the
recent reconciliation atmosphere spread hope among the Lebanese after sectarian
players "tried to complicate national and Islamic relations." Such sectarian
groups, he said, use fear and exaggeration of facts to serve their own political
calculations, "which are tied to regional or international alliances and do not
serve, in any way, Lebanon's interests." During Friday prayers at the Imam
Hassanayn Mosque, Fadlallah said that reconciliation should be tied to the
concepts of honesty and integrity. "Reconciliation should push all parties to
think about the country's welfare, especially in the coming period of regional
challenges." Fadlallah said he hoped the Cabinet would be one "of true national
unity rather than opposing alliances fighting each another." He called on the
Cabinet to work for the independence of Lebanon and to exert "extensive efforts
to offer social and health services to all Lebanese and preserve the
environment." - The Daily Star
Hariri praises Hizbullah's 'will to contain' tension,
lashes out at Syrian 'terror'
Daily Star staff/Saturday, November 01, 2008
BEIRUT: Future Movement leader MP Saad Hariri lashed out at Syria on Friday,
accusing it of exporting "terror" to neighboring countries. "Terror is strictly
made by the Syrian regime," Hariri told Russia Today television channel. Hariri
also said Hizbullah has the "will to contain" repercussions of the May clashes
in Beirut and rejected expanding the list of participants in the national
dialogue meetings. "I challenge Syria to accept an international investigation
committee to expose who spreads terror in Iraq and Lebanon and who has camps for
training terrorists," he said. "If they don't want an international
investigation committee, I challenge them to accept an Arab committee," Hariri
said. Commenting on the recent US raid on a village in Syria, Hariri said: "Let
them lodge a complaint with the United Nations Security Council. Why didn't they
do that?" Syria protested to the UN Security Council on Tuesday over what it
called a "flagrant act of aggression," and asked the world body to "prevent any
repetition of this grave violation."US officials, speaking on condition of
anonymity, have said the target of the raid was a top Al-Qaeda figure who
operated a network smuggling fighters into Iraq. Syria has said the raid killed
only eight civilians and no militants, and has challenged the US to prove that
it targeted an extremist. "Israel had earlier raided a Syrian nuclear facility,
which they [the Syrians] say is not such. Why didn't they lodge a complaint with
the UN Security Council?" Hariri said. Syria also complained to the UN over that
attack, and has allowed international inspections of the site.
"Let the world know what has happened," Hariri said. Hariri said his recent
meeting with Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was a "very good meeting
marked by frankness and a revision of what happened during the past three years
and a half."
The talks were also marked by "different viewpoints and perspectives," he said.
"There is a will and attempt by Hizbullah and Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to contain
recent tensions. We also want to contain recent tensions," he added. "I believe
that what happened on May 7 was a lesson from which the opposition realized that
nothing changes. May 7 signaled collapse of Lebanon's principles, dialogue ...
and the right to be different," Hariri said in reference to clashes between
opposition fighters and pro-government gunmen earlier this year. "Repercussions
of that day persist and will persist in the future," Hariri added. Asked if the
Future Movement would go into an alliance with Hizbullah in the upcoming 2009
parliamentary elections, Hariri said: "Of course not." The forthcoming
parliamentary elections, scheduled for the spring of 2009, would "reflect the
people's response to what has happened," he added. He said the March 14 alliance
would go into the competition with unified tickets to defend its concept of
"Lebanon first." Asked about demands to expand the number of participants in the
national dialogue, Hariri said: "I'm against such a step." - The Daily Star
Ban sees 'no tangible progress' on implementing Resolution
UN chief concerned by Islamic extremism around Tripoli
By Andrew Wander /Daily Star staff
Saturday, November 01, 2008
BEIRUT: UN chief Ban Ki Moon believes that there has been "no tangible progress"
over the past six months toward disarming Lebanon's "militias" as called for by
UN Security Council under Resolution 1559, the Security Council heard on
Thursday. UN envoy Terje Roed-Larsen, who is change of implementing the
resolution which calls for the disarming of "militias," told the Security
Council that Ban was gravely concerned at continued presence of armed groups in
He said the secretary general believes the presence of the groups could threaten
parliamentary elections scheduled to be held in the spring.
The most significant "militia" in Lebanon, he said, was the armed wing of
Hizbullah, which he described as a "massive paramilitary infrastructure that is
separate from the state." He said that the secretary general supported the
transformation of the Shiite resistance group - which at present has both a
political and military presence in Lebanon - into a "political party proper" as
soon as possible.
