March 31/09

Bible Reading of the day.
Luke16/14-18: The Pharisees, who were lovers of money, also heard all these things, and they scoffed at him. He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts. For that which is exalted among men is an abomination in the sight of God. The law and the prophets were until John. From that time the Good News of the Kingdom of God is preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.  But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one tiny stroke of a pen in the law to fall. Everyone who divorces his wife, and marries another, commits adultery. He who marries one who is divorced from a husband commits adultery.

Free Opinions, Releases, letters & Special Reports
The Price of Moving Closer to Hezbollah. By Tariq Alhomayed 30.03.09
Tied to Hezbollah.By Ma'ad Fayad 30.03.09
Toppling the State/Future News 30.03.09
Drone Attacks in Pakistan: The Mystery Deepens. By Annie Jacobsen. Pyjama Media 30.03.09
Netanyahu's cabinet: so big it needs a new table. By Shahar Ilan. Haaretz 30.03.09
Report: U.S. warned Sudan before attack on Gaza convoy.Al-Sharq al-Awsat 30.03.09

Latest News Reports From Miscellaneous Sources for March 30/09
Suleiman Tells Arabs: Lebanon Now Enjoys State-to-State Dealings with Nations-Naharnet
Aoun: Self-Made Men Are the State-Builders… Especially those Named Issam-Naharnet
Hezbollah says not to carry out operation outside Lebanon-Xinhua
Phalange Demands Urgent Meeting to Settle Candidacy Issue-Naharnet
March 8 and 14 Enter Decisive Week ahead of April 7 Election Candidates Deadline
Jumblat stresses 'Lebanon's Arabism,' Denounces Delay in Rebuilding Nahr el-Bared
UNIFIL Intercepted Twice Outside Area of Operations
Baroud: I Am Neutral
MIDEAST: All Change, and Nothing Changes. IPS
Backgrounder: Arab League and Arab League summit-Xinhua
Report: Mubarak shuns Arab League meeting in Qatar over Shalit deal. Ynetnews
Arab League urged to back Bashir.BBC
HRW urges Arabs to press Sudan on aid groups.AFP

Suleiman to Assad: Arab reconciliations are a Lebanese demand-Future News
March 14 sweeps Architects syndicate by-elections-Future News
Siniora slams veto powers in unity government-Future News
Souaid and Katicha announce their candidacy; in Doha the Arab summit commences-Future News
UNIFIL Intercepted Twice Outside Area of Operations-Naharnet
Saniora Praises Syrian-Lebanese Diplomatic Ties, Denounces 'Vetoing Third'-Naharnet
March 8 and 14 Enter Decisive Week ahead of April 7 Election Candidates Deadline-Naharnet
Assad: Syria still believes in peace with Israel-Ha'aretz
Syria urges Arabs to reject Sudan arrest warrant-Reuters
Opposition Meets in Damascus: Resistance is a Choice-Naharnet
Suleiman: Relations with Syria are Excellent
2 Ramallah Officers Participate in Medhat Murder Probe
Soaid Announces Jbeil Candidacy, Lashes Out at Hizbullah
Tashnag Announces Candidates, Adheres to Doha Agreement

Iranian official: No dialogue until build bomb.Jewish Telegraphic Agency
Families told release of UK hostages not a done deal-Times Online
Arab summit to back Bashir and ease divide over Iran-Reuters UK
Sleiman describes ties with Syria as 'excellent'-Daily Star
Berri insists southerners have right to compensation-Daily Star
Sleiman cautions against attacks on Lebanese Army-Daily Star
Hizbullah, UNIFIL butt heads in Yohmor - reports-Daily Star
Communists to run as independents in polls-Daily Star
Lebanon stability at risk ahead of parliamentary elections - report-Daily Star
LOG head's convoy pelted with stones in south-Daily Star
World Lebanese Cultural Union meets in New York-Daily Star
Maimed 10-year-old angry at Israel over cluster bombs-Daily Star
Local gay rights organization to receive award in US-Daily Star
AUB students attend World Model UN summit-Daily Star

The Price of Moving Closer to Hezbollah
By Tariq Alhomayed
Editor-in-Chief of Asharq Al-Awsat,
The reasons behind Britain's negotiation with the so-called political wing of Hezbollah have begun to be revealed. The available information indicates that the reasons for negotiations between Britain and Hezbollah are contrary to what had previously been announced. It seems that the main reason is London's desire to secure the release of the 5 Britons kidnapped in Baghdad two years ago, in return for the release of prisoners affiliated to Muqtada Al-Sadr's organization, as well as Hezbollah leaders held by the Americans in Iraq, rather than for the sake of Lebanon's stability.
Of course it is Britain's right to do all that is in its power to ensure the safety of its citizens, but there are important and essential issues with regards to Iraq, Lebanon and the Arab world which indicate the extent of the danger posed by the Iranians and their agents in the region.
It is enough to recall that the British Embassy in Baghdad received [video] tapes of the kidnapped Britons from a member of the Iraqi parliament, and that Hezbollah is demanding the release of one of its members who was captured not in Lebanon, but in Baghdad!
More importantly than all of this is that the British are not negotiating with the Sadrists or the Al-Maliki government for the release of the kidnapped Britons in Baghdad, rather they are negotiating with Hezbollah. The question here is; where do the borders of Hezbollah begin and where do they end? And what is Hezbollah's role in Iraq and in our region as a whole? This is something that reminds us of the story of the capture of the American marine of Lebanese origin in Baghdad during the early days of the collapse of Saddam's regime, yet then the marine appeared in Lebanon [and it turned out the whole thing was a hoax].
So what was a senior Hezbollah leader doing in Baghdad? Who was he training there? Where did those he trained come from originally, and where did they go? What is the relationship between the Hezbollah leadership and the Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard?
The other question here is; what is the role of Nuri Al-Maliki's government in Iraq, and its security which he is [always] talking about, especially following the withdrawal of US troops? How is it that a member of the Iraqi parliament delivered the tapes of the kidnapped Britons?
This is a suspicious and disturbing question that reveals to us the attributes of the Iraq that Iran and its agents in the region desire, and so it is clear that Iraq will be turned into a camp for Iran's agents such as Lebanon and others in the Arab world, yet we do not hear any complaint from the Baghdad government except those against the Al Qaeda organization.
As I said before, it is Britain's right to seek the release of its citizens, but who will seek the release of the larger number of innocent hostages who are in the clutches of the Iranians in Iraq, as well as the hostages that are at the mercy of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Therefore we have warned at great length against the subterfuge of talking about a political wing which is separate from the military wing of Hezbollah; they are both different sides of the same coin. Therefore it is absurd to say that negotiating with Hezbollah will lead to Lebanese stability, on the contrary the opposite will occur. For Western negotiation with Hezbollah will mislead the undecided in Lebanon - especially with regards to the forthcoming election - and they will believe that there is international recognition for the group. As for the Arabs, unfortunately it seems that they have yet to grasp the danger that the Iranian siege represents to them.

