December 29/09

Bible Reading of the day
Malach 3/
1-3/4:1 “For, behold, the day comes, it burns as a furnace; and all the proud, and all who work wickedness, will be stubble; (Straw) and the day that comes will burn them up,” says Yahweh of Armies, “that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. 4:2 But to you who fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings. You will go out, and leap like calves of the stall. 4:3 You shall tread down the wicked; for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I make,” says Yahweh of Armies.

Free Opinions, Releases, letters & Special Reports
A rare glimpse into Hizbollah/National/December 28/09

Latest News Reports From Miscellaneous Sources for December 28/09
Israel says Iran nuclear plant “immune” to conventional strike/Now Lebanon
Iran cracks down on opponents after deadly protests/Now Lebanon
Geagea: Nasrallah Believes He Has 'Sharia Representative' Among Christians/Naharnet
Israel Mulling Withdrawal from Ghajar in Two Phases /Naharnet
Fatfat says Nasrallah’s speech was “unusual”/Now Lebanon
Jumblat: Dahiyeh Incident Proves Persistence of Israeli Aggressions Against Lebanon /Naharnet
Security Sources: Haret Hreik Blast Similar to One that Killed Majzoub Brothers /Naharnet
Hizbullah Cell Trial Resumes: Tapes Viewed, Confessions Made about Transfer of Explosives /Naharnet
Raad Criticizes 'Those Stirring Debate over Resistance'
Scenario for Jumblat's Damascus Visit Being Mulled
Nasrallah: We Won't be Dragged into Internal Conflict over Resistance Arms
Hamdan: Two Hamas Members Killed in Saturday's Explosion
Mitri: Let Hizbullah Prove Sayings by Actions
Suleiman: Haret Hreik's Explosion Aimed at Undermining Stability
Geagea: LF Working on Preventing Another Civil War in Lebanon
President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Fini arrives in Beirut/Now Lebanon

Labor slams Lieberman over comments against Turkish mediation/Ynetnews
Michel Moawad: Hizbullah’s ideology a strategic threat on identity/Future News

Israel says Iran nuclear plant “immune” to conventional strike
December 28, 2009 /Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Monday that Iran's recently-disclosed second uranium enrichment plant is "immune" to conventional bombing.
"The new site near Qom is meant for enrichment. What was revealed by the Iranians [is that it] had been built over years and is located in bunkers that cannot be destroyed through a conventional attack," Barak told parliament's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. Barak said he feared Iran could develop a nuclear weapon by 2011. "I believe that by early 2010 Iran will hold threshold technology [for building a bomb]. That means that if it wanted, it could develop nuclear weapons within a year of obtaining threshold technology," a senior official quoted him as telling the parliamentary committee.-AFP/NOW Lebanon

Iran cracks down on opponents after deadly protests

December 28, 2009 /Now Lebanon/Iranian opposition website Rahesabz reported that Iran's government cracked down on its opponents Monday, adding that Ebrahim Yazdi – who served as the Iranian Foreign Minister in the early months of the 1979 Islamic revolution – and award-winning rights campaigner and journalist Emadeddin Baghi were both arrested on Monday. The crackdown followed stern warnings by the authorities that they would crush attempts to use processions linked to Sunday's commemorations for Ashura as a launchpad for protests. Reformist website Parlemannews, meanwhile, said Iranian authorities had also rounded up several aides to reformist Former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami and opposition leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi. Police had previously said at least 300 people were arrested during Sunday's protests, which turned into the bloodiest showdown between protesters and security forces in months. State-run English language Press TV on Monday put the death toll from the skirmishes at eight, quoting an official with Iran's Supreme National Security Council. It did not specify in which cities the victims were killed. Iranian state television earlier gave a contradictory toll of at least 15 killed in the capital alone, branding 10 among them as members of "anti-revolutionary terrorist" groups. Meanwhile, the body of Mousavi's nephew, Seyed Ali Mousavi, who was killed in Sunday's clashes, has been transferred from the hospital to an unknown location, his brother said. The opposition said Seyed Ali Mousavi was among those killed when security forces opened fire with live rounds after firing tear gas and using batons against protesters in central Tehran.-NOW Lebanon