Fighting on the streets of Beirut in May was also a cause of great concern to
the secretary general, the envoy said. The street battles, in which the
Hizbullah-led opposition defeated militants who were supporting the government,
"may have prompted, if not accelerated, a process of rearmament in Lebanon," he
Foreign groups operating in Lebanon, particularly on the Syrian border, were
another concern, the Security Council heard. Roed-Larsen warned that there had
not been significant progress on the delineation of the "vulnerable" border
between Lebanon and Syria.
He pointed to the presence of two groups - the Popular Front for the Liberation
of Palestine and Fatah al-Intifadah - which he said had established permanent
paramilitary structures along the border as symptomatic of this.
A number of member states raised concerns about the alleged flow of weapons and
fighters over the border.
The secretary general is also concerned at the increasingly heated rhetoric that
has been exchanged between Israel and Hizbullah in recent weeks, Roed-Larsen
said. He urged both sides to desist in verbally attacking the other, saying that
this created anxiety among the civilian populations in both Lebanon and Israel.
The secretary general was also concerned by the emergence and strengthening of
Sunni extremists and foreign fighters around Tripoli, the envoy said, citing the
recent attacks on the Lebanese military in the town and noting the "assertive
action" that the army had taken recent weeks against the problem.
His report was not all bad though. He also pointed to progress on the
implementation of the resolution. Lebanon has taken "major strides" on the
political front in the past six months, he said, pointing to the Doha agreement
and the election of the president as evidence the Lebanon had the potential to
move toward a stable government with the sole right to use force on its
"Achieving meaningful progress in this regard is not only urgent, but it is also
possible should all sides continue to adhere by their commitments to refrain
from violence to settle political differences and commit themselves to a
Lebanese political process that safeguards the country's sovereignty, stability
and Constitution," he said. He also commended the decision of the governments of
Lebanon and Syria to establish bi-lateral relations on an ambassadorial level.
The resolution, passed in 2004, also called for an end to foreign influence over
Lebanese politics, a move aimed at preventing then-President Emile Lahoud from
having his mandate extended with Syrian support. Lebanon has a long tradition of
constitutional amendments to alter presidential terms.
Report: Ahmadinejad calls U.S.
Syria raid 'a blind and savage act'
By Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondent
Iran's official news agency says President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has condemned a
recent U.S. raid inside Syria near its border with Iraq as a savage act.
IRNA says Ahmadinejad called his Syrian counterpart, Bashar Assad, Friday to
express Iranian support.
The report quotes Ahmadinejad as calling Sunday's raid a blind and savage act.
Washington has not formally acknowledged the raid but U.S. officials, speaking
to the media on condition of anonymity, have said the target of the raid was
Badran Turki al-Mazidih, a top al-Qaida in Iraq figure who operated a network of
smuggling fighters into the war-torn country. The Iraqi national also goes by
the name Abu Ghadiyah. Syria has said the raid only killed eight civilians and
has challenged the U.S. to prove it targeted an extremist.
Damascus has decided to cut off its diplomatic relations with Iraq in response
to the raid, Al-Arabiya reported on Thursday.
Syria has also decided to reduce its troops on the border with Iraq, according
to a report from Syrian television.
The Syrian government has demanded Washington apologize for the strike of the
Abu Kamal border community and earlier this weeek threatened to cut off
cooperation on Iraqi border security if there are more American raids on Syria
Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari called his Syrian counterpart late
Wednesday to express Iraq's rejection of the attack and stress his government's
keenness to avoid any political escalation that would damage relations between
the two countries.
Meanwhile, hundreds of Syrian riot police ringed the shuttered and closed U.S.
Embassy in Damascus on Thursday, as tens of thousands of Syrians converged on a
central square for a government-orchestrated protest to denounce the raid.
The embassy was closed because of security concerns related to the protest, and
the American school was also shut for the day. The Syrian government has ordered
the closure of the school, expected within a week, and the immediate closing of
the American cultural center linked to the embassy.
Though Syria has long been viewed by the U.S. as a destabilizing country in the
Middle East, in recent months, Damascus has been trying to change its image and
end years of global seclusion.
But American accusations that Syria wasn't doing enough to prevent foreign
fighters from crossing its borders into Iraq remains a sore point in relations.