Aoun: Self-Made Men Are the State-Builders… Especially those Named Issam
Naharnet/MP Gen. Michel Aoun on Monday showered praise on deputy premier and candidate Issam Abou Jamra placing him among "self-made" men who he said are the real force behind state-building as opposed to "spoilt brats."
In a play on words, Aoun said "self-made men (in Arabic issam-i-youn) - especially those who are named Issam (the struggle to build oneself) - are much more essential than the sons (and daughters) of prominent families." He was referring to Abou Jamra who is the Change and Reform bloc's parliamentary nominee for the Orthodox seat in Ashrafiyeh in Beirut's first district.
"They (self-made men) are the ones who build states as opposed to spoiled brats who were born with a spoon of gold in their mouths," Aoun said after a weekly meeting of.
Aoun defended Abou Jamra's nomination in Beirut saying the latter was a public figure and thus represents "the entire Orthodox sect and all Lebanese regions."
He said Abou Jamra's candidacy carries "a symbolism of its own. The nomination should be awarded to someone reputed for his positions and (personal) strength."
Aoun expressed "hopelessness" with the majority which he said is "dodging regulations" and called on all politicians to "shoulder their responsibilities."
"If the Lebanese want to build a state then no one from the majority should be allowed back in parliament," he said, accusing it of being behind a rising deficit in state budget. "They intend to destroy the economy. We want to ensure production growth and they want growth of deficit. Now they are heralding news of a significant rise in the new budget's deficit," he complained. Asked to comment on statements by candidate Nayla Tueni, Aoun said: "I will not respond to Nayla Tueni … I do not answer to youngsters. "Her political education is limited and that was why I advised her not to rush into the elections." eirut, 30 Mar 09, 19:35

Baroud: I Am Neutral
Naharnet/Interior Minister Ziad Baroud said Monday he was not politically biased and dismissed as false statements that claim otherwise.
"I do not belong to any party. I am neutral and (statements) that say otherwise are false," he said during a meeting with Press Federation head Melhem Karam.
"I am at an equal distant from everybody. I do not have relatives (among parliamentary candidates). Personally, I will not be running in the polls," Baroud said.
He stressed on "delicate nature" of the current phase as the country gears up for the June 7 polls.
"At least 200,000 IDs have been handed out to citizens recently," he said, adding that some "30,000 security monitors will be deployed before, during and after the elections to ensure the calm we need." Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 20:03

Suleiman Tells Arabs: Lebanon Now Enjoys State-to-State Dealings with Nations
Naharnet/Lebanon now enjoys state-to-state relations with Arab countries after Lebanese-Syrian bilateral ties were back on the right track, President Michel Suleiman said on Monday at the opening of the Arab summit in Doha. Suleiman praised both Qatar and the Arab League for ending "the state of disunity that had prevailed in Lebanon" last year. In 2008, Qatar brokered an agreement among rival Lebanese political leaders ending a months-old political lock jam and bloody conflict in the country.  "We can witness remarkable progress in the Lebanese situation starting with the election of the president through consensus, the creation of a national unity government," he told Arab leaders. Since the Doha agreement, bilateral ties between Lebanon and Syria "returned to the right track, and were crowned by the establishment of diplomatic relations," he said in reference to the opening of the first ever embassies in both countries.
"Lebanon's dealings with Arab, regional and international states now take place on a state-to-state basis via the presidency, state apparatuses and organs," Suleiman said. On a separate note, the Lebanese leader urged participants to "boost Arab investments in Lebanon." As the world grapples with an international financial crisis, the Central Bank's "wise financial policy" was able to regain trust in Lebanon's banking sector and served as a "positive guarantor" for investors, he said.
He reminded the participants that Lebanon still faces a series of challenges, such as recovering Israeli-occupied land, combating terrorism, implementing of Resolution 1701, ensuring the Palestinian right of return to their homeland and the inauguration of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. He expressed faith that the Arab nations will continue to provide Lebanon with the needed support in the "political and economic sectors."On the Arab front, Suleiman said Lebanon "places special importance on a Palestinian accord." He expressed concern over the continuous inter-Palestinian tension. "Arab reconciliation is now an urgent need especially in light of the Arab consensus over the peace initiative launched in Beirut" during the 2002 Arab League summit. Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 18:32

Phalange Demands Urgent Meeting to Settle Candidacy Issue
Naharnet/The Phalange party on Monday called for an urgent meeting of the March 14 coalition to settle the issues of candidacy and alliances ahead of an April 7 deadline. In a statement at the end of a regular meeting, the Phalange party denounced what it called was a "provocative attempt" targeting the house of Phalange party leader Amin Gemayel in Bekfaya. Security forces last Tuesday night defused an explosive device in a vehicle parked near Gemayel's home in Bikfaya and arrested its Syrian driver. The statement said the incident was a "message of intimidation" that was directly directed to the Phalange party and its leadership.
Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 20:31