Israel Mulling Withdrawal from Ghajar in Two Phases

Naharnet/Israel was willing to adopt a United Nations plan for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Lebanese border town of Ghajar, Israel radio reported. Citing political sources in Israel, the radio said the Jewish state was ready to pull out from Ghajar and put the northern part of the village under UNIFIL control. The sources said Israel will withdraw from the territory under U.N. resolution 1701 that ended the 34-day Israel-Hizbullah war. They said Israel was mulling the possibility of carrying out the withdrawal in two phases, such as the first phase would be a tryout. The second phase, however, is be completed after making sure that "UNFIL succeeds in preventing Hizbullah from annoying the village's residents," according to the sources. They said the Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in contact with UNIFIL to guarantee the peacekeepers' deployment on the outskirts of Ghajar to "protect residents who have Israeli identity cards made available to them by Hizbullah."The rest of Ghajar would remain under Israel. According to residents, who claim Syrian identity, the decision would divide families.Israel radio said Ghajar residents fear they would be harassed by Hizbullah following the Israeli withdrawal. Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 07:32

Michel Moawad: Hizbullah’s ideology a strategic threat on identity
Date: December 27th, 2009/Source: LBC /Independence Movement leader Michel Moawad said Sunday the ideology of Hizbullah that is linked to Iran constitutes a “strategic threat on the Lebanese identity,” the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation reported.“We must first follow political means to deter Israel before taking military options,” he said. He explained that his stance against Hizbullah does not target the Shiite sect “MP Michel Aoun is providing Hizbullah with a political and Christian cover and his popularity is deteriorating constantly.”The Christian initiative will be declares within the first ten days of January denying any intention to form a new Christian gathering.

Geagea: Nasrallah Believes He Has 'Sharia Representative' Among Christians

Naharnet/Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Monday said that Ashoura's speech of Hizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah points at his "negligence of national dialogue table" and at his belief that "he has a Sharia representative among the Christians." "He considers that he has a Sharia representative who adopts Hizbullah's standpoint and defends it among the Christians till the last breath," said Geagea in a clear reference to Hizbullah's Christian ally, Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun. Sheikh Mohammad Yazbek -- Head of Hizbullah's Shura Council -- is the official representative of Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Lebanon. In an interview with the Central News Agency, Geagea addressed the Interior Ministry with a question about the legitimacy of the Hamas bureau -- that was targeted with a bomb on Saturday -- to exist in Haret Hreik. "Why hasn't any official Lebanese authority issued a statement after 48 hours from the explosion?" asked Geagea. Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 17:41

Security Sources: Haret Hreik Blast Similar to One that Killed Majzoub Brothers

Naharnet/Mystery shrouded Saturday night's explosion which left three people killed, including two Hamas members, in Hizbullah's stronghold in Beirut's southern suburbs.
Different versions of the same incident were given. State-run National News Agency said military court judge Rahif Ramadan visited Dahiyeh on Sunday to examine the explosion site.
It said Ramadan instructed Lebanese army explosive experts to examine the findings at the site. NNA said Ramadan also tasked criminal investigators to conduct a probe into the blast after experts inspected the place, took pictures and lifted fingerprints. It said inspection determined that the bomb was packed with 15 kilograms of TNT placed in a basement that housed Hamas offices. Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha said the explosion had killed two members of his movement and wounded three people. "The circumstances of the explosion are unclear and it is too early to name the party" responsible, Taha said. Attacks are rare in Hizbullah's southern suburbs stronghold. Other reports, however, said that the explosion took place between 8 and 9:30pm Saturday in a car that was part of Hamas representative in Lebanon Mustafa Hamdan's convoy parked outside Hamas headquarters in Haret Hreik. Another story said the blast was likely to have been caused by explosives concealed in a parcel. Security circles, meanwhile, told pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat that the explosion was similar to the one that killed the Majzoub brothers in Sidon in May 2006. Nidal and Mahmoud Mazjoub, members of the Islamic Jihad group, were assassinated by a car bomb. Mahmoud Qassem Rafeh, a 62-year-old retired Internal Security Forces official, confessed after his arrest to having "collaborated with Israeli intelligence agents" between 1993 and 2006 and admitted to having transported car parts from Israel to Lebanon which were used in the bombing that killed the Majzoub brothers. Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 08:53