Syria says it is doing all it can to safeguard its long, porous border.
Livni: Syria must cut Iran, terror ties before we give it
what it wants
Last update - 17:54 31/10/2008
By Barak Ravid and Yoav Stern, Haaretz Correspondents
Following reports that outgoing Prime Minister Ehud Olmert intends to resume
indirect peace talks with Syria, Kadima Chairwoman Tzipi Livni on Friday
asserted that Damascus must sever its ties with Iran and Hezbollah before Israel
accedes to its demands.
"Before the Syrians get from us what they want, they must show through their
actions that they intend to stop arming Hezbollah, and must cut ties with Iran
and terrorism," Army Radio quoted her as saying.
Livni, who will seek to bring the ruling Kadima party victory in upcoming
general elections, also said Friday that the government "must determine if we
are talking about continuing just the talks - or determining facts on the ground
before elections, something that is not appropriate or acceptable."
"The government needs at this time to focus on the management of the country and
find solutions to the problems facing us right now, nothing more than this,"
Livni added. The official who reported that Olmert intends to continue talks
added that talks between the Prime Minister's Bureau and the bureau of Turkish
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan would be held next week to try to coordinate
an agreed-on date for what would be the fifth round of indirect talks with the
In response to the report, Likud MK Yuval Steinitz slammed Olmert as having
delivered a "simultaneous blow to the principles of democracy and the crucial
interests of the State of Israel," by carrying out such negotiations with Syria.
Meanwhile, Livni has called for an increase of international pressure on Syria.
Olmert's intention to resume talks has raised fury among right-wing lawmakers,
especially as the government elections.
Olmert met Tuesday with Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Moeller, who had held a
two-hour meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad a few days earlier in
Damascus. Assad expressed a desire to continue talks with Israel, and was "very
serious," the Danish minister told Olmert.
Moeller also said Assad had told him he was willing to conduct direct
negotiations with Israel while President George W. Bush is still in office, if
Assad were to receive a satisfactory response from Israel to the "six-point
document" he gave the Turkish prime minister in September.
According to an Israeli government source, Israel is aware of the content of the
document. Haaretz has learned that the document contains three points dealing
with the marking of the border of the Golan Heights and three points dealing
with security issues in the framework of a peace treaty between the two
Olmert reportedly told Moeller that his intentions toward the Syrians were also
serious and noted that he had said as much in an interview he gave recently to
Yediot Ahronoth. Olmert also reportedly told Moeller that Israel would answer
the Syrians' questions at the coming meeting. The Prime Minister's Bureau
declined to comment on the matter.
If a date is set for another round of talks, it will be handled by the same team
as the previous rounds, including Yoram Turbovicz and and Shalom Turjeman.
Turbovicz retired in August from his position as Olmert's bureau chief and
recently received approval from the attorney general to head the negotiating
team on a voluntary basis. The arrangement for Turbovicz was several months in
the making, one of the reasons talks with the Syrians were frozen.
The six-point document was first made public at a summit in Damascus at the
beginning of September, attended by the president of France, the Turkish premier
and the emir of Qatar, where Assad announced that he had given the document to
Ankara, and that it included Syria's demands regarding an agreement with Israel.
Assad is believed to view Israeli agreement to the document, which Israel
received via Turkey, as a condition for a move to direct talks.
Despite Olmert's desire to talk to the Syrians, he may find it difficult to do
so because of the major tensions between Damascus and Washington following the
U.S. air attack on Syrian territory on Sunday, which killed eight people. Syria
took a number of steps against American institutions in Damascus, and the U.S.
State Department announced that the American Embassy in Damascus would be closed
until further notice.
Syria announced Thursday it would withdraw its Border Guard forces from the
border with Iraq as a "punitive measure" against the United States for the
bombing. A huge anti-American demonstration was also organized in Damascus to
protest the attack. ABC News reported on Friday that the Bush Administration
nixed a proposal by incoming head of the U.S. Central Command General David
Petraeus to visit Syria shortly after he takes over the post as the top U.S.
commander for the Middle East.
The last round of Turkish-mediated indirect talks between Israel and Syria ended
the same day Olmert announced he was leaving office in the wake of the
investigations against him. The fifth round, planned for the beginning of
September, was postponed because of the political situation in Israel and
Turbovicz's departure.