March 8 and 14 Enter Decisive Week ahead of April 7 Election Candidates Deadline
Naharnet/A few days to go before the general election write-in candidates filing deadline, Lebanon's two major camps were trying to iron out the remaining obstacles holding up the completion of the electoral tickets.
The daily An Nahar on Monday said an agreement is not likely to be reached soon, particularly since the ruling March 14 forces have not made up their mind about candidates in several electoral constituencies.
It said March 14 is looking forward to a meeting this week at the level of its leaders to smooth out obstacles delaying completion of its lists in "sensitive areas."
On the opposition side, An Nahar said Hizbullah, too, even if the process of choosing candidates in the Bekaa as well as in north and south Lebanon is well under way, has not cut a deal yet with its allies – Speaker Nabih Berri and Gen. Michel Aoun -- in religiously mixed areas.
The daily said Hizbullah has also made no progress in clearing snags facing its mediation efforts between Berri and Aoun.
In view of this, well-informed sources ruled out the birth of election tickets for both camps before mid-April, knowing that the candidate withdrawal deadline ends April 21. Meanwhile, Tashnag party announced the names of five candidates for the upcoming legislative elections, paving the way for an Armenian participation following the 2005 boycott of the polls. "The party is reaffirming its decision to fully participate in the elections through candidacy and through voting in all districts, in a reversal of its 2005 boycott of the polls in Beirut," Tashnag secretary general Hovig Mekhitarian told a press conference in Burj Hammoud before naming the contenders.
Tashnag, however, did not touch on the names of its allies to the electoral alliances.
The move though is likely to uncover Tashnag's alliances soon based on its union with Aoun, yet without closing negotiation doors with MP Michel Murr and the Phalange Party in the Metn region. Jamaa Islamiya, or the Islamic Grouping, also announced the names of three candidates -- Rami Dergham in Tripoli, Asaad Harmoush in Dinniyeh and Mohammed Hawshar in Akkar. Well-informed sources said the move is a sign of progress in consultations over the anticipated alliances in these constituencies, particularly between MP Saad Hariri and Najib Mikati. For his part, March 14 general secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid announced his candidacy in the district of Jbeil. "Those who prevailed in the face of the Syrian intelligence services and Lebanese-Syrian security apparatuses will not be intimidated by your attempt to take hold of decision-making" in the district of Jbeil, Soaid said in reference to Hizbullah's electoral campaigns in Metn, Kesserwan, Jbeil and Batroun over the past ten days. Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat refused to respond to a question about the launch of former MP Ghattas Khoury's election campaign, saying: "No comment … The day will come when I will speak about it." Asked whether his Shouf list would include a member of the Bustani family in line with the traditions, Jumblat told the daily As Safir that in view of his alliance with March 14, he may be compelled to exclude "this friendship" from the upcoming elections. Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 08:47

Jumblat stresses 'Lebanon's Arabism,' Denounces Delay in Rebuilding Nahr el-Bared
Naharnet/Democratic Gathering head Walid Jumblat has said that Lebanon needs to concentrate on the provisions of the Taef Accord, particularly Lebanon's Arab identity. Lebanon needs to "refocus on the guarantees of the Taef Accord, particularly on the issues of Lebanon's Arabism," Jumblat noted in his weekly submission to Al-Anba newspaper to be published on Tuesday. He went on to say that many slogans "such as civil society" have been "failed" to achieve their higher objective, this is why only the "Arab identity protects Lebanon."
He also criticized campaigns from both March 8 and March 14, stressing that "service of the people is the first gauge of success," and adding that "the comfortable leather seats under the dome of parliament are not for prestige but rather for true representation."
The Progressive Socialist Party leader also denounced the delay in rebuilding the Palestinian refugee camp Nahr el-Bared for what he called "illogical and incomprehensible reasons." He also praised the steadfastness of the residents of Gaza during the current blockade of the coastal strip.
Jumblat also lashed out at politicians who seem to "have forgotten or ignored that the Taef Accord stipulate truce with Israel, which would mean freezing the state of war without entering into [a state of] peace." He added that there is not much difference between the new Israeli government and previous ones.
With regard to the ongoing Arab summit, Jumblat praised a Saudi initiative launched at the gathering and "which points out the necessity of reliance on dialogue as the only way to resolve Arab political disputes." Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 16:15

UNIFIL Intercepted Twice Outside Area of Operations
Naharnet/UNIFIL spokeswoman Yasmina Bouziane said U.N. peacekeepers were twice intercepted outside the area of operations in south Lebanon over the past 24 hours. She said the first incident took place Saturday afternoon in Nabatiyeh north of the Litani River when a UNIFIL officer in a U.N. vehicle lost his way at one of the dirt roads. Bouziane said the officer was stopped by civilian-clothed men, two of them armed, who confiscated his camera, mobile phone and his UNIFIL ID.
She said the officer was not "granted dismissal" before Lebanese intelligence men arrived at the scene and gave him back the confiscated items.
Bouziane said the officer was traveling outside UNIFIL's area of operations, adding that UNIFIL opened an investigation into the incident in collaboration with the Lebanese army. The second incident, according to Bouziane, took place Sunday morning when a man in civilian clothes stopped a vehicle carrying two U.N. peacekeepers on the main Yuhmur-Zillaya road in western Bekaa north of the Litani River.
The U.N. officers, who were on furlough, were traveling in civilian clothes in a rented car. The civilian man intercepted the men as they were taking scenery pictures and ordered them to follow him to a nearby Lebanese army intelligence post.
An army vehicle escorted the men back to UNIFIL's area of operations. A laptop, camera, a cell phone, a map and the two men's IDs were kept, however, at the intelligence position. Bouziane said UNIFIL in cooperation with the Lebanese army also opened an investigation into the incident. Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 10:06