Fatfat says Nasrallah’s speech was “unusual”

December 28, 2009
Now Lebanon/Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speech on the last day of the Shia Muslim holiday of Ashura was “unusual,” said Lebanon First bloc MP Ahmad Fatfat in an interview with MTV television on Monday. He added that Nasrallah wanted to convey a message “to others” by addressing the Christians in Lebanon. This is following the Hezbollah leader’s call on Christian parties to engage in calm dialogue. Fatfat said that Nasrallah’s speech does not unite Lebanese, rather it divides them. He also said that there should not be a dispute over Hezbollah’s weapon, especially after the May 7 events, when the opposition took over West Beirut. He commented on UN Security Council Resolution 1559, saying the presence of Palestinian weapons outside the refugee camps violate the resolution. Fatfat also said that such weapons are from Syria, adding they are not being used to fight Israel. Resolution 1701 is based on Resolution 1559, and therefore it cannot be abolished, he said. -NOW Lebanon

Mitri: Let Hizbullah Prove Sayings by Actions

Naharnet/Information Minister Tarek Mitri on Sunday said that security forces "were not able to perform the minimum of their duties after the explosion that took place in Beirut's Southern Suburbs Saturday night."In an interview with Voice of Lebanon radio station, Mitri added: "Security cannot be segregated and a security mission cannot be separated from another." Mitri stressed that Hizbullah "has to prove sayings by actions," and added that Hizbullah officials always say that "they want the State to perform its duties, and that no area is restricted to its authority.""The credibility of all sides is at the stake and they have to respect their sayings," added Mitri. Beirut, 27 Dec 09, 17:10

Security Sources: Haret Hreik Blast Similar to One that Killed Majzoub Brothers

Naharnet/Mystery shrouded Saturday night's explosion which left three people killed, including two Hamas members, in Hizbullah's stronghold in Beirut's southern suburbs.
Different versions of the same incident were given. State-run National News Agency said military court judge Rahif Ramadan visited Dahiyeh on Sunday to examine the explosion site.
It said Ramadan instructed Lebanese army explosive experts to examine the findings at the site. NNA said Ramadan also tasked criminal investigators to conduct a probe into the blast after experts inspected the place, took pictures and lifted fingerprints. It said inspection determined that the bomb was packed with 15 kilograms of TNT placed in a basement that housed Hamas offices. Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha said the explosion had killed two members of his movement and wounded three people. "The circumstances of the explosion are unclear and it is too early to name the party" responsible, Taha said. Attacks are rare in Hizbullah's southern suburbs stronghold. Other reports, however, said that the explosion took place between 8 and 9:30pm Saturday in a car that was part of Hamas representative in Lebanon Mustafa Hamdan's convoy parked outside Hamas headquarters in Haret Hreik.
Another story said the blast was likely to have been caused by explosives concealed in a parcel. Security circles, meanwhile, told pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat that the explosion was similar to the one that killed the Majzoub brothers in Sidon in May 2006. Nidal and Mahmoud Mazjoub, members of the Islamic Jihad group, were assassinated by a car bomb. Mahmoud Qassem Rafeh, a 62-year-old retired Internal Security Forces official, confessed after his arrest to having "collaborated with Israeli intelligence agents" between 1993 and 2006 and admitted to having transported car parts from Israel to Lebanon which were used in the bombing that killed the Majzoub brothers. Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 08:53