Olmert kept a low political profile after the Kadima primary to allow the
party's new chairwoman, Livni, to conduct coalition talks without interruption.
However, sources told Haaretz that following Livni's failure to form a
government and the call for early elections, with Olmert now having at least
three months left in office, Israel initiated the move to renew talks with the
Renewing talks with Syria does not exceed Olmert's authority as head of a
transition government; however, he could find himself the subject of criticism
by Livni. Livni told the Turkish defense minister Thursday that the smuggling of
weapons from Syria to Hezbollah was very serious, adding, "International
pressure must be brought to bear on Syria to stop this phenomenon."
Olmert did not discuss the diplomatic talks in his speech at the opening of the
Knesset's winter session Monday, but he did note that "the interests of the
country do not go into deep-freeze. Olmert also said that "the feeling of a
preelection freeze is misleading - there are decisions to be made and a country
to run. The decisions will be made and the country will be run."
Meanwhile, a Syrian commentator living in the West, Camille Alexandre Otrakji,
said he believed the proposal raised by President Shimon Peres and Defense
Minister Ehud Barak to negotiate based on the Arab peace initiative could be
dangerous. In a blog on a public affairs Web site focusing on Syria, Otrakji
wrote that the initiative could "...probably be another cycle of chaos,
violence, war threats followed by a sequence of flipping peace tracks." Otrakji
does not represent the official Syrian position, but his comments are apparently
close to that position.
Lebanon: 12 IAF war jets violated our airspace
By The Associated Press
Lebanon said 12 Israel Air Force warplanes violated its airspace on Friday by
flying reconnaissance missions over the country's North and South.
The Lebanese army said in a statement carried by Lebanon's official news agency
that six IAF jets flew over the border village of Alma al-Shaab and other
southern towns and villages for about 30 minutes Friday.
The statement said six other IAF warplanes flew over the Mediterranean off the
coastal city of Batroun and over other northern towns for about an hour.
There was no immediate statement from the Israel Defense Forces, which usually
does not comment on flights over Lebanon.
IAF overflights are often aimed at intelligence gathering. The army used
information gleaned from aerial photography in the 2006 Second Lebanon War, in
which Israel fought the Lebanese militant organization Hezbollah.
In August, a senior IAF officer told Haaretz that if Hezbollah installs advanced
anti-aircraft batteries in Lebanon, the Israel Air Force will have to alter its
overflights of Lebanon significantly.
However, he added that the IAF has successfully coped with similar threats
elsewhere, and could do so in Lebanon as well.
Hezbollah Is Cheating?
Written by Tom Chartier
Friday, 31 October 2008 16:49
by Tom Chartier
Israeli Defense Minster Ehud Barak is upset. He has screamed: “foul play” to the
United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon (UNIFIL). What pray tell is all the
hoopla about?
According to the IDF and Ehud Barak, the cross border boogey men of Hezbollah
have been… and I shudder at the thought… violating a UN resolution, UN
Resolution 1701 to be precise. Say it isn’t so!
Just what is UN Resolution 1701? Well, it’s that peacekeeping resolution
designed in 2006 to put a stop to all the bloodletting over the handful of
captured IDF soldiers. Both Israel and Hezbollah were ordered to cease-fire and
withdraw back to each other’s corner while UNIFIL would hang out in the “no
ruckus zone” and keep all the peace loving terrorists and freedom fighting
guerillas away from each other’s throats.
So far UN Resolution 1701 seems to have worked… sort of. However, according to
Defense Minister Barak, something is rotten in Shebaa Farms. You see one other
stipulation in UN Resolution 1701 is that Hezbollah must disarm. But the IDF
claims Hezbollah has been running guns across the Lebanese/Syrian border!
Well, now that just ain’t cricket now is it?
The fact is, we really do not know if Hezbollah has or has not been rearming. We
just have Ehud Barak’s word on it. And frankly, the IDF has a history of seeing
threats, making up threats, lying about threats from every corner of the falafel
stand. The Israelis could simply be setting the stage to justify some payback.
They’ve done that before. And the idea that the IDF and Hezbollah are ready to
make nice is preposterous. Both parties are gearing up to go at each other at
the first opportunity they can come up with. After all, there are people on both
sides of the border still alive!