Tied to Hezbollah
By Ma'ad Fayad
London, Asharq Al-Awsat-Middle East observers often confuse the numerous off-shoots of the Iran-backed Hezbollah group namely the Hezbollah Vanguards in Iraq, Hezbollah [of Lebanon], and the Hezbollah Brigades.
The Hezbollah Vanguards is a group that has existed in the Al-Ahwar areas in southern Iraq, under the leadership of Abu-Hatim al-Muhammadawi, who was named amir [prince] of Al-Ahwar, since former President Saddam Hussein was in power. This group carried out many military operations against the former regime's agencies. Al-Muhammadawi was elected as member of the Governing Council after the regime was changed. It is known that this group receives no aid from abroad and has no relations with Iran. In fact, it is opposed to the Iranian interference in Iraq.
After the regime fell and the Al-Sadr Trend became major players in the Iraqi political spectrum, a group from within the Al-Sadr Trend that was affiliated with Iran emerged. Abu-Mahdi al-Muhandis, member of the Iraqi House of Representatives for the Unified Iraqi Coalition, which is led by Abdulaziz al-Hakim, organized and trained this group. Abu-Mahdi al-Muhandis fled to Iran because he was pursued by the US forces. Abu-Sajjad helped Al-Muhandis in training the group.
According to a Shi'i expert specialized in the affairs of Shi'i political movements in Al-Najaf, Al-Muhandis trained members of this wing that carried the name "Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq" in the desert of Al-Kufah.
The expert who spoke on the condition of anonymity for security reasons explains: "Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq is a copy of the experience of Hezbollah in Lebanon. There was a group within Hezbollah in Lebanon that had the same or similar name."
He adds: "It is they (Hezbollah) who gave Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq the plans to abduct Western persons, exactly the way Hezbollah in Lebanon did during the process of its formation. Most members of the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq have been trained in Lebanon."
The expert points out: "Lebanese Hezbollah sought to establish a base or an arm in Iraq. So, it found the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq members as its representatives. Most members of the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq very often travel between Iraq and Lebanon. The members of this group receive Iranian aid by way of Hezbollah."
The Shi'i went on to say: "The Al-Sadr Trend split into several wings all of which operated in the name of the Al-Sadr Trend even though they had their own titles. Some members of the Al-Sadr Trend were secretly associated with the US forces when these forces reached the Al-Najaf City borders. They worked with these forces and uncovered for them many members and plans of the trend in exchange for a large financial aid."
He adds: "However, the Al-Sadr Trend discovered and expelled some of them from its organizations, while some others remain associated with the US forces. This was evident when the US forces carried out many operations against Al-Thawrah (Al-Sadr) City in the past two years and targeted certain leading members of the trend."The expert of Shi'i political affairs says: "Some members of the Al-Sadr Trend wanted to remain in the middle without taking an extreme line or organizing any military operations. This wing was led by Sheikh Abdul-Hadi al-Darraji who is regarded as a moderate and nationalist." He adds: "Al-Darraji is known for being a nationalist Arab and opposed to Iran. In fact, he rejected a lot of Iranian offers and temptations and, therefore, enjoyed great popularity in the Al-Thawrah City until the US forces were unfairly given information on him. Thus, he was arrested, and the pro-Iran wing became free to move as a result."The Shi'i expert notes: "A wing in the Al-Sadr Trend sought to establish direct ties with Iran without a mediator. So, it established a connection through the Iranian Revolutionary Guard." He adds: "The members of this wing were trained by Ittila'at (the Iranian Intelligence Service) and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard in camps that were previously allocated to the [Shi'i] Badr Force. The members of this wing were specialized in planting explosive charges and in bombings. They called themselves the Hezbollah Brigades."
Talking about Ali Musa Daqduq, a leading Hezbollah figure, who was arrested along with Qays al-Khaz'ali two years ago, the expert of Shi'i political affairs said: "It was Daqduq who oversaw the abduction of the British hostages, with help from Qays al-Khaz'ali."He added: "Al-Khaz'ali was originally wanted by the judicial authorities for his involvement in the killing of Sayyid Abdul-Majid al-Khoei in Al-Najaf in April 2003."Meanwhile, an Iraqi Shi'i leader who refused to identify himself asserted: "Daqduq is one of the most dangerous leaders in Hezbollah."He added: "Daqduq was groomed to lead the Iranian wing in the Al-Sadr trend, Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq, and to represent Lebanese Hezbollah in Iraq. And he was behind qualitative bombing operations in Iraq."

March 8 and 14 Enter Decisive Week ahead of April 7 Election Candidates Deadline
Naharnet/A few days to go before the general election write-in candidates filing deadline, Lebanon's two major camps were trying to iron out the remaining obstacles holding up the completion of the electoral tickets. The daily An Nahar on Monday said an agreement is not likely to be reached soon, particularly since the ruling March 14 forces have not made up their mind about candidates in several electoral constituencies. It said March 14 is looking forward to a meeting this week at the level of its leaders to smooth out obstacles delaying completion of its lists in "sensitive areas."
On the opposition side, An Nahar said Hizbullah, too, even if the process of choosing candidates in the Bekaa as well as in north and south Lebanon is well under way, has not cut a deal yet with its allies – Speaker Nabih Berri and Gen. Michel Aoun -- in religiously mixed areas.
The daily said Hizbullah has also made no progress in clearing snags facing its mediation efforts between Berri and Aoun.
In view of this, well-informed sources ruled out the birth of election tickets for both camps before mid-April, knowing that the candidate withdrawal deadline ends April 21. Meanwhile, Tashnag party announced the names of five candidates for the upcoming legislative elections, paving the way for an Armenian participation following the 2005 boycott of the polls. "The party is reaffirming its decision to fully participate in the elections through candidacy and through voting in all districts, in a reversal of its 2005 boycott of the polls in Beirut," Tashnag secretary general Hovig Mekhitarian told a press conference in Burj Hammoud before naming the contenders. Tashnag, however, did not touch on the names of its allies to the electoral alliances. The move though is likely to uncover Tashnag's alliances soon based on its union with Aoun, yet without closing negotiation doors with MP Michel Murr and the Phalange Party in the Metn region. Jamaa Islamiya, or the Islamic Grouping, also announced the names of three candidates -- Rami Dergham in Tripoli, Asaad Harmoush in Dinniyeh and Mohammed Hawshar in Akkar. Well-informed sources said the move is a sign of progress in consultations over the anticipated alliances in these constituencies, particularly between MP Saad Hariri and Najib Mikati. For his part, March 14 general secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid announced his candidacy in the district of Jbeil. "Those who prevailed in the face of the Syrian intelligence services and Lebanese-Syrian security apparatuses will not be intimidated by your attempt to take hold of decision-making" in the district of Jbeil, Soaid said in reference to Hizbullah's electoral campaigns in Metn, Kesserwan, Jbeil and Batroun over the past ten days. Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat refused to respond to a question about the launch of former MP Ghattas Khoury's election campaign, saying: "No comment … The day will come when I will speak about it." Asked whether his Shouf list would include a member of the Bustani family in line with the traditions, Jumblat told the daily As Safir that in view of his alliance with March 14, he may be compelled to exclude "this friendship" from the upcoming elections. Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 08:47