Raad Criticizes 'Those Stirring Debate over Resistance'

Naharnet/Hizbullah MP Mohammed Raad on Monday criticized "those who stir and provoke a debate over the resistance." "We tell them that the resistance has preserved your right to speak," Raad said. "The option of the resistance is the option that keeps you talking," he added. Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 14:08

Jumblat: Dahiyeh Incident Proves Persistence of Israeli Aggressions Against Lebanon

Naharnet/Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat considered the explosion that targeted Hamas members in Beirut Southern Suburbs as "an act of sabotage that proves the persistence of Israeli aggressions against Lebanon."In an article in his party's Al Anbaa weekly, Jumblat urged "to present all required support for the official security services, especially the army's intelligence, in order to enable them of unveiling Israeli spy networks.""The Israeli aggression plan is persistent and ongoing, not only against Lebanon, but also against the West Bank," added Jumblat, condemning "the silence of the entire international community." Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 16:02

Hamdan: Two Hamas Members Killed in Saturday's Explosion

Naharnet/Hamas chief in Lebanon Osama Hamdan on Sunday announced that the movement's members Bassel Jomaa and Hassan al-Haddad were killed in Saturday night's explosion that targeted "a Hamas office that also has sleeping quarters for bodyguards." "Hassan Saeed al-Haddad, 21, and Bassel Ahmed Jomaa, 26, were martyred in Saturday night's explosion," Hamdan said. Hamdan identified the pair as "senior bodyguards." But he refused to speculate on the reasons behind the blast or who was behind it, echoing remarks made earlier by Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha on Dubai-based Al-Arabiya television. Taha also said three people were wounded. "The circumstances of the explosion are unclear and it is too early to name the party" responsible, Taha said. Military Judge Rahif Ramadan and the concerned security services examined Haret Hreik's explosion site, according to state-run National News Agency.
The explosion resulted from a 15 kilograms TNT bomb that was planted in an underground office and led to the death of two and the injury of another two, according to examinations.
The explosion came on the eve of the climax of Ashoura. Thousands of Lebanese Shiites gathered in the southern suburbs of Beirut on Sunday to mark the end of 10 days of rituals marking the Shiite holy day of Ashoura. Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addressed the crowd in a speech broadcast by videolink but did not mention Saturday's blast.
An AFP photographer said late on Saturday that the blast occurred in an alley in Harek Hreik, meters away from a community center where Hizbullah was organizing a ceremony to commemorate Ashoura. Witnesses said that local Hamas official Ali Baraka has an office in the area where the blast occurred.(Naharnet-AFP) Beirut, 27 Dec 09, 18:40

Geagea: LF Working on Preventing Another Civil War in Lebanon
Naharnet/Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed that his top priority is working on preventing the return to civil war in Lebanon, and that history will remember what LF is doing today. In a speech at the annual Christmas dinner held by LF-Bcharri, Geagea said: "I assure you today that I'm striving with all my effort, energy, and concentration so that war doesn't return to Lebanon. If you ask me about the things I'm longing to, I will answer: 'No-return' to war as the most important." "Generations after generations will be proud of what we are achieving today of valor," added Geagea. Geagea urged the youth not to get lost in small details by saying: "Today, we are making history, and God has given us this bless and ability to participate in making the history of Lebanon, and at some stages the history of the entire Middle East." Beirut, 27 Dec 09, 16:08

President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Fini arrives in Beirut
December 28, 2009 /Now Lebanon/President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Gianfranco Fini on Sunday arrived at Beirut’s Rafik Hariri International Airport, where he was welcomed by Development and Liberation bloc MP Abdel Latif Zein on behalf of Speaker Nabih Berri. Fini will reportedly meet with high-ranking Lebanese officials.
-NOW Lebanon


December 29/09

Bible Reading of the day
Malach 3/
1-3/4:1 “For, behold, the day comes, it burns as a furnace; and all the proud, and all who work wickedness, will be stubble; (Straw) and the day that comes will burn them up,” says Yahweh of Armies, “that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. 4:2 But to you who fear my name shall the sun of righteousness arise with healing in its wings. You will go out, and leap like calves of the stall. 4:3 You shall tread down the wicked; for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I make,” says Yahweh of Armies.