Nevertheless, I suspect there’s a degree of truth to Ehud Barak’s claim. Not
that Hezbollah is a rabidly crazy group of murderous religious fanatics and
terrorists. They’re not. They’re a well-regulated militia… hm… where have I
heard that phrase before? Anyway, Hezbollah is a guerilla organization and the
first and possibly only line of defense against another brutal IDF invasion of
Lebanon, like Operation Litani in 1978 and Operation Peace For Galilee in 1982.
Don’t misunderstand me. I do not approve of the methods Hezbollah has employed,
like cross border kidnappings, firing rockets into kibbutzim and suicide bombers
blowing up embassies or marine barracks. These things don’t really do their
cause any good.
But neither have the actions of the IDF been any less reprehensible. Ariel
Sharon’s 1982 siege and destruction of West Beirut to destroy Arafat’s PLO once
and for all, his support of the Sabra Chatila massacre, the repeated destruction
of Southern Lebanon, the 1996 bombing of the Qana refugee camp, etc., etc., etc.
Well, all of these adventures were a bit shall we say? Heavy handed?
You bet they were. If anyone is to blame for the creation of Hezbollah and their
desperate tactics, it’s overly aggressive Zionists and Ariel Sharon.
So now Ehud Barak is screaming about possible Hezbollah weapons smuggling in
violation of UN Res. 1701. Did anyone in Israel or the UN or Lebanon seriously
expect Hezbollah to disarm? The concept is laughable. I don’t recall a UN
resolution demanding that Israel disarm. And if memory serves, the month long
war between the IDF and Hezbollah in 2006, caused a great deal more damage to
Lebanese civilians than anybody across the border in Israel.
Considering the threat of Israel over reacting to another border skirmish, if
you were a Lebanese Shi’ite would you be so eager to throw down your weapons?
Americans won’t give up their guns under any circumstance.
What is even more laughable about Ehud Barak’s complaint is the hypocrisy and
double standard. UN resolutions are not binding and Israel has a history of
ignoring them when it serves their purpose.
Here are some highlights:
1948, UN Resolution 194 resolved that refugees displaced in Israel’s war of
independence be allowed to return, compensation should be paid to those choosing
not to return and free access to the holy places assured. What? Let the 700,000
– 800,000 Palestinians they were so thoroughly cleansed from the land back in?
Camel dung! That would be a waste of all that effort and upset the carefully
managed demographics in The Kingdom of David. This resolution has never been
honored and it’s not likely it ever will be.
1967, UN Resolution 242 declares Israel’s acquisition of captured territories
inadmissible and calls for Israel’s withdrawal, the right of all states in the
region to live in peace within secure recognized borders and a just solution to
the refugee problem. Oh humbug! Give up what they “rightfully” conquered and
follow that pesky UN Res. 194? Hardy-har-har. No Way. As we all should know,
Israel did give up the Gaza Strip but only to blockade it creating the world’s
largest open prison. I’m not sure that was the idea of UN Res. 242.
1973, UN Resolution 338 confirms UN Resolution 242, which has so far been
ignored, which also confirms UN Resolution 194. Best to ignore this one too. And
that the Israelis have done.
Unfortunately for Israel, UN Resolution 242 keeps popping up as it did at the
Camp David Accords and Oslo. And even the Arabs are ok with peace with Israel
after all these years… as long as they recognize UN Resolution 242 and withdraw
behind the pre-1967 borders! And somehow, I don’t think any Israeli hawks are
too receptive.
On the subject of UN Resolution 242 and the Palestinian West Bank, Ariel Sharon
so “eloquently” stated to Winston Churchill III in 1973: “We’ll make a pastrami
sandwich of them. We’ll insert a strip of Jewish settlements in between the
Palestinians, and then another strip of Jewish settlements right across the West
Bank, so that in 25 years, neither the United Nations, nor the U.S.A, nobody,
will be able to tear it apart.”
So… Just why is Israeli Defense Minister Barak whining about the violation of a
quaint little UN resolution?
Report: Lebanon uncovers espionage ring working for Israel
A-Safir: Man arrested on suspicion of employing network of agents
working with Israeli intelligence to map out sensitive locations in Lebanon,
Syria – including Damascus neighborhood in which Hizbullah leader Mugniyah was
Roee Nahmias Published: 11.01.08, 11:32 / Israel News
The Lebanese army has uncovered an espionage ring operated by Israel for many
years, the country's a-Safir daily news reported. The report said it was the
second such ring discovered in two years. The other alleged spy network was
exposed in 2006.