UNIFIL Intercepted Twice Outside Area of Operations
Naharnet/UNIFIL spokeswoman Yasmina Bouziane said U.N. peacekeepers were twice intercepted outside the area of operations in south Lebanon over the past 24 hours. She said the first incident took place Saturday afternoon in Nabatiyeh north of the Litani River when a UNIFIL officer in a U.N. vehicle lost his way at one of the dirt roads. Bouziane said the officer was stopped by civilian-clothed men, two of them armed, who confiscated his camera, mobile phone and his UNIFIL ID.
She said the officer was not "granted dismissal" before Lebanese intelligence men arrived at the scene and gave him back the confiscated items.
Bouziane said the officer was traveling outside UNIFIL's area of operations, adding that UNIFIL opened an investigation into the incident in collaboration with the Lebanese army. The second incident, according to Bouziane, took place Sunday morning when a man in civilian clothes stopped a vehicle carrying two U.N. peacekeepers on the main Yuhmur-Zillaya road in western Bekaa north of the Litani River. The U.N. officers, who were on furlough, were traveling in civilian clothes in a rented car. The civilian man intercepted the men as they were taking scenery pictures and ordered them to follow him to a nearby Lebanese army intelligence post.
An army vehicle escorted the men back to UNIFIL's area of operations. A laptop, camera, a cell phone, a map and the two men's IDs were kept, however, at the intelligence position. Bouziane said UNIFIL in cooperation with the Lebanese army also opened an investigation into the incident. Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 10:06

Saniora Praises Syrian-Lebanese Diplomatic Ties, Denounces 'Vetoing Third'
Naharnet/Prime Minister Fouad Saniora said that the diplomatic exchanges between Syria and Lebanon were "very significant" but stressed that Syria must regard Lebanon as an "independent" country. In an interview with Asharq al-Awsat newspaper published on Monday, Saniora called for reconciliation between Syria and Lebanon on the Saudi-Syrian model and praised the recent steps toward establishing diplomatic ties as "very significant" but cautioned that further steps remain.
He indicated that both countries benefit from these diplomatic exchanges but insisted that "Syria must… work with [Lebanon] and respect it as an independent country." Regarding the upcoming elections, Saniora stressed that "all sides have an interest in holding the elections… with calm, without problems."
He continued that the "240 hours" until nominations must be finalized is a long period of time. "I am a democratic man to the bone," Saniora said in response to opposition campaign strategies, indicating his support for an open democratic system. After the elections, regardless of the outcome, the prime minister said he would welcome a national unity government but was adamant that the government "should abandon the idea of the 'vetoing third,' as it is a failed idea."
Ahead of the Arab summit in Doha, Saniora told Asharq al-Awsat that the meeting would be "a good first step" for Arab rapprochement." He went on to say that "the Arab situation faces conflicts of view [but] is an opportunity… to depart from conflicts and disputes." The prime minister said that Lebanon was "the state that benefits most when Arab cooperation prevails."The Arab summit meeting begins on Monday. Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 10:30

Opposition Meets in Damascus: Resistance is a Choice
Naharnet/Leaders of the Lebanese opposition have met in Damascus to discuss the upcoming elections, the daily An Nahar reported on Monday.
It said the meeting, called for by Speaker Nabih Berri's AMAL Movement, was attended by head of the Council of the South Qabalan Qabalan (representing Berri), Sana Skaff (representing Agriculture Minister Elias Skaff), former deputy prime minister Elie Firzli, former Cabinet Minister Abdul Rahim Mrad, Free National Movement coordinator Maurice Rizk, Sheik Mohammed Hamadeh (on behalf of Hizbullah) and a number of other figures. An Nahar said the meeting included a dinner for Lebanese citizens residing in Syria, where speeches were given. Qabalan stressed the importance of having a "good relationship" with Syria, adding that the resistance "is a choice."Israel is "Lebanon's and the Arab nation's only enemy," Qabalan said. Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 10:56

Suleiman: Relations with Syria are Excellent
Naharnet/President Michel Suleiman described Lebanese-Syrian ties as "excellent" after holding talks with his Syrian counterpart Bashar Assad in Doha Sunday.
Suleiman is in the Qatari capital to attend a two-day Arab League summit, which will convene on Monday.
"We discussed subjects of mutual interest and the issues that would be discussed in the Arab summit," the Lebanese president told reporters following the meeting.
"Lebanon's relations with Syria are deep: we are strongly tied to Syria historically, geographically and economically, but establishing diplomatic relations is necessary to tackle administrative issues," he added. Asked if Arab reconciliation will reflect on the situation in Lebanon, Suleiman said: "The issue of Lebanon will not be discussed at the summit. As for Arab reconciliations, they have been a Lebanese demand and I sought since my election to provide such an atmosphere."
In his address to the summit, Suleiman is expected to call for Arab reconciliation and solidarity in the face of Israel to help stability in Lebanon, media reports said.
About the issue of border demarcation, the president said: "We agreed on this issue with the Syrians before the establishment of diplomatic relations."
Suleiman concluded that the June 7 parliamentary elections will be carried out "amid a spirit of democracy." The president also met with U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon whose envoy on the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1559, Terje Roed-Larsen, and the special coordinator for Lebanon, Michael Williams, also attended the talks. Ban expressed relief on stability in the country and hoped for more calm. He also said he looked forward for transparent elections that will be held democratically and free from violence. Ban said he told Suleiman that he welcomed the exchange of ambassadors between Lebanon and Syria. The U.N. secretary general also described the Special Tribunal for Lebanon as a message to the world to put an end to crimes.
Suleiman also met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 08:52