Free Opinions, Releases, letters & Special Reports
A rare glimpse into Hizbollah/National/December 28/09

Latest News Reports From Miscellaneous Sources for December 28/09
Israel says Iran nuclear plant “immune” to conventional strike/Now Lebanon
Iran cracks down on opponents after deadly protests/Now Lebanon
Geagea: Nasrallah Believes He Has 'Sharia Representative' Among Christians/Naharnet
Israel Mulling Withdrawal from Ghajar in Two Phases /Naharnet
Fatfat says Nasrallah’s speech was “unusual”/Now Lebanon
Jumblat: Dahiyeh Incident Proves Persistence of Israeli Aggressions Against Lebanon /Naharnet
Security Sources: Haret Hreik Blast Similar to One that Killed Majzoub Brothers /Naharnet
Hizbullah Cell Trial Resumes: Tapes Viewed, Confessions Made about Transfer of Explosives /Naharnet
Raad Criticizes 'Those Stirring Debate over Resistance'
Scenario for Jumblat's Damascus Visit Being Mulled
Nasrallah: We Won't be Dragged into Internal Conflict over Resistance Arms
Hamdan: Two Hamas Members Killed in Saturday's Explosion
Mitri: Let Hizbullah Prove Sayings by Actions
Suleiman: Haret Hreik's Explosion Aimed at Undermining Stability
Geagea: LF Working on Preventing Another Civil War in Lebanon
President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Fini arrives in Beirut/Now Lebanon

Labor slams Lieberman over comments against Turkish mediation/Ynetnews
Michel Moawad: Hizbullah’s ideology a strategic threat on identity/Future News

Israel says Iran nuclear plant “immune” to conventional strike
December 28, 2009 /Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Monday that Iran's recently-disclosed second uranium enrichment plant is "immune" to conventional bombing.
"The new site near Qom is meant for enrichment. What was revealed by the Iranians [is that it] had been built over years and is located in bunkers that cannot be destroyed through a conventional attack," Barak told parliament's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. Barak said he feared Iran could develop a nuclear weapon by 2011. "I believe that by early 2010 Iran will hold threshold technology [for building a bomb]. That means that if it wanted, it could develop nuclear weapons within a year of obtaining threshold technology," a senior official quoted him as telling the parliamentary committee.-AFP/NOW Lebanon

Iran cracks down on opponents after deadly protests

December 28, 2009 /Now Lebanon/Iranian opposition website Rahesabz reported that Iran's government cracked down on its opponents Monday, adding that Ebrahim Yazdi – who served as the Iranian Foreign Minister in the early months of the 1979 Islamic revolution – and award-winning rights campaigner and journalist Emadeddin Baghi were both arrested on Monday. The crackdown followed stern warnings by the authorities that they would crush attempts to use processions linked to Sunday's commemorations for Ashura as a launchpad for protests. Reformist website Parlemannews, meanwhile, said Iranian authorities had also rounded up several aides to reformist Former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami and opposition leader Mir-Hossein Mousavi. Police had previously said at least 300 people were arrested during Sunday's protests, which turned into the bloodiest showdown between protesters and security forces in months. State-run English language Press TV on Monday put the death toll from the skirmishes at eight, quoting an official with Iran's Supreme National Security Council. It did not specify in which cities the victims were killed. Iranian state television earlier gave a contradictory toll of at least 15 killed in the capital alone, branding 10 among them as members of "anti-revolutionary terrorist" groups. Meanwhile, the body of Mousavi's nephew, Seyed Ali Mousavi, who was killed in Sunday's clashes, has been transferred from the hospital to an unknown location, his brother said. The opposition said Seyed Ali Mousavi was among those killed when security forces opened fire with live rounds after firing tear gas and using batons against protesters in central Tehran.-NOW Lebanon