The daily reported that Lebanese intelligence began gathering information on the
suspected spies after Did Israel Do It?
The Second Lebanon War, in an attempt to expose agents collaborating with
Israeli intelligence in different areas of the country. The information led to
the arrest of the main suspect in the case, A.G. The alleged spy is a resident
of one of the country's western Beqaa Valley villages. Since the '80s he has
been known for his political relations with various Palestinian organizations,
which allowed him diplomatic freedom of movement within Lebanon. According to
the allegations, he has been collaborating with Israel since that time. A.G's
home was searched, and witnesses reported that security officials broke into his
apartment and confiscated his vehicle. Security forces reported after searching
the car that a highly advanced camera able to photograph minute details was
found within.
Witnesses said the man had been in contact with a number of agents, and that his
missions included driving through roadways connecting Lebanon with Syria,
occasionally stopping to photograph sensitive areas.
Sources familiar with the case told the paper that one of the man's family
members has also been detained, and admitted to collaborating with Israeli
intelligence agents. He said he had been charged with a number of reconnaissance
tasks including roadways, convoys, and military bases.
During the interrogation the main suspect admitted to have enlisted a number of
agents and documents confiscated from his home testify to his involvement in the
ring, as well as his use of high-tech means to keep in touch with Israeli
operators, the report added.
Sources said the network has been operating for over 20 years, and was
responsible for mapping out the Beqaa Valley, including Syrian military bases
and Palestinian sites. Recently, a-Safir reported, the spies have been pursuing
Hizbullah operatives and outposts.
The ring was said to have operated in Syria as well, where it is suspected to
have mapped out areas in Damascus such as Kfar Sousa, the secure neighborhood in
which Hizbullah leader Imad Mugniyah was killed in February by a car bomb.
Investigators are currently attempting to link the espionage ring to Mugniyah's
murder, as well as to divine its function in the transfer of information to
Israel, the report said.
US justifies Syria, Pakistan raids
US security chief: We have right to attack countries that harbor terror threat
Reuters Published: 10.31.08, 19:18 / Israel News
A country should have the right to attack another if it is harboring a potential
terrorist threat, the US homeland security chief said in remarks appearing to
justify recent US raids in Pakistan and Syria.
Laying out what amounts to a broadened definition of self-defense, Michael
Chertoff said international law should accommodate a country's need to deter a
possible threat abroad even if it meant taking pre-emptive action.
His remarks, at a discussion on democracy held in the British parliament, follow
recent secret raids by U.S. forces into Pakistan and Syria that were justified
using a similar rationale and drew condemnation from those countries.
"International law must begin to recognize that part of the responsibility of
sovereignty is the responsibility to make sure that your own country does not
become a platform for attacking other countries," Chertoff told an audience on
Thursday night.
"There are areas of the world that are ungoverned or ungovernable but
nevertheless technically within the sovereignty of boundaries. Does that mean we
simply have to allow terrorists to operate there, in kind of badlands, where
they can plan, they can set up laboratories, they can experiment with chemical
weapons and with biological weapons?" he said.
His remarks, challenged by some members of parliament in the audience, follow
comments made by US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on Tuesday in which he
said Washington would hold countries fully accountable for their actions.
Gates' remarks, made to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, included
a warning that the United States should modernize its nuclear arsenal as a hedge
against "rogue nations" such as Iran and North Korea
No compromise with Iran
Israel must take stand against evil instead of counting on world
to curb Iran threat
Robert D. Onley Published: 10.31.08, 00:51 / Israel Opinion
Regardless of who is elected next week in the United States, Israel must
adamantly defend herself against Iran – indeed she will have no other choice.
Neither Barack Obama nor John McCain are likely to adequately step up to protect
Israel in the event that Iran officially "goes nuclear" in the very near future.
Local responsibilities preclude such adventurism.
While many Israelis hold out hope that Barack Obama will stridently defend their
land, holding negotiations with the fanatic leaders of Iran only serves to
approve Iran’s reckless, brash foreign policy in recent years. The sheer fact
that the UN General Assembly applauded President Ahmadinejad’s vitriolic speech
in September should serve as a stark, frightening reminder that Iran’s ultimate
goal remains the complete destruction of Israel – and that the world ostensibly
On the global stage, any leader combining the words “Zionist regime” should be
publicly ostracized and disposed of, not congratulated and praised. The world
body’s duplicity is horrifying.