2 Ramallah Officers Participate in Medhat Murder Probe
Naharnet/Two Palestinian officers from Ramallah inspected the scene of the bombing that killed Kamal Medhat, the deputy of Palestine Liberation Organization's representative in Lebanon, Palestinian sources told al-Liwaa newspaper.The sources said Col. Khalil Zghaibi and Maj. Arafat Sharabati were sent by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to participate in the ongoing investigation into Medhat's killing in a bombing at the entrance to the southern refugee camp of Miyeh Miyeh last Monday. The officers also inspected in the presence of army intelligence official Col. Mamdouh Saab the destroyed car which was hurled from the road into a field near the camp. The sources said that the two officers and two other Palestinian officials inspected areas inside the camp that oversea the assassination scene.
Beirut, 30 Mar 09, 09:35

Soaid Announces Jbeil Candidacy, Lashes Out at Hizbullah
Naharnet/March 14 general secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid announced his candidacy in the district of Jbeil reiterating that the June 7 polls singling out Hizbullah's campaigning in the area as an attempt to control decision making. "Those who prevailed in the face of the Syrian intelligence services and Lebanese-Syrian security apparatuses will not be intimidated by your attempt to take hold of decision-making" in the district of Jbeil, Soaid told a press conference in the city. He was referring to Hizbullah's electoral campaigns in the Metn, Kesserwan, Jbeil and the Batroun over the past ten days  "We welcome you in our area as a Lebanese. We welcome you as a peacemaker. Jbeil, and especially its Shiite residents, do not tolerate your weapons or your foreign commitments," Soaid told Hizbullah.
Soaid was careful to exclude Jbeil's Shiite community from his tirade on Hizbullah. "To our brothers in the land of Jbeil: You are a pivotal and indispensable part of our area's (social) fabric," he said. "Here in Jbeil you are not dhimmis (non-Muslims enjoying Muslim protection). You are not a Trojan horse here. We both believe in coexistence, which distinguishes our area and transcends all else," Soaid said. Soaid then addressed President Michel Suleiman describing him as Jbeil's "gift to all of Lebanon." He recalled Suleiman's inaugural speech, which called for Lebanon to be governed "by the rule of law and the Constitution. The state will not be built on compromises and settlements that violate civil peace." "The upcoming elections are critical and fateful," Soaid said. "The elections will either pave the way for the transition to an effective state or they will allow the hell of mini states to continue," he warned. Depending on the outcome, Lebanon will either become "a state of peace and stability or a state of open war," Soaid said, warning against "sacrificing Lebanon for the sake of this or that alliance which favors a never ending war."
He called for Lebanon to be "neutralized" in the midst of the region's armed conflicts by the "full and strict implantation of the U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701." Beirut, 29 Mar 09, 20:21

Tashnag Announces Candidates, Adheres to Doha Agreement
Naharnet/The Tashnag party announced Sunday the names of five candidates for the upcoming legislative elections, paving the way for an Armenian participation following the 2005 boycott of the polls. "The party is reaffirming its decision to fully participate in the elections through candidacy and through voting in all districts, in a reversal of its 2005 boycott of the polls in Beirut," Tashnag secretary general Hovig Mekhitarian told a press conference in Burj Hammoud before naming the contenders. Among the five candidates, Arthur Nazarian is the only official Tashnag member and will be running in Beirut's second district "in conformity with the Doha agreement," he said. The rest of the parliamentary hopefuls were identified as: MP George Qassarji in Zahleh; MP Hagop Pakradounian in the northern Metn; Vrej Saboungian for the Armenian Orthodox seat in Beirut's first district in addition to Krikor Kaloust for the Armenian Catholic seat in Beirut's first district.
"The revival of the Armenian parliamentary bloc serves to breathe life into what this bloc stand for and into its role in Parliament as an advocate of moderation and dialogue," Mekhitarian said. The June 7 elections "must take place in a climate of democracy and must be free of violence and tension," he stressed.
Mekhitarian said that "fair representation in Parliament" will help Lebanon confront major challenges such as "development, the fight against corruption and accountability." Concluding the conference, he called on all members of parliament to unite around the state notably "the president of the republic who was elected by full consensus." Beirut, 29 Mar 09, 19:12

Toppling the State

Date: March 30th, 2009 Source: Future News
Oppression is ours and victory is theirs. The cabinet must now applaud their “win”. The current dispute between the government and some of March 8 forces, to thank the government that helped Lebanon in the post-war period of the 2006 Israeli aggression, is another aspect of the “blocking third”. The holders of that “third” tie the Syrian and Iranian aids directly to themselves and refuse, with the consensus of both regional allies, to let them pass through the official tunnels. They then ask this government to recognize with gratitude Teheran and Damascus’s mysterious generosity.
In other terms, this logic is that of the mini-State. Not only it is a security square and a financial one as well, it resembles the “Thank you” squares which emerged following the war, along with Qatari flags, disregarding other contributors, by a unilateral decision. Even though Qatar’s donation rates less than half of that of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and not as much of three quarters of the Lebanese State losses, and is less than the Kuwaiti donation.
Nevertheless, whomever took the one-sided war decision is allowed to monopolize also the appreciation of whomever deserves gratitude.
In the same context, those insist on receiving aids from Iran and Syria, which quantity and quality are kept secretly away from the State, compelled to give credit to the two countries. Just like the war decision: taken by parties without the knowledge of the State which is later invited, government and people, to be culpable of the aftermath, and to be accused of betrayal and conspiracy.
The spurred problem over thanking Syria and Iran, should not incite additional repugnance. This is the same mini-State logic that shut down the country for more than a year, thus disabling the government, closing the Parliament, taking over down-town Beirut in addition to the attacks lead against citizens and the invasion of the capital.
This is yet another aspect of the blocking third: toppling the State, according to the strategic needs of Damascus and Teheran.