Israel Mulling Withdrawal from Ghajar in Two Phases

Naharnet/Israel was willing to adopt a United Nations plan for the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Lebanese border town of Ghajar, Israel radio reported. Citing political sources in Israel, the radio said the Jewish state was ready to pull out from Ghajar and put the northern part of the village under UNIFIL control. The sources said Israel will withdraw from the territory under U.N. resolution 1701 that ended the 34-day Israel-Hizbullah war. They said Israel was mulling the possibility of carrying out the withdrawal in two phases, such as the first phase would be a tryout. The second phase, however, is be completed after making sure that "UNFIL succeeds in preventing Hizbullah from annoying the village's residents," according to the sources. They said the Director General of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs is in contact with UNIFIL to guarantee the peacekeepers' deployment on the outskirts of Ghajar to "protect residents who have Israeli identity cards made available to them by Hizbullah."The rest of Ghajar would remain under Israel. According to residents, who claim Syrian identity, the decision would divide families.Israel radio said Ghajar residents fear they would be harassed by Hizbullah following the Israeli withdrawal. Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 07:32

Michel Moawad: Hizbullah’s ideology a strategic threat on identity
Date: December 27th, 2009/Source: LBC /Independence Movement leader Michel Moawad said Sunday the ideology of Hizbullah that is linked to Iran constitutes a “strategic threat on the Lebanese identity,” the Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation reported.“We must first follow political means to deter Israel before taking military options,” he said. He explained that his stance against Hizbullah does not target the Shiite sect “MP Michel Aoun is providing Hizbullah with a political and Christian cover and his popularity is deteriorating constantly.”The Christian initiative will be declares within the first ten days of January denying any intention to form a new Christian gathering.

Geagea: Nasrallah Believes He Has 'Sharia Representative' Among Christians

Naharnet/Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Monday said that Ashoura's speech of Hizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah points at his "negligence of national dialogue table" and at his belief that "he has a Sharia representative among the Christians." "He considers that he has a Sharia representative who adopts Hizbullah's standpoint and defends it among the Christians till the last breath," said Geagea in a clear reference to Hizbullah's Christian ally, Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun. Sheikh Mohammad Yazbek -- Head of Hizbullah's Shura Council -- is the official representative of Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in Lebanon. In an interview with the Central News Agency, Geagea addressed the Interior Ministry with a question about the legitimacy of the Hamas bureau -- that was targeted with a bomb on Saturday -- to exist in Haret Hreik. "Why hasn't any official Lebanese authority issued a statement after 48 hours from the explosion?" asked Geagea. Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 17:41

Security Sources: Haret Hreik Blast Similar to One that Killed Majzoub Brothers

Naharnet/Mystery shrouded Saturday night's explosion which left three people killed, including two Hamas members, in Hizbullah's stronghold in Beirut's southern suburbs.
Different versions of the same incident were given. State-run National News Agency said military court judge Rahif Ramadan visited Dahiyeh on Sunday to examine the explosion site.
It said Ramadan instructed Lebanese army explosive experts to examine the findings at the site. NNA said Ramadan also tasked criminal investigators to conduct a probe into the blast after experts inspected the place, took pictures and lifted fingerprints. It said inspection determined that the bomb was packed with 15 kilograms of TNT placed in a basement that housed Hamas offices. Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha said the explosion had killed two members of his movement and wounded three people. "The circumstances of the explosion are unclear and it is too early to name the party" responsible, Taha said. Attacks are rare in Hizbullah's southern suburbs stronghold. Other reports, however, said that the explosion took place between 8 and 9:30pm Saturday in a car that was part of Hamas representative in Lebanon Mustafa Hamdan's convoy parked outside Hamas headquarters in Haret Hreik. Another story said the blast was likely to have been caused by explosives concealed in a parcel. Security circles, meanwhile, told pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat that the explosion was similar to the one that killed the Majzoub brothers in Sidon in May 2006. Nidal and Mahmoud Mazjoub, members of the Islamic Jihad group, were assassinated by a car bomb. Mahmoud Qassem Rafeh, a 62-year-old retired Internal Security Forces official, confessed after his arrest to having "collaborated with Israeli intelligence agents" between 1993 and 2006 and admitted to having transported car parts from Israel to Lebanon which were used in the bombing that killed the Majzoub brothers. Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 08:53