There exists a misguided perception globally that Iran is only playing
rhetorical games to increase its regional supremacy. Indeed, rhetoric is
certainly a significant part of Ahmadinejad’s posturing, but beneath his
insidious speeches lays a fundamental apocalyptic vision shared by the
Ayatollahs above him. Official Iranian military parades with enormous Shahab-3
missiles painted with the words “Death to Israel” are not merely provocative
symbols – they are overt physical manifestations of Iran’s deadly intentions.
Thus, the Islamic nation’s ongoing disregard for the UN sanctioning process
should serve as obvious proof that Iranian leaders are not simply playing mind
games. Rather, Iran is pushing full-steam ahead on concrete plans to match its
present rhetoric with a powerful future capability.
Israel needs unity
Perhaps a more immediate existential threat remains Iran’s obvious arming and
intensive strengthening of its proxy army Hizbullah. Advanced missiles and
anti-aircraft weaponry are flooding into the south of Lebanon at an alarming
rate. The very fact that such "resistance" weapons are entering the state at all
should be evidence enough for Israelis to call for immediate international
action. Moreover, the botched 2006 war should not dissuade Israelis from
undertaking further defensive military incursions.
Hizbullah's supposed missile potential to strike further south into Israel is an
even more pressing concern. Add onto this Iran’s possible future ability to
equip Hizbullah with a nuclear device, and the need for the absolute removal of
Hizbullah from the region is plainly obvious.
What Israel needs now is unity. While this may not emerge from the currently
disabled Knesset and its unstable leadership, Israelis cannot falsely place
their hope with the future American president, or even more misguidedly, with
the United Nations. The world has proven itself to be entirely indifferent to
Israel’s plight, given its weak-kneed stance against a possible nuclear Iran.
Israel’s only true hope for security comes from its own forces, its people, and
a strong, united voice against the forces of evil that are ever-faster
surrounding her. The day when Israel must take its future its own hands has
come. It is time for Israel to take a stand against evil.
Don’t appease Iran
Should Obama win elections, he must not repeat pre-World War II
Ophir Falk Published: 10.29.08, 01:59 / Israel Opinion
Barack Obama has shown great style, as he has been able to sidestep issues and
controversy throughout his very well run campaign. But does he have enough
All national elections are labeled as crucial, but the upcoming elections in the
United States may in fact be the "most important elections of our time." The
issues on the table are almost unprecedented: A nuclear Iran, the wind up of the
war in Iraq, signs of a renewed Cold War and global economic uncertainties are
all issues of paramount international importance that the newly elected
president will face.
Neither candidate has been able to put the public's mind at ease with their
economic plan, but in terms of priorities McCain put his campaign on hold in
order to help out in national crisis management, whereas Obama did not.
Iran is still the most active state sponsor of terrorism in the world, as it has
been for the last quarter century. Yet, Obama, Biden and their team of advisors
have endorsed negotiating with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "without
any preconditions." It is therefore not surprising that the speaker of Iran's
parliament, Ali Larijani, said this past week that Tehran "prefers Obama" and
feels "100% certain" that he will not consider attacking Iran.
Wrong to negotiate with Holocaust denier
At Iran’s recent “World without Zionism” conference, Ahmadinejad told his
audience, “We are in the process of a historical war between the ‘world of
arrogance’ and the Islamic world, and this war has been going on for hundreds of
years.” He elaborated by emphasizing “the annihilation of the Zionist regime
will come... Israel must be wiped off the map... and God willing, with the force
of God behind us, we shall soon experience a world without the United States and
In the run-up to World War II, it was morally and historically wrong to appease
the fascist tyrants that would later conquer Europe by storm and carry out the
Holocaust. Today it is wrong to negotiate with someone who denies the Holocaust
ever happened and threatens to mimic (and perhaps outdo) those Advertisement
Iran's quest for nuclear weapons should be confronted, not appeased.
Presidential candidates often change their positions after being elected. Once
they need to take real decisions and feel the weight of responsibility of their
office, things often change when compared to their campaign declarations.
Hopefully that will happen with Obama, should he become commander-in-chief – but
then again, it might not.
*The author is a partner at Naveh, Kantor, Even-Har Law firm and a research
fellow at the International Counter-Terrorism Center in Herzliya