Siniora slams veto powers in unity government
Date: March 30th, 2009 Source: Al Shark al Awsat
Prime Minister Fouad Siniora has welcomed a government of national unity no matter who wins the June parliamentary elections, but said he could not participate in any administration in which one bloc had veto powers. In the current administration dominated by the March 14 alliance, the opposition March 8 coalition has one-third of the cabinet portfolios with veto powers. This is known in Lebanese political parlance as the “obstructing third.”“This idea has proven to be futile,” Siniora was quoted as telling the Al Sharq al-Awsat newspaper in an interview published Monday. “This arrangement has not proven to be fruitful.” The March 8 alliance has called for a unity government even if it loses the election. But March 14 leader Saad Hariri has stressed that he will not take part in a unity government, particularly one dominated by March 8. Siniora was quoted as saying that House Speaker Nabih Berry, one of the March 8 leaders, was blocking 74 draft laws that were approved by Siniora’s government in 2005-08, which March 8 claims was illegitimate. On the thorny issue of inter-Arab divisions, Siniora called for a unified approach to deal with these disputes, along the lines of the efforts by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to heal rifts with Syria, Qatar and other Arab countries. Siniora also stressed Egypt’s significant role in Arab reconciliation. “Lebanon does not need to be part of the Arab conflicts,” he said. The premier hailed the recent establishment of diplomatic relations between Lebanon and Syria “for the first time in history since the two countries gained their independence.”But he stressed that the process, aimed at easing tension between the two neighbors, would not be complete until their common border was demarcated and joint action taken to stamp out smuggling.

Souaid and Katicha announce their candidacy; in Doha the Arab summit commences
Date: March 30th, 2009 Source: Future News
The 21st Arab summit commences in Doha. In Lebanon many candidates made their candidacy official. The top priority of the Arab summit will be a Saudi proposal to set a strategy for resolving disagreements amid Arab countries. Egyptian President Husni Mubarak won’t be present at the summit, but the absence of the Algerian President, the Moroccan and Omani counterparts is yet to be confirmed. Despite the fact that Arab leaders will deliberate the possibility of starting cancellation procedures for the trial of Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir, the latter’s arrival to Doha constituted an unanticipated surprise. The summit will address as well adherence to the Arab peace initiative, keeping in mind that the issue’s timing is critical. The meeting between Lebanese President Michel Sleiman and Syrian President Bashar Assad was the highlight of bilateral meetings held prior to the summit. Locally, some candidacies became official. March 14th general secretary, Fares Souaid entered the electoral race “to prevent Hezbollah from taking over the power”. Retired General Wehbe Katisha is now officially the Lebanese Forces candidate in Akkar. In the North still, the Islamic Jamaa made public the names of its candidates. Armenian Tashnag party revealed, in its turn, the names of its candidates, without giving out the names of its allies, whereas Hezbollah is still desperately trying to save his ally Michel Aoun. Future Movement made it clear though that its alliance with PSP is concrete. To end with, March 14 swept the Engineers syndicate by-elections and won itself all five seats, a depiction of the public desire-compass needle shifting towards the independence movement just before the grand electoral issuance. The by-elections which included 8062 engineers were won by a margin of 354, a significant figure in terms of by-syndicate elections.

Drone Attacks in Pakistan: The Mystery Deepens.
By Annie Jacobsen.Pyjama Media 30.03.09
I called the Pentagon recently to talk with the press office about how the drone campaign is going in Pakistan. Drones, or pilotless aircraft, have been taking out al-Qaeda operatives in the tribal areas of Pakistan with great aplomb since last summer. Consequently, the attacks continue to remain page A-1 headline news.
When I asked about the campaign’s progress, Department of Defense Spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Wright laughed out loud for 20 seconds. That seems like a long time for a Pentagon official to have a chuckle with a reporter these days, and it was refreshing in its own way. Nonetheless, I asked, “Why are you laughing?” I thought I knew why, but I wanted to see what Wright had to say.
“I can’t give you any information on that,” Wright said. He was careful to say “that” and not “drone.” While the drone strikes are front page news in every major paper in America these days, officially they are not happening. They don’t exist.
“And why is that?” I asked.
Wright laughed again. “I can’t give you any information on why I can’t give you any information,” he said. It seemed like he knew how funny this sounded. How clichéd. We then discussed the history of drones for a few minutes, reflecting on their use beginning in the early days of the Cold War. Drones were first used on intelligence gathering missions back when Eisenhower was president. “We’ve had drones and we’ve used them for years,” Wright said, carefully choosing the grammatical tense. Drones never use to be armed with missiles — weapons weren’t married to drones until the year 2000.
The original government partnership on the use of drones began then as it continues today: as a joint CIA/Air Force endeavor. The ties that bind these two services in the use of drones — services that generally spend more time at odds with one another than working together — is the concept of plausible deniability. This serves both organizations. The CIA doesn’t have to say what it does in the skies over Pakistan, certainly not in the same way the U.S. Air Force has to.
“We’re loathe to comment about any involvement in this at the request of the agency,” Wright said, adding, “and as a rule, the CIA doesn’t comment on classified missions and these are all classified.”
I told Wright that I had a specific question about a specific war on terror player, a man on the FBI’s Most Wanted list. It was newsworthy and should not be classified, I argued. According to a January 8 story by ABC’s investigative team, al-Qaeda operative Fahid Msalam had been taken out by a CIA drone strike on New Year’s Day. I wanted to know if it was true.
Msalam was indicted in the 1998 bombings of the U.S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya, in which hundreds of people, including Americans, were killed. As a result, the FBI has offered $5 million reward for information on Msalam.. A fugitive for 10 years, Msalam recently resurfaced in Pakistan. It is alleged that Msalam played a role in the September 2008 attack on the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad and was also involved in an attempt to assassinate former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Bhutto was killed in a later attack. A native of Kenya, Msalam is regarded as a key player who helped train recruits from East Africa and Afghanistan for jihad.
Shortly after the ABC story claimed Msalam and his long time al-Qaeda colleague Sheikh Ahmed Salim Swedan were killed, I called the FBI to confirm this. The FBI did not. Instead, in a written statement, FBI Public Affairs’ Susan T. McKee said, “The FBI is not commenting on Fahid Mslalam’s [sic] status at this time.”
Last week, the Wall Street Journal printed a list of top-priority targets killed since the summer by drones. While Sheikh Swedan was listed as dead, Msalam was mysteriously absent from the list. I requested from Wright the Pentagon’s list of al-Qaeda operatives killed in Pakistan since the summer of 2008, the same list the Wall Street Journal must have used.
“We don’t have a list,” said Wright.
“Where do reporters get their information about who’s been killed?” I asked.
“The Pentagon is a big place. There are leaks,” said Wright. No laughter this time.
“Wouldn’t it be better to produce an accurate list? I asked. Wright replied, “To be able to talk about that would be to hit the subject directly, which I am not authorized to do.”Hitting the subject directly. Now, isn’t that the real truth about drones? Why then, should who has been hit remain a mystery?