Fatfat says Nasrallah’s speech was “unusual”

December 28, 2009
Now Lebanon/Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s speech on the last day of the Shia Muslim holiday of Ashura was “unusual,” said Lebanon First bloc MP Ahmad Fatfat in an interview with MTV television on Monday. He added that Nasrallah wanted to convey a message “to others” by addressing the Christians in Lebanon. This is following the Hezbollah leader’s call on Christian parties to engage in calm dialogue. Fatfat said that Nasrallah’s speech does not unite Lebanese, rather it divides them. He also said that there should not be a dispute over Hezbollah’s weapon, especially after the May 7 events, when the opposition took over West Beirut. He commented on UN Security Council Resolution 1559, saying the presence of Palestinian weapons outside the refugee camps violate the resolution. Fatfat also said that such weapons are from Syria, adding they are not being used to fight Israel. Resolution 1701 is based on Resolution 1559, and therefore it cannot be abolished, he said. -NOW Lebanon

Mitri: Let Hizbullah Prove Sayings by Actions

Naharnet/Information Minister Tarek Mitri on Sunday said that security forces "were not able to perform the minimum of their duties after the explosion that took place in Beirut's Southern Suburbs Saturday night."In an interview with Voice of Lebanon radio station, Mitri added: "Security cannot be segregated and a security mission cannot be separated from another." Mitri stressed that Hizbullah "has to prove sayings by actions," and added that Hizbullah officials always say that "they want the State to perform its duties, and that no area is restricted to its authority.""The credibility of all sides is at the stake and they have to respect their sayings," added Mitri. Beirut, 27 Dec 09, 17:10

Security Sources: Haret Hreik Blast Similar to One that Killed Majzoub Brothers

Naharnet/Mystery shrouded Saturday night's explosion which left three people killed, including two Hamas members, in Hizbullah's stronghold in Beirut's southern suburbs.
Different versions of the same incident were given. State-run National News Agency said military court judge Rahif Ramadan visited Dahiyeh on Sunday to examine the explosion site.
It said Ramadan instructed Lebanese army explosive experts to examine the findings at the site. NNA said Ramadan also tasked criminal investigators to conduct a probe into the blast after experts inspected the place, took pictures and lifted fingerprints. It said inspection determined that the bomb was packed with 15 kilograms of TNT placed in a basement that housed Hamas offices. Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha said the explosion had killed two members of his movement and wounded three people. "The circumstances of the explosion are unclear and it is too early to name the party" responsible, Taha said. Attacks are rare in Hizbullah's southern suburbs stronghold. Other reports, however, said that the explosion took place between 8 and 9:30pm Saturday in a car that was part of Hamas representative in Lebanon Mustafa Hamdan's convoy parked outside Hamas headquarters in Haret Hreik.
Another story said the blast was likely to have been caused by explosives concealed in a parcel. Security circles, meanwhile, told pan-Arab daily Al-Hayat that the explosion was similar to the one that killed the Majzoub brothers in Sidon in May 2006. Nidal and Mahmoud Mazjoub, members of the Islamic Jihad group, were assassinated by a car bomb. Mahmoud Qassem Rafeh, a 62-year-old retired Internal Security Forces official, confessed after his arrest to having "collaborated with Israeli intelligence agents" between 1993 and 2006 and admitted to having transported car parts from Israel to Lebanon which were used in the bombing that killed the Majzoub brothers. Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 08:53