Netanyahu's cabinet: so big it needs a new table
By Shahar Ilan, Haaretz Correspondent
Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday began naming ministers for his incoming government - a line-up so long that Knesset officials have requested a larger table for cabinet meetings.
The new coalition will comprise 30 ministers and seven deputy ministers. Netanyahu officially informed acting-Knesset Speaker Michael Eitan on Monday that he has succeeded in assembling the cabinet and would be prepared to swear in the new ministers ar 5 P.M. on Tuesday.
The prime minister-designate was holding a series of consecutive talks with prospective ministers throughout the day on Monday.
Netanyahu is expected to take the finance portfolio for himself and to appoint Yuval Steinitz as minister below him.
Other Likud officials to join the coalition include Ya'akov Ne'eman (Justice Ministry) Gideon Sa'ar (Education), Yisrael Katz (Transportation), Moshe Ya'alon (Strategic Affairs), Gilad Erdan (Sports and Culture) and Yuli Edelstien (likely to take Media and Telecommunications).
Sources close to Netanyahu said he had no intention of appointing someone who would become acting prime minister in case of emergency. That post, and finance minister, are precisely the positions Silvan Shalom had sought; Shalom has communicated to Netanyahu over the past few days that he would prefer no ministerial post at all if Netanyahu does not keep his promise to appoint Shalom to a senior position.
It is believed Netanyahu intends to appoint Shalom as his vice premier and minister for regional development, or minister for economic peace and deputy prime minister, hoping this satisfies Shalom.
Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman will be given the position of foreign minister, after Attorney General Menachem Mazuz ruled on Monday that there was no legal reason to bar him from the post. Yisrael Beiteinu will take four more portfolios in the new government, including the Public Security Ministry (Yitzhak Aharonovitch), the Infrastructure Ministry (Uzi Landau), Tourism (Stav Miznikov) and Absorption and Immigration (Sofa Landover).
Labor Party chairman Ehud Barak, who will retain his position as defense minister, on Sunday gave Avishay Braverman Labor's fifth ministerial post - minister without portfolio with responsibility for minorities. Braverman, who was one of the seven Laborites who opposed Barak's move to join the coalition, said after accepting Barak's offer that he was at peace with his decision.
Labor minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer will take on the Trade, Labor and Industry portfolio, Shalom Simhon will serve as Agriculture Minister, and Labor No. 2 Isaac Herzog will head the Welfare Ministry.
Senior Likudniks are reportedly angry that Netanyahu gave so many senior portfolios to his coalition partners and for making them wait until the last moment.
A Netanyahu associate added, however, that "clearly there will be disappointments, but that is the price of a broad, strong, balanced coalition."
The senior coalition partner has only five portfolios: finance, transportation, communications, environmental protection, and culture and sports.
To these, Netanyahu was to add a vice premier and minister for strategic affairs, and to split Communications Ministry to create a Regional Development Ministry and a Ministry for Economic Peace. Kadima MK Yohanan Plessner on Monday resubmitted a bill - submitted in the past by Likud MKs Reuven Rivlin and Gideon Sa'ar - to limit the number of cabinet ministers to 18. In his original proposal, drafted prior to the previous Knesset, Sa'ar wrote: "the expense of appointing so many ministers is a waste of crucial public funds."

Report: U.S. warned Sudan before attack on Gaza convoy
By Haaertz Service
The U.S. warned the Sudanese government that weapons were being smuggled into the Gaza Strip through its territory ahead of a recent attack on a Gaza-bound arms convoy, which foreign media has attributed to the Israel Air Force, the pan-Arab daily Al-Sharq al-Awsat reported Monday.
On Friday, the American network ABC reported that the IAF had targeted a convoy of trucks in Sudan carrying Iranian weapons to Gaza in January. According to the report, 39 people riding in 17 trucks were killed, and civilians in the area sustained injuries. The network later reported that the IAF had carried out three such strikes since the beginning of the year.
According to the report in Al-Sharq al-Awsat, which quotes reliable sources, a senior American official transferred a message to a Sudanese government official and asked him to make sure that the message makes its way to Sudan's leaders in Khartoum so that immediate steps can be taken to put a stop to the smuggling of weapons. The sources said that the Sudanese security establishment declared that the issue would be investigated, shortly before the first attack.
In light of the fact that the attacks occurred in such close proximity to the American warning, Sudanese officials initially assumed that it was the U.S. that was behind the bombings. However, when the U.S. denied involvement, the accusations were pointed at Israel, which has yet to confirm or deny the reports.
On Friday, the spokesman for the Sudanese Foreign Ministry said that Sudan was investigating the attacks and collecting evidence at the scene, but will not respond until the investigation is complete.
He added that the convoys were likely smuggling goods, but not weapons.