Raad Criticizes 'Those Stirring Debate over Resistance'

Naharnet/Hizbullah MP Mohammed Raad on Monday criticized "those who stir and provoke a debate over the resistance." "We tell them that the resistance has preserved your right to speak," Raad said. "The option of the resistance is the option that keeps you talking," he added. Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 14:08

Jumblat: Dahiyeh Incident Proves Persistence of Israeli Aggressions Against Lebanon

Naharnet/Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat considered the explosion that targeted Hamas members in Beirut Southern Suburbs as "an act of sabotage that proves the persistence of Israeli aggressions against Lebanon."In an article in his party's Al Anbaa weekly, Jumblat urged "to present all required support for the official security services, especially the army's intelligence, in order to enable them of unveiling Israeli spy networks.""The Israeli aggression plan is persistent and ongoing, not only against Lebanon, but also against the West Bank," added Jumblat, condemning "the silence of the entire international community." Beirut, 28 Dec 09, 16:02

Hamdan: Two Hamas Members Killed in Saturday's Explosion

Naharnet/Hamas chief in Lebanon Osama Hamdan on Sunday announced that the movement's members Bassel Jomaa and Hassan al-Haddad were killed in Saturday night's explosion that targeted "a Hamas office that also has sleeping quarters for bodyguards." "Hassan Saeed al-Haddad, 21, and Bassel Ahmed Jomaa, 26, were martyred in Saturday night's explosion," Hamdan said. Hamdan identified the pair as "senior bodyguards." But he refused to speculate on the reasons behind the blast or who was behind it, echoing remarks made earlier by Hamas spokesman Ayman Taha on Dubai-based Al-Arabiya television. Taha also said three people were wounded. "The circumstances of the explosion are unclear and it is too early to name the party" responsible, Taha said. Military Judge Rahif Ramadan and the concerned security services examined Haret Hreik's explosion site, according to state-run National News Agency.
The explosion resulted from a 15 kilograms TNT bomb that was planted in an underground office and led to the death of two and the injury of another two, according to examinations.
The explosion came on the eve of the climax of Ashoura. Thousands of Lebanese Shiites gathered in the southern suburbs of Beirut on Sunday to mark the end of 10 days of rituals marking the Shiite holy day of Ashoura. Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addressed the crowd in a speech broadcast by videolink but did not mention Saturday's blast.
An AFP photographer said late on Saturday that the blast occurred in an alley in Harek Hreik, meters away from a community center where Hizbullah was organizing a ceremony to commemorate Ashoura. Witnesses said that local Hamas official Ali Baraka has an office in the area where the blast occurred.(Naharnet-AFP) Beirut, 27 Dec 09, 18:40

Geagea: LF Working on Preventing Another Civil War in Lebanon
Naharnet/Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea stressed that his top priority is working on preventing the return to civil war in Lebanon, and that history will remember what LF is doing today. In a speech at the annual Christmas dinner held by LF-Bcharri, Geagea said: "I assure you today that I'm striving with all my effort, energy, and concentration so that war doesn't return to Lebanon. If you ask me about the things I'm longing to, I will answer: 'No-return' to war as the most important." "Generations after generations will be proud of what we are achieving today of valor," added Geagea. Geagea urged the youth not to get lost in small details by saying: "Today, we are making history, and God has given us this bless and ability to participate in making the history of Lebanon, and at some stages the history of the entire Middle East." Beirut, 27 Dec 09, 16:08

President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Fini arrives in Beirut
December 28, 2009 /Now Lebanon/President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Gianfranco Fini on Sunday arrived at Beirut’s Rafik Hariri International Airport, where he was welcomed by Development and Liberation bloc MP Abdel Latif Zein on behalf of Speaker Nabih Berri. Fini will reportedly meet with high-ranking Lebanese officials.
-NOW Lebanon